package fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.datatable; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.databinding.watchablecollection.Change; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.databinding.watchablecollection.WatchableCollection; public class DynaObjectCollectionManager<T> extends ObjectCollectionManager<T> { HashMap<T, Object> registrations = new HashMap<>(); protected void onStoredRow( T record, Row row ) { } protected void onForgetRow( T record ) { } protected void onForgotAllRows() { } protected void onUpdatedRecord( T record ) { } public DynaObjectCollectionManager( boolean withDeleteColumn ) { super( withDeleteColumn ); } @Override protected void storeRow( T record, Row row ) { super.storeRow( record, row ); Object registration = Properties.register( record, "*", propertyChangeHandler ); registrations.put( record, registration ); onStoredRow( record, row ); } @Override protected void forgetRow( T record ) { onForgetRow( record ); Object registration = registrations.remove( record ); Properties.removeHandler( registration ); super.forgetRow( record ); } @Override protected void forgetAllRows() { onForgotAllRows(); for( Object registration : registrations.values() ) Properties.removeHandler( registration ); registrations.clear(); super.forgetAllRows(); } private PropertyChangedHandler propertyChangeHandler = new PropertyChangedHandler() { @Override public void onPropertyChanged( PropertyChangedEvent event ) { @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) T record = (T) event.getSender(); scheduleChange( record ); } }; private boolean scheduled = false; private HashSet<T> scheduledUpdates = new HashSet<>(); private void scheduleChange( T record ) { boolean isNew = scheduledUpdates.add( record ); if( !isNew ) return; if( scheduled ) return; scheduled = true; Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred( updateRecordsCommand ); } private Scheduler.ScheduledCommand updateRecordsCommand = new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { HashSet<T> updates = scheduledUpdates; scheduledUpdates = new HashSet<>(); scheduled = false; for( T record : updates ) { // do we really still listen to that element ? Or is it a late // scheduled event ? if( rows.containsKey( record ) ) { GWT.log( "UPDATE ON ROW " + record ); getDataPlug().updated( record ); onUpdatedRecord( record ); } } } }; public void setDataSource( WatchableCollection<T> source ) { source.removeCallback( sourceCallback ); source.addCallbackAndSendAll( sourceCallback ); } Action1<List<Change>> sourceCallback = new Action1<List<Change>>() { @Override public void exec( List<Change> param ) { for( Change c : param ) { T record = c.getItem(); switch( c.getType() ) { case ADD: dataPlug.updated( record ); break; case REMOVE: dataPlug.deleted( record ); break; } } } }; }