package fr.lteconsulting; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.databinding.Binder; /** * Hello world! * */ public class App { public static void main(String[] args) { App app = new App();; } private void run() { // A typical UI text field TextField textField = new TextField(); // The three dtos Person person = new Person(); Company companyA = new Company("Acme"); Company companyB = new Company(); // Binding between the person's company name and the text field value Binder.bind(person, "").to(textField, "value"); person.setCompany(companyA); System.out.println("text field value: " + textField.getValue()); person.setCompany(companyB); textField.setValue("LTE Consulting"); System.out.println("companyB name: " + companyB.getName()); } }