package fr.lteconsulting.hexa.demo.client.databinding.ui; import static fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.databinding.Binder.Bind; import java.util.List; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.ListBox; import; import; import; import; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.databinding.Converters; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.databinding.Mode; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.databinding.NotifyPropertyChangedEvent; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.databinding.OneWayConverter; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.databinding.propertyadapters.WriteOnlyPropertyAdapter; import; /** * A Widget used to edit a person's detail. * It is composed of several TextBoxes, ListBox and so on * * @author Arnaud Tournier * */ public class PersonForm extends Composite { Person personne; FlexTable table; TextBox nom = new TextBox(); TextBox prenom = new TextBox(); TextBox age = new TextBox(); ListBox passions = new ListBox( true ); Label category = new Label(); /** * Builds a PersonForm widget. * * DataBind a Person object and displays its fields */ public PersonForm() { table = new FlexTable(); initWidget( table ); table.setText( 0, 0, "Nom" ); table.setText( 1, 0, "Prenom" ); table.setText( 2, 0, "Age" ); table.setText( 3, 0, "Passions" ); table.setText( 4, 0, "Nom catégorie" ); table.setWidget( 0, 1, nom ); table.setWidget( 1, 1, prenom ); table.setWidget( 2, 1, age ); table.setWidget( 3, 1, passions ); table.setWidget( 4, 1, category ); // Binds the personne's name to the name text box Bind( this, "personne.nom" ).To( nom ); Bind( this, "personne.prenom" ).To( prenom ); // Binds the person's age to the age text box. Note the use of a Converter to change from int to String Bind( this, "personne.age" ).WithConverter( Converters.IntegerToString ).To( age ); // Binds the person's passion list (List<String>) to our own PropertyAdapter. // Note the use of the OneWay binding mode, becase our PropertyAdapter cannot signal and give changes Bind( this, "personne.passions" ).Mode( Mode.OneWay ).To( new WriteOnlyPropertyAdapter() { @Override public void setValue( Object object ) { passions.clear(); @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) List<String> list = (List<String>) object; if( list == null ) return; for( String passion : list ) passions.addItem( passion, passion ); } }); Bind( this, "" ).Mode( Mode.OneWay ).To( category, "text" ); Bind( this, "personne.category.color" ).Mode( Mode.OneWay ).WithConverter( new OneWayConverter() { @Override public Object convert( Object value ) { if( value == null) return ""; return "5px solid " + (String) value; } } ).To( getElement().getStyle(), "border" ); } /** * Sets the currently displayed person. * * If a DataBinding client is connected on the 'personne' property of this object, it * will receive a property change event * * @param person The Person instance to be displayed */ public void setPersonne( Person person ) { this.personne = person; // Notify the Binding system our property value change NotifyPropertyChangedEvent.notify( this, "personne" ); } }