package fr.lteconsulting.hexa.databinding; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.classinfo.ClassInfo; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.classinfo.Clazz; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.classinfo.Field; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.classinfo.Method; import; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.databinding.propertyadapters.ObjectPropertyAdapter; /** * A data binding utility for the support of automatic DTO binding. * * @author Arnaud Tournier (c) LTE Consulting - 2015 * */ public class DTOMapper { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger( DTOMapper.class.getName() ); // tries to bind as much fields of source to destination and the other way // around // returns mapping resources handle that were created for this mapping public static Object Map( Object source, Object destination ) { List<DataBinding> res = new ArrayList<DataBinding>(); LOGGER.fine( "Binding object of class " + getSimpleName( source.getClass() ) + " to another of class " + getSimpleName( destination.getClass() ) ); Clazz<?> sourceClass = ClassInfo.Clazz( source.getClass() ); Clazz<?> destinationClass = ClassInfo.Clazz( destination.getClass() ); // registers all possible bindings... HashSet<String> bindedNames = new HashSet<String>(); // fields wise... for( Field field : sourceClass.getAllFields() ) bindedNames.add( field.getName() ); for( Field field : destinationClass.getAllFields() ) bindedNames.add( field.getName() ); // ... and method wise for( Method method : sourceClass.getMethods() ) { if( !method.getName().startsWith( "get" ) && !method.getName().startsWith( "set" ) ) continue; String fieldName = method.getName().substring( 3, 4 ).toLowerCase() + method.getName().substring( 4 ); bindedNames.add( fieldName ); } for( Method method : destinationClass.getMethods() ) { if( !method.getName().startsWith( "get" ) && !method.getName().startsWith( "set" ) ) continue; String fieldName = method.getName().substring( 3, 4 ).toLowerCase() + method.getName().substring( 4 ); bindedNames.add( fieldName ); } for( String name : bindedNames ) { boolean srcRead = Properties.hasSomethingToGetField( ClassInfo.Clazz( source.getClass() ), name ); boolean srcWrite = Properties.hasSomethingToSetField( ClassInfo.Clazz( source.getClass() ), name ); boolean destinationRead = Properties.hasSomethingToGetField( ClassInfo.Clazz( destination.getClass() ), name ); boolean destinationWrite = Properties.hasSomethingToSetField( ClassInfo.Clazz( destination.getClass() ), name ); // ensure both have necessary methods or field if( !srcRead || !destinationWrite ) continue; // bypass // adjust binding mode according to capabilities Mode bindingMode = Mode.OneWay; if( srcWrite && destinationRead ) bindingMode = Mode.TwoWay; DataAdapterInfo sourceAdapterInfo = createDataAdapter( source, name, null ); if( sourceAdapterInfo == null ) continue; DataAdapterInfo destinationAdapterInfo = createDataAdapter( destination, name, sourceAdapterInfo.dataType ); if( destinationAdapterInfo == null ) continue; // bind source, "color" <----> destination, "color.$HasValue" String symbol = ""; switch( bindingMode ) { case OneWay: symbol = "----->"; break; case TwoWay: symbol = "<---->"; break; case OneWayToSource: symbol = "<-----"; break; } LOGGER.fine( "[" + getSimpleName( sourceAdapterInfo.dataType ) + "] " + sourceAdapterInfo.debugString + symbol + destinationAdapterInfo.debugString ); DataBinding binding = new DataBinding( sourceAdapterInfo.adapter, destinationAdapterInfo.adapter, bindingMode, destinationAdapterInfo.converter, null ); binding.activate(); res.add( binding ); } return res; } public static void freeMapping( Object mappingResourceHandle ) { @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) List<DataBinding> bindings = (List<DataBinding>) mappingResourceHandle; for( DataBinding binding : bindings ) binding.terminate(); bindings.clear(); } static String getSimpleName( Class<?> cls ) { String[] path = cls.getName().split( "\\." ); return path[path.length - 1]; } static DataAdapterInfo createDataAdapter( Object context, String property, Class<?> srcPptyType ) { DataAdapterInfo res = new DataAdapterInfo(); res.dataType = Properties.getPropertyType( ClassInfo.Clazz( context.getClass() ), property ); res.debugString = getSimpleName( context.getClass() ) + ", "; // test to see if the asked property is in fact a HasValue widget Object widget = Properties.getValue( context, property ); if( PlatformSpecificProvider.get().isSpecificDataAdapter( widget ) ) { PlatformSpecificProvider.get().fillSpecificDataAdapter( widget, context, property, srcPptyType, res ); } else { res.debugString += "\"" + property + "\""; res.adapter = new ObjectPropertyAdapter( context, property ); } if( res.adapter == null ) return null; return res; } }