package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /* * This class wraps calls to the Date.js script */ public class DateJS { interface DateJSBundle extends ClientBundle { @Source( "date.js" ) TextResource DateJs(); } interface DateFrJSBundle extends ClientBundle { @Source( "date-fr-FR.js" ) TextResource DateJsFr(); } private static boolean loaded; // tries to parse a textual represented date and // returns a String in the "yyyy-MM-dd" format if successfull, or null if // not public static String parseDate( String text ) { // loads the script if not loaded yet if( !loaded ) { loaded = true; String scriptContent = null; if( LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().getLocaleName().startsWith( "fr" ) ) { DateFrJSBundle bundle = GWT.create( DateFrJSBundle.class ); scriptContent = bundle.DateJsFr().getText(); } else { DateJSBundle bundle = GWT.create( DateJSBundle.class ); scriptContent = bundle.DateJs().getText(); } Document doc = Document.get(); ScriptElement sqljs = doc.createScriptElement(); sqljs.setAttribute( "type", "text/javascript" ); sqljs.setInnerText( scriptContent ); doc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChildElement().appendChild( sqljs ); } JavaScriptObject date = create( text ); if( date == null ) return null; String res = toConformity( date ); return res; } private final static native JavaScriptObject create( String text ) /*-{ var date; date = $wnd.Date.parseExact( text, "yyyy-MM-dd" ); if( date == null ) date = $wnd.Date.parseExact( text, ["d MMMM yyyy","d MMM yyyy"] ); if( date == null ) date = $wnd.Date.parse( text ); //;)( "JSNative datejs for " + text + " : " + date ); if( date == null ) return null; var object = { content: date }; return object; }-*/; // gives the value of the date in DB UTC format private final static native String toConformity( JavaScriptObject date ) /*-{ if( date.content == null ) return ""; return date.content.toString( "yyyy-MM-dd" ); }-*/; }