package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Place controller * * <p> * Associate the url's hash with Place objects and give them to the * activity manager. * * <p> * When the url's hash part changes, a string token corresponding to * the hash part is emitted and received by the Place controller. * * <p> * The controller then ask the tokenizer to transform the token * into a Place object. * * <p> * The Place object is then given to the Activity Manager to start * the correct activity in its view. * * <p> * When an activity requires to go to another place, it calls the * 'goTo' method which will ask the tokenizer to transform the required place * into a string which is set as the url's hash part. This in turn triggers * the previously mentionned mechanism. */ public class PlaceController<Place> implements ValueChangeHandler<String> { ActivityManager<Place> activityMng = null; PlaceTokenizer<Place> placeTokenizer = null; private Place currentPlace = null; public void init( ActivityManager<Place> activityMng, PlaceTokenizer<Place> placeTokenizer ) { this.activityMng = activityMng; this.placeTokenizer = placeTokenizer; History.addValueChangeHandler( this ); } public void goTo( Place place ) { goTo( place, true ); } public void goTo( Place place, boolean fireEvent ) { if( !fireEvent || activityMng.mayStop() ) { String token = placeTokenizer.getToken( place ); History.newItem( token, fireEvent ); } } public void refreshCurrentPlace() { History.fireCurrentHistoryState(); } public void changeLocale( String locale ) { if( currentPlace == null ) return; String token = placeTokenizer.getToken( currentPlace ); Map<String, List<String>> curParams = new HashMap<String, List<String>>( Location.getParameterMap() ); ArrayList<String> value = new ArrayList<String>(); value.add( locale ); curParams.put( "locale", value ); String queryString = "?"; boolean fAddAnd = false; for( Entry<String, List<String>> e : curParams.entrySet() ) { if( fAddAnd ) queryString += "&"; fAddAnd = true; queryString += URL.encodeQueryString( e.getKey() ) + "=" + URL.encodeQueryString( HexaTools.arrayToString( e.getValue() ) ); } String url = Location.getProtocol() + "//" + Location.getHost() + Location.getPath() + queryString + "#" + token; Window.Location.replace( url ); } public String getPlaceUrl( Place place ) { String token = placeTokenizer.getToken( place ); return Location.getProtocol() + "//" + Location.getHost() + Location.getPort() + Location.getPath() + Location.getQueryString() + "#" + token; } @Override public void onValueChange( ValueChangeEvent<String> event ) { currentPlace = placeTokenizer.getPlace( event.getValue() ); if( currentPlace == null ) { History.newItem( "" ); return; } activityMng.setPlace( currentPlace, this ); } }