package fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.common; public class HexaDateTime { HexaDate date = null; HexaTime time = null; public HexaDateTime() { date = new HexaDate(); time = new HexaTime(); } public HexaDateTime( String string ) { if( string.length() != 19 ) return; date = new HexaDate( string.substring( 0, 10 ) ); time = new HexaTime( string.substring( 11 ) ); } public HexaDateTime( HexaDate date ) { this( date, new HexaTime( 0, 0, 0 ) ); } public HexaDateTime( HexaDate date, HexaTime time ) { = date; this.time = time; } public static HexaDateTime now() { return new HexaDateTime(); } public HexaDate getHexaDate() { return date; } public HexaTime getHexaTime() { return time; } public void setTime( HexaTime time ) { this.time = time; } public String getString() { if( date == null && time == null ) return ""; return (date != null ? date.getString() : "") + " " + (time != null ? time.getString() : ""); } public String getDisplayString() { if( date == null && time == null ) return ""; return (date != null ? date.getDisplayString() : "") + " at " + (time != null ? time.getDisplayString() : ""); } public String getDisplayString( String locale ) { if( date == null && time == null ) return ""; String and = " at "; switch( locale ) { case "fr": and = " à "; break; } return (date != null ? date.getDisplayString() : "") + and + (time != null ? time.getDisplayString() : ""); } public int compareTo( HexaDateTime other ) { return getString().compareTo( other.getString() ); } }