/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding * copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.apache.geode.cache.lucene.internal.cli; public class LuceneCliStrings { // Common parameters/options public static final String LUCENE__INDEX_NAME = "name"; public static final String LUCENE__REGION_PATH = "region"; // List lucene index commands public static final String LUCENE_LIST_INDEX = "list lucene indexes"; public static final String LUCENE_LIST_INDEX__HELP = "Display the list of lucene indexes created for all members."; public static final String LUCENE_LIST_INDEX__ERROR_MESSAGE = "An error occurred while collecting all lucene index information across the Geode cluster: %1$s"; public static final String LUCENE_LIST_INDEX__INDEXES_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE = "No lucene indexes found"; public static final String LUCENE_LIST_INDEX__STATS = "with-stats"; public static final String LUCENE_LIST_INDEX__STATS__HELP = "Display lucene index stats"; // Create lucene index commands public static final String LUCENE_CREATE_INDEX = "create lucene index"; public static final String LUCENE_CREATE_INDEX__HELP = "Create a lucene index that can be used to execute queries."; public static final String LUCENE_CREATE_INDEX__NAME__HELP = "Name of the lucene index to create."; public static final String LUCENE_CREATE_INDEX__REGION_HELP = "Name/Path of the region where the lucene index is created on."; public static final String LUCENE_CREATE_INDEX__FIELD = "field"; public static final String LUCENE_CREATE_INDEX__FIELD_HELP = "fields on the region values which are stored in the lucene index."; public static final String LUCENE_CREATE_INDEX__ANALYZER = "analyzer"; public static final String LUCENE_CREATE_INDEX__ANALYZER_HELP = "Type of the analyzer for each field."; public static final String LUCENE_CREATE_INDEX__GROUP = "group"; public static final String LUCENE_CREATE_INDEX__GROUP__HELP = "Group of members in which the lucene index will be created."; public static final String CREATE_INDEX__SUCCESS__MSG = "Index successfully created with following details"; public static final String CREATE_INDEX__FAILURE__MSG = "Failed to create index \"{0}\" due to following reasons"; public static final String CREATE_INDEX__NAME__MSG = "Name : {0}"; public static final String CREATE_INDEX__REGIONPATH__MSG = "RegionPath : {0}"; public static final String CREATE_INDEX__MEMBER__MSG = "Members which contain the index"; public static final String CREATE_INDEX__NUMBER__AND__MEMBER = "{0}. {1}"; public static final String CREATE_INDEX__EXCEPTION__OCCURRED__ON = "Occurred on following members"; // Describe lucene index commands public static final String LUCENE_DESCRIBE_INDEX = "describe lucene index"; public static final String LUCENE_DESCRIBE_INDEX__HELP = "Display the describe of lucene indexes created for all members."; public static final String LUCENE_DESCRIBE_INDEX__ERROR_MESSAGE = "An error occurred while collecting lucene index information across the Geode cluster: %1$s"; public static final String LUCENE_DESCRIBE_INDEX__NAME__HELP = "Name of the lucene index to describe."; public static final String LUCENE_DESCRIBE_INDEX__REGION_HELP = "Name/Path of the region where the lucene index to be described exists."; // Search lucene index commands public static final String LUCENE_SEARCH_INDEX = "search lucene"; public static final String LUCENE_SEARCH_INDEX__HELP = "Search lucene index"; public static final String LUCENE_SEARCH_INDEX__ERROR_MESSAGE = "An error occurred while searching lucene index across the Geode cluster: %1$s"; public static final String LUCENE_SEARCH_INDEX__NAME__HELP = "Name of the lucene index to search."; public static final String LUCENE_SEARCH_INDEX__REGION_HELP = "Name/Path of the region where the lucene index exists."; public static final String LUCENE_SEARCH_INDEX__QUERY_STRING = "queryStrings"; public static final String LUCENE_SEARCH_INDEX__LIMIT = "limit"; public static final String LUCENE_SEARCH_INDEX__LIMIT__HELP = "Number of search results needed"; public static final String LUCENE_SEARCH_INDEX__QUERY_STRING__HELP = "Query string to search the lucene index"; public static final String LUCENE_SEARCH_INDEX__DEFAULT_FIELD = "defaultField"; public static final String LUCENE_SEARCH_INDEX__DEFAULT_FIELD__HELP = "Default field to search in"; public static final String LUCENE_SEARCH_INDEX__NO_RESULTS_MESSAGE = "No results"; public static final String LUCENE_SEARCH_INDEX__PAGE_SIZE = "pageSize"; public static final String LUCENE_SEARCH_INDEX__PAGE_SIZE__HELP = "Number of results to be returned in a page"; public static final String LUCENE_SEARCH_INDEX__KEYSONLY = "keys-only"; public static final String LUCENE_SEARCH_INDEX__KEYSONLY__HELP = "Return only keys of search results."; }