/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding * copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.index; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.geode.cache.Region; import org.apache.geode.cache.query.TypeMismatchException; import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.parse.OQLLexerTokenTypes; import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.types.TypeUtils; import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.CachedDeserializable; import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion; import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.RegionEntry; import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.persistence.query.CloseableIterator; import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.persistence.query.IndexMap; /** * Implementation of IndexStorage that is backed by an IndexMap * */ public class MapIndexStore implements IndexStore { IndexMap indexMap; Region region; private boolean indexOnValues = false; private boolean indexOnRegionKeys = false; private static boolean needToCallHasNext = true; public MapIndexStore(IndexMap indexMap, Region region) { this.indexMap = indexMap; this.region = region; } // @todo replace with null when backing structure supports null values public void addMapping(Object indexKey, RegionEntry re) { indexMap.put(indexKey, re.getKey(), "STUB"); } public void updateMapping(Object indexKey, Object oldKey, RegionEntry re, Object oldValue) { addMapping(indexKey, re); } public void removeMapping(Object indexKey, RegionEntry re) { indexMap.remove(indexKey, re.getKey()); } public String printAll() { return ""; } public CloseableIterator<IndexStoreEntry> get(Object key) { return new MapIndexStoreIterator(indexMap.get(key), indexOnValues, indexOnRegionKeys); } public CloseableIterator<IndexStoreEntry> iterator(Object start, boolean startInclusive, Object end, boolean endInclusive) { return iterator(start, startInclusive, end, endInclusive, null); } public CloseableIterator<IndexStoreEntry> iterator(Object start, boolean startInclusive, Object end, boolean endInclusive, Collection keysToRemove) { // REMOVE THESE CHECKS ONCE nulls are supported // These checks will help us get past a certain number of tests but not all of them // order by and what not will still probably fail if (start == null) { return this.descendingIterator(end, endInclusive, keysToRemove); } else if (end == null) { return this.iterator(start, startInclusive, keysToRemove); } return new MapIndexStoreIterator(indexMap.iterator(start, startInclusive, end, endInclusive), keysToRemove, indexOnValues, indexOnRegionKeys); } public CloseableIterator<IndexStoreEntry> iterator(Object start, boolean startInclusive) { return iterator(start, startInclusive, null); } public CloseableIterator<IndexStoreEntry> iterator(Object start, boolean startInclusive, Collection keysToRemove) { return new MapIndexStoreIterator(indexMap.iterator(start, startInclusive), keysToRemove, indexOnValues, indexOnRegionKeys); } public CloseableIterator<IndexStoreEntry> iterator() { return iterator(null); } public CloseableIterator<IndexStoreEntry> iterator(Collection keysToRemove) { return new MapIndexStoreIterator(indexMap.iterator(), keysToRemove, indexOnValues, indexOnRegionKeys); } public CloseableIterator<IndexStoreEntry> descendingIterator(Object end, boolean endInclusive) { return descendingIterator(end, endInclusive, null); } public CloseableIterator<IndexStoreEntry> descendingIterator(Object end, boolean endInclusive, Collection keysToRemove) { return new MapIndexStoreIterator(indexMap.descendingIterator(end, endInclusive), keysToRemove, indexOnValues, indexOnRegionKeys); } public CloseableIterator<IndexStoreEntry> descendingIterator() { return descendingIterator(null); } public CloseableIterator<IndexStoreEntry> descendingIterator(Collection keysToRemove) { return new MapIndexStoreIterator(indexMap.descendingIterator(), keysToRemove, indexOnValues, indexOnRegionKeys); } public CloseableIterator<IndexStoreEntry> descendingIterator(Object start, boolean startInclusive, Object end, boolean endInclusive, Collection keysToRemove) { // @todo change to descending once it is supported return new MapIndexStoreIterator(indexMap.iterator(start, startInclusive, end, endInclusive), keysToRemove, indexOnValues, indexOnRegionKeys); } public int size() { return 1;// (int)this.indexMap.size(); } public int size(Object key) { // return Long.valueOf(indexMap.size(key, key)).intValue(); return 1; } @Override public boolean clear() { indexMap.destroy(); return true; } @Override public boolean isIndexOnRegionKeys() { return indexOnRegionKeys; } @Override public void setIndexOnRegionKeys(boolean indexOnRegionKeys) { this.indexOnRegionKeys = indexOnRegionKeys; } @Override public boolean isIndexOnValues() { return this.indexOnValues; } @Override public void setIndexOnValues(boolean indexOnValues) { this.indexOnValues = indexOnValues; } @Override public Object getTargetObject(RegionEntry entry) { if (indexOnValues) { Object o = entry.getValue((LocalRegion) region); if (o instanceof CachedDeserializable) { return ((CachedDeserializable) o).getDeserializedValue(region, entry); } return o; } else if (indexOnRegionKeys) { return entry.getKey(); } return ((LocalRegion) region).new NonTXEntry(entry); } @Override public Object getTargetObjectInVM(RegionEntry entry) { if (indexOnValues) { Object o = entry.getValueInVM((LocalRegion) region); if (o instanceof CachedDeserializable) { return ((CachedDeserializable) o).getDeserializedValue(region, entry); } return o; } else if (indexOnRegionKeys) { return entry.getKey(); } return ((LocalRegion) region).new NonTXEntry(entry); } /** * Wraps a CloseableIterator<IndexMap.IndexEntry> and returns a IndexStorageEntry when iterating * over */ private class MapIndexStoreIterator implements CloseableIterator<IndexStoreEntry> { final CloseableIterator<IndexMap.IndexEntry> iterator; final MapIndexStoreEntry nextEntry = new MapIndexStoreEntry(); final Collection keysToRemove; final boolean indexOnRegionKeys; final boolean indexOnValues; private MapIndexStoreIterator(CloseableIterator<IndexMap.IndexEntry> iterator, Collection keysToRemove, boolean indexOnValues, boolean indexOnRegionKeys) { this.iterator = iterator; this.keysToRemove = keysToRemove; this.indexOnRegionKeys = indexOnRegionKeys; this.indexOnValues = indexOnValues; } private MapIndexStoreIterator(CloseableIterator<IndexMap.IndexEntry> iterator, boolean indexOnValues, boolean indexOnRegionKeys) { this(iterator, null, indexOnValues, indexOnRegionKeys); } public boolean hasNext() { if (iterator.hasNext()) { IndexMap.IndexEntry indexEntry = iterator.next(); nextEntry.setIndexEntry(indexEntry); needToCallHasNext = false; if (keysToRemove != null) { Iterator keysToRemoveIterator = keysToRemove.iterator(); while (keysToRemoveIterator.hasNext()) { try { if (TypeUtils.compare(nextEntry.getDeserializedValue(), keysToRemoveIterator.next(), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ).equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { return hasNext(); } } catch (TypeMismatchException e) { // they are not equals, so we just continue iterating } } } return true; } return false; } /** * do not retain a reference to the returned object. */ public IndexStoreEntry next() { if (needToCallHasNext) { hasNext(); } // we set this again so that we know that has next needs to be called before the next call // hasNext will unset it. This forces us to call hasNext automatically if the user does not needToCallHasNext = true; return nextEntry; } public void remove() { iterator.remove(); } public void close() { iterator.close(); nextEntry.setIndexEntry(null); } } /** * A helper class that wraps and deserializes IndexEntry values for indexes * */ private class MapIndexStoreEntry implements IndexStoreEntry { IndexMap.IndexEntry entry; /** * sets the IndexEntry */ void setIndexEntry(IndexMap.IndexEntry entry) { this.entry = entry; } public Object getDeserializedKey() { return entry.getKey().getDeserializedForReading(); } // Since we are not storing the actual value in the index, we need to // retreive the value from the region public Object getDeserializedValue() { if (indexOnValues) { return region.get(entry.getRegionKey().getDeserializedForReading()); } else if (indexOnRegionKeys) { return getDeserializedRegionKey(); } else { return new EntrySet(getDeserializedRegionKey(), region.get(entry.getRegionKey().getDeserializedForReading())); } } public Object getDeserializedRegionKey() { return entry.getRegionKey().getDeserializedForReading(); } public boolean isUpdateInProgress() { return false; } } // wrapper class for when the index is being queried with a map query private static class EntrySet { public Object key; public Object value; private EntrySet(Object key, Object value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } public Object getKey() { return key; } public Object getValue() { return value; } } }