/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding * copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.apache.geode.internal.cache.wan; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventListener; import org.apache.geode.cache.client.internal.LocatorDiscoveryCallback; import org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayEventFilter; import org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter; import org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender; import org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender.OrderPolicy; import org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayTransportFilter; public class GatewaySenderAttributes { public static final boolean DEFAULT_IS_BUCKETSORTED = true; public static final boolean DEFAULT_IS_META_QUEUE = false; public int socketBufferSize = GatewaySender.DEFAULT_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE; public int socketReadTimeout = GatewaySender.DEFAULT_SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT; public int maximumQueueMemory = GatewaySender.DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_QUEUE_MEMORY; public int batchSize = GatewaySender.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE; public int batchTimeInterval = GatewaySender.DEFAULT_BATCH_TIME_INTERVAL; public boolean isBatchConflationEnabled = GatewaySender.DEFAULT_BATCH_CONFLATION; public boolean isPersistenceEnabled = GatewaySender.DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE_ENABLED; public int alertThreshold = GatewaySender.DEFAULT_ALERT_THRESHOLD; public boolean manualStart = GatewaySender.DEFAULT_MANUAL_START; public String diskStoreName; public List<GatewayEventFilter> eventFilters = new ArrayList<GatewayEventFilter>(); public ArrayList<GatewayTransportFilter> transFilters = new ArrayList<GatewayTransportFilter>(); public List<AsyncEventListener> listeners = new ArrayList<AsyncEventListener>(); public GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter eventSubstitutionFilter; public String id; public int remoteDs = GatewaySender.DEFAULT_DISTRIBUTED_SYSTEM_ID; public LocatorDiscoveryCallback locatorDiscoveryCallback; public boolean isDiskSynchronous = GatewaySender.DEFAULT_DISK_SYNCHRONOUS; public OrderPolicy policy; public int dispatcherThreads = GatewaySender.DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_THREADS; public int parallelism = GatewaySender.DEFAULT_PARALLELISM_REPLICATED_REGION; public boolean isParallel = GatewaySender.DEFAULT_IS_PARALLEL; public boolean isForInternalUse = GatewaySender.DEFAULT_IS_FOR_INTERNAL_USE; public boolean isBucketSorted = GatewaySenderAttributes.DEFAULT_IS_BUCKETSORTED; public boolean isMetaQueue = GatewaySenderAttributes.DEFAULT_IS_META_QUEUE; public boolean forwardExpirationDestroy = GatewaySender.DEFAULT_FORWARD_EXPIRATION_DESTROY; public int getSocketBufferSize() { return this.socketBufferSize; } public boolean isDiskSynchronous() { return this.isDiskSynchronous; } public int getSocketReadTimeout() { return this.socketReadTimeout; } public String getDiskStoreName() { return this.diskStoreName; } public int getMaximumQueueMemory() { return this.maximumQueueMemory; } public int getBatchSize() { return this.batchSize; } public int getBatchTimeInterval() { return this.batchTimeInterval; } public boolean isBatchConflationEnabled() { return this.isBatchConflationEnabled; } public boolean isPersistenceEnabled() { return this.isPersistenceEnabled; } public int getAlertThreshold() { return this.alertThreshold; } public List<GatewayEventFilter> getGatewayEventFilters() { return this.eventFilters; } public List<GatewayTransportFilter> getGatewayTransportFilters() { return this.transFilters; } public List<AsyncEventListener> getAsyncEventListeners() { return this.listeners; } public LocatorDiscoveryCallback getGatewayLocatoDiscoveryCallback() { return this.locatorDiscoveryCallback; } public boolean isManualStart() { return this.manualStart; } public boolean isParallel() { return this.isParallel; } public boolean isForInternalUse() { return this.isForInternalUse; } public void addGatewayEventFilter(GatewayEventFilter filter) { this.eventFilters.add(filter); } public void addGatewayTransportFilter(GatewayTransportFilter filter) { this.transFilters.add(filter); } public void addAsyncEventListener(AsyncEventListener listener) { this.listeners.add(listener); } public String getId() { return this.id; } public int getRemoteDSId() { return this.remoteDs; } public int getDispatcherThreads() { return dispatcherThreads; } public int getParallelismForReplicatedRegion() { return parallelism; } public OrderPolicy getOrderPolicy() { return policy; } public boolean isBucketSorted() { return this.isBucketSorted; } public GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter getGatewayEventSubstitutionFilter() { return this.eventSubstitutionFilter; } public boolean isMetaQueue() { return this.isMetaQueue; } public boolean isForwardExpirationDestroy() { return this.forwardExpirationDestroy; } }