/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding * copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.apache.geode.distributed; import static org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties.NAME; import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DistributionConfig; import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.InternalDistributedSystem; import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.unsafe.RegisterSignalHandlerSupport; import org.apache.geode.internal.AvailablePort; import org.apache.geode.internal.GemFireVersion; import org.apache.geode.internal.OSProcess; import org.apache.geode.internal.i18n.LocalizedStrings; import org.apache.geode.internal.lang.ClassUtils; import org.apache.geode.internal.lang.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.geode.internal.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.geode.internal.lang.SystemUtils; import org.apache.geode.internal.process.PidUnavailableException; import org.apache.geode.internal.process.ProcessUtils; import org.apache.geode.internal.util.ArgumentRedactor; import org.apache.geode.internal.util.SunAPINotFoundException; import org.apache.geode.management.internal.cli.json.GfJsonObject; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.net.BindException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.URL; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.logging.FileHandler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * The AbstractLauncher class is a base class for implementing various launchers to construct and * run different GemFire processes, like Cache Servers, Locators, Managers, HTTP servers and so on. * * @see java.lang.Comparable * @see java.lang.Runnable * @see org.apache.geode.lang.Identifiable * @since GemFire 7.0 */ public abstract class AbstractLauncher<T extends Comparable<T>> implements Runnable { protected static final Boolean DEFAULT_FORCE = Boolean.FALSE; protected static final long READ_PID_FILE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 2 * 1000; // @see // http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/javasdk/v6r0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.java.doc.user.lnx.60%2Fuser%2Fattachapi.html // @see // http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E13150_01/jrockit_jvm/jrockit/geninfo/diagnos/aboutjrockit.html#wp1083571 private static final List<String> ATTACH_API_PACKAGES = Arrays.asList("com.sun.tools.attach", "com/sun/tools/attach", "com.ibm.tools.attach", "com/ibm/tools/attach"); public static final String DEFAULT_WORKING_DIRECTORY = SystemUtils.CURRENT_DIRECTORY; public static final String SIGNAL_HANDLER_REGISTRATION_SYSTEM_PROPERTY = DistributionConfig.GEMFIRE_PREFIX + "launcher.registerSignalHandlers"; protected static final String OPTION_PREFIX = "-"; private static final String IBM_ATTACH_API_CLASS_NAME = "com.ibm.tools.attach.AgentNotSupportedException"; private static final String SUN_ATTACH_API_CLASS_NAME = "com.sun.tools.attach.AttachNotSupportedException"; private static final String SUN_SIGNAL_API_CLASS_NAME = "sun.misc.Signal"; private volatile boolean debug; protected final transient AtomicBoolean running = new AtomicBoolean(false); protected Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()); // TODO:KIRK: does this need // log4j2? public AbstractLauncher() { try { if (Boolean.getBoolean(SIGNAL_HANDLER_REGISTRATION_SYSTEM_PROPERTY)) { ClassUtils.forName(SUN_SIGNAL_API_CLASS_NAME, new SunAPINotFoundException( "WARNING!!! Not running a Sun JVM. Could not find the sun.misc.Signal class; Signal handling disabled.")); RegisterSignalHandlerSupport.registerSignalHandlers(); } } catch (SunAPINotFoundException e) { info(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Asserts that the specified port is available on all network interfaces on this local system. * * @param port an integer indicating the network port to listen for client network requests. * @throws BindException if the network port is not available. * @see #assertPortAvailable */ protected static void assertPortAvailable(final int port) throws BindException { assertPortAvailable(null, port); } /** * Asserts that the specified port is available on the specified network interface, indicated by * it's assigned IP address, on this local system. * * @param bindAddress an InetAddress indicating the bounded network interface to determine whether * the service port is available or not. * @param port an integer indicating the network port to listen for client network requests. * @throws BindException if the network address and port are not available. Address defaults to * localhost (or all network interfaces on the local system) if null. * @see org.apache.geode.internal.AvailablePort */ protected static void assertPortAvailable(final InetAddress bindAddress, final int port) throws BindException { if (!AvailablePort.isPortAvailable(port, AvailablePort.SOCKET, bindAddress)) { throw new BindException( String.format("Network is unreachable; port (%1$d) is not available on %2$s.", port, (bindAddress != null ? bindAddress.getCanonicalHostName() : "localhost"))); } } /** * Determines whether the specified property with name is set to a value in the referenced * Properties. The property is considered "set" if the String value of the property is not * non-null, non-empty and non-blank. Therefore, the Properties may "have" a property with name, * but having no value as determined by this method. * * @param properties the Properties used in determining whether the given property is set. * @param propertyName a String indicating the name of the property to check if set. * @return a boolean indicating whether the specified property with name has been given a value in * the referenced Properties. * @see java.util.Properties */ protected static boolean isSet(final Properties properties, final String propertyName) { return !StringUtils.isBlank(properties.getProperty(propertyName)); } /** * Loads the GemFire properties at the specified URL. * * @param url the URL to the gemfire.properties to load. * @return a Properties instance populated with the gemfire.properties. * @see java.net.URL */ protected static Properties loadGemFireProperties(final URL url) { final Properties properties = new Properties(); if (url != null) { try { properties.load(new FileReader(new File(url.toURI()))); } catch (Exception e) { try { // not in the file system, try the classpath properties.load( AbstractLauncher.class.getResourceAsStream(DistributedSystem.getPropertiesFile())); } catch (Exception ignore) { // not in the file system or the classpath; gemfire.properties does not exist } } } return properties; } void initLogger() { try { this.logger.addHandler(new FileHandler(SystemUtils.CURRENT_DIRECTORY.concat("debug.log"))); this.logger.setLevel(Level.ALL); this.logger.setUseParentHandlers(true); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); System.err.flush(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * This method attempts to make a best effort determination for whether the Attach API classes are * on the classpath. * * @param t the Throwable being evaluated for missing Attach API classes. * @return a boolean indicating whether the Exception or Error condition is a result of the Attach * API missing from the classpath. */ protected boolean isAttachAPINotFound(final Throwable t) { boolean missing = false; // NOTE prerequisite, Throwable must be a ClassNotFoundException or NoClassDefFoundError if (t instanceof ClassNotFoundException || t instanceof NoClassDefFoundError) { // NOTE the use of the 'testing' class member variable, yuck! if (!isAttachAPIOnClasspath()) { // NOTE ok, the Attach API is not available, however we still do not know whether an user // application class // caused the ClassNotFoundException or NoClassDefFoundError. final StringWriter stackTraceWriter = new StringWriter(); // NOTE the full stack trace includes the Throwable message, which typically indicates the // Exception/Error // thrown and the reason (as in which class was not found). t.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(stackTraceWriter)); final String stackTrace = stackTraceWriter.toString(); for (String attachApiPackage : ATTACH_API_PACKAGES) { missing |= stackTrace.contains(attachApiPackage); } } } return missing; } /** * Determines if the Attach API is on the classpath. * * @return a boolean value indicating if the Attach API is on the classpath. */ boolean isAttachAPIOnClasspath() { return (ClassUtils.isClassAvailable(SUN_ATTACH_API_CLASS_NAME) || ClassUtils.isClassAvailable(IBM_ATTACH_API_CLASS_NAME)); } /** * Determines whether the Locator launcher is in debug mode. * * @return a boolean to indicate whether the Locator launcher is in debug mode. * @see #setDebug(boolean) */ public boolean isDebugging() { return this.debug; } /** * Sets the debug mode of the GemFire launcher class. This mutable property of the launcher * enables the user to turn the debug mode on and off programmatically. * * @param debug a boolean used to enable or disable debug mode. * @see #isDebugging() */ public final void setDebug(final boolean debug) { this.debug = debug; } /** * Determines whether the Locator referenced by this launcher is running. * * @return a boolean valued indicating if the referenced Locator is running. */ public boolean isRunning() { return this.running.get(); } /** * Creates a Properties object with configuration settings that the launcher has that should take * precedence over anything the user has defined in their gemfire properties file. * * @return a Properties object with GemFire properties that the launcher has defined. * @see #getDistributedSystemProperties(java.util.Properties) * @see java.util.Properties */ protected Properties getDistributedSystemProperties() { return getDistributedSystemProperties(null); } /** * Creates a Properties object with configuration settings that the launcher has that should take * precedence over anything the user has defined in their gemfire properties file. * * @param defaults default GemFire Distributed System properties as configured in the Builder. * @return a Properties object with GemFire properties that the launcher has defined. * @see java.util.Properties */ protected Properties getDistributedSystemProperties(final Properties defaults) { final Properties distributedSystemProperties = new Properties(); if (defaults != null) { distributedSystemProperties.putAll(defaults); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(getMemberName())) { distributedSystemProperties.setProperty(NAME, getMemberName()); } return distributedSystemProperties; } /** * Gets a File reference with the path to the log file for the process. * * @return a File reference to the path of the log file for the process. */ protected File getLogFile() { return new File(getWorkingDirectory(), getLogFileName()); } /** * Gets the fully qualified canonical path of the log file for the process. * * @return a String value indicating the canonical path of the log file for the process. */ protected String getLogFileCanonicalPath() { try { return getLogFile().getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { return getLogFileName(); // TODO: or return null? } } /** * Gets the name of the log file used to log information about this GemFire service. * * @return a String value indicating the name of this GemFire service's log file. */ public abstract String getLogFileName(); /** * Gets the name or ID of the member in the GemFire distributed system. This method prefers name * if specified, otherwise the ID is returned. If name was not specified to the Builder that * created this Launcher and this call is not in-process, then null is returned. * * @return a String value indicating the member's name if specified, otherwise the member's ID is * returned if this call is made in-process, or finally, null is returned if neither name * name was specified or the call is out-of-process. * @see #getMemberName() * @see #getMemberId() */ public String getMember() { return StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(getMemberName(), getMemberId()); } /** * Gets the ID of the member in the GemFire distributed system as determined and assigned by * GemFire when the member process joins the distributed system. Note, this call only works if the * API is used in-process. * * @return a String value indicating the ID of the member in the GemFire distributed system. */ public String getMemberId() { final InternalDistributedSystem distributedSystem = InternalDistributedSystem.getConnectedInstance(); return (distributedSystem != null ? distributedSystem.getMemberId() : null); } /** * Gets the name of the member in the GemFire distributed system as determined by the 'name' * GemFire property. Note, this call only works if the API is used in-process. * * @return a String value indicating the name of the member in the GemFire distributed system. */ public String getMemberName() { final InternalDistributedSystem distributedSystem = InternalDistributedSystem.getConnectedInstance(); return (distributedSystem != null ? distributedSystem.getConfig().getName() : null); } /** * Gets the user-specified process ID (PID) of the running GemFire service that AbstractLauncher * implementations can use to determine status, or stop the service. * * @return an Integer value indicating the process ID (PID) of the running GemFire service. */ public abstract Integer getPid(); /** * Gets the name of the GemFire service. * * @return a String indicating the name of the GemFire service. */ public abstract String getServiceName(); /** * Gets the working directory pathname in which the process will be run. * * @return a String value indicating the pathname of the Server's working directory. */ public String getWorkingDirectory() { return DEFAULT_WORKING_DIRECTORY; } /** * Prints the specified debug message to standard err, replacing any placeholder values with the * specified arguments on output, if debugging has been enabled. * * @param message the String value written to standard err. * @param args an Object array containing arguments to replace the placeholder values in the * message. * @see java.lang.System#err * @see #isDebugging() * @see #debug(Throwable) * @see #info(Object, Object...) */ protected void debug(final String message, final Object... args) { if (isDebugging()) { if (args != null && args.length > 0) { System.err.printf(message, args); } else { System.err.print(message); } } } /** * Prints the stack trace of the given Throwable to standard err if debugging has been enabled. * * @param t the Throwable who's stack trace is printed to standard err. * @see java.lang.System#err * @see #isDebugging() * @see #debug(String, Object...) */ protected void debug(final Throwable t) { if (isDebugging()) { t.printStackTrace(System.err); } } /** * Prints the specified informational message to standard err, replacing any placeholder values * with the specified arguments on output. * * @param message the String value written to standard err. * @param args an Object array containing arguments to replace the placeholder values in the * message. * @see java.lang.System#err * @see #debug(String, Object...) */ protected void info(final Object message, final Object... args) { if (args != null && args.length > 0) { System.err.printf(message.toString(), args); } else { System.err.print(message); } } /** * Redirects the standard out and standard err to the configured log file as specified in the * GemFire distributed system properties. * * @param distributedSystem the GemFire model for a distributed system. * @throws IOException if the standard out and err redirection was unsuccessful. */ protected void redirectOutput(final DistributedSystem distributedSystem) throws IOException { if (distributedSystem instanceof InternalDistributedSystem) { OSProcess .redirectOutput(((InternalDistributedSystem) distributedSystem).getConfig().getLogFile()); } } /** * Gets the version of GemFire currently running. * * @return a String representation of GemFire's version. */ public String version() { return GemFireVersion.getGemFireVersion(); } int identifyPid() throws PidUnavailableException { return ProcessUtils.identifyPid(); } int identifyPidOrNot() { try { return identifyPid(); } catch (PidUnavailableException e) { return -1; } } boolean isPidInProcess() { Integer pid = getPid(); return pid != null && pid == identifyPidOrNot(); } /** * The ServiceState is an immutable type representing the state of the specified Locator at any * given moment in time. The ServiceState associates the Locator with it's state at the exact * moment an instance of this class is constructed. */ public static abstract class ServiceState<T extends Comparable<T>> { protected static final String JSON_CLASSPATH = "classpath"; protected static final String JSON_GEMFIREVERSION = "gemFireVersion"; protected static final String JSON_HOST = "bindAddress"; protected static final String JSON_JAVAVERSION = "javaVersion"; protected static final String JSON_JVMARGUMENTS = "jvmArguments"; protected static final String JSON_LOCATION = "location"; protected static final String JSON_LOGFILE = "logFileName"; protected static final String JSON_MEMBERNAME = "memberName"; protected static final String JSON_PID = "pid"; protected static final String JSON_PORT = "port"; protected static final String JSON_STATUS = "status"; protected static final String JSON_STATUSMESSAGE = "statusMessage"; protected static final String JSON_TIMESTAMP = "timestamp"; protected static final String JSON_UPTIME = "uptime"; protected static final String JSON_WORKINGDIRECTORY = "workingDirectory"; private static final String DATE_TIME_FORMAT_PATTERN = "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a"; private final Integer pid; // NOTE the mutable non-Thread safe List is guarded by a call to Collections.unmodifiableList on // initialization private final List<String> jvmArguments; private final Long uptime; private final Status status; private final String classpath; private final String gemfireVersion; private final String host; private final String javaVersion; private final String logFile; private final String memberName; private final String port; private final String serviceLocation; private final String statusMessage; private final String workingDirectory; private final Timestamp timestamp; // TODO refactor the logic in this method into a DateTimeFormatUtils class protected static String format(final Date timestamp) { return (timestamp == null ? "" : new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_TIME_FORMAT_PATTERN).format(timestamp)); } protected static Integer identifyPid() { try { return ProcessUtils.identifyPid(); } catch (PidUnavailableException ignore) { return null; } } // TODO refactor the logic in this method into a DateTimeFormatUtils class protected static String toDaysHoursMinutesSeconds(final Long milliseconds) { final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(StringUtils.EMPTY_STRING); if (milliseconds != null) { long millisecondsRemaining = milliseconds; final long days = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(millisecondsRemaining); millisecondsRemaining -= TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(days); final long hours = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(millisecondsRemaining); millisecondsRemaining -= TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(hours); final long minutes = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(millisecondsRemaining); millisecondsRemaining -= TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(minutes); final long seconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(millisecondsRemaining); if (days > 0) { buffer.append(days).append(days > 1 ? " days " : " day "); } if (hours > 0) { buffer.append(hours).append(hours > 1 ? " hours " : " hour "); } if (minutes > 0) { buffer.append(minutes).append(minutes > 1 ? " minutes " : " minute "); } buffer.append(seconds).append(seconds == 0 || seconds > 1 ? " seconds" : " second"); } return buffer.toString(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected ServiceState(final Status status, final String statusMessage, final long timestamp, final String serviceLocation, final Integer pid, final Long uptime, final String workingDirectory, final List<String> jvmArguments, final String classpath, final String gemfireVersion, final String javaVersion, final String logFile, final String host, final String port, final String memberName) { assert status != null : "The status of the GemFire service cannot be null!"; this.status = status; this.statusMessage = statusMessage; this.timestamp = new Timestamp(timestamp); this.serviceLocation = serviceLocation; this.pid = pid; this.uptime = uptime; this.workingDirectory = workingDirectory; this.jvmArguments = ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(Collections.unmodifiableList(jvmArguments), Collections.<String>emptyList()); this.classpath = classpath; this.gemfireVersion = gemfireVersion; this.javaVersion = javaVersion; this.logFile = logFile; this.host = host; this.port = port; this.memberName = memberName; } /** * Marshals this state object into a JSON String. * * @return a String value containing the JSON representation of this state object. */ public String toJson() { final Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put(JSON_CLASSPATH, getClasspath()); map.put(JSON_GEMFIREVERSION, getGemFireVersion()); map.put(JSON_HOST, getHost()); map.put(JSON_JAVAVERSION, getJavaVersion()); map.put(JSON_JVMARGUMENTS, getJvmArguments()); map.put(JSON_LOCATION, getServiceLocation()); map.put(JSON_LOGFILE, getLogFile()); map.put(JSON_MEMBERNAME, getMemberName()); map.put(JSON_PID, getPid()); map.put(JSON_PORT, getPort()); map.put(JSON_STATUS, getStatus().getDescription()); map.put(JSON_STATUSMESSAGE, getStatusMessage()); map.put(JSON_TIMESTAMP, getTimestamp().getTime()); map.put(JSON_UPTIME, getUptime()); map.put(JSON_WORKINGDIRECTORY, getWorkingDirectory()); return new GfJsonObject(map).toString(); } /** * Gets the Java classpath used when launching the GemFire service. * * @return a String value indicating the Java classpath used when launching the GemFire service. * @see java.lang.System#getProperty(String) with 'java.class.path' */ public String getClasspath() { return classpath; } /** * Gets the version of GemFire used to launch and run the GemFire service. * * @return a String indicating the version of GemFire used in the running GemFire service. */ public String getGemFireVersion() { return gemfireVersion; } /** * Gets the version of Java used to launch and run the GemFire service. * * @return a String indicating the version of the Java runtime used in the running GemFire * service. * @see java.lang.System#getProperty(String) with 'java.verson' */ public String getJavaVersion() { return javaVersion; } /** * Gets the arguments passed to the JVM process that is running the GemFire service. * * @return a List of String value each representing an argument passed to the JVM of the GemFire * service. * @see java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean#getInputArguments() */ public List<String> getJvmArguments() { return jvmArguments; } /** * Gets GemFire member's name for the process. * * @return a String indicating the GemFire member's name for the process. */ public String getMemberName() { return this.memberName; } /** * Gets the process ID of the running GemFire service if known, otherwise returns null. * * @return a integer value indicating the process ID (PID) of the running GemFire service, or * null if the PID cannot be determined. */ public Integer getPid() { return pid; } /** * Gets the location of the GemFire service (usually the host in combination with the port). * * @return a String indication the location (such as host/port) of the GemFire service. */ public String getServiceLocation() { return this.serviceLocation; } /** * Gets the name of the GemFire service. * * @return a String indicating the name of the GemFire service. */ protected abstract String getServiceName(); /** * Gets the state of the GemFire service. * * @return a Status enumerated type representing the state of the GemFire service. * @see org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.Status */ public Status getStatus() { return status; } /** * Gets description of the the service's current state. * * @return a String describing the service's current state. */ public String getStatusMessage() { return statusMessage; } /** * The date and time the GemFire service was last in this state. * * @return a Timestamp signifying the last date and time the GemFire service was in this state. * @see java.sql.Timestamp */ public Timestamp getTimestamp() { return (Timestamp) timestamp.clone(); } /** * Gets the amount of time in milliseconds that the JVM process with the GemFire service has * been running. * * @return a long value indicating the number of milliseconds that the GemFire service JVM has * been running. * @see java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean#getUptime() */ public Long getUptime() { return uptime; } /** * Gets the directory in which the GemFire service is running. This is also the location where * all GemFire service files (log files, the PID file, and so on) are written. * * @return a String value indicating the GemFire service's working (running) directory. */ public String getWorkingDirectory() { return ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(workingDirectory, DEFAULT_WORKING_DIRECTORY); } /** * Gets the path of the log file for the process. * * @return a String value indicating the path of the log file for the process. */ public String getLogFile() { return this.logFile; } /** * Gets the host or IP address for the process and its service. * * @return a String value representing the host or IP address for the process and its service. */ public String getHost() { return this.host; } /** * Gets the port for the process and its service. * * @return an Integer value indicating the port for the process and its service. */ public String getPort() { return this.port; } /** * Gets a String describing the state of the GemFire service. * * @return a String describing the state of the GemFire service. */ @Override public String toString() { switch (getStatus()) { case STARTING: return LocalizedStrings.Launcher_ServiceStatus_STARTING_MESSAGE.toLocalizedString( getServiceName(), getWorkingDirectory(), getServiceLocation(), getMemberName(), toString(getTimestamp()), toString(getPid()), toString(getGemFireVersion()), toString(getJavaVersion()), getLogFile(), ArgumentRedactor.redact(getJvmArguments()), toString(getClasspath())); case ONLINE: return LocalizedStrings.Launcher_ServiceStatus_RUNNING_MESSAGE.toLocalizedString( getServiceName(), getWorkingDirectory(), getServiceLocation(), getMemberName(), getStatus(), toString(getPid()), toDaysHoursMinutesSeconds(getUptime()), toString(getGemFireVersion()), toString(getJavaVersion()), getLogFile(), ArgumentRedactor.redact(getJvmArguments()), toString(getClasspath())); case STOPPED: return LocalizedStrings.Launcher_ServiceStatus_STOPPED_MESSAGE .toLocalizedString(getServiceName(), getWorkingDirectory(), getServiceLocation()); default: // NOT_RESPONDING return LocalizedStrings.Launcher_ServiceStatus_MESSAGE.toLocalizedString(getServiceName(), getWorkingDirectory(), getServiceLocation(), getStatus()); } } // a timestamp (date/time) formatted as MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a protected String toString(final Date dateTime) { return format(dateTime); } // the value of a Number as a String, or "" if null protected String toString(final Number value) { return StringUtils.valueOf(value, ""); } // a String concatenation of all values separated by " " protected String toString(final Object... values) { return StringUtils.concat(values, " "); } // the value of the String, or "" if value is null protected String toString(final String value) { return ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(value, ""); } } /** * The Status enumerated type represents the various lifecycle states of a GemFire service (such * as a Cache Server, a Locator or a Manager). */ public static enum Status { NOT_RESPONDING(LocalizedStrings.Launcher_Status_NOT_RESPONDING.toLocalizedString()), ONLINE( LocalizedStrings.Launcher_Status_ONLINE.toLocalizedString()), STARTING( LocalizedStrings.Launcher_Status_STARTING.toLocalizedString()), STOPPED( LocalizedStrings.Launcher_Status_STOPPED.toLocalizedString()); private final String description; Status(final String description) { assert !StringUtils.isBlank(description) : "The Status description must be specified!"; this.description = StringUtils.toLowerCase(description); } /** * Looks up the Status enum type by description. The lookup operation is case-insensitive. * * @param description a String value describing the Locator's status. * @return a Status enumerated type matching the description. */ public static Status valueOfDescription(final String description) { for (Status status : values()) { if (status.getDescription().equalsIgnoreCase(description)) { return status; } } return null; } /** * Gets the description of the Status enum type. * * @return a String describing the Status enum type. */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * Gets a String representation of the Status enum type. * * @return a String representing the Status enum type. * @see #getDescription() */ @Override public String toString() { return getDescription(); } } }