/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding * copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.apache.geode.internal.cache; import org.apache.geode.SystemFailure; import org.apache.geode.cache.Cache; import org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory; import org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionHelper; import org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer; import org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties; import org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem; import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DistributionConfig; import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DistributionConfigImpl; import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.InternalDistributedSystem; import org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n; import org.apache.geode.internal.OSProcess; import org.apache.geode.internal.PureJavaMode; import org.apache.geode.internal.net.SocketCreator; import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.sockets.CacheServerHelper; import org.apache.geode.internal.i18n.LocalizedStrings; import org.apache.geode.internal.process.StartupStatus; import org.apache.geode.internal.process.StartupStatusListener; import org.apache.geode.internal.util.IOUtils; import org.apache.geode.internal.util.JavaCommandBuilder; import java.io.*; import java.net.URL; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import static org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties.LOG_FILE; import static org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties.SERVER_BIND_ADDRESS; /** * Launcher program to start a cache server. * * * @since GemFire 2.0.2 */ public class CacheServerLauncher { /** Is this VM a dedicated Cache Server? This value is used mainly by the admin API. */ public static boolean isDedicatedCacheServer = Boolean.getBoolean(DistributionConfig.GEMFIRE_PREFIX + "isDedicatedServer"); public static boolean ASSIGN_BUCKETS = Boolean.getBoolean( DistributionConfig.GEMFIRE_PREFIX + "CacheServerLauncher.assignBucketsToPartitions"); // default is to exit if property not defined public static boolean DONT_EXIT_AFTER_LAUNCH = Boolean .getBoolean(DistributionConfig.GEMFIRE_PREFIX + "CacheServerLauncher.dontExitAfterLaunch"); /** Should the launch command be printed? */ public static final boolean PRINT_LAUNCH_COMMAND = Boolean.getBoolean(CacheServerLauncher.class.getSimpleName() + ".PRINT_LAUNCH_COMMAND"); private static final long STATUS_WAIT_TIME = Long.getLong( DistributionConfig.GEMFIRE_PREFIX + "CacheServerLauncher.STATUS_WAIT_TIME_MS", 15000); /** How long to wait for a cache server to stop */ private static final long SHUTDOWN_WAIT_TIME = Long.getLong( DistributionConfig.GEMFIRE_PREFIX + "CacheServerLauncher.SHUTDOWN_WAIT_TIME_MS", 20000); protected final String baseName; protected final String defaultLogFileName; protected final String startLogFileName; protected final String statusName; protected Status status = null; protected File workingDir = null; protected PrintStream oldOut = System.out; protected PrintStream oldErr = System.err; protected LogWriterI18n logger = null; protected String maxHeapSize; protected String initialHeapSize; protected String offHeapSize; public static final int SHUTDOWN = 0; public static final int STARTING = 1; public static final int RUNNING = 2; public static final int SHUTDOWN_PENDING = 3; private static final int FORCE_STATUS_FILE_READ_ITERATION_COUNT = 10; public CacheServerLauncher(final String baseName) { assert baseName != null : "The base name used for the cache server launcher files cannot be null!"; this.baseName = baseName; final String baseNameLowerCase = baseName.toLowerCase().replace(" ", ""); this.startLogFileName = "start_" + baseNameLowerCase + ".log"; this.defaultLogFileName = baseNameLowerCase + ".log"; this.statusName = "." + baseNameLowerCase + ".ser"; } protected static Status createStatus(final String baseName, final int state, final int pid) { return createStatus(baseName, state, pid, null, null); } protected static Status createStatus(final String baseName, final int state, final int pid, final String msg, final Throwable t) { final Status status = new Status(baseName); status.state = state; status.pid = pid; status.msg = msg; status.exception = t; return status; } /** * Prints usage information about this program. */ protected void usage() { PrintStream out = System.out; out.println( "cacheserver start [-J<vmarg>]* [<attName>=<attValue>]* [-dir=<workingdir>] [-classpath=<classpath>] [-disable-default-server] [-rebalance] [-lock-memory] [-server-port=<server-port>] [-server-bind-address=<server-bind-address>] [-critical-heap-percentage=<critical-heap-percentage>] [-eviction-heap-percentage=<eviction-heap-percentage>] [-critical-off-heap-percentage=<critical-off-heap-percentage>] [-eviction-off-heap-percentage=<eviction-off-heap-percentage>]\n"); out.println("\t" + LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_STARTS_A_GEMFIRE_CACHESERVER_VM.toLocalizedString()); out.println("\t" + LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_VMARG.toLocalizedString()); out.println("\t" + LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_DIR.toLocalizedString()); out.println("\t" + LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_CLASSPATH.toLocalizedString()); out.println("\t" + LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_ATTNAME.toLocalizedString()); out.println("\t" + LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_REBALANCE.toLocalizedString()); out.println( "\t" + LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_DISABLE_DEFAULT_SERVER.toLocalizedString()); out.println("\t" + LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_SERVER_PORT.toLocalizedString()); out.println( "\t" + LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_SERVER_BIND_ADDRESS.toLocalizedString()); out.println( "\t" + LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_CRITICAL_HEAP_PERCENTAGE.toLocalizedString()); out.println( "\t" + LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_EVICTION_HEAP_PERCENTAGE.toLocalizedString()); out.println("\t" + LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_CRITICAL_OFF_HEAP_PERCENTAGE.toLocalizedString()); out.println("\t" + LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_EVICTION_OFF_HEAP_PERCENTAGE.toLocalizedString()); out.println("\t" + LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_LOCK_MEMORY.toLocalizedString()); out.println(); out.println("cacheserver stop [-dir=<workingdir>]"); out.println("\t" + LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_STOPS_A_GEMFIRE_CACHESERVER_VM.toLocalizedString()); out.println("\t" + LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_DIR.toLocalizedString()); out.println(); out.println("cacheserver status [-dir=<workingdir>]"); out.println("\t" + LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_STATUS.toLocalizedString()); out.println("\t" + LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_DIR.toLocalizedString()); } /** * Prints the status of the cache server running the configured working directory. */ protected void status(final String[] args) throws Exception { workingDir = (File) getStopOptions(args).get(DIR); System.out.println(getStatus()); System.exit(0); } /** * Returns the <code>Status</code> of the cache server in the <code>workingDir</code>. */ protected Status getStatus() throws Exception { Status status; if (new File(workingDir, statusName).exists()) { status = spinReadStatus(); // See bug 32456 } else { // no pid since the cache server is not running status = createStatus(this.baseName, SHUTDOWN, 0); } return status; } /** * Main method that parses the command line and performs an will start, stop, or get the status of * a cache server. This main method is also the main method of the launched cacher server VM * ("server" mode). */ public static void main(final String[] args) { final CacheServerLauncher launcher = new CacheServerLauncher("CacheServer"); boolean inServer = false; try { if (args.length > 0) { if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("start")) { launcher.start(args); } else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("server")) { inServer = true; launcher.server(args); } else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("stop")) { launcher.stop(args); } else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("status")) { launcher.status(args); } else { launcher.usage(); System.exit(1); } } else { launcher.usage(); System.exit(1); } throw new Exception(LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_INTERNAL_ERROR_SHOULDNT_REACH_HERE .toLocalizedString()); } catch (VirtualMachineError err) { SystemFailure.initiateFailure(err); // If this ever returns, rethrow the error. We're poisoned // now, so don't let this thread continue. throw err; } catch (Throwable t) { // Whenever you catch Error or Throwable, you must also // catch VirtualMachineError (see above). However, there is // _still_ a possibility that you are dealing with a cascading // error condition, so you also need to check to see if the JVM // is still usable: SystemFailure.checkFailure(); t.printStackTrace(); if (inServer) { launcher.setServerError( LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_ERROR_STARTING_SERVER_PROCESS.toLocalizedString(), t); } launcher.restoreStdOut(); if (launcher.logger != null) { launcher.logger.severe(LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_CACHE_SERVER_ERROR, t); } else { System.out.println( LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_ERROR_0.toLocalizedString(t.getMessage())); } System.exit(1); } } protected void restoreStdOut() { System.setErr(oldErr); System.setOut(oldOut); } protected static final String DIR = "dir"; protected static final String VMARGS = "vmargs"; protected static final String PROPERTIES = "properties"; protected static final String CLASSPATH = "classpath"; protected static final String REBALANCE = "rebalance"; protected static final String SERVER_PORT = "server-port"; protected static final String SERVER_BIND_ADDRESS_NAME = SERVER_BIND_ADDRESS; protected static final String DISABLE_DEFAULT_SERVER = "disable-default-server"; public static final String CRITICAL_HEAP_PERCENTAGE = "critical-heap-percentage"; public static final String EVICTION_HEAP_PERCENTAGE = "eviction-heap-percentage"; public static final String CRITICAL_OFF_HEAP_PERCENTAGE = "critical-off-heap-percentage"; public static final String EVICTION_OFF_HEAP_PERCENTAGE = "eviction-off-heap-percentage"; protected static final String LOCK_MEMORY = ConfigurationProperties.LOCK_MEMORY; protected final File processDirOption(final Map<String, Object> options, final String dirValue) throws FileNotFoundException { final File inputWorkingDirectory = new File(dirValue); if (!inputWorkingDirectory.exists()) { throw new FileNotFoundException( LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_THE_INPUT_WORKING_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_0 .toLocalizedString(dirValue)); } options.put(DIR, inputWorkingDirectory); return inputWorkingDirectory; } /** * Populates a map that maps the name of the start options such as {@link #DIR} to its value on * the command line. If no value is specified on the command line, a default one is provided. */ protected Map<String, Object> getStartOptions(String[] args) throws Exception { final Map<String, Object> options = new HashMap<String, Object>(); options.put(DIR, new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"))); final List<String> vmArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); options.put(VMARGS, vmArgs); final Properties props = new Properties(); options.put(PROPERTIES, props); for (final String arg : args) { if (arg.equals("start")) { // expected } else if (arg.startsWith("-classpath=")) { options.put(CLASSPATH, arg.substring(arg.indexOf("=") + 1)); } else if (arg.startsWith("-dir=")) { processDirOption(options, arg.substring(arg.indexOf("=") + 1)); } else if (arg.startsWith("-disable-default-server")) { options.put(DISABLE_DEFAULT_SERVER, arg); } else if (arg.startsWith("-lock-memory")) { if (System.getProperty("os.name").indexOf("Windows") >= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to lock memory on this operating system"); } props.put(LOCK_MEMORY, "true"); } else if (arg.startsWith("-rebalance")) { options.put(REBALANCE, Boolean.TRUE); } else if (arg.startsWith("-server-port")) { options.put(SERVER_PORT, arg); } else if (arg.startsWith("-" + CRITICAL_HEAP_PERCENTAGE)) { options.put(CRITICAL_HEAP_PERCENTAGE, arg); } else if (arg.startsWith("-" + EVICTION_HEAP_PERCENTAGE)) { options.put(EVICTION_HEAP_PERCENTAGE, arg); } else if (arg.startsWith("-" + CRITICAL_OFF_HEAP_PERCENTAGE)) { options.put(CRITICAL_OFF_HEAP_PERCENTAGE, arg); } else if (arg.startsWith("-" + EVICTION_OFF_HEAP_PERCENTAGE)) { options.put(EVICTION_OFF_HEAP_PERCENTAGE, arg); } else if (arg.startsWith("-server-bind-address")) { options.put(SERVER_BIND_ADDRESS_NAME, arg); } else if (arg.startsWith("-J")) { String vmArg = arg.substring(2); if (vmArg.startsWith("-Xmx")) { this.maxHeapSize = vmArg.substring(4); } else if (vmArg.startsWith("-Xms")) { this.initialHeapSize = vmArg.substring(4); } vmArgs.add(vmArg); } // moved this default block down so that "-J" like options can have '=' in them. // an 'indexOf' the assignment operator with greater than 0 ensures a non-empty String key // value else if (arg.indexOf("=") > 0) { final int assignmentIndex = arg.indexOf("="); final String key = arg.substring(0, assignmentIndex); final String value = arg.substring(assignmentIndex + 1); if (key.startsWith("-")) { processStartOption(key.substring(1), value, options, vmArgs, props); } else { processStartArg(key, value, options, vmArgs, props); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_UNKNOWN_ARGUMENT_0.toLocalizedString(arg)); } } // -J-Djava.awt.headless=true has been added for Mac platform where it // causes an icon to appear for launched procs // TODO: check which library/GemFire code causes awt to be touched vmArgs.add("-Djava.awt.headless=true"); // configure commons-logging to use JDK logging vmArgs.add("-Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger"); options.put(VMARGS, vmArgs); return options; } /** * Process a command-line options of the form "key=value". */ protected void processStartArg(final String key, final String value, final Map<String, Object> options, final List<String> vmArgs, final Properties props) throws Exception { props.setProperty(key, value); } /** * Process a command-line option of the form "-key=value". */ protected void processStartOption(final String key, final String value, final Map<String, Object> options, final List<String> vmArgs, final Properties props) throws Exception { processUnknownStartOption(key, value, options, vmArgs, props); } /** * Process a command-line option of the form "-key=value" unknown to the base class. */ protected void processUnknownStartOption(final String key, final String value, final Map<String, Object> options, final List<String> vmArgs, final Properties props) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_UNKNOWN_ARGUMENT_0.toLocalizedString(key)); } /** * Extracts configuration information used when launching the cache server VM. */ protected Map<String, Object> getServerOptions(final String[] args) throws Exception { final Map<String, Object> options = new HashMap<String, Object>(); options.put(DIR, new File(".")); workingDir = (File) options.get(DIR); final Properties props = new Properties(); options.put(PROPERTIES, props); for (final String arg : args) { if (arg.equals("server")) { // expected } else if (arg.startsWith("-dir=")) { this.workingDir = processDirOption(options, arg.substring(arg.indexOf("=") + 1)); } else if (arg.startsWith("-rebalance")) { options.put(REBALANCE, Boolean.TRUE); } else if (arg.startsWith("-disable-default-server")) { options.put(DISABLE_DEFAULT_SERVER, Boolean.TRUE); } else if (arg.startsWith("-lock-memory")) { props.put(LOCK_MEMORY, "true"); } else if (arg.startsWith("-server-port")) { options.put(SERVER_PORT, arg.substring(arg.indexOf("=") + 1)); } else if (arg.startsWith("-server-bind-address")) { options.put(SERVER_BIND_ADDRESS_NAME, arg.substring(arg.indexOf("=") + 1)); } else if (arg.startsWith("-" + CRITICAL_HEAP_PERCENTAGE)) { options.put(CRITICAL_HEAP_PERCENTAGE, arg.substring(arg.indexOf("=") + 1)); } else if (arg.startsWith("-" + EVICTION_HEAP_PERCENTAGE)) { options.put(EVICTION_HEAP_PERCENTAGE, arg.substring(arg.indexOf("=") + 1)); } else if (arg.startsWith("-" + CRITICAL_OFF_HEAP_PERCENTAGE)) { options.put(CRITICAL_OFF_HEAP_PERCENTAGE, arg.substring(arg.indexOf("=") + 1)); } else if (arg.startsWith("-" + EVICTION_OFF_HEAP_PERCENTAGE)) { options.put(EVICTION_OFF_HEAP_PERCENTAGE, arg.substring(arg.indexOf("=") + 1)); } else if (arg.indexOf("=") > 1) { final int assignmentIndex = arg.indexOf("="); final String key = arg.substring(0, assignmentIndex); final String value = arg.substring(assignmentIndex + 1); if (key.startsWith("-")) { options.put(key.substring(1), value); } else { props.setProperty(key, value); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_UNKNOWN_ARGUMENT_0.toLocalizedString(arg)); } } return options; } /** * Extracts configuration information for stopping a cache server based on the contents of the * command-line. This method can also be used with getting the status of a cache server. */ protected Map<String, Object> getStopOptions(final String[] args) throws Exception { final Map<String, Object> options = new HashMap<String, Object>(); options.put(DIR, new File(".")); for (final String arg : args) { if (arg.equals("stop") || arg.equals("status")) { // expected } else if (arg.startsWith("-dir=")) { processDirOption(options, arg.substring(arg.indexOf("=") + 1)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_UNKNOWN_ARGUMENT_0.toLocalizedString(arg)); } } return options; } /** * Configures and spawns a VM that hosts a cache server. Any output generated while starting the * VM will be placed in a special {@linkplain #startLogFileName log file}. * * See #getStartOptions * * @see OSProcess#bgexec(String[], File, File, boolean, Map) */ public void start(final String[] args) throws Exception { final Map<String, Object> options = getStartOptions(args); workingDir = (File) options.get(DIR); // Complain if a cache server is already running in the specified working directory. // See bug 32574. verifyAndClearStatus(); // start the GemFire Cache Server proces... runCommandLine(options, buildCommandLine(options)); // wait for status.state == RUNNING waitForRunning(); if (DONT_EXIT_AFTER_LAUNCH) { return; } System.exit(0); } private void verifyAndClearStatus() throws Exception { final Status status = getStatus(); if (status != null && status.state != SHUTDOWN) { throw new IllegalStateException( LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_A_0_IS_ALREADY_RUNNING_IN_DIRECTORY_1_2 .toLocalizedString(this.baseName, workingDir, status)); } deleteStatus(); } private String[] buildCommandLine(final Map<String, Object> options) { final List<String> commandLine = JavaCommandBuilder.buildCommand(this.getClass().getName(), (String) options.get(CLASSPATH), null, (List<String>) options.get(VMARGS)); commandLine.add("server"); addToServerCommand(commandLine, options); return commandLine.toArray(new String[commandLine.size()]); } private void printCommandLine(final String[] commandLine) { if (PRINT_LAUNCH_COMMAND) { System.out.println("Starting " + this.baseName + " with command:"); for (final String command : commandLine) { System.out.print(command); System.out.print(" "); } System.out.println(); } } private int runCommandLine(final Map<String, Object> options, final String[] commandLine) throws Exception { final File startLogFile = new File(workingDir, startLogFileName).getAbsoluteFile(); // see bug // 32548 if (startLogFile.exists() && !startLogFile.delete()) { throw new IOException( "Unable to delete start log file (" + startLogFile.getAbsolutePath() + ")!"); } Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<String, String>(); // read the passwords from command line SocketCreator.readSSLProperties(env); printCommandLine(commandLine); final int pid = OSProcess.bgexec(commandLine, workingDir, startLogFile, false, env); printStartMessage(options, pid); return pid; } protected void printStartMessage(final Map<String, Object> options, final int pid) throws Exception { System.out.println(LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_STARTING_0_WITH_PID_1 .toLocalizedString(this.baseName, pid)); } /** * Sets the status of the cache server to be {@link #RUNNING}. */ public void running() { try { writeStatus(createStatus(this.baseName, RUNNING, OSProcess.getId())); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static ThreadLocal<Integer> serverPort = new ThreadLocal<Integer>(); public static ThreadLocal<String> serverBindAddress = new ThreadLocal<String>(); public static Integer getServerPort() { return serverPort.get(); } public static String getServerBindAddress() { return serverBindAddress.get(); } public static ThreadLocal<Boolean> disableDefaultServer = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>(); public static Boolean getDisableDefaultServer() { return disableDefaultServer.get(); } public static void clearStatics() { disableDefaultServer.set(null); serverPort.set(null); serverBindAddress.set(null); } /** * The method that does the work of being a cache server. It is invoked in the VM spawned by the * {@link #start} method. Basically, it creates a GemFire {@link Cache} based on configuration * passed in from the command line. (It will also take <code>gemfire.properties</code>, etc. into * account, just like an application cache.) * * <P> * * After creating the cache and setting the server's status to {@link #RUNNING}, it periodically * monitors the status, waiting for it to change to {@link #SHUTDOWN_PENDING} (see {@link #stop}). * When the status does change, it closes the <code>Cache</code> and sets the status to be * {@link #SHUTDOWN}. * * @param args Configuration options passed in from the command line */ @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings( value = "ST_WRITE_TO_STATIC_FROM_INSTANCE_METHOD") public void server(final String[] args) throws Exception { isDedicatedCacheServer = true; SystemFailure.setExitOK(true); final Map<String, Object> options = getServerOptions(args); final String serverPortString = (String) options.get(SERVER_PORT); if (serverPortString != null) { serverPort.set(Integer.parseInt(serverPortString)); } serverBindAddress.set((String) options.get(SERVER_BIND_ADDRESS_NAME)); disableDefaultServer.set((Boolean) options.get(DISABLE_DEFAULT_SERVER)); workingDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")); // Say that we're starting... Status originalStatus = createStatus(this.baseName, STARTING, OSProcess.getId()); status = originalStatus; writeStatus(status); // Connect to the distributed system. The properties will // properly configure logging, the declarative caching file, etc. final Properties props = (Properties) options.get(PROPERTIES); if (props.getProperty(LOG_FILE) == null && CacheServerLauncher.isLoggingToStdOut()) { // Check First if the gemfire.properties set the log-file. If they do, we shouldn't override // that default final Properties gemfireProperties = new Properties(); DistributionConfigImpl.loadGemFireProperties(gemfireProperties); if (gemfireProperties.get(LOG_FILE) == null) { // Do not allow the cache server to log to stdout, override the logger with // #defaultLogFileName props.setProperty(LOG_FILE, defaultLogFileName); } } InternalDistributedSystem system = this.connect(props); installLogListener(); logger = system.getLogWriter().convertToLogWriterI18n(); // redirect output to the log file OSProcess.redirectOutput(system.getConfig().getLogFile()); Cache cache = this.createCache(system, options); cache.setIsServer(true); startAdditionalServices(cache, options); this.running(); clearLogListener(); if (ASSIGN_BUCKETS) { for (PartitionedRegion region : ((GemFireCacheImpl) cache).getPartitionedRegions()) { PartitionRegionHelper.assignBucketsToPartitions(region); } } if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(options.get(REBALANCE))) { cache.getResourceManager().createRebalanceFactory().start(); } File statusFile = new File(workingDir, statusName); long lastModified = 0, oldModified = statusFile.lastModified(); // Every FORCE_STATUS_FILE_READ_ITERATION_COUNT iterations, read the status file despite the // modification time // to catch situations where the file is modified quicker than the file timestamp's resolution. short count = 0; boolean loggedWarning = false; while (true) { lastModified = statusFile.lastModified(); if (lastModified > oldModified || count++ == FORCE_STATUS_FILE_READ_ITERATION_COUNT) { count = 0; Thread.sleep(500); // allow for it to be finished writing. // Sometimes the status file is partially written causing readObject to // fail, sleep and retry. try { status = readStatus(); } catch (IOException ioeSecondChance) { Thread.sleep(1000); try { status = readStatus(); } catch (IOException ioeThirdChance) { Thread.sleep(5000); try { status = readStatus(); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { // See bug 44627. // The cache server used to just shutdown at this point. Instead, // recreate the status file if possible and continue. status = createStatus(this.baseName, RUNNING, originalStatus.pid); try { writeStatus(status); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { if (!loggedWarning) { logger.warning(LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_CREATE_STATUS_EXCEPTION_0, e.toString()); loggedWarning = true; } } } } } oldModified = lastModified; if (status.state == SHUTDOWN_PENDING) { stopAdditionalServices(); this.disconnect(cache); status.state = SHUTDOWN; writeStatus(status); } else { Thread.sleep(250); } } else { Thread.sleep(1000); } if (!system.isConnected()) { // System.out.println("System is disconnected. isReconnecting = " + // system.isReconnecting()); boolean reconnected = false; if (system.isReconnecting()) { reconnected = system.waitUntilReconnected(-1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); if (reconnected) { system = (InternalDistributedSystem) system.getReconnectedSystem(); cache = GemFireCacheImpl.getInstance(); } } if (!reconnected) { // shutdown-all disconnected the DS System.exit(0); } } } } private void installLogListener() { MainLogReporter reporter = new MainLogReporter(this.status); StartupStatus.setListener(reporter); reporter.setDaemon(true); reporter.start(); } private void clearLogListener() { MainLogReporter mainLogListener = (MainLogReporter) StartupStatus.getStartupListener(); if (mainLogListener != null) { mainLogListener.shutdown(); StartupStatus.clearListener(); } } protected InternalDistributedSystem connect(Properties props) { return (InternalDistributedSystem) DistributedSystem.connect(props); } protected static float getCriticalHeapPercent(Map<String, Object> options) { if (options != null) { String criticalHeapThreshold = (String) options.get(CRITICAL_HEAP_PERCENTAGE); if (criticalHeapThreshold != null) { return Float .parseFloat(criticalHeapThreshold.substring(criticalHeapThreshold.indexOf("=") + 1)); } } return -1.0f; } protected static float getEvictionHeapPercent(Map<String, Object> options) { if (options != null) { String evictionHeapThreshold = (String) options.get(EVICTION_HEAP_PERCENTAGE); if (evictionHeapThreshold != null) { return Float .parseFloat(evictionHeapThreshold.substring(evictionHeapThreshold.indexOf("=") + 1)); } } return -1.0f; } protected static float getCriticalOffHeapPercent(Map<String, Object> options) { if (options != null) { String criticalOffHeapThreshold = (String) options.get(CRITICAL_OFF_HEAP_PERCENTAGE); if (criticalOffHeapThreshold != null) { return Float.parseFloat( criticalOffHeapThreshold.substring(criticalOffHeapThreshold.indexOf("=") + 1)); } } return -1.0f; } protected static float getEvictionOffHeapPercent(Map<String, Object> options) { if (options != null) { String evictionOffHeapThreshold = (String) options.get(EVICTION_OFF_HEAP_PERCENTAGE); if (evictionOffHeapThreshold != null) { return Float.parseFloat( evictionOffHeapThreshold.substring(evictionOffHeapThreshold.indexOf("=") + 1)); } } return -1.0f; } protected Cache createCache(InternalDistributedSystem system, Map<String, Object> options) throws IOException { Cache cache = CacheFactory.create(system); float threshold = getCriticalHeapPercent(options); if (threshold > 0.0f) { cache.getResourceManager().setCriticalHeapPercentage(threshold); } threshold = getEvictionHeapPercent(options); if (threshold > 0.0f) { cache.getResourceManager().setEvictionHeapPercentage(threshold); } threshold = getCriticalOffHeapPercent(options); getCriticalOffHeapPercent(options); if (threshold > 0.0f) { cache.getResourceManager().setCriticalOffHeapPercentage(threshold); } threshold = getEvictionOffHeapPercent(options); if (threshold > 0.0f) { cache.getResourceManager().setEvictionOffHeapPercentage(threshold); } // Create and start a default cache server // If (disableDefaultServer is not set or it is set but false) AND (the number of cacheservers // is 0) Boolean disable = disableDefaultServer.get(); if ((disable == null || !disable) && cache.getCacheServers().size() == 0) { // Create and add a cache server CacheServer server = cache.addCacheServer(); CacheServerHelper.setIsDefaultServer(server); // Set its port if necessary Integer serverPort = CacheServerLauncher.getServerPort(); if (serverPort != null) { server.setPort(serverPort); } // Set its bind address if necessary String serverBindAddress = getServerBindAddress(); if (serverBindAddress != null) { server.setBindAddress(serverBindAddress.trim()); } // Start it server.start(); } return cache; } protected void disconnect(Cache cache) { DistributedSystem dsys = cache.getDistributedSystem(); cache.close(); dsys.disconnect(); } /** * Stops a cache server (which is running in a different VM) by setting its status to * {@link #SHUTDOWN_PENDING}. Waits for the cache server to actually shut down. */ public void stop(final String[] args) throws Exception { this.workingDir = (File) getStopOptions(args).get(DIR); // determine the current state of the Cache Server process... final File statusFile = new File(this.workingDir, this.statusName); int exitStatus = 1; if (statusFile.exists()) { this.status = spinReadStatus(); // upon reading the status file, request the Cache Server to shutdown if it has not already... if (this.status.state != SHUTDOWN) { // copy server PID and not use own PID; see bug #39707 this.status = createStatus(this.baseName, SHUTDOWN_PENDING, this.status.pid); writeStatus(this.status); } // poll the Cache Server for a response to our shutdown request (passes through if the Cache // Server // has already shutdown)... pollCacheServerForShutdown(); // after polling, determine the status of the Cache Server one last time and determine how to // exit... if (this.status.state == SHUTDOWN) { System.out.println( LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_0_STOPPED.toLocalizedString(this.baseName)); deleteStatus(); exitStatus = 0; } else { System.out.println( LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_TIMEOUT_WAITING_FOR_0_TO_SHUTDOWN_STATUS_IS_1 .toLocalizedString(this.baseName, this.status)); } } else { System.out.println( LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_THE_SPECIFIED_WORKING_DIRECTORY_0_CONTAINS_NO_STATUS_FILE .toLocalizedString(this.workingDir)); } if (DONT_EXIT_AFTER_LAUNCH) { return; } System.exit(exitStatus); } private void pollCacheServerForShutdown() throws InterruptedException { final int increment = 250; // unit is in milliseconds int clock = 0; // wait for a total of 20000 milliseconds (or 20 seconds) while (clock < SHUTDOWN_WAIT_TIME && status.state != SHUTDOWN) { try { status = readStatus(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } try { Thread.sleep(increment); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { break; } clock += increment; } } /** * A class that represents the status of a cache server. Instances of this class are serialized to * a {@linkplain #statusName file} on disk. * * @see #SHUTDOWN * @see #STARTING * @see #RUNNING * @see #SHUTDOWN_PENDING */ static class Status implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 190943081363646485L; public int state = 0; public int pid = 0; private final String baseName; public Throwable exception; public String msg; public String dsMsg; public Status(String baseName) { this.baseName = baseName; } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append(this.baseName).append(" pid: ").append(pid).append(" status: "); switch (state) { case SHUTDOWN: buffer.append("stopped"); break; case STARTING: buffer.append("starting"); break; case RUNNING: buffer.append("running"); break; case SHUTDOWN_PENDING: buffer.append("stopping"); break; default: buffer.append("unknown"); break; } if (exception != null) { if (msg != null) { buffer.append("\n").append(msg).append(" - "); } else { buffer.append("\nException in ").append(this.baseName).append(" - "); } buffer.append( LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_SEE_LOG_FILE_FOR_DETAILS.toLocalizedString()); } else if (this.dsMsg != null) { buffer.append('\n').append(this.dsMsg); } return buffer.toString(); } } /** * Notes that an error has occurred in the cache server and that it has shut down because of it. */ protected void setServerError(final String msg, final Throwable t) { try { writeStatus(createStatus(this.baseName, SHUTDOWN, OSProcess.getId(), msg, t)); } catch (Exception e) { if (logger != null) { logger.severe(e); } else { e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(1); } } /** * Sets the status of a cache server by serializing a <code>Status</code> instance to a file in * the server's working directory. */ public void writeStatus(final Status s) throws IOException { FileOutputStream fileOutput = null; ObjectOutputStream objectOutput = null; try { fileOutput = new FileOutputStream(new File(workingDir, statusName)); objectOutput = new ObjectOutputStream(fileOutput); objectOutput.writeObject(s); objectOutput.flush(); } finally { IOUtils.close(objectOutput); IOUtils.close(fileOutput); } } /** * Reads a cache server's status. If the status file cannot be read because of I/O problems, it * will try again. */ protected Status spinReadStatus() { final long timeout = (System.currentTimeMillis() + 60000); Status status = null; while (status == null && System.currentTimeMillis() < timeout) { try { status = readStatus(); } catch (Exception e) { // try again - the status might have been read in the middle of it being written by the // server resulting in // an EOFException here try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); status = null; break; } } } return status; } /** * Reads a cache server's status from a file in its working directory. */ protected Status readStatus() throws InterruptedException, IOException { final File statusFile = new File(workingDir, statusName); FileInputStream fileInput = null; ObjectInputStream objectInput = null; try { fileInput = new FileInputStream(statusFile); objectInput = new ObjectInputStream(fileInput); Status status = (Status) objectInput.readObject(); // See bug 32760 // Note, only execute the conditional createStatus statement if we are in native mode; if we // are in pure Java mode // the the process ID identified in the Status object is assumed to exist! if (!isExistingProcess(status.pid)) { status = createStatus(this.baseName, SHUTDOWN, status.pid); } return status; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Thread.sleep(500); if (statusFile.exists()) { return readStatus(); } else { throw e; } } finally { IOUtils.close(objectInput); IOUtils.close(fileInput); } } /** * Removes a cache server's status file */ private void deleteStatus() throws IOException { final File statusFile = new File(workingDir, statusName); if (statusFile.exists() && !statusFile.delete()) { throw new IOException("Could not delete status file (" + statusFile.getAbsolutePath() + ")!"); } } protected boolean isExistingProcess(final int pid) { return (PureJavaMode.isPure() || (pid != 0 && OSProcess.exists(pid))); } protected void waitForRunning() throws Exception { Status status = spinReadStatus(); String lastReadMessage = null; String lastReportedMessage = null; long lastReadTime = System.nanoTime(); if (status == null) { throw new Exception( LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_NO_AVAILABLE_STATUS.toLocalizedString()); } else { switch (status.state) { case STARTING: // re-read status for a while... while (status.state == STARTING) { Thread.sleep(500); // fix for bug 36998 status = spinReadStatus(); // check to see if the status message has changed if (status.dsMsg != null && !status.dsMsg.equals(lastReadMessage)) { lastReadMessage = status.dsMsg; lastReadTime = System.nanoTime(); } // if the status message has not changed for 15 seconds, print // out the message. long elapsed = System.nanoTime() - lastReadTime; if (TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(elapsed) > STATUS_WAIT_TIME && lastReadMessage != null && !lastReadMessage.equals(lastReportedMessage)) { long elapsedSec = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(elapsed); System.out.println(LocalizedStrings.CacheServerLauncher_LAUNCH_IN_PROGRESS_0 .toLocalizedString(elapsedSec, status.dsMsg)); lastReportedMessage = lastReadMessage; } } if (status.state == SHUTDOWN) { System.out.println(status); System.exit(1); } break; default: break; } System.out.println(status); } } /** * Reads {@link DistributedSystem#PROPERTY_FILE} and determines if the * {@link ConfigurationProperties#LOG_FILE} property is set to stdout * * @return true if the logging would go to stdout */ private static boolean isLoggingToStdOut() { Properties gfprops = new Properties(); URL url = DistributedSystem.getPropertyFileURL(); if (url != null) { try { gfprops.load(url.openStream()); } catch (IOException io) { // throw new GemFireIOException("Failed reading " + url, io); System.out.println("Failed reading " + url); System.exit(1); } final String logFile = gfprops.getProperty(LOG_FILE); if (logFile == null || logFile.length() == 0) { return true; } } else { // Didnt find a property file, assuming the default is to log to stdout return true; } return false; } /** * Process information contained in the options map and add to the command line of the subprocess * as needed. */ protected void addToServerCommand(final List<String> commandLine, final Map<String, Object> options) { final ListWrapper<String> commandLineWrapper = new ListWrapper<String>(commandLine); if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(options.get(REBALANCE))) { commandLineWrapper.add("-rebalance"); } commandLineWrapper.add((String) options.get(DISABLE_DEFAULT_SERVER)); commandLineWrapper.add((String) options.get(SERVER_PORT)); commandLineWrapper.add((String) options.get(SERVER_BIND_ADDRESS_NAME)); String criticalHeapThreshold = (String) options.get(CRITICAL_HEAP_PERCENTAGE); if (criticalHeapThreshold != null) { commandLineWrapper.add(criticalHeapThreshold); } String evictionHeapThreshold = (String) options.get(EVICTION_HEAP_PERCENTAGE); if (evictionHeapThreshold != null) { commandLineWrapper.add(evictionHeapThreshold); } String criticalOffHeapThreshold = (String) options.get(CRITICAL_OFF_HEAP_PERCENTAGE); if (criticalOffHeapThreshold != null) { commandLineWrapper.add(criticalOffHeapThreshold); } String evictionOffHeapThreshold = (String) options.get(EVICTION_OFF_HEAP_PERCENTAGE); if (evictionOffHeapThreshold != null) { commandLineWrapper.add(evictionOffHeapThreshold); } final Properties props = (Properties) options.get(PROPERTIES); for (final Object key : props.keySet()) { commandLineWrapper.add(key + "=" + props.getProperty(key.toString())); } if (props.getProperty(LOG_FILE) == null && CacheServerLauncher.isLoggingToStdOut()) { // Do not allow the cache server to log to stdout; override the logger with // #defaultLogFileName commandLineWrapper.add(LOG_FILE + "=" + defaultLogFileName); } } /** * This method is called immediately following cache creation in the spawned process, but prior to * setting the RUNNING flag in the status file. So the spawning process will block until this * method completes. */ protected void startAdditionalServices(final Cache cache, final Map<String, Object> options) throws Exception {} /** * This method is called prior to DistributedSytstem.disconnect(). Care should be taken not to * take too long in this method or else #CacheServerLauncher.stop may timeout. */ protected void stopAdditionalServices() throws Exception {} /** * A List implementation that disallows null values. * * @param <E> the Class type for the List elements. */ protected static class ListWrapper<E> extends AbstractList<E> { private static final ThreadLocal<Boolean> addResult = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>(); private final List<E> list; public ListWrapper(final List<E> list) { assert list != null : "The List cannot be null!"; this.list = list; } @Override public boolean add(final E e) { final boolean localAddResult = super.add(e); return (localAddResult && addResult.get()); } @Override public void add(final int index, final E element) { if (element != null) { list.add(index, element); } addResult.set(element != null); } @Override public E get(final int index) { return this.list.get(index); } @Override public E remove(final int index) { return list.remove(index); } @Override public E set(final int index, final E element) { return (element != null ? list.set(index, element) : list.get(index)); } @Override public int size() { return list.size(); } } private class MainLogReporter extends Thread implements StartupStatusListener { private String lastLogMessage; private final Status status; boolean running = true; public MainLogReporter(Status status) { this.status = status; } public synchronized void shutdown() { this.running = false; this.status.dsMsg = null; this.notifyAll(); } @Override public void setStatus(String status) { lastLogMessage = status; } public synchronized void run() { while (running) { try { wait(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // this should not happen. break; } if (running && safeEquals(lastLogMessage, status.dsMsg)) { status.dsMsg = lastLogMessage; try { writeStatus(status); } catch (IOException e) { // this could happen if there was a concurrent write to the file // eg a stop. continue; } } } } } protected static boolean safeEquals(String lastLogMessage, String dsMsg) { if (lastLogMessage == null && dsMsg == null) { return true; } else if (lastLogMessage == null || dsMsg == null) { return false; } return lastLogMessage.equals(dsMsg); } }