/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding * copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.apache.geode.cache.client.internal; import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.geode.internal.Version; import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.MessageType; import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.sockets.Message; import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.sockets.ChunkedMessage; import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.sockets.ObjectPartList; import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.sockets.Part; import org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults; import org.apache.geode.cache.query.types.CollectionType; import org.apache.geode.cache.query.types.ObjectType; import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.QueryUtils; import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.StructImpl; import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.types.StructTypeImpl; import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.types.TypeUtils; import org.apache.geode.SerializationException; import org.apache.geode.cache.client.ServerOperationException; /** * Does a region query on a server * * @since GemFire 5.7 */ public class QueryOp { /** * Does a region query on a server using connections from the given pool to communicate with the * server. * * @param pool the pool to use to communicate with the server. * @param queryPredicate A query language boolean query predicate * @return A <code>SelectResults</code> containing the values that match the * <code>queryPredicate</code>. */ public static SelectResults execute(ExecutablePool pool, String queryPredicate, Object[] queryParams) { AbstractOp op = null; if (queryParams != null && queryParams.length > 0) { op = new QueryOpImpl(queryPredicate, queryParams); } else { op = new QueryOpImpl(queryPredicate); } return (SelectResults) pool.execute(op); } private QueryOp() { // no instances allowed } /** * Note: this class is extended by CreateCQWithIROpImpl. */ protected static class QueryOpImpl extends AbstractOp { /** * @throws org.apache.geode.SerializationException if serialization fails */ public QueryOpImpl(String queryPredicate) { super(MessageType.QUERY, 1); getMessage().addStringPart(queryPredicate); } /** * @throws org.apache.geode.SerializationException if serialization fails */ public QueryOpImpl(String queryPredicate, Object[] queryParams) { super(MessageType.QUERY_WITH_PARAMETERS, 2 + queryParams.length); getMessage().addStringPart(queryPredicate); getMessage().addIntPart(queryParams.length); for (Object param : queryParams) { getMessage().addObjPart(param); } } /** * This constructor is used by our subclass CreateCQWithIROpImpl * * @throws org.apache.geode.SerializationException if serialization fails */ protected QueryOpImpl(int msgType, int numParts) { super(msgType, numParts); } @Override protected Message createResponseMessage() { return new ChunkedMessage(2, Version.CURRENT); } @Override protected Object processResponse(Message msg) throws Exception { final SelectResults[] resultRef = new SelectResults[1]; final Exception[] exceptionRef = new Exception[1]; ChunkHandler ch = new ChunkHandler() { public void handle(ChunkedMessage cm) throws Exception { Part collectionTypePart = cm.getPart(0); Object o = collectionTypePart.getObject(); if (o instanceof Throwable) { String s = "While performing a remote " + getOpName(); exceptionRef[0] = new ServerOperationException(s, (Throwable) o); return; } CollectionType collectionType = (CollectionType) o; Part resultPart = cm.getPart(1); Object queryResult = null; try { queryResult = resultPart.getObject(); } catch (Exception e) { String s = "While deserializing " + getOpName() + " result"; exceptionRef[0] = new SerializationException(s, e); return; } if (queryResult instanceof Throwable) { String s = "While performing a remote " + getOpName(); exceptionRef[0] = new ServerOperationException(s, (Throwable) queryResult); return; } else if (queryResult instanceof Integer) { // Create the appropriate SelectResults instance if necessary if (resultRef[0] == null) { resultRef[0] = QueryUtils.getEmptySelectResults(TypeUtils.OBJECT_TYPE, null); } resultRef[0].add(queryResult); } else { // typical query result // Create the appropriate SelectResults instance if necessary if (resultRef[0] == null) { resultRef[0] = QueryUtils.getEmptySelectResults(collectionType, null); } SelectResults selectResults = resultRef[0]; ObjectType objectType = collectionType.getElementType(); Object[] resultArray; // for select * queries, the serialized object byte arrays are // returned as part of ObjectPartList boolean isObjectPartList = false; if (queryResult instanceof ObjectPartList) { isObjectPartList = true; resultArray = ((ObjectPartList) queryResult).getObjects().toArray(); } else { // Add the results to the SelectResults resultArray = (Object[]) queryResult; } if (objectType.isStructType()) { for (int i = 0; i < resultArray.length; i++) { if (isObjectPartList) { selectResults.add(new StructImpl((StructTypeImpl) objectType, ((ObjectPartList) resultArray[i]).getObjects().toArray())); } else { selectResults .add(new StructImpl((StructTypeImpl) objectType, (Object[]) resultArray[i])); } } } else { selectResults.addAll(Arrays.asList(resultArray)); } } } }; processChunkedResponse((ChunkedMessage) msg, getOpName(), ch); if (exceptionRef[0] != null) { throw exceptionRef[0]; } else { return resultRef[0]; } } protected String getOpName() { return "query"; } @Override protected boolean isErrorResponse(int msgType) { return msgType == MessageType.QUERY_DATA_ERROR || msgType == MessageType.CQDATAERROR_MSG_TYPE || msgType == MessageType.CQ_EXCEPTION_TYPE; } @Override protected long startAttempt(ConnectionStats stats) { return stats.startQuery(); } @Override protected void endSendAttempt(ConnectionStats stats, long start) { stats.endQuerySend(start, hasFailed()); } @Override protected void endAttempt(ConnectionStats stats, long start) { stats.endQuery(start, hasTimedOut(), hasFailed()); } } }