package org.codehaus.mojo.pomtools.versioning; /* * Copyright 2001-2006 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusTestCase; /** * * @author <a href="">David Hawkins</a> * @version $Id$ */ public class DefaultVersionInfoTest extends PlexusTestCase { public void testParse() throws Exception { testParse( "1", null, "1", null, null, null ); testParse( "1.0", null, "1.0", null, null, null ); } public void testParseWithBadVersion() throws Exception { VersionInfo info = new DefaultVersionInfo( "SNAPSHOT" ); assertFalse( info.isParsed() ); } public void testParseMultiDigit() throws Exception { testParse( "99", null, "99", null, null, null ); testParse( "99.99", null, "99.99", null, null, null ); testParse( "990.990.990", null, "990.990.990", null, null, null ); } public void testParseComponent() throws Exception { testParse( "my-component-99", "my-component", "99", null, null, null ); testParse( "my-component-99.99", "my-component", "99.99", null, null, null ); testParse( "my-component_99.99", "my-component", "99.99", null, null, null ); testParse( "my-component1.2.3", "my-component", "1.2.3", null, null, null ); testParse( "my-component11.22.33", "my-component", "11.22.33", null, null, null ); } public void testParseSnapshotVersion() throws Exception { testParse( "1-beta-4-SNAPSHOT", null, "1", "beta", "4", "SNAPSHOT" ); testParse( "2.0.1-1", null, "2.0.1", null, "1", null ); testParse( "1.0-beta-4-SNAPSHOT", null, "1.0", "beta", "4", "SNAPSHOT" ); testParse( "1.0-beta-4_SNAPSHOT", null, "1.0", "beta", "4", "SNAPSHOT" ); } public void testParseAnnotationVersion() throws Exception { testParse( "1-beta-4-SNAPSHOT", null, "1", "beta", "4", "SNAPSHOT" ); testParse( "1.0-beta-4-SNAPSHOT", null, "1.0", "beta", "4", "SNAPSHOT" ); testParse( "1.0-beta-4", null, "1.0", "beta", "4", null ); testParse( "1.2.3-beta-99", null, "1.2.3", "beta", "99", null ); testParse( "1.2.3-beta99", null, "1.2.3", "beta", "99", null ); testParse( "1.2.3-beta99-SNAPSHOT", null, "1.2.3", "beta", "99", "SNAPSHOT" ); testParse( "1.2.3-RC4", null, "1.2.3", "RC", "4", null ); testParse( "1.0-b1", null, "1.0", "b", "1", null ); } public void testParseSeparators() throws Exception { testParse( "log4j-1.2.9-beta-9-SNAPSHOT", "log4j", "1.2.9", "beta", "9", "SNAPSHOT" ); testParse( "log4j1.2.9beta9SNAPSHOT", "log4j", "1.2.9", "beta", "9", "SNAPSHOT" ); testParse( "log4j1.2.9beta-9SNAPSHOT", "log4j", "1.2.9", "beta", "9", "SNAPSHOT" ); testParse( "log4j_1.2.9_beta_9_SNAPSHOT", "log4j", "1.2.9", "beta", "9", "SNAPSHOT" ); } public void testParseFailures() throws Exception { // These are basically failures because they doesn't parse properly due to lack of periods // in the version number when a digit separator was not specified. // Test case created to ensure backward compatability testParse( "log4j1beta-9SNAPSHOT", "log4j1beta", "9", null, null, "SNAPSHOT" ); testParse( "log-4j1beta-9SNAPSHOT", "log", "4", "j", "1", "beta-9SNAPSHOT" ); testParseFail( "logj1" ); testParseFail( "log4j1" ); testParseFail( "log4j1beta" ); testParseFail( "log4j1beta-SNAPSHOT" ); } public void testParseAnnotationNoVersionButSnapshot() throws Exception { testParse( "1.0-beta-SNAPSHOT", null, "1.0", "beta", null, "SNAPSHOT" ); testParse( "1.2.3-beta99", null, "1.2.3", "beta", "99", null ); testParse( "1.2.3-RC4-SNAPSHOT", null, "1.2.3", "RC", "4", "SNAPSHOT" ); } public void testParseBuildNumberOnly() throws Exception { testParse( "20021128.082114", null, null, null, null, "20021128.082114" ); } public void testParseAnnotationVersionWithRevision() throws Exception { testParse( "1.0-beta-4-SNAPSHOT", null, "1.0", "beta", "4", "SNAPSHOT" ); testParse( "1.0-beta-4", null, "1.0", "beta", "4", null ); testParse( "1.2.3-beta-99", null, "1.2.3", "beta", "99", null ); testParse( "1.2.3-beta99", null, "1.2.3", "beta", "99", null ); testParse( "1.2.3-RC4", null, "1.2.3", "RC", "4", null ); testParse( "mycomponent-1.2.3-RC4", "mycomponent", "1.2.3", "RC", "4", null ); testParse( "mycomponent-1.2.3-RC4", "mycomponent", "1.2.3", "RC", "4", null ); testParse( "log4j-1.2.9", "log4j", "1.2.9", null, null, null ); } public void testParseLeadingZeros() throws Exception { testParse( "1.01-beta-04-SNAPSHOT", null, "1.01", "beta", "04", "SNAPSHOT" ); testParse( "01.01.001-beta-04-SNAPSHOT", null, "01.01.001", "beta", "04", "SNAPSHOT" ); } public void testParseBuildNumber() throws Exception { testParse( "plexus-logging-provider-test-1.0-alpha-2-20051013.095555-2", "plexus-logging-provider-test", "1.0", "alpha", "2", "20051013.095555-2" ); } public void testParseDateStamp() throws Exception { testParse( "20040616", null, null, null, null, "20040616" ); } public void testNextVersion() throws Exception { testNextVersion( "1.01", "1.02" ); testNextVersion( "1.9", "1.10" ); testNextVersion( "1.09", "1.10" ); testNextVersion( "1.009", "1.010" ); testNextVersion( "1.99", "1.100" ); } public void testNextAnnotationRevision() throws Exception { testNextVersion( "1.01-beta-04", "1.01-beta-05" ); testNextVersion( "1.01-beta-04-SNAPSHOT", "1.01-beta-05-SNAPSHOT" ); testNextVersion( "9.99.999-beta-9-SNAPSHOT", "9.99.999-beta-10-SNAPSHOT" ); testNextVersion( "9.99.999-beta-09-SNAPSHOT", "9.99.999-beta-10-SNAPSHOT" ); testNextVersion( "9.99.999-beta-009-SNAPSHOT", "9.99.999-beta-010-SNAPSHOT" ); testNextVersion( "9.99.999-beta9-SNAPSHOT", "9.99.999-beta10-SNAPSHOT" ); } public void testCompareToDigitsOnly() throws Exception { testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01", "1.02" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01", "1.00009" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01.99", "1.0002" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01", "1.01.01" ); testVersionEqualVersion( "1.01", "1.1" ); testVersionEqualVersion( "1.01", "1.01" ); testVersionEqualVersion( "1.01", "1.001" ); } public void testCompareToAnnotation() throws Exception { testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01-alpha", "1.01" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01-alpha", "1.01-beta" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01-beta", "1.01-RC1" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01-beta", "1.01-RC" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01-alpha-4", "1.01.1-beta-1" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01-alpha-4-SNAPSHOT", "1.01-beta" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "2.0", "2.0.1-SNAPSHOT" ); testVersionEqualVersion( "1.01-alpha-4-SNAPSHOT", "1.01-alpha-004-SNAPSHOT" ); } public void testCompareToAnnotationRevision() throws Exception { testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01-beta-04-SNAPSHOT", "1.01-beta-05-SNAPSHOT" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01-beta-0004-SNAPSHOT", "1.01-beta-5-SNAPSHOT" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01-beta-4-SNAPSHOT", "1.01.1-beta-4-SNAPSHOT" ); testVersionEqualVersion( "1.01-beta-4-SNAPSHOT", "1.01-beta-0004-SNAPSHOT" ); testVersionEqualVersion( "1.01-beta4", "1.01-beta-0004" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01-beta9", "1.01-RC1" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01-beta9", "1.01-RC-1" ); } public void testCompareToNoAnnotationVsAnnotation() throws Exception { testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01b", "1.01-beta" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01-RC1", "1.01" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01", "1.01-SP4" ); } public void testCompareToBuildSpecifier() throws Exception { testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01-SNAPSHOT", "1.01" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01-beta-04-SNAPSHOT", "1.01-beta-04" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "20040616", "1.01-beta-04-SNAPSHOT" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "20051112.134500", "1.01-beta-04-SNAPSHOT" ); testVersionEqualVersion( "1.01-beta-04-SNAPSHOT", "1.01-beta-04-SNAPSHOT" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01-beta-04-20051112.134500-2", "1.01-beta-04-SNAPSHOT" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01-beta-04-20051112.134500-1", "1.01-beta-04-20051112.134500-2" ); testVersionLessThanVersion( "1.01-beta-04-20051112.134500-1", "1.01-beta-04-20051113.134500-1" ); } public void testGetReleaseVersion() throws Exception { testGetReleaseVersion( "1.01", "1.01" ); testGetReleaseVersion( "1.01-beta", "1.01-beta" ); testGetReleaseVersion( "1.01-beta-04", "1.01-beta-04" ); testGetReleaseVersion( "1.01-beta-04-SNAPSHOT", "1.01-beta-04" ); testGetReleaseVersion( "1.01-beta-04-20051112.134500-1", "1.01-beta-04" ); } public void testGetSnapshotVersion() throws Exception { testGetSnapshotVersion( "1.01", "1.01-SNAPSHOT" ); testGetSnapshotVersion( "1.01-beta", "1.01-beta-SNAPSHOT" ); testGetSnapshotVersion( "1.01-beta-04", "1.01-beta-04-SNAPSHOT" ); testGetSnapshotVersion( "1.01-beta-04-SNAPSHOT", "1.01-beta-04-SNAPSHOT" ); testGetSnapshotVersion( "1.01-beta-04-20051112.134500-1", "1.01-beta-04-SNAPSHOT" ); testGetSnapshotVersion( "1.01-beta-04_20051112.134500-1", "1.01-beta-04_SNAPSHOT" ); } private void testGetReleaseVersion( String strVersion, String expected ) throws Exception { DefaultVersionInfo v = new DefaultVersionInfo( strVersion ); assertEquals( expected, v.getReleaseVersionString() ); } private void testGetSnapshotVersion( String strVersion, String expected ) throws Exception { DefaultVersionInfo v = new DefaultVersionInfo( strVersion ); assertEquals( expected, v.getSnapshotVersionString() ); } private void testParse( String strVersion, String component, String digits, String annotation, String annotationRevision, String buildSpecifier ) throws Exception { DefaultVersionInfo v = new DefaultVersionInfo( strVersion ); assertEquals( strVersion, v.getVersionString() ); assertEquals( component, v.getComponent() ); assertEquals( digits, DefaultVersionInfo.joinDigitString( v.getDigits() ) ); assertEquals( annotation, v.getAnnotation() ); assertEquals( annotationRevision, v.getAnnotationRevision() ); assertEquals( buildSpecifier, v.getBuildSpecifier() ); } private void testParseFail( String strVersion ) throws Exception { DefaultVersionInfo v = new DefaultVersionInfo( strVersion ); assertFalse( "Expected parse failure, but it was successful", v.isParsed() ); } private void testNextVersion( String strVersion, String nextVersion ) throws Exception { DefaultVersionInfo v = new DefaultVersionInfo( strVersion ); VersionInfo nextV = v.getNextVersion(); assertNotNull( nextV ); assertEquals( nextVersion, nextV.getVersionString() ); } private void testVersionLessThanVersion( String lesserVersion, String greaterVersion ) throws Exception { testCompareTo( lesserVersion, greaterVersion, false ); } private void testVersionEqualVersion( String version1, String version2 ) throws Exception { testCompareTo( version1, version2, true ); } private void testCompareTo( String lesserVersion, String greaterVersion, boolean equal ) throws Exception { DefaultVersionInfo lesserV = new DefaultVersionInfo( lesserVersion ); DefaultVersionInfo greaterV = new DefaultVersionInfo( greaterVersion ); if ( equal ) { assertEquals( lesserV.compareTo( greaterV ), 0 ); } else { assertTrue( lesserV.compareTo( greaterV ) < 0 ); } } }