package org.codehaus.mojo.axistools; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.maven.artifact.DependencyResolutionRequiredException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectHelper; import org.codehaus.mojo.axistools.axis.AxisPluginException; import org.codehaus.mojo.axistools.java2wsdl.DefaultJava2WSDLPlugin; /** * A Plugin for generating WSDL files using Axis Java2WSDL. * * @author jesse <> * @version $Id$ * @goal java2wsdl * @phase process-classes * @requiresDependencyResolution compile * @description Java2WSDL plugin */ public class Java2WSDLMojo extends AbstractMojo { /** * The directory the compile objects will be located for java2wsdl to source from. * @parameter default-value="${}" */ private File classesDirectory; /** * Directory for generated content. * * Corresponds to the <code>-o, --output</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool, * together with the {@linkplain #filename} parameter. * * @parameter default-value="${}/generated-sources/axistools/java2wsdl" */ private File outputDirectory; /** * Indicates the name of the output WSDL file. * * Corresponds to the <code>-o, --output</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool, * together with the {@linkplain #outputDirectory} parameter. * * @parameter expression="${fileName}" * @required */ private String filename; /** * The class-of-portType. * * @parameter expression="${classOfPortType}" */ private String classOfPortType; /** * Optional parameter that indicates the name of the input wsdl file. * The output wsdl file will contain everything from the input wsdl file plus the new constructs. * If a new construct is already present in the input wsdl file, it is not added. * This option is useful for constructing a wsdl file with multiple ports, bindings, or portTypes. * * Corresponds to the <code>-I, --input</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${input}" */ private String input; /** * Indicates the url of the location of the service. * The name after the last slash or backslash is the name of the service port * (unless overridden by the servicePortName option). * The service port address location attribute is assigned the specified value. * * Corresponds to the <code>-l, --location</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${location}" */ private String location; /** * Indicates the name to use for the portType element. If not specified, the * {@linkplain #classOfPortType} name is used. * * Corresponds to the <code>-P, --portTypeName</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${portTypeName}" */ private String portTypeName; /** * Indicates the name to use for the binding element. * If not specified, the value of the {@linkplain #servicePortName} + "SoapBinding" is used. * * Corresponds to the <code>-b, --bindingName</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${bindingName}" */ private String bindingName; /** * Service element name (defaults to servicePortName value + "Service"). * * Corresponds to the <code>-S, --serviceElementName</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${serviceElementName}" */ private String serviceElementName; /** * Indicates the name of the service port. * If not specified, the service port name is derived from the location value. * * Corresponds to the <code>-s, --servicePortName</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${servicePortName}" */ private String servicePortName; /** * Indicates the name of the target namespace of the WSDL. * * Corresponds to the <code>-n, --namespace</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${namespace}" */ private String namespace; /** * Package=namespace, name value pair. * The plugin currently only supports one name value pair. * * Corresponds to the <code>-p, --PkgtoNS</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${packageToNamespace}" */ private String packageToNamespace; /** * Methods to export. * * Corresponds to the <code>-m, --methods</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${methods}" */ private ArrayList methods; /** * Look for allowed methods in inherited class. * * Corresponds to the <code>-a, --all</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="false" */ private boolean all; /** * Indicates the kind of WSDL to generate. Accepted values are: * <ul> * <li>All --- (default) Generates wsdl containing both interface and * implementation WSDL constructs.</li> * <li>Interface --- Generates a WSDL containing the interface constructs * (no service element).</li> * <li>Implementation -- Generates a WSDL containing the implementation. * The interface WSDL is imported via the {@linkplain #locationImport} * option.</li> * </ul> * * Corresponds to the <code>-w, --outputWsdlMode</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${outputWSDLMode}" */ private String outputWSDLMode; /** * Used to indicate the location of the interface WSDL when generating an implementation WSDL. * * Corresponds to the <code>-L, --locationImport</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${locationImport}" */ private String locationImport; /** * Namespace of the implementation WSDL. * * Corresponds to the <code>-N, --namespaceImpl</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${namespaceImpl}" */ private String namespaceImpl; /** * Use this option to indicate the name of the output implementation WSDL file. * If specified, Java2WSDL will produce interface and implementation WSDL files. * If this option is used, the {@linkplain #outputWSDLMode} option is ignored. * * Corresponds to the <code>-O, --outputImpl</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${outputImpl}" */ private String outputImpl; /** * Sometimes extra information is available in the implementation class file. * Use this option to specify the implementation class. * * Corresponds to the <code>-i, --implClass</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${implClass}" */ private String implClass; /** * List of methods not to export. * * Corresponds to the <code>-x, --exclude</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${exclude}" */ private ArrayList excludes; /** * List of classes which stop the Java2WSDL inheritance search. * * Corresponds to the <code>-c, --stopClasses</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${stopClasses}" */ private ArrayList stopClasses; /** * Choose the default type mapping registry to use. Either 1.1 or 1.2. * * Corresponds to the <code>-T, --typeMappingVersion</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${typeMappingVersion}" */ private String typeMappingVersion; /** * The value of the operations soapAction field. * Values are DEFAULT, OPERATION or NONE. * OPERATION forces soapAction to the name of the operation. * DEFAULT causes the soapAction to be set according to the operation's meta data (usually ""). * NONE forces the soapAction to "". The default is DEFAULT. * * Corresponds to the <code>-A, --soapAction</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${soapAction}" */ private String soapAction; /** * The style of the WSDL document: RPC, DOCUMENT or WRAPPED. * The default is RPC. If RPC is specified, an rpc wsdl is generated. * If DOCUMENT is specified, a document wsdl is generated. * If WRAPPED is specified, a document/literal wsdl is generated using the wrapped approach. * Wrapped style forces the use attribute to be literal. * * Corresponds to the <code>-y, --style</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${style}" */ private String style; /** * The use of the WSDL document: LITERAL or ENCODED. * If LITERAL is specified, the XML Schema defines the representation of the XML for the request. * If ENCODED is specified, SOAP encoding is specified in the generated WSDL. * * Corresponds to the <code>-u, --use</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${use}" */ private String use; /** * Specify a list of class names which should be included in the types * section of the WSDL document. * This is useful in the case where your service interface references a base * class and you would like your WSDL to contain XML Schema type definitions * for these other classes. * * Corresponds to the <code>-e, --extraClasses</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${extraClasses}" */ private ArrayList extraClasses; /** * A file or URL to an XML Schema that should be physically imported into the generated WSDL. * * Corresponds to the <code>-C, --importSchema</code> option in the Java2WSDL command line tool. * * @parameter expression="${importSchema}" */ private String importSchema; /** * @parameter expression="${project}" * @required * @readonly */ private MavenProject project; /** * @component */ private MavenProjectHelper projectHelper; public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { DefaultJava2WSDLPlugin plugin = new DefaultJava2WSDLPlugin(); String classpath = getCompileClasspath(); plugin.setAll( all ); plugin.setBindingName( bindingName ); plugin.setClasspath( classpath ); plugin.setClassOfPortType( classOfPortType ); plugin.setExcludes( excludes ); plugin.setExtraClasses( extraClasses ); plugin.setFilename( filename ); plugin.setImplClass( implClass ); plugin.setImportSchema( importSchema ); plugin.setInput( input ); plugin.setLocation( location ); plugin.setLocationImport( locationImport ); plugin.setMethods( methods ); plugin.setNamespace( namespace ); plugin.setNamespaceImpl( namespaceImpl ); plugin.setOutputDirectory( outputDirectory ); plugin.setOutputImpl( outputImpl ); plugin.setOutputWSDLMode( outputWSDLMode ); plugin.setPackageToNamespace( packageToNamespace ); plugin.setPortTypeName( portTypeName ); plugin.setServiceElementName( serviceElementName ); plugin.setServicePortName( servicePortName ); plugin.setSoapAction( soapAction ); plugin.setStopClasses( stopClasses ); plugin.setStyle( style ); plugin.setTypeMappingVersion( typeMappingVersion ); plugin.setUse( use ); plugin.setLog( getLog() ); plugin.setProjectHelper( projectHelper ); plugin.setProject( project ); try { plugin.execute(); } catch ( AxisPluginException e ) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error executing creating WSDL from the Java code.", e ); } } /** * Computes the runtime classpath. * * @return A representation of the computed runtime classpath. * @throws MojoExecutionException in case of dependency resolution failure */ private String getCompileClasspath() throws MojoExecutionException { try { // get the union of compile- and runtime classpath elements Set dependencySet = new LinkedHashSet(); dependencySet.addAll( project.getCompileClasspathElements() ); dependencySet.add( classesDirectory.getAbsolutePath() ); String compileClasspath = StringUtils.join( dependencySet, File.pathSeparator ); return compileClasspath; } catch ( DependencyResolutionRequiredException e ) { throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e ); } } }