package org.codehaus.mojo.taglist; import; import; import org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.AbstractMojoTestCase; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils; public abstract class AbstractTaglistMojoTestCase extends AbstractMojoTestCase { public static final String TEST_ENCODING = "UTF-8"; /** * Returns a {@link TagListReport} configured by pluginXmlFile. * * @param pluginXmlFile file to configure Mojo with, must exist. * @return a configured Mojo, never null. * @throws Exception in case of non-existing pluginXmlFile or mojo not found. */ protected TagListReport getTagListReport( File pluginXmlFile ) throws Exception { assertTrue( "Cannot find plugin file.", pluginXmlFile.exists() ); TagListReport mojo = (TagListReport) lookupMojo( "taglist", pluginXmlFile ); assertNotNull( "Mojo not found.", mojo ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "encoding", TEST_ENCODING ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "xmlOutputDirectory", new File( mojo.getOutputDirectory(), "taglist" ) ); return mojo; } /** * Reads the generated taglist report into a String. * @param mojo to use as source * @return a String containing the contents. * @throws IOException in case of generic I/O errors. */ protected String getGeneratedOutput( TagListReport mojo ) throws IOException { File outputDir = mojo.getReportOutputDirectory(); String filename = mojo.getOutputName() + ".html"; File outputHtml = new File( outputDir, filename ); assertTrue( "Cannont find output html file", outputHtml.exists() ); String htmlString = FileUtils.fileRead( outputHtml, TEST_ENCODING ); return htmlString; } /** * Reads the generated taglist XML report into a String. * @param mojo to use as source * @return a String containing the contents. * @throws IOException in case of generic I/O errors. */ protected String getGeneratedXMLOutput( TagListReport mojo ) throws IOException { File outputDir = new File(mojo.getXMLOutputDirectory()); String filename = mojo.getOutputName() + ".xml"; File outputXML = new File( outputDir, filename ); assertTrue( "Cannont find output xml file", outputXML.exists() ); String xmlString = FileUtils.fileRead( outputXML, TEST_ENCODING ); return xmlString; } }