package org.codehaus.mojo.exec; /* * Copyright 2005 The Codehaus. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository; import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.DefaultArtifactRepository; import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.layout.ArtifactRepositoryLayout; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.SystemStreamLog; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectBuilder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringOutputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException; import org.apache.commons.exec.Executor; import org.apache.commons.exec.OS; import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger; import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.console.ConsoleLogger; import org.apache.maven.monitor.logging.DefaultLog; import org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.AbstractMojoTestCase; /** * @author Jerome Lacoste <> * @version $Id$ */ public class ExecMojoTest extends AbstractMojoTestCase { private MockExecMojo mojo; static class MockExecMojo extends ExecMojo { public int executeResult; public List commandLines = new ArrayList(); public String failureMsg; public Map systemProperties = new HashMap(); protected int executeCommandLine( Executor exec, CommandLine commandLine, Map enviro, OutputStream out, OutputStream err ) throws IOException, ExecuteException { commandLines.add( commandLine ); if ( failureMsg != null ) { throw new ExecuteException( failureMsg, executeResult ); } return executeResult; } protected String getSystemProperty( String key ) { return (String) systemProperties.get( key ); } int getAmountExecutedCommandLines() { return commandLines.size(); } CommandLine getExecutedCommandline( int index ) { return ((CommandLine) commandLines.get( index )); } } public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); mojo = new MockExecMojo(); // note: most of the tests below assume that the specified // executable path is not fully specicied. See ExecMojo#getExecutablePath mojo.setExecutable( "mvn" ); mojo.setArguments( Arrays.asList( new String[]{"--version"} ) ); mojo.executeResult = 0; mojo.setBasedir( File.createTempFile( "mvn-temp", "txt" ).getParentFile() ); } /** */ public void testRunOK() throws MojoExecutionException { mojo.execute(); checkMojo( "mvn --version" ); } /* This one won't work yet public void xxtestSimpleRunPropertiesAndArguments() throws MojoExecutionException, Exception { File pom = new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/projects/project1/pom.xml" ); String output = execute( pom, "exec" ); System.out.println(" OUTPUT" + output + "\n\n\n"); String expectedOutput = "arg.arg1\narg.arg2\nproject.env1=value1"; // FIXME should work on Windows as well assertEquals( expectedOutput, output ); } */ /** * integration test... * - compile the Test class using mvn clean compile * - run the test file using java, use it to generate a file whose contains are compared to expected output */ /* public void testRunOKWithAutoComputedClasspath() throws MojoExecutionException, Exception { String projectName = "project1"; ExecMojo mojo = new ExecMojo(); setUpProject( projectName, mojo ); // compile project mojo.setExecutable( "mvn" ); mojo.setWorkingDirectory( new File( "src/test/projects/" + projectName + "/" ) ); mojo.setArguments( Arrays.asList( new String[]{"clean", "compile"} ) ); mojo.execute(); mojo.getLog().info( "executed mvn clean compile" ); // the command executes the test class mojo.setExecutable( "java" ); mojo.setWorkingDirectory( (File) null ); Classpath classpath = new Classpath(); mojo.setArguments( Arrays.asList( new Object[]{"-Dproject.env1=value1", "-classpath", classpath, "org.codehaus.mojo.exec.test.Test", new File( "src/test/projects/" + projectName + "/target/exec/output.txt" ).getAbsolutePath(), "arg1", "arg2"} ) ); mojo.execute(); // checking the command line would involve resolving the repository // checkMojo( "java -cp" ); assertFileEquals( null, getTestFile( "src/test/projects/" + projectName + "/output.txt" ), getTestFile( "src/test/projects/" + projectName + "/target/exec/output.txt" ) ); // the command executes the test class, this time specifying the dependencies mojo.setExecutable( "java" ); mojo.setWorkingDirectory( (File) null ); classpath = new Classpath(); List dependencies = new ArrayList(); dependencies.add( "commons-io:commons-io" ); classpath.setDependencies( dependencies ); mojo.setArguments( Arrays.asList( new Object[]{"-Dproject.env1=value1", "-classpath", classpath, "org.codehaus.mojo.exec.test.Test", new File( "src/test/projects/" + projectName + "/target/exec/output.txt" ).getAbsolutePath(), "arg1", "arg2"} ) ); mojo.execute(); // checking the command line would involve resolving the repository // checkMojo( "java -cp" ); assertFileEquals( null, getTestFile( "src/test/projects/" + projectName + "/output.txt" ), getTestFile( "src/test/projects/" + projectName + "/target/exec/output.txt" ) ); } */ /** * @return output from System.out during mojo execution */ private String execute( File pom, String goal ) throws Exception { ExecMojo mojo; mojo = (ExecMojo) lookupMojo( goal, pom ); setUpProject( pom, mojo ); MavenProject project = (MavenProject) getVariableValueFromObject( mojo, "project" ); // why isn't this set up by the harness based on the default-value? TODO get to bottom of this! // setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "includeProjectDependencies", Boolean.TRUE ); // setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "killAfter", new Long( -1 ) ); assertNotNull( mojo ); assertNotNull( project ); // trap System.out PrintStream out = System.out; StringOutputStream stringOutputStream = new StringOutputStream(); System.setOut( new PrintStream( stringOutputStream ) ); // ensure we don't log unnecessary stuff which would interfere with assessing success of tests mojo.setLog( new DefaultLog( new ConsoleLogger( Logger.LEVEL_ERROR, "exec:exec" ) ) ); try { mojo.execute(); } catch ( Throwable e ) { e.printStackTrace( System.err ); fail( e.getMessage() ); } finally { System.setOut( out ); } return stringOutputStream.toString(); } private void setUpProject( File pomFile, ExecMojo mojo ) throws Exception { MavenProjectBuilder builder = (MavenProjectBuilder) lookup( MavenProjectBuilder.ROLE ); ArtifactRepositoryLayout localRepositoryLayout = (ArtifactRepositoryLayout) lookup( ArtifactRepositoryLayout.ROLE, "default" ); String path = "src/test/repository"; ArtifactRepository localRepository = new DefaultArtifactRepository( "local", "file://" + new File( path ).getAbsolutePath(), localRepositoryLayout ); mojo.setBasedir( File.createTempFile( "mvn-temp", "txt" ).getParentFile() ); MavenProject project = builder.buildWithDependencies( pomFile, localRepository, null ); // this gets the classes for these tests of this mojo (exec plugin) onto the project classpath for the test project.getBuild().setOutputDirectory( new File( "target/test-classes" ).getAbsolutePath() ); mojo.setProject( project ); mojo.setLog( new SystemStreamLog() { public boolean isDebugEnabled() { return true; } } ); } // MEXEC-12, MEXEC-72 public void testGetExecutablePath() throws IOException { ExecMojo realMojo = new ExecMojo(); File workdir = new File( System.getProperty( "user.dir" ) ); Map enviro = new HashMap(); String myJavaPath = "target" + File.separator + "javax"; File f = new File( myJavaPath ); assertTrue( "file created...", f.createNewFile() ); assertTrue( "file exists...", f.exists() ); realMojo.setExecutable( myJavaPath ); CommandLine cmd = realMojo.getExecutablePath(enviro, workdir); assertTrue( "File exists so path is absolute", cmd.getExecutable().startsWith( System.getProperty( "user.dir" ) ) ); f.delete(); assertFalse( "file deleted...", f.exists() ); cmd = realMojo.getExecutablePath(enviro, workdir); assertEquals( "File doesn't exist. Let the system find it (in that PATH?)", myJavaPath, cmd.getExecutable() ); if ( OS.isFamilyWindows() ) //how to make this part of the test run on other platforms as well?? { myJavaPath = "target" + File.separator + "javax.bat"; f = new File( myJavaPath ); assertTrue( "file created...", f.createNewFile() ); assertTrue( "file exists...", f.exists() ); realMojo.setExecutable( "javax.bat" ); cmd = realMojo.getExecutablePath( enviro, workdir ); assertTrue( "is bat file on windows, execute using cmd.", cmd.getExecutable().equals( "cmd" ) ); enviro.put( "PATH", workdir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "target" ); cmd = realMojo.getExecutablePath( enviro, workdir ); assertTrue( "is bat file on windows' PATH, execute using cmd.", cmd.getExecutable().equals( "cmd" ) ); f.delete(); assertFalse( "file deleted...", f.exists() ); } } public void testRunFailure() { mojo.executeResult = 1; try { mojo.execute(); fail( "expected failure" ); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( "Result of " + mojo.getExecutedCommandline( 0 ) + " execution is: '1'.", e.getMessage() ); } checkMojo( "mvn --version" ); } public void testRunError() { mojo.failureMsg = "simulated failure"; try { mojo.execute(); fail( "expected failure" ); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( "Command execution failed.", e.getMessage() ); } checkMojo( "mvn --version" ); } public void testOverrides() throws MojoExecutionException { mojo.systemProperties.put( "exec.args", "-f pom.xml" ); mojo.execute(); checkMojo( "mvn -f pom.xml" ); } public void testOverrides3() throws MojoExecutionException { mojo.systemProperties.put( "exec.args", null ); mojo.execute(); checkMojo( "mvn --version" ); mojo.commandLines.clear(); mojo.systemProperties.put( "exec.args", "" ); mojo.execute(); checkMojo( "mvn --version" ); } public void testIsResultCodeAFailure() { ExecMojo execMojo = new ExecMojo(); assertTrue(execMojo.isResultCodeAFailure(1)); assertFalse(execMojo.isResultCodeAFailure(0)); execMojo.setSuccessCodes(new ArrayList()); assertTrue(execMojo.isResultCodeAFailure(1)); assertFalse(execMojo.isResultCodeAFailure(0)); execMojo.setSuccessCodes(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "2", "5" })); assertTrue(execMojo.isResultCodeAFailure(0)); assertTrue(execMojo.isResultCodeAFailure(10)); assertFalse(execMojo.isResultCodeAFailure(2)); assertFalse(execMojo.isResultCodeAFailure(5)); } // MEXEC-81 public void testParseCommandlineOSWin() throws Exception { ExecMojo execMojo = new ExecMojo(); final String javaHome = "C:\\Java\\jdk1.5.0_15"; // can only be set by expression or plugin-configuration setVariableValueToObject( execMojo, "commandlineArgs", javaHome ); String[] args = execMojo.parseCommandlineArgs(); assertEquals( javaHome, args[0] ); } private void checkMojo( String expectedCommandLine ) { assertEquals( 1, mojo.getAmountExecutedCommandLines() ); CommandLine commandline = mojo.getExecutedCommandline( 0 ); // do NOT depend on Commandline toString() assertEquals(expectedCommandLine, getCommandLineAsString( commandline )); } private String getCommandLineAsString( CommandLine commandline ) { //for the sake of the test comparisons, cut out the eventual //cmd /c *.bat conversion String result = commandline.getExecutable(); boolean isCmd = false; if (OS.isFamilyWindows() && result.equals("cmd")) { result = ""; isCmd = true; } String[] arguments = commandline.getArguments(); for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { String arg = arguments[i]; if (isCmd && i == 0 && "/c".equals(arg)) { continue; } if (isCmd && i == 1 && arg.endsWith( ".bat")) { arg = arg.substring( 0, arg.length() - ".bat".length()); } result += (result.length() == 0 ? "" : " ") + arg; } return result; } // TAKEN FROM NetbeansFreeformPluginTest - refactor ? /** * This method asserts that the two given files are equals in their * content. * * @param mavenRepo Not used. * @param expectedFile The file that is expected. * @param actualFile The file that is. * @throws if something goes wrong. */ private void assertFileEquals( String mavenRepo, File expectedFile, File actualFile ) throws IOException { List expectedLines = getLines( mavenRepo, expectedFile ); List actualLines = getLines( mavenRepo, actualFile ); for ( int i = 0; i < expectedLines.size(); i++ ) { String expected = expectedLines.get( i ).toString(); if ( actualLines.size() < i ) { fail( "Too few lines in the actual file. Was " + actualLines.size() + ", expected: " + expectedLines.size() ); } String actual = actualLines.get( i ).toString(); assertEquals( "Checking line #" + ( i + 1 ), expected, actual ); } assertTrue( "Unequal number of lines.", expectedLines.size() == actualLines.size() ); } /** * This method gives the list of String in a file. * * @param mavenRepo Not used. * @param file The file to be read. * @return The list of the lines of the file. * @throws if something goes wrong. */ private List getLines( String mavenRepo, File file ) throws IOException { List lines = new ArrayList(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( file ) ); String line; while ( ( line = reader.readLine() ) != null ) { lines.add( line ); //StringUtils.replace( line, "#ArtifactRepositoryPath#", mavenRepo.replace( '\\', '/' ) ) ); } return lines; } }