package org.codehaus.mojo.pomtools.console.screens.editors; /* * Copyright 2001-2006 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import java.util.List; import org.codehaus.mojo.pomtools.console.screens.AbstractModelScreen; import org.codehaus.mojo.pomtools.console.toolkit.ConsoleEvent; import org.codehaus.mojo.pomtools.console.toolkit.ConsoleExecutionException; import org.codehaus.mojo.pomtools.console.toolkit.event.ConsoleEventDispatcher; import org.codehaus.mojo.pomtools.console.toolkit.event.MatchingListener; /** * * @author <a href="">David Hawkins</a> * @version $Id$ */ public abstract class AbstractEditListItemScreen extends AbstractModelScreen { protected static final String KEY_PREVIOUS_LIST_ITEM = "<"; protected static final String KEY_NEXT_LIST_ITEM = ">"; private Object editorObject; private List containingList; private int itemIndex = -1; public AbstractEditListItemScreen( String name, Object editorObject ) { super( name ); this.containingList = null; this.editorObject = editorObject; if ( this.editorObject == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "editorObject cannot be null" ); } } public AbstractEditListItemScreen( String name, List containingList, int index ) { super( name ); this.containingList = containingList; setCurrentIndex( index ); } protected void setCurrentIndex( int index ) { this.itemIndex = index; if ( itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < containingList.size() ) { this.editorObject = containingList.get( itemIndex ); } else { this.editorObject = null; } } protected void setContainingList( List list, int index ) { this.containingList = list; setCurrentIndex( index ); } protected Object getEditorObject() { return editorObject; } protected List getContainingList() { return containingList; } protected boolean hasContainingList() { return containingList != null; } protected boolean hasNext() { return hasContainingList() && itemIndex < containingList.size() - 1; } protected boolean hasPrevious() { return hasContainingList() && itemIndex > 0; } public ConsoleEventDispatcher getDefaultEventDispatcher() throws ConsoleExecutionException { final ConsoleEventDispatcher ced = super.getDefaultEventDispatcher(); if ( hasContainingList() ) { ced.addFirst( new MatchingListener( KEY_DELETE_ITEM, "Delete this item" ) { public void processEvent( ConsoleEvent event ) throws ConsoleExecutionException { getContainingList().remove( editorObject ); event.setReturnToPreviousScreen(); } } ); if ( hasNext() ) { ced.addFirst( new MatchingListener( KEY_NEXT_LIST_ITEM, "Next item in list" ) { public void processEvent( ConsoleEvent event ) throws ConsoleExecutionException { setCurrentIndex( ++itemIndex ); } } ); } if ( hasPrevious() ) { ced.addFirst( new MatchingListener( KEY_PREVIOUS_LIST_ITEM, "Previous item in list" ) { public void processEvent( ConsoleEvent event ) throws ConsoleExecutionException { setCurrentIndex( --itemIndex ); } } ); } } return ced; } protected OptionsPane getOptionsPane() { return getOptionsPane( true ); } protected OptionsPane getOptionsPane( boolean includeDelete ) { OptionsPane options = new OptionsPane(); if ( hasContainingList() ) { if ( hasPrevious() ) { options.add( KEY_PREVIOUS_LIST_ITEM, "Previous item in list" ); } if ( hasNext() ) { options.add( KEY_NEXT_LIST_ITEM, "Next item in list" ); } if ( includeDelete ) { options.add( KEY_DELETE_ITEM, "Delete this item from the list" ); } } return options; } }