package org.codehaus.mojo.rat; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory; import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.DefaultArtifactFactory; import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository; import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.DefaultArtifactRepository; import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.layout.ArtifactRepositoryLayout; import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolver; import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.DefaultArtifactResolver; import org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer.Renderer; import org.apache.maven.model.Build; import org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.AbstractMojoTestCase; import org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.stubs.MavenProjectStub; import org.apache.maven.settings.Settings; import; /** * Test case for the {@link RatCheckMojo}. */ public class RatCheckMojoTest extends AbstractMojoTestCase { /** * Creates a new instance of {@link Renderer}. * @return A configured instance of {@link DefaultRenderer}. * @throws Exception Creating the object failed. */ private Renderer newSiteRenderer() throws Exception { return (Renderer) container.lookup( Renderer.ROLE, "default" ); } /** * Creates a new instance of {@link ArtifactFactory}. * @return A configured instance of {@link DefaultArtifactFactory}. * @throws Exception Creating the object failed. */ private ArtifactFactory newArtifactFactory() throws Exception { final InvocationHandler handler = new InvocationHandler(){ public Object invoke( Object pProxy, Method pMethod, Object[] pArgs ) throws Throwable { System.out.println("Invoking method " + pMethod); throw new IllegalStateException( "Not implemented" ); } }; return (ArtifactFactory) Proxy.newProxyInstance( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), new Class[]{ ArtifactFactory.class }, handler ); } /** * Creates a new instance of {@link ArtifactResolver}. * @return A configured instance of {@link DefaultArtifactResolver}. * @throws Exception Creating the object failed. */ private ArtifactResolver newArtifactResolver() throws Exception { final InvocationHandler handler = new InvocationHandler(){ public Object invoke( Object pProxy, Method pMethod, Object[] pArgs ) throws Throwable { System.out.println("Invoking method " + pMethod); throw new IllegalStateException( "Not implemented" ); } }; return (ArtifactResolver) Proxy.newProxyInstance( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), new Class[]{ ArtifactResolver.class }, handler ); } /** * Creates an instance of {@link ArtifactRepository}. * @return A configured instance of {@link DefaultArtifactRepository}. * @throws Exception Creating the object failed. */ private ArtifactRepository newArtifactRepository() throws Exception { File m2Dir = new File( System.getProperty( "user.home" ), ".m2" ); File settingsFile = new File( m2Dir, "settings.xml" ); String localRepo = null; if ( settingsFile.exists() ) { Settings settings = new SettingsXpp3Reader().read( new FileReader( settingsFile ) ); localRepo = settings.getLocalRepository(); } if ( localRepo == null ) { localRepo = System.getProperty( "user.home" ) + "/.m2/repository"; } ArtifactRepositoryLayout repositoryLayout = (ArtifactRepositoryLayout) container.lookup(ArtifactRepositoryLayout.ROLE, "default" ); return new DefaultArtifactRepository( "local", "file://" + localRepo, repositoryLayout ); } /** * Creates a new instance of {@link RatCheckMojo}. * @param pDir The directory, where to look for a pom.xml file. * @return The configured Mojo. * @throws Exception An error occurred while creating the Mojo. */ private RatCheckMojo newRatCheckMojo( String pDir ) throws Exception { return (RatCheckMojo) newRatMojo( pDir, "check" ); } /** * Creates a new instance of {@link AbstractRatMojo}. * @param pDir The directory, where to look for a pom.xml file. * @param pGoal The goal, which the Mojo must implement. * @return The configured Mojo. * @throws Exception An error occurred while creating the Mojo. */ private AbstractRatMojo newRatMojo( String pDir, String pGoal ) throws Exception { final File baseDir = new File( getBasedir() ); final File testBaseDir = new File( new File( baseDir, "src/test" ), pDir ); File testPom = new File( testBaseDir, "pom.xml" ); AbstractRatMojo mojo = (AbstractRatMojo) lookupMojo( pGoal, testPom ); assertNotNull( mojo ); final File buildDirectory = new File( new File( baseDir, "target/test" ), pDir ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "basedir", testBaseDir ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "addDefaultLicenseMatchers", Boolean.TRUE ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "useDefaultExcludes", Boolean.TRUE ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "useMavenDefaultExcludes", Boolean.TRUE ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "useEclipseDefaultExcludes", Boolean.TRUE ); final Build build = new Build(); build.setDirectory( buildDirectory.getPath() ); final MavenProjectStub project = new MavenProjectStub(){ public Build getBuild() { return build; } }; setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "project", project ); if (mojo instanceof RatReportMojo) { setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "localRepository", newArtifactRepository() ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "resolver", newArtifactResolver() ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "factory", newArtifactFactory() ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "siteRenderer", newSiteRenderer() ); } else if ( mojo instanceof RatCheckMojo ) { final File ratTxtFile = new File( buildDirectory, "rat.txt" ); setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "reportFile", ratTxtFile ); } return mojo; } /** * Creates a new instance of {@link RatReportMojo}. * @param pDir The directory where to read the POM file. * @return The configured Mojo. * @throws Exception An error occurred while creating the Mojo. */ private RatReportMojo newRatReportMojo( String pDir ) throws Exception { return (RatReportMojo) newRatMojo( pDir, "rat" ); } /** * Reads the location of the rat text file from the Mojo. * @param pMojo The configured Mojo. * @return Value of the "reportFile" property. * @throws Exception An error occurred while reading the property. */ private File getRatTxtFile( RatCheckMojo pMojo ) throws Exception { return (File) getVariableValueFromObject( pMojo, "reportFile" ); } /** * Runs a check, which should expose no problems. * @throws Exception The test failed. */ public void testIt1() throws Exception { final RatCheckMojo mojo = newRatCheckMojo( "it1" ); final File ratTxtFile = getRatTxtFile(mojo); mojo.execute(); checkResult( ratTxtFile, 1, 0 ); } /** * Reads the created report file and verifies, whether the detected numbers * are matching. * @param pRatTxtFile The file to read. * @param pNumAslFiles The number of files with ASL. * @param pNumNoLicenseFiles The number of files without license. * @throws IOException An error occurred while reading the file. */ private void checkResult( File pRatTxtFile, int pNumAslFiles, int pNumNoLicenseFiles ) throws IOException { assertTrue( pRatTxtFile.exists() ); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( pRatTxtFile ) ); Integer numAslFiles = null; Integer numNoLicenseFiles = null; for (;;) { String line = reader.readLine(); if ( line == null ) { break; } int offset = line.indexOf( "Apache Licensed: " ); if ( offset >= 0 ) { numAslFiles = new Integer( line.substring( offset + "Apache Licensed: ".length() ).trim() ); } offset = line.indexOf( "Unknown Licenses" ); if ( offset >= 0 ) { numNoLicenseFiles = new Integer( line.substring( 0, offset ).trim() ); } } reader.close(); assertEquals( new Integer( pNumAslFiles), numAslFiles ); assertEquals( new Integer( pNumNoLicenseFiles ), numNoLicenseFiles ); } /** * Runs a check, which should detect a problem. * @throws Exception The test failed. */ public void testIt2() throws Exception { final RatCheckMojo mojo = newRatCheckMojo( "it2" ); final File ratTxtFile = getRatTxtFile(mojo); try { mojo.execute(); fail( "Expected RatCheckException" ); } catch ( RatCheckException e ) { // Ok } checkResult( ratTxtFile, 1, 1 ); } // /** // * Runs a report, which should detect no problems. // * @throws Exception The test failed. // */ // public void testIt3() throws Exception { // final RatReportMojo mojo = newRatReportMojo( "it3" ); // mojo.execute(); // } }