package org.codehaus.mojo.pml10n; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * An interpreter that uses Google's Translation API to translate text. * * @author Stephen Connolly * @since 03-Oct-2009 14:23:01 */ public class GoogleInterpreter implements Interpreter { private static final Map/*<Locale, String>*/ googleLanguages = getLocaleLanguageMap(); private static final Map/*<Locale, String>*/ getLocaleLanguageMap() { Map/*<Locale, String>*/ result = new HashMap/*<Locale, String>*/(); result.put( new Locale( "af" ), "af" ); // AFRIKAANS result.put( new Locale( "sq" ), "sq" ); // ALBANIAN result.put( new Locale( "am" ), "am" ); // AMHARIC result.put( new Locale( "ar" ), "ar" ); // ARABIC result.put( new Locale( "hy" ), "hy" ); // ARMENIAN result.put( new Locale( "az" ), "az" ); // AZERBAIJANI result.put( new Locale( "eu" ), "eu" ); // BASQUE result.put( new Locale( "be" ), "be" ); // BELARUSIAN result.put( new Locale( "bn" ), "bn" ); // BENGALI result.put( new Locale( "bh" ), "bh" ); // BIHARI result.put( new Locale( "bg" ), "bg" ); // BULGARIAN result.put( new Locale( "my" ), "my" ); // BURMESE result.put( new Locale( "ca" ), "ca" ); // CATALAN result.put( new Locale( "chr" ), "chr" ); // CHEROKEE result.put( new Locale( "zh" ), "zh" ); // CHINESE result.put( new Locale( "zh", "CN" ), "zh-CN" ); // CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED result.put( new Locale( "zh", "TW" ), "zh-TW" ); // CHINESE_TRADITIONAL result.put( new Locale( "hr" ), "hr" ); // CROATIAN result.put( new Locale( "cs" ), "cs" ); // CZECH result.put( new Locale( "da" ), "da" ); // DANISH result.put( new Locale( "dv" ), "dv" ); // DHIVEHI result.put( new Locale( "nl" ), "nl" ); // DUTCH result.put( new Locale( "en" ), "en" ); // ENGLISH result.put( new Locale( "eo" ), "eo" ); // ESPERANTO result.put( new Locale( "et" ), "et" ); // ESTONIAN result.put( new Locale( "tl" ), "tl" ); // FILIPINO result.put( new Locale( "fi" ), "fi" ); // FINNISH result.put( new Locale( "fr" ), "fr" ); // FRENCH result.put( new Locale( "gl" ), "gl" ); // GALACIAN result.put( new Locale( "ka" ), "ka" ); // GEORGIAN result.put( new Locale( "de" ), "de" ); // GERMAN result.put( new Locale( "el" ), "el" ); // GREEK result.put( new Locale( "gn" ), "gn" ); // GUARANI result.put( new Locale( "gu" ), "gu" ); // GUJARATI result.put( new Locale( "iw" ), "iw" ); // HEBREW result.put( new Locale( "hi" ), "hi" ); // HINDI result.put( new Locale( "hu" ), "hu" ); // HUNGARIAN result.put( new Locale( "is" ), "is" ); // ICELANDIC result.put( new Locale( "id" ), "id" ); // INDONESIAN result.put( new Locale( "iu" ), "iu" ); // INUKTITUT result.put( new Locale( "ga" ), "ga" ); // IRISH result.put( new Locale( "it" ), "it" ); // ITALIAN result.put( new Locale( "ja" ), "ja" ); // JAPANESE result.put( new Locale( "kn" ), "kn" ); // KANNADA result.put( new Locale( "kk" ), "kk" ); // KAZAKH result.put( new Locale( "km" ), "km" ); // KHMER result.put( new Locale( "ko" ), "ko" ); // KOREAN result.put( new Locale( "ku" ), "ku" ); // KURDISH result.put( new Locale( "ky" ), "ky" ); // KYRGYZ result.put( new Locale( "lo" ), "lo" ); // LAOTHIAN result.put( new Locale( "lv" ), "lv" ); // LATVIAN result.put( new Locale( "lt" ), "lt" ); // LITHUANIAN result.put( new Locale( "mk" ), "mk" ); // MACEDONIAN result.put( new Locale( "ms" ), "ms" ); // MALAY result.put( new Locale( "ml" ), "ml" ); // MALAYALAM result.put( new Locale( "mt" ), "mt" ); // MALTESE result.put( new Locale( "mr" ), "mr" ); // MARATHI result.put( new Locale( "mn" ), "mn" ); // MONGOLIAN result.put( new Locale( "ne" ), "ne" ); // NEPALI result.put( new Locale( "no" ), "no" ); // NORWEGIAN result.put( new Locale( "or" ), "or" ); // ORIYA result.put( new Locale( "ps" ), "ps" ); // PASHTO result.put( new Locale( "fa" ), "fa" ); // PERSIAN result.put( new Locale( "pl" ), "pl" ); // POLISH result.put( new Locale( "pt" ), "pt" ); // PORTUGUESE result.put( new Locale( "pa" ), "pa" ); // PUNJABI result.put( new Locale( "ro" ), "ro" ); // ROMANIAN result.put( new Locale( "ru" ), "ru" ); // RUSSIAN result.put( new Locale( "sa" ), "sa" ); // SANSKRIT result.put( new Locale( "sr" ), "srf" ); // SERBIAN result.put( new Locale( "sd" ), "sd" ); // SINDHI result.put( new Locale( "si" ), "si" ); // SINHALESE result.put( new Locale( "sk" ), "sk" ); // SLOVAK result.put( new Locale( "sl" ), "sl" ); // SLOVENIAN result.put( new Locale( "es" ), "es" ); // SPANISH result.put( new Locale( "sw" ), "sw" ); // SWAHILI result.put( new Locale( "sv" ), "sv" ); // SWEDISH result.put( new Locale( "tg" ), "tg" ); // TAJIK result.put( new Locale( "ta" ), "ta" ); // TAMIL result.put( new Locale( "tl" ), "tl" ); // TAGALOG result.put( new Locale( "te" ), "te" ); // TELUGU result.put( new Locale( "th" ), "th" ); // THAI result.put( new Locale( "bo" ), "bo" ); // TIBETAN result.put( new Locale( "tr" ), "tr" ); // TURKISH result.put( new Locale( "uk" ), "uk" ); // UKRANIAN result.put( new Locale( "ur" ), "ur" ); // URDU result.put( new Locale( "uz" ), "uz" ); // UZBEK result.put( new Locale( "ug" ), "ug" ); // UIGHUR result.put( new Locale( "vi" ), "vi" ); // VIETNAMESE result.put( new Locale( "cy" ), "cy" ); // WELSH result.put( new Locale( "yi" ), "yi" ); // YIDDISH return result; } private final String referrer; private final String urlPattern; private static final String UTF8 = "UTF-8"; public GoogleInterpreter( String referrer ) throws IOException { this.referrer = referrer; final Properties properties = new Properties(); final InputStream inputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream( getClass().getSimpleName() + ".properties" ); try { properties.load( inputStream ); } finally { inputStream.close(); } urlPattern = properties.getProperty( "url" ); } public String translate( String text, Locale source, Locale destination ) throws IOException { List parameters = new ArrayList(); StringBuffer textBuffer = new StringBuffer( text.length() ); int i0 = 0; int i1 = text.indexOf( '{', i0 ); int i2; while (i1 != -1 && (i2 = text.indexOf( '}', i1 )) != -1) { textBuffer.append(text.substring( i0, i1 )); textBuffer.append("____"); textBuffer.append(parameters.size()); textBuffer.append("____"); parameters.add( text.substring(i1, i2 + 1 )); i0 = i2 + 1; i1 = text.indexOf( '{', i0 ); } textBuffer.append( text.substring(i0 )); System.out.println( textBuffer ); URL url = new URL( MessageFormat.format( urlPattern, new Object[]{URLEncoder.encode( fromLocale( source ), UTF8 ), URLEncoder.encode( fromLocale( destination ), UTF8 ), URLEncoder.encode( textBuffer.toString(), UTF8 )} ) ); JSONObject response = retrieveJSON( url ); try { if ( response == null || response.getInt( "responseStatus" ) != 200 ) { throw new IOException( "Invalid response" ); } String result = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml( URLDecoder.decode( response.getJSONObject( "responseData" ).getString( "translatedText" ), UTF8 ) ); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) { result = StringUtils.replace( result, "____"+i+"____", (String)parameters.get( i )); } return result; } catch ( JSONException e ) { IOException ioe = new IOException( e.getMessage() ); ioe.initCause( e ); throw ioe; } } private String fromLocale( Locale source ) { String googleLanguage = (String) googleLanguages.get( source ); if ( googleLanguage == null ) { googleLanguage = (String) googleLanguages.get( new Locale( source.getLanguage(), source.getCountry() ) ); } if ( googleLanguage == null ) { googleLanguage = (String) googleLanguages.get( new Locale( source.getLanguage() ) ); } return googleLanguage; } JSONObject retrieveJSON( final URL url ) throws IOException { final HttpURLConnection uc = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); uc.setRequestProperty( "referer", referrer ); uc.setDoOutput( false ); try { return new JSONObject( IOUtil.toString( uc.getInputStream() ) ); } catch ( JSONException e ) { IOException ioe = new IOException( e.getMessage() ); ioe.initCause( e ); throw ioe; } finally { uc.getInputStream().close(); if ( uc.getErrorStream() != null ) { uc.getErrorStream().close(); } } } }