package org.codehaus.mojo.fitnesse; /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Foobar. If not, see <>. */ import; import; import; import; import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log; import org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReportException; import org.jmock.Mock; import org.jmock.MockObjectTestCase; public class FitnesseReportMojoTest extends MockObjectTestCase { private Log mMockLog = null; private static final String osAgnosticPath( String string ) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer( string.length() ); char ch; for ( int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++ ) { ch = string.charAt( i ); if ( ch == '\\' ) ch = File.separatorChar; if ( ch == '/' ) ch = File.separatorChar; buffer.append( ch ); } return buffer.toString(); } protected void setUp() { Mock tMockLog = mock( Log.class ); tMockLog.stubs().method( "info" ).withAnyArguments(); tMockLog.stubs().method( "debug" ).withAnyArguments(); mMockLog = (Log) tMockLog.proxy(); } public void testCopyFile() throws IOException, MavenReportException { File tInFile = null; File tOutFile = null; try { tInFile = new File( "tempIn.txt" ); assertTrue( !tInFile.exists() ); assertTrue( tInFile.createNewFile() ); FileWriter tWriter = new FileWriter( tInFile ); tWriter.write( "Chaine bidon" ); tWriter.close(); tOutFile = new File( "tempOut.txt" ); assertFalse( tOutFile.exists() ); FitnesseReportMojo.copyFile( mMockLog, new FileInputStream( tInFile ), tOutFile ); assertTrue( tOutFile.exists() ); } finally { tOutFile.delete(); tInFile.delete(); } } public void testCheckReport() throws MavenReportException { FitnesseReportMojo tMojo = getMojo(); tMojo.setFitnesseOutputDirectory( new File( "bidon" ) ); try { tMojo.checkReport(); fail( "Should not pass checkReport" ); } catch ( MavenReportException e ) { assertTrue( e.getMessage().startsWith( "Can't find any report in the following folder: " ) ); assertTrue( e.getMessage().endsWith( osAgnosticPath( "\\bidon]" ) ) ); } tMojo.setFitnesseOutputDirectory( new File( "target/test-classes/reportDir/Empty/fitnesse" ) ); try { tMojo.checkReport(); fail( "Should not pass checkReport" ); } catch ( MavenReportException e ) { assertTrue( e.getMessage().startsWith( "Can't find any report in the following folder: [" ) ); assertTrue( e.getMessage().endsWith( osAgnosticPath( "\\target\\test-classes\\reportDir\\Empty\\fitnesse]" ) ) ); } tMojo = getMojo(); tMojo.setFitnesseOutputDirectory( new File( "target/test-classes/onlyOneReport/fitnesse" ) ); tMojo.checkReport(); } public void testCreateIndex() throws MavenReportException, IOException { File tFile = new File( "target/test-classes/onlyOneReport/fitnesse/index.html" ); if ( tFile.exists() ) { tFile.delete(); } tFile = new File( "target/test-classes/multiReport/fitnesse/index.html" ); if ( tFile.exists() ) { tFile.delete(); } FitnesseReportMojo tMojo = getMojo(); tMojo.setOutputDirectory( new File( "target/test-classes/onlyOneReport/fitnesse" ) ); new File( "target/test-classes/onlyOneReportXml/fitnesse" ).mkdirs(); tMojo.setXmlOutputDirectory( new File( "target/test-classes/onlyOneReportXml/fitnesse" ) ); tMojo.createIndex(); assertFalse( new File( "target/test-classes/onlyOneReportXml/fitnesse/index.xml" ).exists() ); tMojo.setOutputDirectory( new File( "target/test-classes/multiReport/fitnesse" ) ); new File( "target/test-classes/multiReportXml/fitnesse" ).mkdirs(); tMojo.setXmlOutputDirectory( new File( "target/test-classes/multiReportXml/fitnesse" ) ); tMojo.createIndex(); File tIndexFile = new File( "target/test-classes/multiReportXml/fitnesse/index.xml" ); assertTrue( tIndexFile.exists() ); assertTrue( tIndexFile.length() > 30 ); String tContent = getContent( tIndexFile ); assertTrue( tContent.indexOf( "fitnesseResultSuiteCoverage.html" ) >= 0 ); assertTrue( tContent.indexOf( "fitnesseResultSuiteCoverage2.html" ) >= 0 ); } private String getContent( File pIndexFile ) throws IOException { StringBuffer tBuffer = new StringBuffer(); byte[] tBytes = new byte[100]; int nbRead; FileInputStream tStream = new FileInputStream( pIndexFile ); nbRead = tBytes ); while ( nbRead > 0 ) { tBuffer.append( new String( tBytes, 0, nbRead ) ); nbRead = tBytes ); } return tBuffer.toString(); } private FitnesseReportMojo getMojo() { FitnesseReportMojo tMojo = new FitnesseReportMojo(); tMojo.setWorkingDir( new File( "target/fitnesse" ) ); tMojo.setLog( mMockLog ); return tMojo; } public void testGetFitnesseReportDirWithReport() throws MavenReportException { FitnesseReportMojo tMojo = getMojo(); tMojo.setFitnesseOutputDirectory( new File( "target/test-classes/onlyOneReport/fitnesse/" ) ); tMojo.setWorkingDir( new File( "." ) ); assertTrue( tMojo.getFitnesseReportDir().exists() ); } public void testGetFitnesseReportDirWithBadExpliciteReport() { FitnesseReportMojo tMojo = getMojo(); tMojo.setFitnesseOutputDirectory( new File( "target/test-classes/badfolder/fitnesse/" ) ); tMojo.setWorkingDir( new File( "." ) ); try { tMojo.getFitnesseReportDir(); fail( "Report file shouldn't be found" ); } catch ( MavenReportException e ) { assertTrue( e.getMessage().startsWith( "Can't find any report in the following folder: [" ) ); assertTrue( e.getMessage().endsWith( osAgnosticPath( "\\target\\test-classes\\badfolder\\fitnesse]" ) ) ); } } public void testGetFitnesseReportDirWithoutReportAndWithoutClover() throws MavenReportException { FitnesseReportMojo tMojo = getMojo(); tMojo.setFitnesseOutputDirectory( null ); tMojo.setWorkingDir( new File( "target/test-classes/reportDir/WithoutClover" ) ); File tFile = tMojo.getFitnesseReportDir(); assertEquals( osAgnosticPath( "target\\test-classes\\reportDir\\WithoutClover\\fitnesse" ), "" + tFile ); } public void testGetFitnesseReportDirWithoutReportAndWithClover() throws MavenReportException { FitnesseReportMojo tMojo = getMojo(); tMojo.setFitnesseOutputDirectory( null ); tMojo.setWorkingDir( new File( "target/test-classes/reportDir/WithClover" ) ); File tFile = tMojo.getFitnesseReportDir(); assertEquals( osAgnosticPath( "target\\test-classes\\reportDir\\WithClover\\clover\\fitnesse" ), "" + tFile ); } public void testGetFitnesseReportDirWithEmptyReport() { FitnesseReportMojo tMojo = getMojo(); tMojo.setFitnesseOutputDirectory( new File( "target/test-classes/reportDir/Empty/fitnesse" ) ); tMojo.setWorkingDir( new File( "." ) ); try { tMojo.getFitnesseReportDir(); fail( "Report file shouldn't be found" ); } catch ( MavenReportException e ) { assertTrue( e.getMessage().startsWith( "Can't find any report in the following folder: [" ) ); assertTrue( e.getMessage().endsWith( osAgnosticPath( "\\target\\test-classes\\reportDir\\Empty\\fitnesse]" ) ) ); } } public void testGetOutputName() { FitnesseReportMojo tMojo = getMojo(); tMojo.setFitnesseOutputDirectory( new File( "target/test-classes/onlyOneReport/fitnesse" ) ); assertEquals( "fitnesse/fitnesseResult_localhost_SuiteCoverage3", tMojo.getOutputName() ); tMojo.setFitnesseOutputDirectory( new File( "target/test-classes/multiReport/fitnesse" ) ); assertEquals( "fitnesse/index", tMojo.getOutputName() ); } }