package org.codehaus.mojo.sysdeo; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.codehaus.mojo.sysdeo.ide.AbstractIdeSupportMojo; import org.codehaus.mojo.sysdeo.ide.IdeDependency; import org.codehaus.mojo.sysdeo.ide.IdeUtils; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3DomBuilder; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3DomWriter; import freemarker.template.Configuration; import freemarker.template.Template; import freemarker.template.TemplateException; /** * Generates the required configuration files for the eclipse Sysdeo-tomcat plugin * * @goal generate */ public class SysdeoMojo extends AbstractIdeSupportMojo { private static final String TOMCAT_PLUGIN = ".tomcatplugin"; /** * Single directory for extra files to include in the WAR. * * @parameter expression="${basedir}/src/main/webapp" * @required */ private File warSourceDirectory; /** * Application context definition for Tomcat. * * @parameter expression="${basedir}/src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml" * @required */ private File contextDefinition; /** * Web application context path * * @parameter default-value="${}" */ private String webPath; /** * Use the M2_REPO Classpath Variable to point to dependencies in the local repository. MUST be set to false to use * this plugin with m2eclipse project import configurator. * * @parameter default-value="true" */ private boolean useClasspathVariable; private List ignoreArtifact; /** * define artifacts to exclude from the devloader classpath as they create conflicts (LinkageErrors) with Tomcat * classes and APIs * * @parameter */ private String[] ignoredArtifacts; public SysdeoMojo() { ignoreArtifact = new ArrayList(); ignoreArtifact.add( "jsp-api" ); ignoreArtifact.add( "el-api" ); ignoreArtifact.add( "servlet-api" ); ignoreArtifact.add( "gwt-user" ); } protected boolean getUseProjectReferences() { return true; } protected boolean setup() { if ( ignoredArtifacts != null ) { for ( int i = 0; i < ignoredArtifacts.length; i++ ) { ignoreArtifact.add( ignoredArtifacts[i] ); } } if ( !getProject().getPackaging().equals( "war" ) ) { getLog().info( "Not executing sysdeo-tomcat plugin, this is project is not a war package" ); return false; } return true; } protected void writeConfiguration( IdeDependency[] dependencies ) throws MojoExecutionException { File webclasspath = new File( warSourceDirectory, ".#webclasspath" ); if ( webclasspath.exists() ) { webclasspath.delete(); } File projectDir = getProject().getBasedir(); forceTomcatNature( projectDir ); List referencedProjects = new ArrayList(); List jarDependencies = new ArrayList(); List systemDependencyPaths = new ArrayList(); IdeDependency thisDependency = new IdeDependency(); thisDependency.setGroupId( getProject().getGroupId() ); thisDependency.setArtifactId( getProject().getArtifactId() ); thisDependency.setVersion( getProject().getVersion() ); thisDependency = resolveWorkspaceProject( thisDependency ); thisDependency.setOutputDirectory( getOutputDirectory() ); referencedProjects.add( thisDependency ); for ( int i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++ ) { IdeDependency dependency = dependencies[i]; if ( dependency.isProvided() || dependency.isTestDependency() ) { // Skip this dependency continue; } if ( dependency.isReferencedProject() || getWorkspaceProjects().contains( dependency ) ) { referencedProjects.add( dependency ); } else if ( dependency.isSystemScoped() ) { String absolutePath = dependency.getFile().getAbsolutePath(); String osName = System.getProperty( "" ); if ( osName.toUpperCase().indexOf( "WINDOWS" ) >= 0 ) { absolutePath = absolutePath.substring( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + absolutePath.substring( 1 ); absolutePath = absolutePath.replace( '\\', '/' ); } systemDependencyPaths.add( absolutePath ); } else if ( dependency.getType().equalsIgnoreCase( "jar" ) && !ignoreArtifact.contains( dependency.getArtifactId() ) ) { jarDependencies.add( dependency ); } } String extraContext = ""; try { String contextString = FileUtils.readFileToString( contextDefinition, "UTF-8" ); int context = contextString.indexOf( "Context" ); int start = contextString.indexOf( ">", context ); int stop = contextString.indexOf( "</Context>" ); extraContext = contextString.substring( start + 1, stop ); extraContext = URLEncoder.encode( extraContext ); } catch ( Exception e ) { getLog().info( "No valid context file found at: " + contextDefinition ); } Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); cfg.setClassForTemplateLoading( SysdeoMojo.class, "" ); Map context = new HashMap(); context.put( "referencedProjects", referencedProjects ); context.put( "jarDependencies", jarDependencies ); context.put( "systemDependencyPaths", systemDependencyPaths ); context.put( "webPath", webPath ); context.put( "localRepository", useClasspathVariable ? "M2_REPO" : getLocalRepository().getBasedir() ); context.put( "warSourceDir", IdeUtils.toRelativeAndFixSeparator( getProject().getBasedir(), getWarSourceDirectory(), false ) ); context.put( "extraContext", extraContext ); File tomcatPluginFile = new File( projectDir, TOMCAT_PLUGIN ); try { Writer configWriter = new FileWriter( tomcatPluginFile ); Template template = cfg.getTemplate( "" ); template.process( context, configWriter ); configWriter.flush(); configWriter.close(); getLog().info( "Write tomcat plugin file to: " + tomcatPluginFile.getAbsolutePath() ); } catch ( IOException ioe ) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "Unable to write tomcat plugin config file", ioe ); } catch ( TemplateException te ) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "Unable to merge freemarker template", te ); } } protected void forceTomcatNature( File projectDir ) { try { File dotProject = new File( projectDir, ".project" ); String content = FileUtils.readFileToString( dotProject, null ); if ( content.indexOf( "<nature>com.sysdeo.eclipse.tomcat.tomcatnature</nature>" ) < 0 ) { getLog().info( "Add tomcat nature to the eclipse .project file" ); try { Xpp3Dom dom = new FileReader( dotProject ) ); Xpp3Dom nature = new Xpp3Dom( "nature" ); nature.setValue( "com.sysdeo.eclipse.tomcat.tomcatnature" ); dom.getChild( "natures" ).addChild( nature ); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter( dotProject ); Xpp3DomWriter.write( writer, dom ); writer.close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { getLog().warn( "Failed to add missing tomcat nature to the eclipse .project file", e ); } } // Required to force devloader classpath refresh on POM changes File dotClassPath = new File( projectDir, ".classpath" ); FileUtils.touch( dotClassPath ); } catch ( IOException e ) { getLog().info( "Failed to retrieve the Eclipse .project file" ); } } /** * @return */ protected String getOutputDirectory() { String relative = getProject().getFile().getParent(); String buildOutputDirectory = getProject().getBuild().getOutputDirectory(); return buildOutputDirectory.substring( relative.length() + 1 ).replace( '\\', '/' ); } public File getContextDefinition() { return contextDefinition; } public void setContextDefinition( File contextDefinition ) { this.contextDefinition = contextDefinition; } public File getWarSourceDirectory() { return warSourceDirectory; } public void setWarSourceDirectory( File warSourceDirectory ) { this.warSourceDirectory = warSourceDirectory; } /** * @param useClasspathVariable the useClasspathVariable to set */ public void setUseClasspathVariable( boolean useClasspathVariable ) { this.useClasspathVariable = useClasspathVariable; } }