package org.codehaus.mojo.fitnesse.integration; import; import; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.codehaus.mojo.fitnesse.FileUtil; /*************************************************************************** * Copyright 2005 Philippe Kernevez All rights reserved. * * Please look at license.txt for more license detail. * **************************************************************************/ public class IntegrationTestUtil { private static final String PATH ="target/test-classes/integration/"; private static void checkReportFile(File pRoot, boolean pIndexFile, String pSuiteName, String pSuitePageName, String pExpectedResult ) throws IOException { // Check that the Maven site has the FitNesse menu in its reports String tPath = pRoot.getAbsolutePath()+File.separator+"target"+File.separator+"site"+File.separator; File tCheckFile = new File( tPath+"project-reports.html" ); Assert.assertTrue( "Reports list not created", tCheckFile.exists() ); String tResult = FileUtil.getString( tCheckFile ); if ( pIndexFile ) { Assert.assertTrue( "FitNesse report hasn't be had to the Maven site", tResult.contains( "<a href=\"fitnesse/index.html\">Fitnesse report</a>" ) ); File tIndexFile = new File(tPath+"fitnesse"+File.separator+"index.html" ); Assert.assertTrue( "The index file hasn't be created", tIndexFile.exists() ); } else { Assert.assertTrue( "FitNesse report hasn't be had to the Maven site", tResult.contains( "<a href=\"fitnesse/fitnesseResult_localhost_FitnesseIntegrationTest." + pSuitePageName + "\">Fitnesse report</a>" ) ); } tCheckFile = new File( tPath+"fitnesse"+File.separator+"fitnesseResult_localhost_FitnesseIntegrationTest." + pSuitePageName ); Assert.assertTrue( "This file doesn't exist " + tCheckFile.getAbsolutePath(), tCheckFile.exists() ); tResult = FileUtil.getString( tCheckFile ); Assert.assertTrue( "FitNesse result aren't valid in the final report", tResult.contains( pExpectedResult ) ); } }