package org.codehaus.mojo.fitnesse; /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Foobar. If not, see <>. */ import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact; import org.apache.maven.artifact.DefaultArtifact; import org.apache.maven.artifact.handler.DefaultArtifactHandler; import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.VersionRange; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log; import; import; import org.codehaus.mojo.fitnesse.log.FileConsumer; import org.codehaus.mojo.fitnesse.log.FitnesseStreamConsumer; import org.codehaus.mojo.fitnesse.log.LogConsumer; import org.codehaus.mojo.fitnesse.log.MultipleConsumer; import org.codehaus.mojo.fitnesse.plexus.FCommandLineException; import org.codehaus.mojo.fitnesse.plexus.FCommandline; import org.jmock.Mock; import org.jmock.cglib.MockObjectTestCase; public class FitnesseRunnerMojoTest extends MockObjectTestCase { private FitnesseRunnerMojo mMojo = null; private Mock mMockLog = null; public void testCheckConfigurationOk() throws MojoFailureException, MojoExecutionException { mMojo.checkConfiguration(); } public void testCheckConfigurationClassPathProviderOk() throws MojoFailureException, MojoExecutionException { mMojo.setClassPathProvider( "fitnesse" ); mMojo.checkConfiguration(); mMojo.setClassPathProvider( "maven" ); mMojo.checkConfiguration(); } public void testCheckConfigurationClassPathProviderKo() throws MojoFailureException, MojoExecutionException { try { mMojo.setClassPathProvider( null ); mMojo.checkConfiguration(); fail( "Should fail" ); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( "classPathProvider accepts only \"fitnesse\" ou \"maven\" values. [null] is not valid.", e.getMessage() ); } try { mMojo.setClassPathProvider( "invalid" ); mMojo.checkConfiguration(); fail( "Should fail" ); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( "classPathProvider accepts only \"fitnesse\" ou \"maven\" values. [invalid] is not valid.", e.getMessage() ); } } protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); mMojo = getMojo(); } private FitnesseRunnerMojo getMojo() { mMojo = new FitnesseRunnerMojo(); mMojo.setFailOnError( false ); mMojo.setDebug( false ); mMojo.setFailOnError( false ); mMojo.setClassPathProvider( "fitnesse" ); mMojo.setPluginArtifacts( new ArrayList() ); mMojo.setJdk( "java" ); mMojo.setWorkingDir( "target/fitnesse" ); mMojo.setFitnesseRunnerClass( "fitnesse.runner.TestRunner" ); mMojo.setPluginArtifact( getArtifact() ); List tFitnesses = new ArrayList(); tFitnesses.add( new Fitnesse() ); mMojo.setFitnesses( tFitnesses ); mMojo.setClassPathSubstitions( new ArrayList() ); mMockLog = mock( Log.class ); mMockLog.stubs().method( "info" ).withAnyArguments(); mMojo.setLog( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); mMojo.setDateFormat( "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm" ); return mMojo; } public void testCheckConfigurationWithoutFitnesseProject() throws MojoFailureException { String errorMessage = "Your should configure at least one Fitnesse server. " + "Check your maven-fitnesse-plugin configuration."; mMockLog.stubs().method( "error" ).with( eq( errorMessage ) ); mMojo.setFitnesses( null ); try { mMojo.checkConfiguration(); fail( "Fitnesses addresses are required..." ); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( errorMessage, e.getMessage() ); } mMojo.setFitnesses( new ArrayList() ); try { mMojo.checkConfiguration(); fail( "Fitnesses addresses are required..." ); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( errorMessage, e.getMessage() ); } } public void testCheckConfigurationWithOneFitnesseProject() throws MojoFailureException { try { mMojo.setFitnesseRunnerClass( "fitnesseRunner" ); mMojo.checkConfiguration(); fail( "Should not pass" ); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertTrue( !e.getMessage().startsWith( "Fitnesses addresses are required" ) ); } } public void testCheckConfigurationWithBadRunnerClassName() throws MojoFailureException { mMojo.setFitnesseRunnerClass( "badName" ); try { mMojo.checkConfiguration(); fail( "Should not pass" ); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( "The class [badName] could not be found, check your maven-fitnesse-plugin configuration and the plugin documentation.", e.getMessage() ); } mMojo.setFitnesseRunnerClass( this.getClass().getName() ); try { mMojo.checkConfiguration(); fail( "Should not pass" ); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( "The class [org.codehaus.mojo.fitnesse.FitnesseRunnerMojoTest] doesn't have a \"main\" accessible method.", e.getMessage() ); } } static class TestFitnesseRunner { public void main( String[] params ) { } } public void testCheckConfigurationWithGoodRunnerClassName() throws MojoFailureException, MojoExecutionException { mMojo.setFitnesseRunnerClass( TestFitnesseRunner.class.getName() ); mMojo.checkConfiguration(); } static class MyFile extends File { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4387400221288014456L; public MyFile() { super( "bidon.jar" ); } public String getAbsolutePath() { return "bidon.jar"; } } private Artifact getArtifact() { Artifact tArtif = new DefaultArtifact( "junit", "junit", VersionRange.createFromVersion( "3.8.1" ), "test", "jar", null, new DefaultArtifactHandler() ); tArtif.setFile( new MyFile() ); return tArtif; } public void testPrepareCommandLine() throws MojoExecutionException { assertEquals( "java -cp bidon.jar" + File.pathSeparatorChar + " fitnesse.runner.TestRunner -v -html " + "target/fitnesse/fitnesseResult_localhost_MustBeDefinedByProject_tmp.html -nopath localhost 80 MustBeDefinedByProject", mMojo.prepareCommandLine( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ), "bidon.jar" + File.pathSeparatorChar ).toString() ); mMojo.setDebug( true ); assertEquals( "java -cp bidon.jar" + File.pathSeparatorChar + " fitnesse.runner.TestRunner -v -debug " + "-html target/fitnesse/fitnesseResult_localhost_MustBeDefinedByProject_tmp.html -nopath localhost 80 MustBeDefinedByProject", mMojo.prepareCommandLine( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ), "bidon.jar" + File.pathSeparatorChar ).toString() ); mMojo.setGenerateXml( true ); assertEquals( "java -cp bidon.jar" + File.pathSeparatorChar + " fitnesse.runner.TestRunner -v -debug " + "-html target/fitnesse/fitnesseResult_localhost_MustBeDefinedByProject_tmp.html " + "-xml target/fitnesse/fitnesseResult_localhost_MustBeDefinedByProject.xml " + "-nopath localhost 80 MustBeDefinedByProject", mMojo.prepareCommandLine( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ), "bidon.jar" + File.pathSeparatorChar ).toString() ); mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).setSuiteFilter( "" ); assertEquals( "java -cp bidon.jar" + File.pathSeparatorChar + " fitnesse.runner.TestRunner -v -debug " + "-html target/fitnesse/fitnesseResult_localhost_MustBeDefinedByProject_tmp.html " + "-xml target/fitnesse/fitnesseResult_localhost_MustBeDefinedByProject.xml " + "-nopath localhost 80 MustBeDefinedByProject", mMojo.prepareCommandLine( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ), "bidon.jar" + File.pathSeparatorChar ).toString() ); mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).setSuiteFilter( "MyFilter" ); assertEquals( "java -cp bidon.jar" + File.pathSeparatorChar + " fitnesse.runner.TestRunner -v -debug " + "-html target/fitnesse/fitnesseResult_localhost_MustBeDefinedByProject_tmp.html " + "-xml target/fitnesse/fitnesseResult_localhost_MustBeDefinedByProject.xml " + "-nopath -suiteFilter MyFilter localhost 80 MustBeDefinedByProject", mMojo.prepareCommandLine( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ), "bidon.jar" + File.pathSeparatorChar ).toString() ); } public void testExecuteCommandWithFailure() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { mMojo.setFailOnError( true ); new File( "target/fitnesse" ).mkdirs(); Mock tMockProcess = mock( Process.class ); byte[] tInputByte = ( "TestSimpleClass1 has failures\n" + "Test Pages: 0 right, 1 wrong, 0 ignored, 0 exceptions\n" + "Assertions: 4 right, 1 wrong, 0 ignored, 0 exceptions\n" + "Formatting as html to D:\\SCM\\ProjectSVN\\maven-fitnesse-plugin\\src\\it\\multiproject\\target/fitnesse/fitnesseResultSuiteCoverage2.html" ).getBytes(); tMockProcess.expects( once() ).method( "getInputStream" ).will( returnValue( new ByteArrayInputStream( tInputByte ) ) ); tMockProcess.expects( once() ).method( "getErrorStream" ).will( returnValue( new ByteArrayInputStream( new byte[0] ) ) ); tMockProcess.expects( once() ).method( "waitFor" ).will( returnValue( 2 ) ); try { mMojo.executeCommand( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ), new MockCommandLine( (Process) tMockProcess.proxy() ) ); fail( "Should fail" ); } catch ( MojoFailureException e ) { assertEquals( "Fitnesse command ended with errors, exit code:2", e.getMessage() ); } verify(); tMockProcess = mock( Process.class ); tMockProcess.expects( once() ).method( "getInputStream" ).will( returnValue( new ByteArrayInputStream( tInputByte ) ) ); tMockProcess.expects( once() ).method( "getErrorStream" ).will( returnValue( new ByteArrayInputStream( new byte[0] ) ) ); tMockProcess.expects( once() ).method( "waitFor" ).will( returnValue( 2 ) ); mMojo.setFailOnError( false ); mMojo.executeCommand( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ), new MockCommandLine( (Process) tMockProcess.proxy() ) ); verify(); } public void testExecuteCommandWithoutError() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException, FCommandLineException { mMojo.setFailOnError( true ); new File( "target/fitnesse" ).mkdirs(); FCommandline tCmd = new FCommandline(); tCmd.setExecutable( "java" ); tCmd.createArgument().setValue( "-version" ); mMojo.executeCommand( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ), tCmd ); verify(); mMojo.setFailOnError( false ); mMojo.executeCommand( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ), tCmd ); verify(); } public void testExecuteCommandWithError() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException, FCommandLineException { mMojo.setFailOnError( true ); new File( "target/fitnesse" ).mkdirs(); FCommandline tCmd = new FCommandline(); tCmd.setExecutable( "java" ); tCmd.createArgument().setValue( "totalInvalide" ); try { mMojo.executeCommand( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ), tCmd ); fail( "Should throw a MojoExecutionException" ); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( "Unable to run Fitnesse, exit code [1]", e.getMessage() ); } verify(); mMojo.setFailOnError( false ); try { mMojo.executeCommand( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ), tCmd ); fail( "Should throw a MojoExecutionException" ); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( "Unable to run Fitnesse, exit code [1]", e.getMessage() ); } verify(); } public void testExecuteCommandWithFileOutputAndNoDisplayAndFailOnError() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException, FCommandLineException { FCommandline tCmd = createCmdLine(); mMojo.setDisplayOutput( false ); mMojo.setFailOnError( true ); File tFile = new File( mMojo.getOutputFileName( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ) ) ); tFile.delete(); mMockLog = mock( Log.class ); assertFalse( tFile.exists() ); mMockLog.expects( once() ).method( "info" ).withAnyArguments(); mMojo.setLog( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); mMojo.executeCommand( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ), tCmd ); verify(); assertTrue( tFile.exists() ); assertTrue( 50 < tFile.length() ); assertTrue( tFile.delete() ); } public void testExecuteCommandWithFileOutputAndNoDisplayAndNoFailOnError() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException, FCommandLineException { FCommandline tCmd = createCmdLine(); mMojo.setDisplayOutput( false ); mMojo.setFailOnError( false ); File tFile = new File( mMojo.getOutputFileName( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ) ) ); tFile.delete(); assertFalse( tFile.exists() ); mMockLog = mock( Log.class ); mMockLog.expects( once() ).method( "info" ).withAnyArguments(); mMojo.setLog( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); mMojo.executeCommand( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ), tCmd ); verify(); assertTrue( tFile.exists() ); assertTrue( 50 < tFile.length() ); assertTrue( tFile.delete() ); } public void testExecuteCommandWithFileOutputAndDisplayAndFailOnError() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException, FCommandLineException { FCommandline tCmd = createCmdLine(); mMojo.setDisplayOutput( true ); mMojo.setFailOnError( true ); File tFile = new File( mMojo.getOutputFileName( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ) ) ); tFile.delete(); assertFalse( tFile.exists() ); mMojo.setFailOnError( true ); mMojo.setDisplayOutput( true ); mMockLog = mock( Log.class ); mMockLog.expects( once() ).method( "info" ).withAnyArguments(); mMockLog.expects( once() ).method( "error" ).with( stringContains( "java version" ) ); mMockLog.expects( once() ).method( "error" ).with( stringContains( "Java" ) ); mMojo.setLog( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); mMojo.executeCommand( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ), tCmd ); verify(); assertTrue( tFile.exists() ); assertTrue( 50 < tFile.length() ); assertTrue( tFile.delete() ); } public void testExecuteCommandWithFileOutputAndDisplayAndNoFailOnError() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException, FCommandLineException { FCommandline tCmd = createCmdLine(); mMojo.setDisplayOutput( true ); mMojo.setFailOnError( false ); File tFile = new File( mMojo.getOutputFileName( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ) ) ); assertFalse( tFile.exists() ); mMojo.setFailOnError( false ); mMojo.setDisplayOutput( true ); mMockLog = mock( Log.class ); mMockLog.expects( once() ).method( "info" ).withAnyArguments(); mMockLog.expects( once() ).method( "error" ).with( stringContains( "java version" ) ); mMockLog.expects( once() ).method( "error" ).with( stringContains( "Java" ) ); mMojo.setLog( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); mMojo.executeCommand( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ), tCmd ); assertTrue( tFile.exists() ); assertTrue( 50 < tFile.length() ); assertTrue( tFile.delete() ); assertFalse( tFile.exists() ); } private FCommandline createCmdLine() { FCommandline tCmd = new FCommandline(); tCmd.setExecutable( "java" ); tCmd.createArgument().setValue( "-version" ); new File( "target/fitnesse" ).mkdirs(); return tCmd; } public void testTransformResultPage() throws MojoExecutionException, IOException, URISyntaxException { URL tUrl = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource( "multiReport/fitnesse/fitnesseResultSuiteCoverage2.html" ); File tOriginalFile = new File( tUrl.toURI() ); assertTrue( tOriginalFile.exists() ); new File( "target" ).mkdir(); new File( "target/fitnesse" ).mkdir(); File tSrcFile = new File( mMojo.getTmpFileName( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ) ) ); if ( tSrcFile.exists() ) { assertTrue( tSrcFile.delete() ); } assertTrue( tSrcFile.createNewFile() ); Project antProject = new Project(); antProject.init(); Copy tCopy = (Copy) antProject.createTask( "copy" ); tCopy.setFile( tOriginalFile ); tCopy.setOverwrite( true ); tCopy.setTofile( tSrcFile ); tCopy.execute(); File tDestFile = new File( mMojo.getFinalFileName( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ) ) ); if ( tDestFile.exists() ) { tDestFile.delete(); } assertTrue( tSrcFile.exists() ); assertTrue( tSrcFile.length() > 100 ); assertFalse( tDestFile.exists() ); mMojo.transformResultPage( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ) ); tDestFile = new File( mMojo.getFinalFileName( mMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ) ) ); assertTrue( tDestFile.exists() ); assertFalse( tSrcFile.exists() ); } public void testGetStandardConsumer() { FitnesseRunnerMojo tMojo = getMojo(); tMojo.setDisplayOutput( false ); assertEquals( FileConsumer.class, tMojo.getStandardConsumer( getMojo().getFitnesse( 0 ) ).getClass() ); tMojo.setDisplayOutput( true ); FitnesseStreamConsumer tConsumer = tMojo.getStandardConsumer( getMojo().getFitnesse( 0 ) ); assertEquals( MultipleConsumer.class, tConsumer.getClass() ); MultipleConsumer tCons = (MultipleConsumer) tConsumer; assertEquals( LogConsumer.class, tCons.getLogConsumer().getClass() ); LogConsumer tLogCons = (LogConsumer) tCons.getLogConsumer(); assertEquals( Level.INFO, tLogCons.getLevel() ); assertNotNull( tCons.getFileConsumer() ); } public void testGetErrorConsumer() { FitnesseRunnerMojo tMojo = getMojo(); tMojo.setDisplayOutput( false ); FitnesseStreamConsumer tConsuler = tMojo.getStandardConsumer( getMojo().getFitnesse( 0 ) ); assertEquals( FileConsumer.class, tMojo.getErrorConsumer( tConsuler ).getClass() ); tMojo.setDisplayOutput( true ); tConsuler = tMojo.getStandardConsumer( getMojo().getFitnesse( 0 ) ); FitnesseStreamConsumer tConsumer = tMojo.getErrorConsumer( tConsuler ); assertEquals( MultipleConsumer.class, tConsumer.getClass() ); MultipleConsumer tCons = (MultipleConsumer) tConsumer; assertEquals( LogConsumer.class, tCons.getLogConsumer().getClass() ); LogConsumer tLogCons = (LogConsumer) tCons.getLogConsumer(); assertEquals( Level.SEVERE, tLogCons.getLevel() ); assertNotNull( tCons.getFileConsumer() ); } public void testGetSameFileConsumer() { FitnesseRunnerMojo tMojo = getMojo(); tMojo.setDisplayOutput( false ); FitnesseStreamConsumer tStdCons = tMojo.getStandardConsumer( tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ) ); FitnesseStreamConsumer tErrCons = tMojo.getErrorConsumer( tStdCons ); assertSame( tStdCons, tErrCons ); tMojo.setDisplayOutput( true ); MultipleConsumer tStandard = (MultipleConsumer) tMojo.getStandardConsumer( tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ) ); MultipleConsumer tError = (MultipleConsumer) tMojo.getErrorConsumer( tStandard ); assertNotSame( tStandard, tError ); assertNotSame( tStandard.getLogConsumer(), tError.getLogConsumer() ); assertSame( tStandard.getFileConsumer(), tError.getFileConsumer() ); } public void testCopyDependenciesLocally() throws MojoExecutionException { FitnesseRunnerMojo tMojo = getMojo(); String tPathSep = System.getProperty( "path.separator" ); String tFileSep = System.getProperty( "file.separator" ); tMojo.setCopyDependencies( true ); File tFile = new File( "target/fitnesse/lib/junit-3.8.1.jar" ); if ( tFile.exists() ) { assertTrue( tFile.delete() ); } tFile = new File( "target/fitnesse/lib/junit-3.8.2.jar" ); if ( tFile.exists() ) { assertTrue( tFile.delete() ); } String tSrcPath = new File( "src/test/resources/jars/junit-3.8.1.jar" ).getAbsolutePath() + tPathSep + new File( "src/test/resources/jars/junit-3.8.2.jar" ).getAbsolutePath() + tPathSep; mMockLog = mock( Log.class ); mMockLog.stubs().method( "debug" ).withAnyArguments(); mMojo.setLog( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); String tResult = tMojo.copyDependenciesLocally( tSrcPath ); assertEquals( "lib" + tFileSep + "junit-3.8.1.jar" + tPathSep + "lib" + tFileSep + "junit-3.8.2.jar" + tPathSep, tResult ); mMockLog.verify(); } public void testCopyDependenciesLocallyWithInvalidJar() throws MojoExecutionException { FitnesseRunnerMojo tMojo = getMojo(); String tPathSep = System.getProperty( "path.separator" ); String tFileSep = System.getProperty( "file.separator" ); tMojo.setCopyDependencies( true ); File tFile = new File( "target/fitnesse/lib/junit-3.8.1.jar" ); if ( tFile.exists() ) { assertTrue( tFile.delete() ); } tFile = new File( "target/fitnesse/lib/junit-3.8.2.jar" ); if ( tFile.exists() ) { assertTrue( tFile.delete() ); } String tSrcPath = new File( "src/test/resources/jars/junit-3.8.1.jar" ).getAbsolutePath() + tPathSep + new File( "src/test/resources/jars/junit-3.8.234.jar" ).getAbsolutePath() + tPathSep; mMockLog = mock( Log.class ); mMockLog.stubs().method( "debug" ).withAnyArguments(); mMockLog.expects( once() ).method( "warn" ).withAnyArguments(); mMojo.setLog( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); String tResult = tMojo.copyDependenciesLocally( tSrcPath ); assertEquals( "lib" + tFileSep + "junit-3.8.1.jar" + tPathSep, tResult ); mMockLog.verify(); } }