package org.codehaus.mojo.mant; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; /** * Used to create an ant document from the given node. */ public class AntDocument { //TODO might be a lot tidier if a stylesheet is used instead - maybe slower though private static final String TARGET_NAME = "run"; public static final String PATH_ID = "project.class.path"; private final String basedir; private final String classname; private final List classpath; private final Element task; private Document document; /** * Use this constructor for core tasks * @param basedir * @param task */ public AntDocument( String basedir, Element task ) { this( basedir, null, null, task ); } /** * Use this constructor for optional tasks. * @param basedir * @param classname * @param classpath * @param task */ public AntDocument( String basedir, String classname, List classpath, Element task ) { this.basedir = basedir; this.classname = classname; this.classpath = classpath; this.task = task; this.document = createDocument(); } public Document getDocument() { return document; } /** * Constructs the document. * Delegates to createXXX methods to create children. * @return */ private Document createDocument() { Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element project = document.addElement( "project" ); project.addAttribute( "default", TARGET_NAME ); project.addAttribute( "basedir", basedir ); createPath( project ); createTarget( project ); return document; } private void createTarget( Element parent ) { Element target = parent.addElement( "target" ); target.addAttribute( "name", TARGET_NAME ); createTaskdef( target ); target.add( task ); } private void createTaskdef( Element parent ) { if ( isOptional() ) { Element taskdef = parent.addElement( "taskdef" ); taskdef.addAttribute( "name", task.getName() ); taskdef.addAttribute( "classname", classname ); taskdef.addAttribute( "classpathref", PATH_ID ); } } private void createPath( Element parent ) { if ( isOptional() ) { Element path = parent.addElement( "path" ); path.addAttribute( "id", PATH_ID ); Iterator allPaths = classpath.iterator(); while ( allPaths.hasNext() ) { String currentPath = (String); path.addElement( "pathelement" ).addAttribute( "location", currentPath ); } } } /** * Whether or not this is building an optional task. * If yes then taskdef task and classpath will be created. * @return */ private boolean isOptional() { return classname != null; } }