package org.codehaus.mojo.fitnesse; /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Foobar. If not, see <>. */ import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; public class TestFitnesse extends TestCase { public void testGetTypeByDefault() throws MojoExecutionException { checkGetTypeByDefaultWithDefaultValue( null ); checkGetTypeByDefaultWithDefaultValue( "" ); } private void checkGetTypeByDefaultWithDefaultValue( String tDefault ) throws MojoExecutionException { Fitnesse tFit = new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "aWikiSpace.SuiteMySuite", null ); tFit.setType( tDefault ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_SUITE, tFit.getType() ); tFit = new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "aWikiSpace.TestMySuite", null ); tFit.setType( tDefault ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_TEST, tFit.getType() ); tFit = new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "SuiteWikiSpace.SuiteMySuite", null ); tFit.setType( tDefault ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_SUITE, tFit.getType() ); tFit = new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "SuiteWikiSpace.TestMySuite", null ); tFit.setType( tDefault ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_TEST, tFit.getType() ); tFit = new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "TestWikiSpace.SuiteMySuite", null ); tFit.setType( tDefault ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_SUITE, tFit.getType() ); tFit = new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "TestWikiSpace.TestMySuite", null ); tFit.setType( tDefault ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_TEST, tFit.getType() ); tFit = new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "SuiteMySuite", null ); tFit.setType( tDefault ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_SUITE, tFit.getType() ); tFit = new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "TestMySuite", null ); tFit.setType( tDefault ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_TEST, tFit.getType() ); } public void testGetTypeWithInvalidType() { Fitnesse tFit = new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "aWikiSpace.SuiteMySuite", null ); try { tFit.setType( "invalid" ); tFit.getType(); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( "Invalid type [invalid] for the server [Fitnesse address=http://localhost:80/aWikiSpace.SuiteMySuite], should be either [suite] or [test].", e.getMessage() ); } } public void testGetTypeWithInvalidName() { Fitnesse tFit = new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "aWikiSpace.ksgkjMySuite", null ); try { tFit.setType( "" ); tFit.getType(); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( "Parameter 'type' is mandatory when the page name doesn't begin " + "with 'Test' or 'Suite' according to FitNesse " + "convention. FitNesse server is: Fitnesse " + "address=http://localhost:80/aWikiSpace.ksgkjMySuite", e.getMessage() ); } } public void testGetTypeWithExplicitType() throws MojoExecutionException { checkGetTypeWithExplicitType( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_SUITE, Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_TEST ); checkGetTypeWithExplicitType( "Suite", "Test" ); checkGetTypeWithExplicitType( "SuItE", "TeSt" ); } private void checkGetTypeWithExplicitType( String pSuiteParam, String pTestParam ) throws MojoExecutionException { Fitnesse tFit = new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "aWikiSpace.SuiteMySuite", null ); tFit.setType( pSuiteParam ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_SUITE, tFit.getType() ); tFit.setType( pTestParam ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_TEST, tFit.getType() ); tFit = new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "aWikiSpace.TestMySuite", null ); tFit.setType( pSuiteParam ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_SUITE, tFit.getType() ); tFit.setType( pTestParam ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_TEST, tFit.getType() ); tFit = new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "SuiteWikiSpace.SuiteMySuite", null ); tFit.setType( pSuiteParam ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_SUITE, tFit.getType() ); tFit.setType( pTestParam ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_TEST, tFit.getType() ); tFit = new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "SuiteWikiSpace.TestMySuite", null ); tFit.setType( pSuiteParam ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_SUITE, tFit.getType() ); tFit.setType( pTestParam ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_TEST, tFit.getType() ); tFit = new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "TestWikiSpace.SuiteMySuite", null ); tFit.setType( pSuiteParam ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_SUITE, tFit.getType() ); tFit.setType( pTestParam ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_TEST, tFit.getType() ); tFit = new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "TestWikiSpace.TestMySuite", null ); tFit.setType( pSuiteParam ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_SUITE, tFit.getType() ); tFit.setType( pTestParam ); assertEquals( Fitnesse.PAGE_TYPE_TEST, tFit.getType() ); } public void testCheckConfigurationOk() throws MojoExecutionException { Fitnesse tFit = new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "myPage", null ); tFit.checkConfiguration(); } public void testCheckConfigurationWithBadServer() throws MojoExecutionException { Fitnesse tFit = new Fitnesse( null, 80, "myPage", null ); try { tFit.checkConfiguration(); fail( "Should not pass !" ); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( "Fitnesse host is mandatory.", e.getMessage() ); } try { tFit.setHostName( "" ); tFit.checkConfiguration(); fail( "Should not pass !" ); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( "Fitnesse host is mandatory.", e.getMessage() ); } } public void testCheckConfigurationWithBadPort() throws MojoExecutionException { Fitnesse tFit = new Fitnesse( "localhost", -80, "myPage", null ); try { tFit.checkConfiguration(); fail( "Should not pass !" ); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( "The port should be a valid IP port [-80].", e.getMessage() ); } } public void testCheckConfigurationWithBadPage() throws MojoExecutionException { Fitnesse tFit = new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, null, null ); try { tFit.checkConfiguration(); fail( "Should not pass !" ); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( "Fitnesse page name is mandatory.", e.getMessage() ); } try { tFit.setPageName( "" ); tFit.checkConfiguration(); fail( "Should not pass !" ); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( "Fitnesse page name is mandatory.", e.getMessage() ); } } }