package org.codehaus.mojo.fitnesse; /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Foobar. If not, see <>. */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log; import org.apache.maven.settings.Server; import; import; import org.jmock.Mock; import org.jmock.MockObjectTestCase; public class FitnesseRemoteRunnerMojoTest extends MockObjectTestCase { protected String error; private String mRequest; private FitnesseRemoteRunnerMojo mMojo = null; private Mock mMockLog = null; protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); mMojo = getMojo(); } private FitnesseRemoteRunnerMojo getMojo() { FitnesseRemoteRunnerMojo tMojo = new FitnesseRemoteRunnerMojo(); tMojo.setFailOnError( false ); tMojo.setFailOnError( false ); tMojo.setWorkingDir( "target/fitnesse" ); List tFitnesses = new ArrayList(); tFitnesses.add( new Fitnesse() ); tMojo.setFitnesses( tFitnesses ); mMockLog = mock( Log.class ); mMockLog.stubs().method( "info" ).withAnyArguments(); tMojo.setLog( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); return tMojo; } public void testGetRemoteResourceWithoutCredential() throws IOException, MojoExecutionException { List tFitnesses = new ArrayList(); Fitnesse tServer = new Fitnesse(); tServer.setHostName( "localhost" ); tServer.setPort( 8083 ); tFitnesses.add( tServer ); mMojo.setFitnesses( tFitnesses ); startServer(); ByteArrayOutputStream tOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { mMojo.getRemoteResource( "http://localhost:8083/url", tOut, tServer ); fail(); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertNotNull( e.getCause() ); assertEquals( "Connection reset", e.getCause().getMessage() ); } assertEquals( "GET /url HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1\r\n" + "Host: localhost:8083\r\n\r", mRequest ); tServer.setServerId( "TestId" ); Server tMavenServer = new Server(); tMavenServer.setId( "TestId" ); tMavenServer.setUsername( "myLogin" ); tMavenServer.setPassword( "myPassword" ); mMojo.addServer( tMavenServer ); startServer(); tOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { mMojo.getRemoteResource( "http://localhost:8083/url", tOut, tServer ); fail(); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertNotNull( e.getCause() ); } assertEquals( "GET /url HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Authorization: Basic bXlMb2dpbjpteVBhc3N3b3Jk\r\n" + "User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1\r\n" + "Host: localhost:8083\r\n\r", mRequest ); assertNull( error ); } private void startServer() throws IOException { Runnable tRun = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { ServerSocket tServerSock; tServerSock = ServerSocketFactory.getDefault().createServerSocket( 8083 ); Socket tSocket = tServerSock.accept(); InputStream tIn = tSocket.getInputStream(); int tRead =; StringBuffer tBuf = new StringBuffer(); boolean tIsActive = true; int[] tLastRead = new int[4]; while ( tRead != -1 && tIsActive ) { tBuf.append( (char) tRead ); // System.out.print( (char) tRead ); // System.out.flush(); tRead =; tIsActive = checkActive( tRead, tLastRead ); } mRequest = tBuf.toString(); OutputStreamWriter tWriter = new OutputStreamWriter( tSocket.getOutputStream() ); tWriter.write( "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n" ); tWriter.write( "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n" ); tWriter.write( "Content-Length: 0\r\n" ); tWriter.write( "Connection: close\r\n" ); tWriter.write( "Server: FitNesse-20050731\r\n\r" ); tSocket.close(); Thread.sleep( 100 ); tServerSock.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) { error = e.getMessage(); } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { error = e.getMessage(); } } private boolean checkActive( int read, int[] lastRead ) { lastRead[0] = lastRead[1]; lastRead[1] = lastRead[2]; lastRead[2] = lastRead[3]; lastRead[3] = read; return !( lastRead[0] == 13 && lastRead[1] == 10 && lastRead[2] == 13 && lastRead[3] == 10 ); } }; Thread tThread = new Thread( tRun ); tThread.setDaemon( true ); tThread.start(); } public void testCheckFailureWithFailureOn() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, MojoFailureException, MojoExecutionException { checkReport( true, "remoteFailure/TestOk.html" ); checkReport( true, "remoteFailure/SuiteOk.html" ); checkReport( true, "remoteFailure/SuiteInfraOk.html" ); try { checkReport( true, "remoteFailure/TestInvalid.html" ); fail( "should not find result" ); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertTrue( "Invalid message=" + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().startsWith( "Unable to find failure result into FitNesse page, resultFile=[" ) ); assertTrue( "Invalid message=" + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().endsWith( "remoteFailure/TestInvalid.html]." ) ); } try { checkReport( true, "remoteFailure/TestInvalid2.html" ); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertTrue( "Invalid message=" + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().startsWith( "Find both success and fail result into FitNesse page , resultFile=" ) ); assertTrue( "Invalid message=" + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().endsWith( "remoteFailure/TestInvalid2.html]." ) ); } try { checkReport( true, "remoteFailure/TestFail.html" ); fail( "report TestFail.html should throw a Failure" ); } catch ( MojoFailureException e ) { assertTrue( "Invalid message=" + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().startsWith( "FitNesse page fail, resultFile=" ) ); assertTrue( "Invalid message=" + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().endsWith( "remoteFailure/TestFail.html]." ) ); } try { checkReport( true, "remoteFailure/SuiteFail.html" ); fail( "report SuiteFail.html should throw a Failure" ); } catch ( MojoFailureException e ) { assertTrue( "Invalid message=" + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().startsWith( "FitNesse page fail, resultFile=" ) ); assertTrue( "Invalid message=" + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().endsWith( "remoteFailure/SuiteFail.html]." ) ); } try { checkReport( true, "remoteFailure/SuiteInfraFail.html" ); fail( "report SuiteInfraFail.html should throw a Failure" ); } catch ( MojoFailureException e ) { assertTrue( "Invalid message=" + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().startsWith( "FitNesse page fail, resultFile=[" ) ); assertTrue( "Invalid message=" + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().endsWith( "remoteFailure/SuiteInfraFail.html]." ) ); } try { checkReport( true, "remoteFailure/SuiteException.html" ); fail( "report SuiteException.html should throw a Failure" ); } catch ( MojoFailureException e ) { assertTrue( "Invalid message=" + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().startsWith( "FitNesse page fail, resultFile=[" ) ); assertTrue( "Invalid message=" + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().endsWith( "remoteFailure/SuiteException.html]." ) ); } } public void testCheckFailureWithFailureOff() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, MojoFailureException, MojoExecutionException { checkReport( false, "remoteFailure/TestOk.html" ); checkReport( false, "remoteFailure/SuiteOk.html" ); checkReport( false, "remoteFailure/SuiteInfraOk.html" ); checkReport( false, "remoteFailure/TestInvalid.html" ); checkReport( false, "remoteFailure/TestInvalid2.html" ); checkReport( false, "remoteFailure/TestFail.html" ); checkReport( false, "remoteFailure/SuiteFail.html" ); checkReport( false, "remoteFailure/SuiteInfraFail.html" ); checkReport( false, "remoteFailure/SuiteException.html" ); } private void checkReport( boolean pFailOnError, String pFileName ) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, MojoFailureException, MojoExecutionException { InputStream tSrcFile = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( pFileName ); mMojo.setFailOnError( pFailOnError ); mMojo.checkFailure( FileUtil.getString( tSrcFile ), pFileName ); } public void testTransformOutputPage() throws IOException, MojoExecutionException, URISyntaxException { File tSrcFile = new File( getClass().getClassLoader().getResource( "remote/RemoteCallBrut_output.html" ).toURI() ); File tExpectedFile = new File( getClass().getClassLoader().getResource( "remote/RemoteCallResult_output.html" ).toURI() ); File tTmpFile = new File( "target/tmpOutput.html" ); if ( tTmpFile.exists() ) { assertTrue( tTmpFile.delete() ); } Project antProject = new Project(); antProject.init(); Copy tCopy = (Copy) antProject.createTask( "copy" ); tCopy.setFile( tSrcFile ); tCopy.setOverwrite( true ); tCopy.setTofile( tTmpFile ); tCopy.execute(); getMojo().transformOutputPage( tTmpFile ); String tExpected = FileUtil.getString( tExpectedFile ); String tTransform = FileUtil.getString( tTmpFile ); StringTokenizer tTokExp = new StringTokenizer( tExpected, "\n" ); StringTokenizer tTokRes = new StringTokenizer( tTransform.toString(), "\n" ); while ( tTokExp.hasMoreElements() ) { String tExpectToken = tTokExp.nextToken(); String tResultToken = tTokRes.nextToken(); assertEquals( tExpectToken, tResultToken ); } assertFalse( tTokRes.hasMoreElements() ); } }