package org.codehaus.mojo.fitnesse; /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Foobar. If not, see <>. */ import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log; import org.apache.maven.settings.Server; import org.jmock.Mock; import org.jmock.cglib.MockObjectTestCase; public class FitnesseAbstractMojoTest extends MockObjectTestCase { private static final String WILD_CART = "XXX"; private Mock mMockLog; public static class MojoTest extends FitnesseAbstractMojo { public MojoTest( Log pLog ) { setLog( pLog ); } public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { } String getOutputFileName( Fitnesse pServer ) { return null; } String getOutputUrl( Fitnesse pServer ) { return null; } } public void testGetCredentialOk() throws MojoExecutionException { MojoTest tMojo = getMojo( null ); UsernamePasswordCredentials tCred = tMojo.getCredential( "Server0" ); assertEquals( "Login0", tCred.getUserName() ); assertEquals( "Password0", tCred.getPassword() ); tCred = tMojo.getCredential( "Server1" ); assertEquals( "Login1", tCred.getUserName() ); assertEquals( "Password1", tCred.getPassword() ); tCred = tMojo.getCredential( "Server2" ); assertEquals( "Login2", tCred.getUserName() ); assertEquals( "Password2", tCred.getPassword() ); } public void testGetCredentialNotFound() { MojoTest tMojo = getMojo( null ); try { tMojo.getCredential( "Server3" ); fail( "Should not find credential" ); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( "Unable to find credential for ServerId=[Server3], " + "you must define a <Server> tag in your settings.xml for this Id.", e.getMessage() ); } } private MojoTest getMojo( Log pLog ) { MojoTest tMojo = new MojoTest( pLog ); Server tServer = new Server(); tServer.setId( "Server0" ); tServer.setUsername( "Login0" ); tServer.setPassword( "Password0" ); tMojo.addServer( tServer ); tServer = new Server(); tServer.setId( "Server1" ); tServer.setUsername( "Login1" ); tServer.setPassword( "Password1" ); tMojo.addServer( tServer ); tServer = new Server(); tServer.setId( "Server2" ); tServer.setUsername( "Login2" ); tServer.setPassword( "Password2" ); tMojo.addServer( tServer ); tMojo.setDateFormat( "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm" ); return tMojo; } public void testCheckConfigurationWithoutCommandLineNorConfig() throws MojoExecutionException { MojoTest tMojo = getMojo( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); mMockLog.stubs().method( "error" ).with( eq( "Your should configure at least one Fitnesse " + "server. Check your maven-fitnesse-plugin configuration." ) ); try { tMojo.setFitnesses( null ); tMojo.checkConfiguration(); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( "Your should configure at least one Fitnesse server. " + "Check your maven-fitnesse-plugin configuration.", e.getMessage() ); } List tList = new ArrayList(); tMojo.setFitnesses( tList ); try { tMojo.checkConfiguration(); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { assertEquals( "Your should configure at least one Fitnesse server. " + "Check your maven-fitnesse-plugin configuration.", e.getMessage() ); } } public void testCheckConfigurationWithoutCommandLineAndOneFitnesse() throws MojoExecutionException { MojoTest tMojo = getMojo( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); List tList = new ArrayList(); tList.add( new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "MaPage", null ) ); tMojo.setFitnesses( tList ); tMojo.checkConfiguration(); assertEquals( 1, tMojo.getFitnesseSize() ); assertEquals( "localhost", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getHostName() ); assertEquals( 80, tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPort() ); assertEquals( "MaPage", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPageName() ); } public void testCheckConfigurationWithoutCommandLineAndSeveralFitnesse() throws MojoExecutionException { MojoTest tMojo = getMojo( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); List tList = new ArrayList(); tList.add( new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "MaPage", null ) ); tList.add( new Fitnesse( "localhost2", 8080, "MaPage2", null ) ); tMojo.setFitnesses( tList ); tMojo.checkConfiguration(); assertEquals( 2, tMojo.getFitnesseSize() ); assertEquals( "localhost", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getHostName() ); assertEquals( 80, tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPort() ); assertEquals( "MaPage", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPageName() ); assertEquals( "localhost2", tMojo.getFitnesse( 1 ).getHostName() ); assertEquals( 8080, tMojo.getFitnesse( 1 ).getPort() ); assertEquals( "MaPage2", tMojo.getFitnesse( 1 ).getPageName() ); } public void testCheckConfigurationWithCommandLineAndWithoutConfig() throws MojoExecutionException { MojoTest tMojo = getMojo( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); tMojo.setFitnesses( null ); tMojo.cmdFitnessePage = "MaPage"; tMojo.checkConfiguration(); assertEquals( 1, tMojo.getFitnesseSize() ); assertEquals( "localhost", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getHostName() ); assertEquals( 80, tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPort() ); assertEquals( "MaPage", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPageName() ); tMojo = getMojo( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); tMojo.cmdFitnessePage = "MaPage"; List tList = new ArrayList(); tMojo.setFitnesses( tList ); tMojo.checkConfiguration(); assertEquals( 1, tMojo.getFitnesseSize() ); assertEquals( "localhost", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getHostName() ); assertEquals( 80, tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPort() ); assertEquals( "MaPage", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPageName() ); } public void testCheckConfigurationWithSimpleCommandLineAndOneFitnesse() throws MojoExecutionException { MojoTest tMojo = getMojo( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); tMojo.cmdFitnessePage = "MyPage"; List tList = new ArrayList(); tList.add( new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "MaPage", null ) ); tMojo.setFitnesses( tList ); tMojo.checkConfiguration(); assertEquals( 1, tMojo.getFitnesseSize() ); assertEquals( "localhost", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getHostName() ); assertEquals( 80, tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPort() ); assertEquals( "MyPage", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPageName() ); } public void testCheckConfigurationWithFullCommandLineAndOneFitnesse() throws MojoExecutionException { MojoTest tMojo = getMojo( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); tMojo.cmdFitnessePage = "MyPage"; tMojo.cmdFitnesseHostName = "myHost"; tMojo.cmdFitnessePort = 8080; List tList = new ArrayList(); tList.add( new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "MaPage", null ) ); tMojo.setFitnesses( tList ); tMojo.checkConfiguration(); assertEquals( 1, tMojo.getFitnesseSize() ); assertEquals( "myHost", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getHostName() ); assertEquals( 8080, tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPort() ); assertEquals( "MyPage", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPageName() ); } public void testCheckConfigurationWithCommandLineAndSeveralFitnesse() throws MojoExecutionException { MojoTest tMojo = getMojo( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); tMojo.cmdFitnessePage = "MyPage"; List tList = new ArrayList(); tList.add( new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "MaPage", null ) ); tList.add( new Fitnesse( "localhost2", 8080, "MaPage2", null ) ); tMojo.setFitnesses( tList ); tMojo.checkConfiguration(); assertEquals( 1, tMojo.getFitnesseSize() ); assertEquals( "localhost", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getHostName() ); assertEquals( 80, tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPort() ); assertEquals( "MyPage", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPageName() ); } public void testCheckConfigurationWithFullCommandLineAndSeveralFitnesse() throws MojoExecutionException { MojoTest tMojo = getMojo( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); tMojo.cmdFitnessePage = "MyPage"; tMojo.cmdFitnesseHostName = "myHost"; tMojo.cmdFitnessePort = 8081; List tList = new ArrayList(); tList.add( new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "MaPage", null ) ); tList.add( new Fitnesse( "localhost2", 8080, "MaPage2", null ) ); tMojo.setFitnesses( tList ); tMojo.checkConfiguration(); assertEquals( 1, tMojo.getFitnesseSize() ); assertEquals( "myHost", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getHostName() ); assertEquals( 8081, tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPort() ); assertEquals( "MyPage", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPageName() ); } public void testCheckConfigurationWithHostCommandLineAndSeveralFitnesse() throws MojoExecutionException { MojoTest tMojo = getMojo( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); tMojo.cmdFitnesseHostName = "myHost"; List tList = new ArrayList(); tList.add( new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "MaPage", null ) ); tList.add( new Fitnesse( "localhost2", 8080, "MaPage2", null ) ); tMojo.setFitnesses( tList ); tMojo.checkConfiguration(); assertEquals( 1, tMojo.getFitnesseSize() ); assertEquals( "myHost", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getHostName() ); assertEquals( 80, tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPort() ); assertEquals( "MaPage", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPageName() ); } public void testCheckConfigurationWithPortCommandLineAndSeveralFitnesse() throws MojoExecutionException { MojoTest tMojo = getMojo( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); tMojo.cmdFitnessePort = 8081; List tList = new ArrayList(); tList.add( new Fitnesse( "localhost", 80, "MaPage", null ) ); tList.add( new Fitnesse( "localhost2", 8080, "MaPage2", null ) ); tMojo.setFitnesses( tList ); tMojo.checkConfiguration(); assertEquals( 1, tMojo.getFitnesseSize() ); assertEquals( "localhost", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getHostName() ); assertEquals( 8081, tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPort() ); assertEquals( "MaPage", tMojo.getFitnesse( 0 ).getPageName() ); } /** * @Override */ protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); mMockLog = mock( Log.class ); mMockLog.stubs().method( "info" ).withAnyArguments(); } public void testTransformHtmlForSimpleTest() throws IOException, MojoExecutionException { InputStream tSrcFile = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( "remote/TestBrut.html" ); InputStream tExpectedFile = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( "remote/TestResult.html" ); try { compareTransformFile( tSrcFile, tExpectedFile, "TestResult_output.txt", FitnessePage.STATUS_ERROR ); } finally { tSrcFile.close(); tExpectedFile.close(); } } public void testTransformHtmlForSuite() throws IOException, MojoExecutionException { InputStream tSrcFile = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( "remote/SuiteBrut.html" ); InputStream tExpectedFile = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( "remote/SuiteResult.html" ); try { compareTransformFile( tSrcFile, tExpectedFile, "SuiteResult_output.txt", FitnessePage.STATUS_ERROR ); } finally { tSrcFile.close(); tExpectedFile.close(); } } private void compareTransformFile( InputStream pSrcFile, InputStream pExpectedFile, String pOutputFileName, String pStatus ) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, MojoExecutionException { String tExpected = FileUtil.getString( pExpectedFile ); ByteArrayOutputStream tTransform = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); MojoTest tMojo = getMojo( (Log) mMockLog.proxy() ); tMojo.transformHtml( pSrcFile, new OutputStreamWriter( tTransform ), pOutputFileName, pStatus ); StringTokenizer tTokExp = new StringTokenizer( tExpected, "\n" ); StringTokenizer tTokRes = new StringTokenizer( tTransform.toString(), "\n" ); while ( tTokExp.hasMoreElements() ) { String tExpectToken = tTokExp.nextToken(); String tResultToken = tTokRes.nextToken(); if ( tExpectToken.indexOf( WILD_CART ) >= 0 ) { int tStartIndex = tExpectToken.indexOf( WILD_CART ); assertEquals( tExpectToken.substring( 0, tStartIndex ), tResultToken.substring( 0, tStartIndex ) ); int tEndIndex = tExpectToken.lastIndexOf( WILD_CART ) + WILD_CART.length(); String tEndExpectected = tExpectToken.substring( tEndIndex, tExpectToken.length() ); String tEndResult = tResultToken.substring( tEndIndex, tResultToken.length() ); assertEquals( tEndExpectected, tEndResult ); } else { assertEquals( tExpectToken, tResultToken ); } } assertFalse( tTokRes.hasMoreElements() ); } }