package org.codehaus.mojo.freeform.analyser; /* * Copyright 2001-2005 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository; import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject; import org.codehaus.mojo.freeform.FreeformPluginException; import org.codehaus.mojo.freeform.project.AntTarget; import org.codehaus.mojo.freeform.project.CustomisedContextMenuItem; import org.codehaus.mojo.freeform.project.FileViewItem; import org.codehaus.mojo.freeform.project.FolderViewItem; import org.codehaus.mojo.freeform.project.FreeformProject; /** * This abstract class is the parent class of all the <packaging>Analysers. * <p/> * The Analyser purpose is to analyse the projects and repository for * creating a FreeformProject object and a List of AntTarget. * * @author <a href="">Raphaël Piéroni</a> */ public abstract class Analyser { /** * The local repository of the Maven2 execution. */ protected ArtifactRepository localRepository; /** * The freeform project that will be created. */ protected FreeformProject freeformProject; /** * The list of ant targets that will be created. */ protected List antTargets; /** * The logging system. */ protected Log log; /** * The maven project resulting of the phase prerequisite. */ protected MavenProject mavenExecutedProject; /** * The maven project. */ protected MavenProject mavenProject; /** * The path to the Maven executable. */ protected String mavenpath; /** * This method role is to create the FreeformProject using * the mavenProject, the mavenExecutedProject and the localRepository. * <p/> * This method must be overrided by each specific <packaging>Analyser. * * @throws org.codehaus.mojo.freeform.FreeformPluginException * if something goes wrong. */ public final void analyseProject() throws FreeformPluginException { analyseProject(false); } /** * This method role is to create the List of AntTarget using * the mavenProject, the mavenExecutedProject and the localRepository. * <p/> * This method must be overrided by each specific <packaging>Analyser. * * @throws org.codehaus.mojo.freeform.FreeformPluginException * if something goes wrong. */ public final void analyseTargets() throws FreeformPluginException { analyseTargets(false); } /** * This method role is to create the FreeformProject using * the mavenProject, the mavenExecutedProject and the localRepository. * <p/> * This method must be overrided by each specific <packaging>Analyser. * @param useOutputDirectory whether the project elements contains reference to the project directory or not. * @throws org.codehaus.mojo.freeform.FreeformPluginException if something goes wrong. */ public abstract void analyseProject(boolean useOutputDirectory) throws FreeformPluginException; /** * This method role is to create the List of AntTarget using * the mavenProject, the mavenExecutedProject and the localRepository. * <p/> * This method must be overrided by each specific <packaging>Analyser. * @param useOutputDirectory whether the project elements contains reference to the project directory or not. * @throws org.codehaus.mojo.freeform.FreeformPluginException if something goes wrong. */ public abstract void analyseTargets(boolean useOutputDirectory) throws FreeformPluginException; /** * This method gives the <packaging>Analyser associated to the mavenProject * packaging. The returned Analyser is injected withe the given parameters. * * @param mavenProject The maven project which defines the packaging. * @param executedProject The maven prokect resulting of the phases * prerequisites. * @param localRepository The local repository of the Maven2 execution. * @param log The logging system. * @param mavenpath The path to the maven executable. * @return the <packaging>Analyser which is the one defined for the * packaging of the given mavenProject. */ public static Analyser getAnalyser( final MavenProject mavenProject, final MavenProject executedProject, final ArtifactRepository localRepository, final Log log, final String mavenpath ) { Analyser analyser = null; // choose the <packaging>Analyser for the given project. if ( ( mavenProject.getPackaging() != null ) && mavenProject.getPackaging().equalsIgnoreCase( "jar" ) ) { analyser = new JarAnalyser(); } else if ( ( mavenProject.getPackaging() != null ) && mavenProject.getPackaging().equalsIgnoreCase( "maven-plugin" ) ) { analyser = new MavenPluginAnalyser(); } else { analyser = new JarAnalyser(); } // inject the mavenProject, the executedProject, the localRepository, // the log, and the maven path to the choosen analyser. analyser.setMavenProject( mavenProject ); analyser.setMavenExecutedProject( executedProject ); analyser.setLocalRepository( localRepository ); analyser.setLog( log ); analyser.setMavenPath( mavenpath ); analyser + " found" ); return analyser; } /** * The localRepository setter. * * @param localRepository The ArtifactRepository to be set. */ public void setLocalRepository( final ArtifactRepository localRepository ) { this.localRepository = localRepository; } /** * The log setter. * * @param log The Log to be set. */ public void setLog( final Log log ) { this.log = log; } /** * The mavenExecutedProject setter. * * @param executedProject The MavenProject to be set. */ public void setMavenExecutedProject( final MavenProject executedProject ) { this.mavenExecutedProject = executedProject; } /** * The mavenProject setter. * * @param mavenProject The MavenProject to be set. */ public void setMavenProject( final MavenProject mavenProject ) { this.mavenProject = mavenProject; } /** * The maven path setter. * * @param mavenpath The MavenPath to be set. */ public void setMavenPath( final String mavenpath ) { this.mavenpath = mavenpath; } /** * This method returns the created FreeformProject. * * @return the created FreeformProject. */ public FreeformProject getProject() { return this.freeformProject; } /** * this method returns the created List of AntTargets. * * @return the created List. */ public List getTargets() { return this.antTargets; } /** * This method permits to add some additional actions to the Netbeans * context menu. * * @param actions a list of actions to add. (String encoded) * @throws org.codehaus.mojo.freeform.FreeformPluginException * if something goes wrong. */ public void addAdditionalActions( final List actions ) throws FreeformPluginException { if ( this.freeformProject == null ) { log.error( "The project is not analysed" ); throw new FreeformPluginException( "The project is not analysed" ); } else { Iterator iterator = actions.iterator(); while ( iterator.hasNext() ) { String action = (String); CustomisedContextMenuItem contextMenuItem = new CustomisedContextMenuItem(); contextMenuItem.setName( action ); contextMenuItem.setScript( "${ant.script}" ); contextMenuItem.addTarget( action ); this.freeformProject.addContextMenuItem( contextMenuItem ); log.debug( "action" + action + " added" ); } } "actions added" ); } /** * This method permits to add some additional files to the Netbeans * project view. * @param useOutputDirectory whether the project elements contains reference to the project directory or not. * @param files a list of files to add. (String encoded) * @throws org.codehaus.mojo.freeform.FreeformPluginException if something goes wrong. */ public void addAdditionalFiles( final List files, final boolean useOutputDirectory ) throws FreeformPluginException { if ( this.freeformProject == null ) { log.error( "The project is not analysed" ); throw new FreeformPluginException( "The project is not analysed" ); } else { Iterator iterator = files.iterator(); while ( iterator.hasNext() ) { String file = (String); FileViewItem viewItem = new FileViewItem(); viewItem.setLabel( file.substring( file.lastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1 ) ); viewItem.setLocation( ( useOutputDirectory ? "${}/" : "" ) + file ); this.freeformProject.addViewItem( viewItem ); log.debug( "viewItem" + file + " added" ); } } "files added" ); } /** * This method permits to add some additional folders to the Netbeans * project view. * @param useOutputDirectory whether the project elements contains reference to the project directory or not. * @param folders a list of folders to add. (String encoded) * @throws org.codehaus.mojo.freeform.FreeformPluginException if something goes wrong. */ public void addAdditionalFolders( final List folders, final boolean useOutputDirectory ) throws FreeformPluginException { if ( this.freeformProject == null ) { log.error( "The project is not analysed" ); throw new FreeformPluginException( "The project is not analysed" ); } else { Iterator iterator = folders.iterator(); while ( iterator.hasNext() ) { String folder = (String); FolderViewItem viewItem = new FolderViewItem(); viewItem.setLabel( folder ); viewItem.setLocation( ( useOutputDirectory ? "${}/" : "" ) + folder ); viewItem.setStyle( "tree" ); this.freeformProject.addViewItem( viewItem ); log.debug( "viewItem" + folder + " added" ); } } "folders added" ); } /** * This method permits to add some additionnal ant targets to the list * of AntTargets. * * @param targets a list of ant target to add. (String encoded) * @throws org.codehaus.mojo.freeform.FreeformPluginException * if something goes wrong. */ public void addAdditionalTargets( final List targets ) throws FreeformPluginException { if ( this.antTargets == null ) { log.error( "The targets are not analysed" ); throw new FreeformPluginException( "The targets are not analysed" ); } else { Iterator iterator = targets.iterator(); while ( iterator.hasNext() ) { String target = (String); AntTarget antTarget = new AntTarget(); antTarget.setName( target ); antTarget.addGoal( target ); this.antTargets.add( antTarget ); log.debug( "target" + target + " added" ); } } "targets added" ); } /** * This method returns the classname of the <packaging>Analyser. * This is not the full classname. * * @return The computed classname. */ public String toString() { String fullName = this.getClass().getName(); return fullName.substring( fullName.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 ); } /** * The default constructor is set to protected to force the * creation of an Analyser object only for use in the getAnalyser method. */ protected void Analyser() { } /** * This method creates an empty FreeformProject. * @param useOutputDirectory whether the project elements contains reference to the project directory or not. */ protected void createProject(boolean useOutputDirectory) { this.freeformProject = new FreeformProject(); this.freeformProject.setUseOutputDirectory( useOutputDirectory ); } /** * This method creates an empty AntTarget List. */ protected void createTargets() { this.antTargets = new ArrayList(); } /** * This method computes a relative path given a base directory and * an absolute path located in the tree of the basedir. * * @param basedir The base directory to compute relative path from. * @param absolutePath The absolute path to make relative to the base * directory. * @return The computed relative path. */ protected static String toRelative( final File basedir, final String absolutePath ) { String relative; String path = absolutePath.replace( '\\', '/' ); String basedirPath = basedir.getAbsolutePath().replace( '\\', '/' ); if ( path.startsWith( basedirPath ) ) { relative = path.substring( basedirPath.length() + 1 ); } else { relative = path; } return relative; } }