package org.codehaus.mojo.enchanter; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding * copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ import; import; import; import; /** * Stream reader that helps create a script. Meant to be subclassed by scripting * engine-dependent modules * This class is current not supported */ public class ScriptRecorder implements StreamListener { char[] lastChars = new char[10]; int lastCharsPos = 0; PrintWriter out; public void setPromptSize( int size ) { lastChars = new char[size]; } protected void printUsage() { System.err.println( "Usage: java -jar enchanter.jar [{-l,--learn} [{-h,--host}]\n" + " [{-p,--port}] [{-u,--username}]\n" + " [{-P,--password}]{-p,--port}]\n" + " [--prompt-size]\n" + " ] SCRIPT_PATH" ); } /** * Processes command line for learning mode args * @param args * @return * @throws IOException */ public String[] processForLearningMode( String[] args ) throws IOException { /* CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(); Option optLearn = parser.addBooleanOption( 'l', "learn" ); Option optHost = parser.addStringOption( 'h', "host" ); Option optPort = parser.addIntegerOption( 'p', "port" ); Option optUsername = parser.addStringOption( 'u', "username" ); Option optPassword = parser.addStringOption( 'P', "password" ); Option optPromptSize = parser.addIntegerOption( "prompt-size" ); try { parser.parse( args ); } catch ( CmdLineParser.OptionException e ) { System.err.println( e.getMessage() ); printUsage(); System.exit( 2 ); } if ( parser.getRemainingArgs().length != 1 ) { printUsage(); System.exit( 2 ); } if ( ( (Boolean) parser.getOptionValue( optLearn, false ) ).booleanValue() ) { String host = (String) parser.getOptionValue( optHost, "localhost" ); int port = ( (Integer) parser.getOptionValue( optPort, Integer.valueOf( 22 ) ) ).intValue(); String username = (String) parser.getOptionValue( optUsername ); String password = (String) parser.getOptionValue( optPassword, "" ); setPromptSize( ( (Integer) parser.getOptionValue( optPromptSize, Integer.valueOf( 10 ) ) ).intValue() ); StreamConnection streamConnection = new DefaultStreamConnection(); streamConnection.addStreamListener( this ); streamConnection.connect( host, port, username, password ); startRecording( parser.getRemainingArgs()[0], host, port, username, password ); ConsoleReader reader = new ConsoleReader(); Thread t = new Thread( reader ); t.start(); streamConnection.waitFor( "asfdasfasfdSomeStringThatDoesntExistasdfasdf" ); endRecording(); System.exit( 0 ); } return parser.getRemainingArgs(); */ return null; } protected void endRecording() { System.out.println( "End recording" ); } protected void startRecording( String string, String host, int port, String username, String password ) { System.out.println( "Starting recording..." ); } // Primarily used for testing public static final void main( String[] args ) throws IOException { ScriptRecorder rec = new ScriptRecorder(); rec.processForLearningMode( args ); } public synchronized void hasRead( byte b ) { lastChars[lastCharsPos++] = (char) b; if ( lastCharsPos == lastChars.length ) { lastCharsPos = 0; } System.out.print( (char) b ); } /** * Subclasses should override to write language-specific code * @param prompt * @param response */ protected void writePrompt( String prompt, String response ) { System.out.println( "Prompt: " + prompt + " Response: " + response ); } public void hasWritten( byte[] b ) { } String getLastChars() { char[] chars = new char[lastChars.length]; // test for partial if ( lastCharsPos < lastChars.length - 1 && lastChars[lastCharsPos + 1] == 0 ) { System.arraycopy( lastChars, 0, chars, 0, lastCharsPos + 1 ); return new String( chars, 0, lastCharsPos ); } else { System.arraycopy( lastChars, lastCharsPos, chars, 0, lastChars.length - lastCharsPos ); if ( lastCharsPos > 0 ) { System.arraycopy( lastChars, 0, chars, lastChars.length - lastCharsPos, lastCharsPos ); } for ( int start = chars.length - 1; start > 0; start-- ) { if ( chars[start] == '\n' ) { if ( start == chars.length - 1 ) { return ""; } else { return new String( chars, start + 1, chars.length - start - 1 ); } } } return new String( chars ); } } class ConsoleReader implements Runnable { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( ) ); public void run() { try { while ( true ) { String line = reader.readLine(); synchronized ( this ) { if ( line != null && line.length() > 0 ) { out.println( line ); out.flush(); writePrompt( getLastChars(), line ); } } } } catch ( IOException ex ) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } public void init( PrintWriter writer ) { this.out = writer; } }