package org.osgi.service.indexer.impl; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.osgi.framework.Constants; import org.osgi.framework.Version; import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentConstants; import org.osgi.service.indexer.Builder; import org.osgi.service.indexer.Capability; import org.osgi.service.indexer.Namespaces; import org.osgi.service.indexer.Requirement; import org.osgi.service.indexer.Resource; import org.osgi.service.indexer.ResourceAnalyzer; import org.osgi.service.indexer.impl.types.ScalarType; import org.osgi.service.indexer.impl.types.TypedValue; import org.osgi.service.indexer.impl.types.VersionKey; import org.osgi.service.indexer.impl.types.VersionRange; import org.osgi.service.log.LogService; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; public class SCRAnalyzer implements ResourceAnalyzer { static final Pattern URI_VERSION_P = Pattern.compile("/scr/v(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)$"); public static final String NS_1_0 = Namespaces.NS_OSGI + "/scr/v1.0.0"; public static final String NS_1_1 = Namespaces.NS_OSGI + "/scr/v1.1.0"; public static final String NS_1_2 = Namespaces.NS_OSGI + "/scr/v1.2.0"; public static final String NS_1_2_1 = Namespaces.NS_OSGI + "/scr/v1.2.1"; public static final String NS_1_3 = Namespaces.NS_OSGI + "/scr/v1.3.0"; public static final String ELEMENT_COMPONENT = "component"; public static final String ELEMENT_SERVICE = "service"; public static final String ELEMENT_PROVIDE = "provide"; public static final String ELEMENT_REFERENCE = "reference"; public static final String ELEMENT_PROPERTY = "property"; public static final String ATTRIB_INTERFACE = "interface"; public static final String ATTRIB_CARDINALITY = "cardinality"; public static final String ATTRIB_NAME = "name"; public static final String ATTRIB_TYPE = "type"; public static final String ATTRIB_VALUE = "value"; public static final String ATTRIB_TARGET = "target"; private LogService log; public SCRAnalyzer(LogService log) { this.log = log; } public void analyzeResource(Resource resource, List<Capability> caps, List<Requirement> reqs) throws Exception { String header = null; Manifest manifest = resource.getManifest(); if (manifest != null) header = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(ComponentConstants.SERVICE_COMPONENT); if (header == null) return; StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(header, ","); Version highest = null; while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String pattern = tokenizer.nextToken().trim(); List<String> paths = Util.findMatchingPaths(resource, pattern); if (paths != null) for (String path : paths) { Version version = processScrXml(resource, path, caps, reqs); if (version == null) continue; if (highest == null || (version.compareTo(highest) > 0)) highest = version; } } if (highest != null) { Version lower = new Version(highest.getMajor(), highest.getMinor(), 0); Version upper = new Version(highest.getMajor() + 1, 0, 0); Requirement requirement = createRequirement(new VersionRange(true, lower, upper, false)); reqs.add(requirement); } } private Version processScrXml(Resource resource, String path, List<Capability> caps, List<Requirement> reqs) throws IOException { Resource childResource = resource.getChild(path); if (childResource == null) { if (log != null) log.log(LogService.LOG_WARNING, MessageFormat.format( "Cannot analyse SCR requirement version: resource {0} does not contain path {1} referred from Service-Component header.", resource.getLocation(), path)); return null; } SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); spf.setNamespaceAware(true); try { SAXParser parser = spf.newSAXParser(); SCRContentHandler handler = new SCRContentHandler(caps, reqs); parser.parse(childResource.getStream(), handler); return handler.highest; } catch (Exception e) { if (log != null) log.log(LogService.LOG_ERROR, MessageFormat.format("Processing error: failed to parse child resource {0} in resource {1}.", path, resource.getLocation()), e); return null; } } private static Requirement createRequirement(VersionRange range) { Builder builder = new Builder().setNamespace(Namespaces.NS_EXTENDER); StringBuilder filter = new StringBuilder(); filter.append('(').append(Namespaces.NS_EXTENDER).append('=').append(Namespaces.EXTENDER_SCR).append(')'); filter.insert(0, "(&"); Util.addVersionFilter(filter, range, VersionKey.PackageVersion); filter.append(')'); builder.addDirective(Namespaces.DIRECTIVE_FILTER, filter.toString()) .addDirective(Namespaces.DIRECTIVE_EFFECTIVE, Namespaces.EFFECTIVE_ACTIVE); Requirement requirement = builder.buildRequirement(); return requirement; } private static class SCRContentHandler extends DefaultHandler { private List<Capability> caps; private List<Requirement> reqs; Version highest = null; private List<String> provides = null; private List<Requirement> references = null; private Map<String,Object> properties = null; private String currentPropertyName = null; private ScalarType currentPropertyType = null; private String currentPropertyValue = null; private StringBuilder currentPropertyText = null; public SCRContentHandler(List<Capability> caps, List<Requirement> reqs) { super(); this.caps = caps; this.reqs = reqs; } @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attribs) throws SAXException { super.startElement(uri, localName, qName, attribs); String localNameLowerCase = localName.toLowerCase(); if (ELEMENT_COMPONENT.equals(localNameLowerCase)) { provides = new LinkedList<String>(); properties = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>(); references = new LinkedList<Requirement>(); if (uri == null || "".equals(uri)) { setVersion(new Version(1, 0, 0)); } else { // // Actually, we do not care that match // since we just create a dependency on that // version. So lets parse the version out of the // URI assuming the URI will look similar in the future, // which is a realistic expectation. If the syntax // does not match, too bad. // Matcher m = URI_VERSION_P.matcher(uri); if (m.find()) { String v =; setVersion(new Version(v)); } else throw new SAXException("Unknown namespace " + uri); } } else if (ELEMENT_PROVIDE.equals(localNameLowerCase)) { String objectClass = attribs.getValue(ATTRIB_INTERFACE); provides.add(objectClass); } else if (ELEMENT_PROPERTY.equals(localNameLowerCase)) { currentPropertyName = attribs.getValue(ATTRIB_NAME); if (currentPropertyName == null) throw new SAXException("Missing required attribute '" + ATTRIB_NAME + "'."); currentPropertyType = typeOf(attribs.getValue(ATTRIB_TYPE)); String value = attribs.getValue(ATTRIB_VALUE); if (value != null) { currentPropertyValue = value; } else { currentPropertyText = new StringBuilder(); } } else if (ELEMENT_REFERENCE.equals(localNameLowerCase)) { references.add(createServiceRequirement(attribs)); } } @Override public void characters(char[] chars, int start, int length) throws SAXException { if (currentPropertyName != null && currentPropertyText != null) currentPropertyText.append(chars, start, length); } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { String localNameLowerCase = localName.toLowerCase(); if (ELEMENT_PROPERTY.equals(localNameLowerCase)) { if (currentPropertyValue != null) { Object value = readTyped(currentPropertyType, currentPropertyValue); properties.put(currentPropertyName, new TypedValue(currentPropertyType, value)); } else if (currentPropertyText != null) { String[] lines = currentPropertyText.toString().split("\n"); List<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(lines.length); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { String line = lines[i].trim(); if (line.length() > 0) { Object value = readTyped(currentPropertyType, line); values.add(value); } } properties.put(currentPropertyName, new TypedValue(currentPropertyType, values)); } currentPropertyName = null; currentPropertyType = null; currentPropertyValue = null; currentPropertyText = null; } if (ELEMENT_COMPONENT.equals(localNameLowerCase)) { if (provides != null && !provides.isEmpty()) { Builder builder = new Builder().setNamespace(Namespaces.NS_SERVICE); builder.addAttribute(Constants.OBJECTCLASS, provides); for (Entry<String,Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) { builder.addAttribute(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } StringBuilder uses = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for (String objectClass : provides) { if (!first) uses.append(','); first = false; int dotindex = objectClass.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dotindex < 0) throw new SAXException("Service interface in default package."); String pkgName = objectClass.substring(0, dotindex); uses.append(pkgName); } builder.addDirective(Constants.USES_DIRECTIVE, uses.toString()); caps.add(builder.buildCapability()); } if (references != null && !references.isEmpty()) { reqs.addAll(references); } } super.endElement(uri, localName, qName); } private void setVersion(Version version) { if (highest == null || (version.compareTo(highest) > 0)) highest = version; } private static Requirement createServiceRequirement(Attributes attribs) throws SAXException { String interfaceClass = attribs.getValue(ATTRIB_INTERFACE); if (interfaceClass == null || interfaceClass.length() == 0) { throw new SAXException("Missing required " + ATTRIB_INTERFACE + " attribute"); } Builder builder = new Builder().setNamespace(Namespaces.NS_SERVICE); String filter; // #770 // // We should not include any target properties since this is more a // runtime // filter that is often overridden by config admin. Since this is // handled in // runtime anyway, we should be able to ignore it easily. // @formatter:off // String target = attribs.getValue(ATTRIB_TARGET); // if (target != null) // filter = String.format("(&(%s=%s)%s)", Constants.OBJECTCLASS, interfaceClass, target); // else // @formatter:on filter = String.format("(%s=%s)", Constants.OBJECTCLASS, interfaceClass); builder.addDirective(Namespaces.DIRECTIVE_FILTER, filter); String cardinality = attribs.getValue(ATTRIB_CARDINALITY); if (cardinality != null) { cardinality = cardinality.trim().toLowerCase(); if (cardinality.length() > 0) { if ('0' == cardinality.charAt(0)) builder.addDirective(Namespaces.DIRECTIVE_RESOLUTION, Namespaces.RESOLUTION_OPTIONAL); if ('n' == cardinality.charAt(cardinality.length() - 1)) builder.addDirective(Namespaces.DIRECTIVE_CARDINALITY, Namespaces.CARDINALITY_MULTIPLE); } } builder.addDirective(Namespaces.DIRECTIVE_EFFECTIVE, Namespaces.EFFECTIVE_ACTIVE); return builder.buildRequirement(); } private static ScalarType typeOf(String name) { if (name == null) return ScalarType.String; if (Long.class.getSimpleName().equals(name) || Integer.class.getSimpleName().equals(name) || Short.class.getSimpleName().equals(name) || Byte.class.getSimpleName().equals(name)) return ScalarType.Long; if (Float.class.getSimpleName().equals(name) || Double.class.getSimpleName().equals(name)) return ScalarType.Double; return ScalarType.String; } private static Object readTyped(ScalarType type, String string) { switch (type) { case Long : return Long.parseLong(string); case Double : return Double.parseDouble(string); default : return string; } } } }