package aQute.bnd.osgi; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import aQute.bnd.annotation.headers.BundleCategory; import aQute.bnd.annotation.headers.BundleContributors; import aQute.bnd.annotation.headers.BundleCopyright; import aQute.bnd.annotation.headers.BundleDevelopers; import aQute.bnd.annotation.headers.BundleDocURL; import aQute.bnd.annotation.headers.BundleLicense; import aQute.bnd.annotation.headers.Category; import aQute.bnd.annotation.headers.ProvideCapability; import aQute.bnd.annotation.headers.RequireCapability; import aQute.bnd.header.Attrs; import aQute.bnd.header.Parameters; import aQute.bnd.osgi.Descriptors.PackageRef; import aQute.bnd.osgi.Descriptors.TypeRef; import aQute.bnd.version.Version; import aQute.lib.collections.MultiMap; import aQute.lib.strings.Strings; /** * This class parses the 'header annotations'. Header annotations are * annotations that cause headers in the manifest. There are a number of those * headers annotations defined in the aQute.bnd.annotation.headers package, e.g. * {@link BundleCopyright}. This module applies the semantics of the defined * fields in those annotations. It is called at the post parse phase in * Analyzer. This {@link ClassDataCollector} is called for all classes in our * scope. We first look if any header annotations are applied. We also keep * track of what other annotations are applied to these classes. After all the * classes have been parsed, we look at any of the annotations that was applied * to one of the contained classes. These annotations are also parsed then to * check if they have header annotations applied to them. * <p> * This may sound a bit bizarre, so let me explain. The idea is that you can * create a custom annotation for a specific resource. * * <pre> * @RequireCapability("osgi.webresource;filter:='(&(osgi. * webresource=/google/angular)(version>=${@version}))") @interface * Angular {} * </pre> * * Now all a user has to do is apply the @Angular annotation. It will then * automatically create a Require-Capability, with the version of the package. * * <pre> * @Angular public class MySpace {...} * </pre> * * {@link About} provides some more information. */ class AnnotationHeaders extends ClassDataCollector implements Closeable { static final Pattern SIMPLE_PARAM_PATTERN = Pattern .compile("\\$\\{(\\p{javaJavaIdentifierStart}\\p{javaJavaIdentifierPart}*)\\}"); final Analyzer analyzer; final Set<TypeRef> interesting = new HashSet<TypeRef>(); final MultiMap<String,String> headers = new MultiMap<String,String>(); // // fixed names for faster comparison // final TypeRef bundleLicenseRef; final TypeRef requireCapabilityRef; final TypeRef provideCapabilityRef; final TypeRef bundleCategoryRef; final TypeRef bundleDocURLRef; final TypeRef bundleDeveloperRef; final TypeRef bundleContributorRef; final TypeRef bundleCopyrightRef; // Class we're currently processing Clazz current; // we parse the annotations separately at the end boolean finalizing; /* * Initialize */ AnnotationHeaders(Analyzer analyzer) { this.analyzer = analyzer; // // The analyser has its own domain of type refs, so we need to get our // standard set to do fast comparisons // interesting.add(bundleLicenseRef = analyzer.getTypeRefFromFQN(BundleLicense.class.getName())); interesting.add(requireCapabilityRef = analyzer.getTypeRefFromFQN(RequireCapability.class.getName())); interesting.add(provideCapabilityRef = analyzer.getTypeRefFromFQN(ProvideCapability.class.getName())); interesting.add(bundleCategoryRef = analyzer.getTypeRefFromFQN(BundleCategory.class.getName())); interesting.add(bundleDocURLRef = analyzer.getTypeRefFromFQN(BundleDocURL.class.getName())); interesting.add(bundleDeveloperRef = analyzer.getTypeRefFromFQN(BundleDevelopers.class.getName())); interesting.add(bundleContributorRef = analyzer.getTypeRefFromFQN(BundleContributors.class.getName())); interesting.add(bundleCopyrightRef = analyzer.getTypeRefFromFQN(BundleCopyright.class.getName())); } @Override public boolean classStart(Clazz c) { // // Parse any classes except annotations // if (!c.isAnnotation() && c.annotations != null) { current = c; return true; } current = null; return false; } /* * Called when an annotation is found. Dispatch on the known types. */ public void annotation(Annotation annotation) throws Exception { TypeRef name = annotation.getName(); if (name.isJava()) return; if (name == bundleLicenseRef) doLicense(annotation); else if (name == requireCapabilityRef) doRequireCapability(annotation); else if (name == provideCapabilityRef) doProvideCapability(annotation); else if (name == bundleCategoryRef) doBundleCategory(annotation.getAnnotation(BundleCategory.class)); else if (name == bundleDocURLRef) doBundleDocURL(annotation.getAnnotation(BundleDocURL.class)); else if (name == bundleDeveloperRef) doBundleDevelopers(annotation.getAnnotation(BundleDevelopers.class)); else if (name == bundleContributorRef) doBundleContributors(annotation.getAnnotation(BundleContributors.class)); else if (name == bundleCopyrightRef) doBundeCopyright(annotation.getAnnotation(BundleCopyright.class)); else { doAnnotatedAnnotation(annotation, name); } } /** * Handle the case where an annotation is annotated by one of our header * annotations. * * @param annotation * @param name * @throws Exception */ void doAnnotatedAnnotation(final Annotation annotation, TypeRef name) throws Exception { final Clazz c = analyzer.findClass(annotation.getName()); if (c != null && c.annotations != null) { if (containsAny(interesting, c.annotations)) { c.parseClassFileWithCollector(new ClassDataCollector() { @Override public void annotation(Annotation a) throws Exception { if (interesting.contains(a.getName())) { a.merge(annotation); a.addDefaults(c); AnnotationHeaders.this.annotation(a); } } }); } } } /* * Called after the class space has been parsed. We then continue to parse * the used annotations. */ public void close() throws IOException {} /* * Bundle-Developers header */ private void doBundleDevelopers(BundleDevelopers annotation) throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(annotation.value()); if ( != null) { sb.append(";name='"); escape(sb,; sb.append("'"); } if (annotation.roles() != null) { sb.append(";roles='"); escape(sb, annotation.roles()); sb.append("'"); } if (annotation.organizationUrl() != null) { sb.append(";organizationUrl='"); escape(sb, annotation.organizationUrl()); sb.append("'"); } if (annotation.organization() != null) { sb.append(";organization='"); escape(sb, annotation.organization()); sb.append("'"); } if (annotation.timezone() != 0) sb.append(";timezone=").append(annotation.timezone()); add(Constants.BUNDLE_DEVELOPERS, sb.toString()); } /* * Bundle-Contributors header */ private void doBundleContributors(BundleContributors annotation) throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(annotation.value()); if ( != null) { sb.append(";name='"); escape(sb,; sb.append("'"); } if (annotation.roles() != null) { sb.append(";roles='"); escape(sb, annotation.roles()); sb.append("'"); } if (annotation.organizationUrl() != null) { sb.append(";organizationUrl='"); escape(sb, annotation.organizationUrl()); sb.append("'"); } if (annotation.organization() != null) { sb.append(";organization='"); escape(sb, annotation.organization()); sb.append("'"); } if (annotation.timezone() != 0) sb.append(";timezone=").append(annotation.timezone()); add(Constants.BUNDLE_CONTRIBUTORS, sb.toString()); } /* * Bundle-Copyright header */ private void doBundeCopyright(BundleCopyright annotation) throws IOException { add(Constants.BUNDLE_COPYRIGHT, annotation.value()); } /* * Bundle-DocURL header */ private void doBundleDocURL(BundleDocURL annotation) throws IOException { add(Constants.BUNDLE_DOCURL, annotation.value()); } /* * Bundle-Category header */ private void doBundleCategory(BundleCategory annotation) throws IOException { if (annotation.custom() != null) for (String s : annotation.custom()) { add(Constants.BUNDLE_CATEGORY, s); } if (annotation.value() != null) for (Category s : annotation.value()) { add(Constants.BUNDLE_CATEGORY, s.toString()); } } /* * Provide-Capability header */ private void doProvideCapability(Annotation a) throws Exception { ProvideCapability annotation = a.getAnnotation(ProvideCapability.class); Parameters p = new Parameters(); Attrs attrs = getAttributes(a, "ns"); directivesAndVersion(attrs, "uses", "mandatory", "effective"); p.put(annotation.ns(), attrs); String value = attrs.remove("name"); if (value != null) attrs.put(annotation.ns(), value); value = attrs.remove("value"); String s = p.toString(); if (value != null) s += ";" + annotation.value(); add(Constants.PROVIDE_CAPABILITY, s); } /* * Require-Capability header */ private void doRequireCapability(Annotation a) throws Exception { RequireCapability annotation = a.getAnnotation(RequireCapability.class); Parameters p = new Parameters(); Attrs attrs = getAttributes(a, "ns"); directivesAndVersion(attrs, "filter", "effective", "resolution"); replaceParameters(attrs); if ("".equals(attrs.get(Constants.FILTER_DIRECTIVE))) attrs.remove(Constants.FILTER_DIRECTIVE); p.put(annotation.ns(), attrs); String s = p.toString(); String extra = annotation.extra(); if (extra != null) { extra = extra.trim(); if (extra.length() > 0) s += ";" + extra; } add(Constants.REQUIRE_CAPABILITY, s); } private void replaceParameters(Attrs attrs) throws IllegalArgumentException { for (Entry<String,String> entry : attrs.entrySet()) { boolean modified = false; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Matcher matcher = SIMPLE_PARAM_PATTERN.matcher(entry.getValue()); while (matcher.find()) { modified = true; String key =; String substitution = attrs.get(key); if (substitution == null) { matcher.appendReplacement(sb, ""); sb.append(; } else if (SIMPLE_PARAM_PATTERN.matcher(substitution).find()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("nested substitutions not permitted"); else matcher.appendReplacement(sb, substitution); } if (modified) { matcher.appendTail(sb); entry.setValue(sb.toString()); } } } /* * Bundle-License header */ private void doLicense(Annotation a) throws Exception { BundleLicense annotation = a.getAnnotation(BundleLicense.class); Parameters p = new Parameters(); p.put(, getAttributes(a, "name")); add(Constants.BUNDLE_LICENSE, p.toString()); } private void directivesAndVersion(Attrs attrs, String... directives) { for (String directive : directives) { String s = attrs.remove(directive); if (s != null) { attrs.put(directive + ":", s); } } String remove = attrs.remove(Constants.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE); if (remove != null) { attrs.putTyped("version", Version.parseVersion(remove)); } } private Attrs getAttributes(Annotation a, String... ignores) { Attrs attrs = new Attrs(); outer: for (String key : a.keySet()) { for (String ignore : ignores) { if (key.equals(ignore)) continue outer; } attrs.putTyped(key, a.get(key)); } return attrs; } /* * Adds a header. Will preprocess the text. */ private void add(String name, String value) throws IOException { if (value == null) return; Processor next = new Processor(analyzer); next.setProperty("@class", current.getFQN()); next.setProperty("@class-short", current.getClassName().getShortName()); PackageRef pref = current.getClassName().getPackageRef(); next.setProperty("@package", pref.getFQN()); Attrs info = analyzer.getClasspathExports().get(pref); if (info == null) info = analyzer.getContained().get(pref); if (info != null && info.containsKey("version")) { next.setProperty("@version", info.get("version")); } Macro macro = next.getReplacer(); /* * These strings come from code, which might also be included from * external parties. So we just do not want to call any system commands * from these sources */ boolean prev = macro.setNosystem(true); try { value = macro.process(value); headers.add(name, value); next.close(); } finally { macro.setNosystem(prev); } } /* * This method is a pass thru for the properties of the analyzer. If we have * such a header, we get the analyzer header and concatenate our values * after removing dups. */ public String getHeader(String name) { String value = analyzer.getProperty(name); if (headers.containsKey(name)) { // // Remove duplicates and sort // Set<String> set = new TreeSet<String>(headers.get(name)); String header = Strings.join(set); if (value == null) return header; else return value + "," + header; } return value; } /* * Helper to find out if there is an overlap. Always wonder why Java does * not have methods for this. */ private <T> boolean containsAny(Set<T> a, Set<T> b) { for (T aa : a) if (b.contains(aa)) return true; return false; } private void escape(StringBuilder app, String s[]) throws IOException { String joined = Strings.join(s); escape(app, joined); } private void escape(StringBuilder app, String s) throws IOException { Processor.quote(app, s); } }