package aQute.bnd.osgi; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import aQute.bnd.component.DSAnnotations; import aQute.bnd.differ.DiffPluginImpl; import aQute.bnd.header.Attrs; import aQute.bnd.header.OSGiHeader; import aQute.bnd.header.Parameters; import aQute.bnd.make.Make; import aQute.bnd.make.MakeBnd; import aQute.bnd.make.MakeCopy; import aQute.bnd.make.component.ServiceComponent; import aQute.bnd.make.metatype.MetatypePlugin; import aQute.bnd.maven.PomPropertiesResource; import aQute.bnd.maven.PomResource; import aQute.bnd.metatype.MetatypeAnnotations; import aQute.bnd.osgi.Descriptors.PackageRef; import aQute.bnd.osgi.Descriptors.TypeRef; import aQute.bnd.service.SignerPlugin; import aQute.bnd.service.diff.Delta; import aQute.bnd.service.diff.Diff; import aQute.bnd.service.diff.Tree; import aQute.bnd.service.diff.Type; import aQute.bnd.version.Version; import aQute.lib.collections.MultiMap; import aQute.lib.hex.Hex; import; import aQute.libg.generics.Create; /** * Include-Resource: ( [name '=' ] file )+ Private-Package: package-decl ( ',' * package-decl )* Export-Package: package-decl ( ',' package-decl )* * Import-Package: package-decl ( ',' package-decl )* @version $Revision: 1.27 $ */ public class Builder extends Analyzer { private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Builder.class); static Pattern IR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[{]?-?@?(?:[^=]+=)?\\s*([^}!]+).*"); private final DiffPluginImpl differ = new DiffPluginImpl(); private Pattern xdoNotCopy = null; private static final int SPLIT_MERGE_LAST = 1; private static final int SPLIT_MERGE_FIRST = 2; private static final int SPLIT_ERROR = 3; private static final int SPLIT_FIRST = 4; private static final int SPLIT_DEFAULT = 0; private final List<File> sourcePath = new ArrayList<File>(); private final Make make = new Make(this); private Instructions defaultPreProcessMatcher = null; public Builder(Processor parent) { super(parent); } public Builder() {} public Jar build() throws Exception { logger.debug("build"); init(); if (isTrue(getProperty(NOBUNDLES))) return null; if (getProperty(CONDUIT) != null) error("Specified " + CONDUIT + " but calls build() instead of builds() (might be a programmer error"); Jar dot = getJar(); if (dot == null) { dot = new Jar("dot"); setJar(dot); } try { long modified = Long.parseLong(getProperty("base.modified")); dot.updateModified(modified, "Base modified"); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore } doExpand(dot); doIncludeResources(dot); doWab(dot); // Check if we override the calculation of the // manifest. We still need to calculated it because // we need to have analyzed the classpath. Manifest manifest = calcManifest(); String mf = getProperty(MANIFEST); if (mf != null) { File mff = getFile(mf); if (mff.isFile()) { updateModified(mff.lastModified(), "Manifest " + mff); try (InputStream in = { manifest = new Manifest(in); } catch (Exception e) { exception(e, "%s: exception while reading manifest file", MANIFEST); } } else { error("%s: no such file %s", MANIFEST, mf); } } if (!isTrue(getProperty(NOMANIFEST))) { dot.setManifest(manifest); String manifestName = getProperty(MANIFEST_NAME); if (manifestName != null) dot.setManifestName(manifestName); } else { dot.setDoNotTouchManifest(); } // This must happen after we analyzed so // we know what it is on the classpath addSources(dot); doPom(dot); if (!isNoBundle()) doVerify(dot); if (dot.getResources().isEmpty()) warning("The JAR is empty: The instructions for the JAR named %s did not cause any content to be included, this is likely wrong", getBsn()); dot.updateModified(lastModified(), "Last Modified Processor"); dot.setName(getBsn()); doDigests(dot); sign(dot); doSaveManifest(dot); doDiff(dot); // check if need to diff this bundle doBaseline(dot); // check for a baseline String expand = getProperty("-expand"); if (expand != null) { File out = getFile(expand); IO.mkdirs(out); dot.expand(out); } return dot; } void doPom(Jar dot) throws Exception, IOException { try (Processor scoped = new Processor(this)) { String bsn = getBsn(); if (bsn != null) scoped.setProperty("@bsn", bsn); String version = getBundleVersion(); if (version != null) scoped.setProperty("@version", version); String pom = scoped.getProperty(POM); if (pom != null && !pom.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { dot.removePrefix("META-INF/maven/"); scoped.addProperties(OSGiHeader.parseProperties(pom)); PomResource pomXml = new PomResource(scoped, dot.getManifest()); String v = pomXml.validate(); if (v != null) { error("Invalid pom for %s: %s", getBundleSymbolicName(), v); } PomPropertiesResource pomProperties = new PomPropertiesResource(pomXml); dot.putResource(pomXml.getWhere(), pomXml); if (!pomProperties.getWhere().equals(pomXml.getWhere())) { dot.putResource(pomProperties.getWhere(), pomProperties); } } } } /** * Check if we need to calculate any checksums. * * @param dot * @throws Exception */ private void doDigests(Jar dot) throws Exception { Parameters ps = OSGiHeader.parseHeader(getProperty(DIGESTS)); if (ps.isEmpty()) return; logger.debug("digests {}", ps); String[] digests = ps.keySet().toArray(new String[0]); dot.setDigestAlgorithms(digests); } /** * Allow any local initialization by subclasses before we build. */ public void init() throws Exception { begin(); doRequireBnd(); // Check if we have sensible setup if (getClasspath().size() == 0 && (getProperty(EXPORT_PACKAGE) != null || getProperty(EXPORT_PACKAGE) != null || getProperty(PRIVATE_PACKAGE) != null || getProperty(PRIVATEPACKAGE) != null)) warning("Classpath is empty. " + Constants.PRIVATE_PACKAGE + " (-privatepackage) and " + EXPORT_PACKAGE + " can only expand from the classpath when there is one"); } /** * Turn this normal bundle in a web and add any resources. * * @throws Exception */ private Jar doWab(Jar dot) throws Exception { String wab = getProperty(WAB); String wablib = getProperty(WABLIB); if (wab == null && wablib == null) return dot; logger.debug("wab {} {}", wab, wablib); setBundleClasspath(append("WEB-INF/classes", getProperty(BUNDLE_CLASSPATH))); Set<String> paths = new HashSet<String>(dot.getResources().keySet()); for (String path : paths) { if (path.indexOf('/') > 0 && !Character.isUpperCase(path.charAt(0))) { logger.debug("wab: moving: {}", path); dot.rename(path, "WEB-INF/classes/" + path); } } Parameters clauses = parseHeader(getProperty(WABLIB)); for (String key : clauses.keySet()) { File f = getFile(key); addWabLib(dot, f); } doIncludeResource(dot, wab); return dot; } /** * Add a wab lib to the jar. * * @param f */ private void addWabLib(Jar dot, File f) throws Exception { if (f.exists()) { Jar jar = new Jar(f); jar.setDoNotTouchManifest(); addClose(jar); String path = "WEB-INF/lib/" + f.getName(); dot.putResource(path, new JarResource(jar)); setProperty(BUNDLE_CLASSPATH, append(getProperty(BUNDLE_CLASSPATH), path)); Manifest m = jar.getManifest(); if (m != null) { String cp = m.getMainAttributes().getValue("Class-Path"); if (cp != null) { Collection<String> parts = split(cp, ","); for (String part : parts) { File sub = getFile(f.getParentFile(), part); if (!sub.exists() || !sub.getParentFile().equals(f.getParentFile())) { warning("Invalid Class-Path entry %s in %s, must exist and must reside in same directory", sub, f); } else { addWabLib(dot, sub); } } } } } else { error("WAB lib does not exist %s", f); } } /** * Get the manifest and write it out separately if -savemanifest is set * * @param dot */ private void doSaveManifest(Jar dot) throws Exception { String output = getProperty(SAVEMANIFEST); if (output == null) return; File f = getFile(output); if (f.isDirectory()) { f = new File(f, "MANIFEST.MF"); } if (!f.exists() || f.lastModified() < dot.lastModified()) { IO.delete(f); File fp = f.getParentFile(); IO.mkdirs(fp); try (OutputStream out = IO.outputStream(f)) { Jar.writeManifest(dot.getManifest(), out); } changedFile(f); } } protected void changedFile(@SuppressWarnings("unused") File f) {} /** * Sign the jar file. -sign : <alias> [ ';' 'password:=' <password> ] [ ';' * 'keystore:=' <keystore> ] [ ';' 'sign-password:=' <pw> ] ( ',' ... )* */ void sign(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Jar jar) throws Exception { String signing = getProperty(SIGN); if (signing == null) return; logger.debug("Signing {}, with {}", getBsn(), signing); List<SignerPlugin> signers = getPlugins(SignerPlugin.class); Parameters infos = parseHeader(signing); for (Entry<String,Attrs> entry : infos.entrySet()) { for (SignerPlugin signer : signers) { signer.sign(this, entry.getKey()); } } } public boolean hasSources() { return isTrue(getProperty(SOURCES)); } /** * Answer extra packages. In this case we implement conditional package. Any */ @Override protected Jar getExtra() throws Exception { Parameters conditionals = getMergedParameters(CONDITIONAL_PACKAGE); conditionals.putAll(getMergedParameters(CONDITIONALPACKAGE)); if (conditionals.isEmpty()) return null; logger.debug("do Conditional Package {}", conditionals); Instructions instructions = new Instructions(conditionals); Collection<PackageRef> referred =, false); referred.removeAll(getContained().keySet()); if (referred.isEmpty()) { logger.debug("no additional conditional packages to add"); return null; } Jar jar = new Jar("conditional-import"); addClose(jar); for (PackageRef pref : referred) { for (Jar cpe : getClasspath()) { Map<String,Resource> map = cpe.getDirectories().get(pref.getPath()); if (map != null) { copy(jar, cpe, pref.getPath(), false); break; } } } if (jar.getDirectories().size() == 0) { logger.debug("extra dirs {}", jar.getDirectories()); return null; } return jar; } /** * Intercept the call to analyze and cleanup versions after we have analyzed * the setup. We do not want to cleanup if we are going to verify. */ @Override public void analyze() throws Exception { super.analyze(); cleanupVersion(getImports(), null); cleanupVersion(getExports(), getVersion()); String version = getProperty(BUNDLE_VERSION); if (version != null) { version = cleanupVersion(version); version = doSnapshot(version); setProperty(BUNDLE_VERSION, version); } } private String doSnapshot(String version) { String snapshot = getProperty(SNAPSHOT); if (snapshot == null) { return version; } if (snapshot.isEmpty()) { snapshot = null; } Version v = Version.parseVersion(version); String q = v.getQualifier(); if (q == null) { return version; } if (q.equals("SNAPSHOT")) { q = snapshot; } else if (q.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")) { int end = q.length() - "SNAPSHOT".length(); if (snapshot == null) { q = q.substring(0, end - 1); } else { q = q.substring(0, end) + snapshot; } } else { return version; } return new Version(v.getMajor(), v.getMinor(), v.getMicro(), q).toString(); } public void cleanupVersion(Packages packages, String defaultVersion) { if (defaultVersion != null) { Matcher m = Verifier.VERSION.matcher(defaultVersion); if (m.matches()) { // Strip qualifier from default package version defaultVersion = Version.parseVersion(defaultVersion).getWithoutQualifier().toString(); } } for (Map.Entry<PackageRef,Attrs> entry : packages.entrySet()) { Attrs attributes = entry.getValue(); String v = attributes.get(Constants.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE); if (v == null && defaultVersion != null) { if (!isTrue(getProperty(Constants.NODEFAULTVERSION))) { v = defaultVersion; if (isPedantic()) warning("Used bundle version %s for exported package %s", v, entry.getKey()); } else { if (isPedantic()) warning("No export version for exported package %s", entry.getKey()); } } if (v != null) attributes.put(Constants.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, cleanupVersion(v)); } } /** * @throws IOException */ private void addSources(Jar dot) throws Exception { if (!hasSources()) return; Set<PackageRef> packages = Create.set(); for (TypeRef typeRef : getClassspace().keySet()) { PackageRef packageRef = typeRef.getPackageRef(); String sourcePath = typeRef.getSourcePath(); String packagePath = packageRef.getPath(); boolean found = false; String[] fixed = { "packageinfo", "package.html", "", "" }; for (File root : getSourcePath()) { File f = getFile(root, sourcePath); if (f.exists()) { found = true; if (!packages.contains(packageRef)) { packages.add(packageRef); for (int j = 0; j < fixed.length; j++) { for (File sp : getSourcePath()) { File bdir = getFile(sp, packagePath); File ff = getFile(bdir, fixed[j]); if (ff.isFile()) { String name = "OSGI-OPT/src/" + packagePath + "/" + fixed[j]; dot.putResource(name, new FileResource(ff)); break; } } } } if (packageRef.isDefaultPackage()) logger.debug("Package reference is default package"); dot.putResource("OSGI-OPT/src/" + sourcePath, new FileResource(f)); } } if (getSourcePath().isEmpty()) warning("Including sources but " + SOURCEPATH + " does not contain any source directories "); // TODO copy from the jars where they came from } } boolean firstUse = true; private Tree tree; public Collection<File> getSourcePath() { if (firstUse) { firstUse = false; String sp = mergeProperties(SOURCEPATH); if (sp != null) { Parameters map = parseHeader(sp); for (Iterator<String> i = map.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String file =; if (!isDuplicate(file)) { File f = getFile(file); if (!f.isDirectory()) { error("Adding a sourcepath that is not a directory: %s", f).header(SOURCEPATH) .context(file); } else { sourcePath.add(f); } } } } } return sourcePath; } private void doVerify(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Jar dot) throws Exception { // Give the verifier the benefit of our analysis // prevents parsing the files twice Verifier verifier = new Verifier(this); verifier.setFrombuilder(true); verifier.verify(); getInfo(verifier); } private void doExpand(Jar dot) throws Exception { // Build an index of the class path that we can then // use destructively MultiMap<String,Jar> packages = new MultiMap<String,Jar>(); for (Jar srce : getClasspath()) { dot.updateModified(srce.lastModified, srce + " (" + srce.lastModifiedReason + ")"); for (Entry<String,Map<String,Resource>> e : srce.getDirectories().entrySet()) { if (e.getValue() != null) packages.add(e.getKey(), srce); } } Parameters privatePackages = getPrivatePackage(); if (isTrue(getProperty(Constants.UNDERTEST))) { String h = mergeProperties(Constants.TESTPACKAGES, "test;presence:=optional"); privatePackages.putAll(parseHeader(h)); } if (!privatePackages.isEmpty()) { Instructions privateFilter = new Instructions(privatePackages); Set<Instruction> unused = doExpand(dot, packages, privateFilter); if (!unused.isEmpty()) { warning("Unused " + Constants.PRIVATE_PACKAGE + " instructions, no such package(s) on the class path: %s", unused) .header(Constants.PRIVATE_PACKAGE).context(unused.iterator().next().input); } } Parameters exportedPackage = getExportPackage(); if (!exportedPackage.isEmpty()) { Instructions exportedFilter = new Instructions(exportedPackage); // We ignore unused instructions for exports, they should show // up as errors during analysis. Otherwise any overlapping // packages with the private packages should show up as // unused doExpand(dot, packages, exportedFilter); } } /** * Destructively filter the packages from the build up index. This index is * used by the Export Package as well as the Private Package * * @param jar * @param name * @param instructions * @throws Exception */ private Set<Instruction> doExpand(Jar jar, MultiMap<String,Jar> index, Instructions filter) throws Exception { Set<Instruction> unused = Create.set(); for (Entry<Instruction,Attrs> e : filter.entrySet()) { Instruction instruction = e.getKey(); if (instruction.isDuplicate()) continue; Attrs directives = e.getValue(); // We can optionally filter on the // source of the package. We assume // they all match but this can be overridden // on the instruction Instruction from = new Instruction(directives.get(FROM_DIRECTIVE, "*")); boolean used = false; for (Iterator<Entry<String,List<Jar>>> entry = index.entrySet().iterator(); entry.hasNext();) { Entry<String,List<Jar>> p =; String directory = p.getKey(); PackageRef packageRef = getPackageRef(directory); // Skip * and meta data, we're talking packages! if (packageRef.isMetaData() && instruction.isAny()) continue; if (!instruction.matches(packageRef.getFQN())) continue; // Ensure it is never matched again entry.remove(); // ! effectively removes it from consideration by others (this // includes exports) if (instruction.isNegated()) { used = true; continue; } // Do the from: directive, filters on the JAR type List<Jar> providers = filterFrom(from, p.getValue()); if (providers.isEmpty()) continue; int splitStrategy = getSplitStrategy(directives.get(SPLIT_PACKAGE_DIRECTIVE)); copyPackage(jar, providers, directory, splitStrategy); Attrs contained = getContained().put(packageRef); contained.put(INTERNAL_SOURCE_DIRECTIVE, getName(providers.get(0))); used = true; } if (!used && !isTrue(directives.get("optional:"))) unused.add(instruction); } return unused; } /** * @param from */ private List<Jar> filterFrom(Instruction from, List<Jar> providers) { if (from.isAny()) return providers; List<Jar> np = new ArrayList<Jar>(); for (Iterator<Jar> i = providers.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Jar j =; if (from.matches(j.getName())) { np.add(j); } } return np; } /** * Copy the package from the providers based on the split package strategy. * * @param dest * @param providers * @param directory * @param splitStrategy */ private void copyPackage(Jar dest, List<Jar> providers, String path, int splitStrategy) { switch (splitStrategy) { case SPLIT_MERGE_LAST : for (Jar srce : providers) { copy(dest, srce, path, true); } break; case SPLIT_MERGE_FIRST : for (Jar srce : providers) { copy(dest, srce, path, false); } break; case SPLIT_ERROR : error("%s", diagnostic(path, providers)); break; case SPLIT_FIRST : copy(dest, providers.get(0), path, false); break; default : if (providers.size() > 1) warning("%s", diagnostic(path, providers)); for (Jar srce : providers) { copy(dest, srce, path, false); } break; } } /** * Cop * * @param dest * @param srce * @param path * @param overwriteResource */ private void copy(Jar dest, Jar srce, String path, boolean overwrite) { logger.debug("copy d={} s={} p={}", dest, srce, path); dest.copy(srce, path, overwrite); if (hasSources()) dest.copy(srce, "OSGI-OPT/src/" + path, overwrite); // sources must be preprocessed String bndInfoPath = path + "/"; Resource r = dest.getResource(bndInfoPath); if (r != null && !(r instanceof PreprocessResource)) { logger.debug("preprocessing"); PreprocessResource pp = new PreprocessResource(this, r); dest.putResource(bndInfoPath, pp); } if (hasSources()) { String srcPath = "OSGI-OPT/src/" + path; Map<String,Resource> srcContents = srce.getDirectories().get(srcPath); if (srcContents != null) { dest.addDirectory(srcContents, overwrite); } } } /** * Analyze the classpath for a split package * * @param pack * @param classpath * @param source */ private String diagnostic(String pack, List<Jar> culprits) { // Default is like merge-first, but with a warning return "Split package, multiple jars provide the same package:" + pack + "\nUse Import/Export Package directive -split-package:=(merge-first|merge-last|error|first) to get rid of this warning\n" + "Package found in " + culprits + "\n" // + "Class path " + getClasspath(); } private int getSplitStrategy(String type) { if (type == null) return SPLIT_DEFAULT; if (type.equals("merge-last")) return SPLIT_MERGE_LAST; if (type.equals("merge-first")) return SPLIT_MERGE_FIRST; if (type.equals("error")) return SPLIT_ERROR; if (type.equals("first")) return SPLIT_FIRST; error("Invalid strategy for split-package: %s", type); return SPLIT_DEFAULT; } /** * Matches the instructions against a package. * * @param instructions The list of instructions * @param pack The name of the package * @param unused The total list of patterns, matched patterns are removed * @param source The name of the source container, can be filtered upon with * the from: directive. */ private Instruction matches(Instructions instructions, String pack, Set<Instruction> unused, String source) { for (Entry<Instruction,Attrs> entry : instructions.entrySet()) { Instruction pattern = entry.getKey(); // It is possible to filter on the source of the // package with the from: directive. This is an // instruction that must match the name of the // source class path entry. String from = entry.getValue().get(FROM_DIRECTIVE); if (from != null) { Instruction f = new Instruction(from); if (!f.matches(source) || f.isNegated()) continue; } // Now do the normal // matching if (pattern.matches(pack)) { if (unused != null) unused.remove(pattern); return pattern; } } return null; } /** * Parse the Bundle-Includes header. Files in the bundles Include header are * included in the jar. The source can be a directory or a file. * * @throws IOException * @throws FileNotFoundException */ private void doIncludeResources(Jar jar) throws Exception { String includes = getProperty("Bundle-Includes"); if (includes == null) { includes = mergeProperties(INCLUDERESOURCE); if (includes == null || includes.length() == 0) includes = mergeProperties(Constants.INCLUDE_RESOURCE); } else warning("Please use -includeresource instead of Bundle-Includes"); doIncludeResource(jar, includes); } private void doIncludeResource(Jar jar, String includes) throws Exception { Parameters clauses = parseHeader(includes); doIncludeResource(jar, clauses); } private void doIncludeResource(Jar jar, Parameters clauses) throws ZipException, IOException, Exception { for (Entry<String,Attrs> entry : clauses.entrySet()) { String key = removeDuplicateMarker(entry.getKey()); doIncludeResource(jar, key, entry.getValue()); } } private void doIncludeResource(Jar jar, String name, Map<String,String> extra) throws ZipException, IOException, Exception { Instructions preprocess = null; boolean absentIsOk = false; if (name.startsWith("{") && name.endsWith("}")) { preprocess = getPreProcessMatcher(extra); name = name.substring(1, name.length() - 1).trim(); } String parts[] = name.split("\\s*=\\s*"); String source = parts[0]; String destination = parts[0]; if (parts.length == 2) source = parts[1]; if (source.startsWith("-")) { source = source.substring(1); absentIsOk = true; } if (source.startsWith("@")) { extractFromJar(jar, source.substring(1), parts.length == 1 ? "" : destination, absentIsOk); } else if (extra.containsKey("cmd")) { doCommand(jar, source, destination, extra, preprocess, absentIsOk); } else if (extra.containsKey(LITERAL_ATTRIBUTE)) { String literal = extra.get(LITERAL_ATTRIBUTE); Resource r = new EmbeddedResource(literal.getBytes(UTF_8), 0); String x = extra.get("extra"); if (x != null) r.setExtra(x); copy(jar, name, r, extra); } else { File sourceFile; String destinationPath; sourceFile = getFile(source); if (parts.length == 1) { // Directories should be copied to the root // but files to their file name ... if (sourceFile.isDirectory()) destinationPath = ""; else destinationPath = sourceFile.getName(); } else { destinationPath = parts[0]; } // Handle directories if (sourceFile.isDirectory()) { destinationPath = doResourceDirectory(jar, extra, preprocess, sourceFile, destinationPath); return; } // destinationPath = checkDestinationPath(destinationPath); if (!sourceFile.exists()) { if (absentIsOk) return; noSuchFile(jar, name, extra, source, destinationPath); } else copy(jar, destinationPath, sourceFile, preprocess, extra); } } private Instructions getPreProcessMatcher(Map<String,String> extra) { if (defaultPreProcessMatcher == null) { String preprocessmatchers = mergeProperties(PREPROCESSMATCHERS); if (preprocessmatchers == null || preprocessmatchers.trim().length() == 0) preprocessmatchers = Constants.DEFAULT_PREPROCESSS_MATCHERS; defaultPreProcessMatcher = new Instructions(preprocessmatchers); } if (extra == null) return defaultPreProcessMatcher; String additionalMatchers = extra.get(PREPROCESSMATCHERS); if (additionalMatchers == null) return defaultPreProcessMatcher; Instructions specialMatcher = new Instructions(additionalMatchers); specialMatcher.putAll(defaultPreProcessMatcher); return specialMatcher; } /** * It is possible in Include-Resource to use a system command that generates * the contents, this is indicated with {@code cmd} attribute. The command * can be repeated for a number of source files with the {@code for} * attribute which indicates a list of repetitions, often down with the * {@link Macro#_lsa(String[])} or {@link Macro#_lsb(String[])} macro. The * repetition will repeat the given command for each item. The @} macro can * be used to replace the current item. If no {@code for} is given, the * source is used as the only item. If the destination contains a macro, * each iteration will create a new file, otherwise the destination name is * used. * * @param jar * @param source * @param destination * @param extra * @param preprocess * @param absentIsOk * @throws Exception */ private void doCommand(Jar jar, String source, String destination, Map<String,String> extra, Instructions preprocess, boolean absentIsOk) throws Exception { String repeat = extra.get("for"); // TODO constant if (repeat == null) repeat = source; Collection<String> requires = split(extra.get("requires")); long lastModified = 0; for (String required : requires) { File file = getFile(required); if (!file.exists()) { error(Constants.INCLUDE_RESOURCE + ".cmd for %s, requires %s, but no such file %s", source, required, file.getAbsoluteFile()).header(INCLUDERESOURCE + "|" + INCLUDE_RESOURCE); } else lastModified = findLastModifiedWhileOlder(file, lastModified()); } String cmd = extra.get("cmd"); List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String item : Processor.split(repeat)) { File f = IO.getFile(item); traverse(paths, f); } CombinedResource cr = null; if (!destination.contains("${@}")) { cr = new CombinedResource(); cr.lastModified = lastModified; } setProperty("@requires", join(requires, " ")); try { for (String item : paths) { setProperty("@", item); try { String path = getReplacer().process(destination); String command = getReplacer().process(cmd); File file = getFile(item); if (file.exists()) lastModified = Math.max(lastModified, file.lastModified()); CommandResource cmdresource = new CommandResource(command, this, lastModified, getBase()); Resource r = cmdresource; // Turn this resource into a file resource // so we execute the command now and catch its // errors FileResource fr = new FileResource(r); addClose(fr); r = fr; if (preprocess != null && preprocess.matches(path)) r = new PreprocessResource(this, r); if (cr == null) jar.putResource(path, r); else cr.addResource(r); } finally { unsetProperty("@"); } } } finally { unsetProperty("@requires"); } // Add last so the correct modification date is used // to update the modified time. if (cr != null) jar.putResource(destination, cr); updateModified(lastModified, Constants.INCLUDE_RESOURCE + ": cmd"); } private void traverse(List<String> paths, File item) { if (item.isDirectory()) { for (File sub : item.listFiles()) { traverse(paths, sub); } } else if (item.isFile()) paths.add(item.getAbsolutePath()); else paths.add(item.getName()); } /** * Check if a file or directory is older than the given time. * * @param file * @param lastModified */ private long findLastModifiedWhileOlder(File file, long lastModified) { if (file.isDirectory()) { File children[] = file.listFiles(); for (File child : children) { if (child.lastModified() > lastModified) return child.lastModified(); long lm = findLastModifiedWhileOlder(child, lastModified); if (lm > lastModified) return lm; } } return file.lastModified(); } private String doResourceDirectory(Jar jar, Map<String,String> extra, Instructions preprocess, File sourceFile, String destinationPath) throws Exception { String filter = extra.get("filter:"); boolean flatten = isTrue(extra.get("flatten:")); boolean recursive = true; String directive = extra.get("recursive:"); if (directive != null) { recursive = isTrue(directive); } Instruction.Filter iFilter = null; if (filter != null) { iFilter = new Instruction.Filter(new Instruction(filter), recursive, getDoNotCopy()); } else { iFilter = new Instruction.Filter(null, recursive, getDoNotCopy()); } Map<String,File> files = newMap(); resolveFiles(sourceFile, iFilter, recursive, destinationPath, files, flatten); for (Map.Entry<String,File> entry : files.entrySet()) { copy(jar, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), preprocess, extra); } return destinationPath; } private void resolveFiles(File dir, FileFilter filter, boolean recursive, String path, Map<String,File> files, boolean flatten) { if (doNotCopy(dir)) { return; } File[] fs = dir.listFiles(filter); for (File file : fs) { if (file.isDirectory()) { if (recursive) { String nextPath; if (flatten) nextPath = path; else nextPath = appendPath(path, file.getName()); resolveFiles(file, filter, recursive, nextPath, files, flatten); } // Directories are ignored otherwise } else { String p = appendPath(path, file.getName()); if (files.containsKey(p)) warning(Constants.INCLUDE_RESOURCE + " overwrites entry %s from file %s", p, file); files.put(p, file); } } if (fs.length == 0) { File empty = new File(dir, Constants.EMPTY_HEADER); files.put(appendPath(path, empty.getName()), empty); } } private void noSuchFile(Jar jar, String clause, Map<String,String> extra, String source, String destinationPath) throws Exception { List<Jar> src = getJarsFromName(source, Constants.INCLUDE_RESOURCE + " " + source); if (!src.isEmpty()) { for (Jar j : src) { String quoted = j.getSource() != null ? j.getSource().getName() : j.getName(); // Do not touch the manifest so this also // works for signed files. j.setDoNotTouchManifest(); JarResource jarResource = new JarResource(j); String path = destinationPath.replace(source, quoted); logger.debug("copy d={} s={} path={}", jar, j, path); copy(jar, path, jarResource, extra); } } else { Resource lastChance = make.process(source); if (lastChance != null) { String x = extra.get("extra"); if (x != null) lastChance.setExtra(x); copy(jar, destinationPath, lastChance, extra); } else error("Input file does not exist: %s", source).header(source).context(clause); } } /** * Extra resources from a Jar and add them to the given jar. The clause is * the * * @param jar * @param clauses * @param i * @throws ZipException * @throws IOException */ private void extractFromJar(Jar jar, String source, String destination, boolean absentIsOk) throws ZipException, IOException { // Inline all resources and classes from another jar // optionally appended with a modified regular expression // like @zip.jar!/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF int n = source.lastIndexOf("!/"); Instruction instr = null; if (n > 0) { instr = new Instruction(source.substring(n + 2)); source = source.substring(0, n); } List<Jar> sub = getJarsFromName(source, "extract from jar"); if (sub.isEmpty()) { if (absentIsOk) return; error("Can not find JAR file '%s'", source); } else { for (Jar j : sub) addAll(jar, j, instr, destination); } } /** * Add all the resources in the given jar that match the given filter. * * @param sub the jar * @param filter a pattern that should match the resoures in sub to be added */ public boolean addAll(Jar to, Jar sub, Instruction filter) { return addAll(to, sub, filter, ""); } /** * Add all the resources in the given jar that match the given filter. * * @param sub the jar * @param filter a pattern that should match the resoures in sub to be added */ public boolean addAll(Jar to, Jar sub, Instruction filter, String destination) { boolean dupl = false; for (String name : sub.getResources().keySet()) { if ("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF".equals(name)) continue; if (filter == null || filter.matches(name) != filter.isNegated()) dupl |= to.putResource(Processor.appendPath(destination, name), sub.getResource(name), true); } return dupl; } private void copy(Jar jar, String path, File from, Instructions preprocess, Map<String,String> extra) throws Exception { if (doNotCopy(from)) return; logger.debug("copy d={} s={} path={}", jar, from, path); if (from.isDirectory()) { File files[] = from.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { copy(jar, appendPath(path, files[i].getName()), files[i], preprocess, extra); } } else { if (from.exists()) { Resource resource = new FileResource(from); if (preprocess != null && preprocess.matches(path)) { resource = new PreprocessResource(this, resource); } String x = extra.get("extra"); if (x != null) resource.setExtra(x); if (path.endsWith("/")) path = path + from.getName(); copy(jar, path, resource, extra); } else if (from.getName().equals(Constants.EMPTY_HEADER)) { jar.putResource(path, new EmbeddedResource(new byte[0], 0)); } else { error("Input file does not exist: %s", from).header(INCLUDERESOURCE + "|" + INCLUDE_RESOURCE); } } } private void copy(Jar jar, String path, Resource resource, Map<String,String> extra) { jar.putResource(path, resource); if (isTrue(extra.get(LIB_DIRECTIVE))) { setProperty(BUNDLE_CLASSPATH, append(getProperty(BUNDLE_CLASSPATH, "."), path)); } } public void setSourcepath(File[] files) { for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) addSourcepath(files[i]); } public void addSourcepath(File cp) { if (!cp.exists()) warning("File on sourcepath that does not exist: %s", cp); sourcePath.add(cp); } /** * Build Multiple jars. If the -sub command is set, we filter the file with * the given patterns. * * @throws Exception */ public Jar[] builds() throws Exception { begin(); // Are we acting as a conduit for another JAR? String conduit = getProperty(CONDUIT); if (conduit != null) { Parameters map = parseHeader(conduit); Jar[] result = new Jar[map.size()]; int n = 0; for (String file : map.keySet()) { Jar c = new Jar(getFile(file)); addClose(c); String name = map.get(file).get("name"); if (name != null) c.setName(name); result[n++] = c; } return result; } List<Jar> result = new ArrayList<Jar>(); List<Builder> builders; builders = getSubBuilders(); for (Builder builder : builders) { try { startBuild(builder); Jar jar =; jar.setName(builder.getBsn()); result.add(jar); doneBuild(builder); } catch (Exception e) { builder.exception(e, "Exception Building %s", builder.getBsn()); } if (builder != this) getInfo(builder, builder.getBsn() + ": "); } return result.toArray(new Jar[0]); } /** * Called when we start to build a builder */ protected void startBuild(Builder builder) throws Exception {} /** * Called when we're done with a builder */ protected void doneBuild(Builder builder) throws Exception {} /** * Answer a list of builders that represent this file or a list of files * specified in -sub. This list can be empty. These builders represents to * be created artifacts and are each scoped to such an artifacts. The * builders can be used to build the bundles or they can be used to find out * information about the to be generated bundles. * * @return List of 0..n builders representing artifacts. * @throws Exception */ public List<Builder> getSubBuilders() throws Exception { List<Builder> builders = new ArrayList<Builder>(); String sub = getProperty(SUB); if (sub == null || sub.trim().length() == 0 || EMPTY_HEADER.equals(sub)) { builders.add(this); return builders; } if (isTrue(getProperty(NOBUNDLES))) return builders; Parameters subsMap = parseHeader(sub); for (Iterator<String> i = subsMap.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { File file = getFile(; if (file.isFile() && !file.getName().startsWith(".")) { builders.add(getSubBuilder(file)); i.remove(); } } Instructions instructions = new Instructions(subsMap); List<File> members = new ArrayList<File>(Arrays.asList(getBase().listFiles())); nextFile: while (members.size() > 0) { File file = members.remove(0); // Check if the file is one of our parents @SuppressWarnings("resource") Processor p = this; while (p != null) { if (file.equals(p.getPropertiesFile())) continue nextFile; p = p.getParent(); } for (Iterator<Instruction> i = instructions.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Instruction instruction =; if (instruction.matches(file.getName())) { if (!instruction.isNegated()) { builders.add(getSubBuilder(file)); } // Because we matched (even though we could be negated) // we skip any remaining searches continue nextFile; } } } return builders; } public Builder getSubBuilder(File file) throws Exception { Builder builder = getSubBuilder(); if (builder != null) { builder.setProperties(file); addClose(builder); } return builder; } public Builder getSubBuilder() throws Exception { Builder builder = new Builder(this); builder.setBase(getBase()); builder.use(this); for (Jar file : getClasspath()) { builder.addClasspath(file); } return builder; } /** * A macro to convert a maven version to an OSGi version */ public String _maven_version(String args[]) { if (args.length > 2) error("${maven_version} macro receives too many arguments %s", Arrays.toString(args)); else if (args.length < 2) error("${maven_version} macro has no arguments, use ${maven_version;1.2.3-SNAPSHOT}"); else { return cleanupVersion(args[1]); } return null; } public String _permissions(String args[]) { return new PermissionGenerator(this, args).generate(); } /** * */ public void removeBundleSpecificHeaders() { Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(BUNDLE_SPECIFIC_HEADERS)); setForceLocal(set); } /** * Check if the given resource is in scope of this bundle. That is, it * checks if the Include-Resource includes this resource or if it is a class * file it is on the class path and the Export-Package or Private-Package * include this resource. */ public boolean isInScope(Collection<File> resources) throws Exception { Parameters clauses = parseHeader(mergeProperties(Constants.EXPORT_PACKAGE)); clauses.putAll(parseHeader(mergeProperties(Constants.PRIVATE_PACKAGE))); clauses.putAll(parseHeader(mergeProperties(Constants.PRIVATEPACKAGE))); if (isTrue(getProperty(Constants.UNDERTEST))) { clauses.putAll(parseHeader(mergeProperties(Constants.TESTPACKAGES, "test;presence:=optional"))); } Collection<String> ir = getIncludedResourcePrefixes(); Instructions instructions = new Instructions(clauses); for (File r : resources) { String cpEntry = getClasspathEntrySuffix(r); if (cpEntry != null) { if (cpEntry.equals("")) // Meaning we actually have a CPE return true; String pack = Descriptors.getPackage(cpEntry); Instruction i = matches(instructions, pack, null, r.getName()); if (i != null) return !i.isNegated(); } // Check if this resource starts with one of the I-C header // paths. String path = r.getAbsolutePath(); for (String p : ir) { if (path.startsWith(p)) return true; } } return false; } /** * Extra the paths for the directories and files that are used in the * Include-Resource header. */ private Collection<String> getIncludedResourcePrefixes() { List<String> prefixes = new ArrayList<String>(); Parameters includeResource = getIncludeResource(); for (Entry<String,Attrs> p : includeResource.entrySet()) { if (p.getValue().containsKey("literal")) continue; Matcher m = IR_PATTERN.matcher(p.getKey()); if (m.matches()) { File f = getFile(; prefixes.add(f.getAbsolutePath()); } } return prefixes; } /** * Answer the string of the resource that it has in the container. It is * possible that the resource is a classpath entry. In that case an empty * string is returned. * * @param resource The resource to look for * @return A suffix on the classpath or "" if the resource is a class path * entry * @throws Exception */ public String getClasspathEntrySuffix(File resource) throws Exception { for (Jar jar : getClasspath()) { File source = jar.getSource(); if (source != null) { source = source.getCanonicalFile(); String sourcePath = source.getAbsolutePath(); String resourcePath = resource.getAbsolutePath(); if (sourcePath.equals(resourcePath)) return ""; // Matches a classpath entry if (resourcePath.startsWith(sourcePath)) { // Make sure that the path name is translated correctly // i.e. on Windows the \ must be translated to / String filePath = resourcePath.substring(sourcePath.length() + 1); return filePath.replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); } } } return null; } /** * doNotCopy The doNotCopy variable maintains a patter for files that should * not be copied. There is a default {@link #DEFAULT_DO_NOT_COPY} but this * ca be overridden with the {@link Constants#DONOTCOPY} property. */ public boolean doNotCopy(String v) { return getDoNotCopy().matcher(v).matches(); } public boolean doNotCopy(File from) { if (doNotCopy(from.getName())) { return true; } if (!since(About._3_1)) { return false; } URI uri = getBaseURI().relativize(from.toURI()); return doNotCopy(uri.getPath()); } public Pattern getDoNotCopy() { if (xdoNotCopy == null) { String string = null; try { string = mergeProperties(DONOTCOPY); if (string == null || string.isEmpty()) string = DEFAULT_DO_NOT_COPY; xdoNotCopy = Pattern.compile(string); } catch (Exception e) { error("Invalid value for %s, value is %s", DONOTCOPY, string).header(DONOTCOPY); xdoNotCopy = Pattern.compile(DEFAULT_DO_NOT_COPY); } } return xdoNotCopy; } /** */ static MakeBnd makeBnd = new MakeBnd(); static MakeCopy makeCopy = new MakeCopy(); static ServiceComponent serviceComponent = new ServiceComponent(); static DSAnnotations dsAnnotations = new DSAnnotations(); static MetatypePlugin metatypePlugin = new MetatypePlugin(); static MetatypeAnnotations metatypeAnnotations = new MetatypeAnnotations(); @Override protected void setTypeSpecificPlugins(Set<Object> list) { list.add(makeBnd); list.add(makeCopy); list.add(serviceComponent); list.add(dsAnnotations); list.add(metatypePlugin); list.add(metatypeAnnotations); super.setTypeSpecificPlugins(list); } /** * Diff this bundle to another bundle for the given packages. * * @throws Exception */ public void doDiff(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Jar dot) throws Exception { Parameters diffs = parseHeader(getProperty("-diff")); if (diffs.isEmpty()) return; logger.debug("diff {}", diffs); if (tree == null) tree = differ.tree(this); for (Entry<String,Attrs> entry : diffs.entrySet()) { String path = entry.getKey(); File file = getFile(path); if (!file.isFile()) { error("Diffing against %s that is not a file", file).header("-diff").context(path); continue; } boolean full = entry.getValue().get("--full") != null; boolean warning = entry.getValue().get("--warning") != null; Tree other = differ.tree(file); Diff api = tree.diff(other).get("<api>"); Instructions instructions = new Instructions(entry.getValue().get("--pack")); logger.debug("diff against {} --full={} --pack={} --warning={}", file, full, instructions); for (Diff p : api.getChildren()) { String pname = p.getName(); if (p.getType() == Type.PACKAGE && instructions.matches(pname)) { if (p.getDelta() != Delta.UNCHANGED) { if (!full) if (warning) warning("Differ %s", p).header("-diff").context(path); else error("Differ %s", p).header("-diff").context(path); else { if (warning) warning("Diff found a difference in %s for packages %s", file, instructions) .header("-diff").context(path); else error("Diff found a difference in %s for packages %s", file, instructions) .header("-diff").context(path); show(p, "", warning); } } } } } } /** * Show the diff recursively * * @param p * @param i */ private void show(Diff p, String indent, boolean warning) { Delta d = p.getDelta(); if (d == Delta.UNCHANGED) return; if (warning) warning("%s%s", indent, p).header("-diff"); else error("%s%s", indent, p).header("-diff"); indent = indent + " "; switch (d) { case CHANGED : case MAJOR : case MINOR : case MICRO : break; default : return; } for (Diff c : p.getChildren()) show(c, indent, warning); } public void addSourcepath(Collection<File> sourcepath) { for (File f : sourcepath) { addSourcepath(f); } } /** * Base line against a previous version. Should be overridden in the * ProjectBuilder where we have access to the repos * * @throws Exception */ protected void doBaseline(Jar dot) throws Exception {} /** * #388 Manifest header to get GIT head Get the head commit number. Look for * a .git/HEAD file, going up in the file hierarchy. Then get this file, and * resolve any symbolic reference. */ static Pattern GITREF_P = Pattern.compile("ref:\\s*(refs/(heads|tags|remotes)/([^\\s]+))\\s*"); static String _githeadHelp = "${githead}, provide the SHA for the current git head"; public String _githead(String[] args) throws IOException { Macro.verifyCommand(args, _githeadHelp, null, 1, 1); // // Locate the .git directory // File rover = getBase(); while (rover != null && rover.isDirectory()) { File headFile = IO.getFile(rover, ".git/HEAD"); if (headFile.isFile()) { // // The head is either a symref (ref: // refs/(heads|tags|remotes)/<name>) // String head = IO.collect(headFile).trim(); if (!Hex.isHex(head)) { // // Should be a symref // Matcher m = GITREF_P.matcher(head); if (m.matches()) { String reference =; // so the commit is in the following path File file = IO.getFile(rover, ".git/" + reference); if (!file.isFile()) { // sigh, gc'd. Is in .git/packed-refs file = IO.getFile(rover, ".git/packed-refs"); if (file.isFile()) { String refs = IO.collect(file); Pattern packedReferenceLinePattern = Pattern .compile("([a-fA-F0-9]{40,40})\\s+" + reference + "\\s*\n"); Matcher packedReferenceMatcher = packedReferenceLinePattern.matcher(refs); if (packedReferenceMatcher.find()) { head =; } else return ""; // give up } else return ""; // give up } else { head = IO.collect(file); } } else { error("Git repo seems corrupt. It exists, find the HEAD but the content is neither hex nor a sym-ref: %s", head); } } return head.trim().toUpperCase(); } rover = rover.getParentFile(); } // Cannot find git directory return ""; } /** * Create a report of the settings * * @throws Exception */ public void report(Map<String,Object> table) throws Exception { build();; table.put("Do Not Copy", getDoNotCopy()); table.put("Git head", _githead(new String[] { "githead" })); } }