package aQute.lib.utf8properties; import java.util.Properties; import aQute.lib.hex.Hex; import aQute.lib.strings.Strings; import aQute.service.reporter.Reporter; import aQute.service.reporter.Reporter.SetLocation; final class PropertiesParser { private final char[] source; private final int length; private final Reporter reporter; private final String file; private static final char MIN_DELIMETER = '\t'; private static final char MAX_DELIMETER = '\\'; private final static byte[] INFO = new byte[MAX_DELIMETER + 1]; private final static byte WS = 1; private final static byte KEY = 2; private final static byte LINE = 4; private final static byte NOKEY = 8; static { INFO['\t'] = KEY + WS; INFO['\n'] = KEY + LINE; INFO['\f'] = KEY + WS; INFO[' '] = KEY + WS; INFO[','] = NOKEY; INFO[';'] = NOKEY; INFO['!'] = NOKEY; INFO['\''] = NOKEY; INFO['"'] = NOKEY; INFO['#'] = NOKEY; INFO['('] = NOKEY; INFO[')'] = NOKEY; INFO[':'] = KEY; INFO['='] = KEY; INFO['\\'] = NOKEY; } private int n = 0; private int line = 0; private int pos = -1; private int marker = 0; private char current; private Properties properties; private boolean validKey; private boolean continuation = true; PropertiesParser(String source, String file, Reporter reporter, Properties properties) { this.source = source.toCharArray(); this.file = file; this.reporter = reporter; this.length = this.source.length; = properties; } boolean hasNext() { return n < length; } char next() { if (n >= length) return current = '\n'; current = source[n++]; try { switch (current) { case '\\' : if (continuation) { char p = peek(); if (p == '\r' || p == '\n') { next(); // skip line ending next(); // first character on new line skipWhitespace(); } } return current; case '\r' : current = '\n'; if (peek() == '\n') { n++; } line++; pos = -1; return current; case '\n' : if (peek() == '\r') { // a bit weird, catches \n\r n++; } line++; pos = -1; return current; case '\t' : case '\f' : return current; default : if (current < ' ') { error("Invalid character in properties: %x at pos %s", Integer.valueOf(current), pos); return current = '?'; } return current; } } finally { pos++; } } void skip(byte delimeters) { while (isIn(delimeters)) { next(); } } char peek() { if (hasNext()) return source[n]; else return '\n'; } void parse() { while (hasNext()) { marker = n; next(); skipWhitespace(); if (isEmptyOrComment(current)) { skipLine(); continue; } this.validKey = true; String key = key(); if (!validKey) { error("Invalid property key: `%s`", key); } skipWhitespace(); if (current == ':' || current == '=') { next(); skipWhitespace(); if (current == '\n') { properties.put(key, ""); continue; } } if (current != '\n') { String value = token(LINE, key.startsWith("-")); properties.put(key, value); } else { error("No value specified for key: %s. An empty value should be specified as '%<s:' or '%<s='", key); properties.put(key, ""); continue; } assert current == '\n'; } int start = n; } private void skipWhitespace() { skip(WS); } public boolean isEmptyOrComment(char c) { return c == '\n' || c == '#' || c == '!'; } public void skipLine() { continuation = false; try { while (!isIn(LINE)) next(); } finally { continuation = true; } } private final String token(byte delimeters, boolean check) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); char quote = 0; boolean expectDelimeter = false; while (!isIn(delimeters)) { char tmp = current; if (tmp == '\\') { tmp = backslash(); if (tmp == 0) // we hit \\n\n break; } else if (check) { switch (current) { case '\\' : break; case '\'' : case '"' : if (quote == 0) { if (expectDelimeter) { error("Found a quote '%s' while expecting a delimeter. You should quote the whole values, you can use both single and double quotes", tmp); expectDelimeter = false; } quote = tmp; } else if (quote == tmp) { quote = 0; expectDelimeter = true; } break; case ' ' : case '\t' : case '\f' : break; case ';' : case ',' : case '=' : case ':' : expectDelimeter = false; break; default : if (expectDelimeter) { error("Expected a delimeter, like comma or semicolon, after a quoted string but found '%s'", tmp); expectDelimeter = false; } break; } } sb.append(tmp); next(); } return sb.toString(); } private final String key() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (!isIn(KEY)) { if (isIn(NOKEY)) validKey = false; char tmp = current; if (tmp == '\\') { tmp = backslash(); if (tmp == 0) // we hit \\n\n break; } sb.append(tmp); next(); } return sb.toString(); } private final boolean isIn(byte delimeters) { if (current < MIN_DELIMETER || current > MAX_DELIMETER) return false; return (INFO[current] & delimeters) != 0; } private final char backslash() { char c; c = next(); switch (c) { case '\n' : return 0; case 'u' : StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sb.append(next()); } String unicode = sb.toString(); if (!Hex.isHex(unicode)) { error("Invalid unicode string \\u%s", sb); return '?'; } else { return (char) Integer.parseInt(unicode, 16); } case ':' : case '=' : return c; case 't' : return '\t'; case 'f' : return '\f'; case 'r' : return '\r'; case 'n' : return '\n'; case '\\' : return '\\'; case '\f' : case '\t' : case ' ' : error("Found \\<whitespace>. This is allowed in a properties file but not in bnd to prevent mistakes"); return c; default : return c; } } private void error(String msg, Object... args) { if (reporter != null) { int line = this.line; String context = context(); SetLocation loc = reporter.error("%s: <<%s>>", Strings.format(msg, args), context); loc.line(line); loc.context(context); if (file != null) loc.file(file); loc.length(context.length()); } } private String context() { int loc = n; while (loc < length && source[loc] != '\n') loc++; return new String(source, marker, loc - marker); } }