package aQute.bnd.deployer.repository; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.SortedMap; import org.osgi.framework.namespace.IdentityNamespace; import org.osgi.resource.Capability; import org.osgi.resource.Resource; import org.osgi.service.log.LogService; import org.osgi.service.repository.ContentNamespace; import aQute.bnd.deployer.repository.api.CheckResult; import aQute.bnd.deployer.repository.api.Decision; import aQute.bnd.deployer.repository.api.IRepositoryContentProvider; import aQute.bnd.deployer.repository.api.IRepositoryIndexProcessor; import aQute.bnd.version.Version; import aQute.bnd.version.VersionRange; import aQute.libg.generics.Create; public final class RepoResourceUtils { private static final int READ_AHEAD_MAX = 5 * 1024 * 1024; public static void readIndex(String name, URI baseUri, InputStream stream, Collection<IRepositoryContentProvider> contentProviders, IRepositoryIndexProcessor listener, LogService log) throws Exception { // Make sure we have a buffering stream try (InputStream bufferedStream = stream.markSupported() ? stream : new BufferedInputStream(stream)) { // Find a compatible content provider for the input IRepositoryContentProvider selectedProvider = null; IRepositoryContentProvider maybeSelectedProvider = null; for (IRepositoryContentProvider provider : contentProviders) { CheckResult checkResult; try { bufferedStream.mark(READ_AHEAD_MAX); checkResult = provider.checkStream(name, new ProtectedStream(bufferedStream)); } finally { bufferedStream.reset(); } if (checkResult.getDecision() == Decision.accept) { selectedProvider = provider; break; } else if (checkResult.getDecision() == Decision.undecided) { log.log(LogService.LOG_WARNING, String.format( "Content provider '%s' was unable to determine compatibility with index at URL '%s': %s", provider.getName(), baseUri, checkResult.getMessage())); if (maybeSelectedProvider == null) maybeSelectedProvider = provider; } } // If no provider answered definitively, fall back to the first // undecided provider, with an appropriate warning. if (selectedProvider == null) { if (maybeSelectedProvider != null) { selectedProvider = maybeSelectedProvider; log.log(LogService.LOG_WARNING, String.format( "No content provider matches the specified index unambiguously. Selected '%s' arbitrarily.", selectedProvider.getName())); } else { throw new IOException( "Invalid repository index: no configured content provider understands the specified index."); } } // Finally, parse the damn file. selectedProvider.parseIndex(bufferedStream, baseUri, listener, log); } } public static Capability getIdentityCapability(Resource resource) { List<Capability> identityCaps = resource.getCapabilities(IdentityNamespace.IDENTITY_NAMESPACE); if (identityCaps.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Resource has no identity capability."); return identityCaps.iterator().next(); } public static String getResourceIdentity(Resource resource) { return (String) getIdentityCapability(resource).getAttributes().get(IdentityNamespace.IDENTITY_NAMESPACE); } public static Version getResourceVersion(Resource resource) { Version result; Object versionObj = getIdentityCapability(resource).getAttributes() .get(IdentityNamespace.CAPABILITY_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE); if (versionObj == null) { result = Version.emptyVersion; } else if (versionObj instanceof org.osgi.framework.Version) { org.osgi.framework.Version v = (org.osgi.framework.Version) versionObj; result = new Version(v.toString()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert to Version from type: " + versionObj.getClass()); } return result; } public static URI getContentUrl(Resource resource) { List<Capability> caps = resource.getCapabilities(ContentNamespace.CONTENT_NAMESPACE); if (caps.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Resource has no content capability"); Object uri = caps.iterator().next().getAttributes().get(ContentNamespace.CAPABILITY_URL_ATTRIBUTE); if (uri == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Resource content has no 'uri' attribute."); if (uri instanceof URI) return (URI) uri; try { if (uri instanceof URL) return ((URL) uri).toURI(); if (uri instanceof String) return new URI((String) uri); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to convert resource content location to a valid URI.", e); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to convert resource content location to a valid URI."); } public static String getContentSha(Resource resource) { List<Capability> caps = resource.getCapabilities(ContentNamespace.CONTENT_NAMESPACE); if (caps.isEmpty()) return null; Object contentObj = caps.iterator().next().getAttributes().get(ContentNamespace.CONTENT_NAMESPACE); if (contentObj == null) return null; if (contentObj instanceof String) return (String) contentObj; throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Content attribute is wrong type: " + contentObj.getClass().toString() + " (expected String)."); } public static List<Resource> narrowVersionsByVersionRange(SortedMap<Version,Resource> versionMap, String rangeStr) { List<Resource> result; if (aQute.bnd.osgi.Constants.VERSION_ATTR_LATEST.equals(rangeStr)) { Version highest = versionMap.lastKey(); result = Create.list(versionMap.get(highest)); } else { VersionRange range = rangeStr != null ? new VersionRange(rangeStr) : null; // optimisation: skip versions definitely less than the range if (range != null && range.getLow() != null) versionMap = versionMap.tailMap(range.getLow()); result = new ArrayList<Resource>(versionMap.size()); for (Entry<Version,Resource> entry : versionMap.entrySet()) { Version version = entry.getKey(); if (range == null || range.includes(version)) result.add(entry.getValue()); // optimisation: skip versions definitely higher than the range if (range != null && range.isRange() && version.compareTo(range.getHigh()) >= 0) break; } } return result; } }