package aQute.maven.dto; import aQute.bnd.util.dto.DTO; import aQute.bnd.version.MavenVersion; /** * The <code><dependency></code> element contains information about a * dependency of the project. */ public class DependencyDTO extends DTO { /** * The project group that produced the dependency, e.g. * <code>org.apache.maven</code>. * */ public String groupId; /** * The unique id for an artifact produced by the project group, e.g. * <code>maven-artifact</code>. * */ public String artifactId; /** * The version of the dependency, e.g. <code>3.2.1</code>. In Maven 2, this * can also be specified as a range of versions. * */ public MavenVersion version; /** * The type of dependency. While it usually represents the extension on the * filename of the dependency, that is not always the case. A type can be * mapped to a different extension and a classifier. The type often * corresponds to the packaging used, though this is also not always the * case. Some examples are <code>jar</code>, <code>war</code>, * <code>ejb-client</code> and <code>test-jar</code>: see * <a href="../maven-core/artifact-handlers.html">default artifact * handlers</a> for a list. New types can be defined by plugins that set * <code>extensions</code> to <code>true</code>, so this is not a complete * list. * */ public String type = "jar"; /** * The classifier of the dependency. It is appended to the filename after * the version. This allows: * <ul> * <li>refering to attached artifact, for example <code>sources</code> and * <code>javadoc</code>: see * <a href="../maven-core/artifact-handlers.html">default artifact * handlers</a> for a list,</li> * <li>distinguishing two artifacts that belong to the same POM but were * built differently. For example, <code>jdk14</code> and <code>jdk15</code> * .</li> * </ul> * */ public String classifier; /** * The scope of the dependency - <code>compile</code>, <code>runtime</code>, * <code>test</code>, <code>system</code>, and <code>provided</code>. Used * to calculate the various classpaths used for compilation, testing, and so * on. It also assists in determining which artifacts to include in a * distribution of this project. For more information, see <a href= * ""> * the dependency mechanism</a>. * */ public enum Scope { compile, runtime, test, system, provided; } public Scope scope; /** * FOR SYSTEM SCOPE ONLY. Note that use of this property is * <b>discouraged</b> and may be replaced in later versions. This specifies * the path on the filesystem for this dependency. Requires an absolute path * for the value, not relative. Use a property that gives the machine * specific absolute path, e.g. <code>${java.home}</code>. */ public String systemPath; /** * Lists a set of artifacts that should be excluded from this dependency's * artifact list when it comes to calculating transitive dependencies. * */ public ExclusionDTO[] exclusions; /** * Indicates the dependency is optional for use of this library. While the * version of the dependency will be taken into account for dependency * calculation if the library is used elsewhere, it will not be passed on * transitively. Note: While the type of this field is <code>String</code> * for technical reasons, the semantic type is actually <code>Boolean</code> * . Default value is <code>false</code>. * */ public String optional; }