package aQute.bnd.connection.settings; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import aQute.bnd.header.Attrs; import aQute.bnd.header.Parameters; import aQute.bnd.http.HttpClient; import aQute.bnd.osgi.Processor; import aQute.bnd.service.url.ProxyHandler; import aQute.bnd.service.url.URLConnectionHandler; import aQute.bnd.url.BasicAuthentication; import aQute.bnd.url.HttpsVerification; import aQute.lib.concurrentinit.ConcurrentInitialize; import aQute.lib.converter.Converter; import; import aQute.lib.mavenpasswordobfuscator.MavenPasswordObfuscator; import aQute.lib.xpath.XPathParser; import aQute.libg.glob.Glob; public class ConnectionSettings extends Processor { final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory .getLogger(ConnectionSettings.class); public static final String M2_SETTINGS_SECURITY_XML = "~/.m2/settings-security.xml"; public static final String M2_SETTINGS_SECURITY_PROPERTY = ""; private static final String M2_SETTINGS_XML = "~/.m2/settings.xml"; private static final String BND_CONNECTION_SETTINGS_XML = "~/.bnd/connection-settings.xml"; private static final String CONNECTION_SETTINGS = "-connection-settings"; private HttpClient client; private List<ServerDTO> servers = new ArrayList<>(); private ConcurrentInitialize<String> mavenMasterPassphrase = new ConcurrentInitialize<String>() { @Override public String create() throws Exception { return readMavenMasterPassphrase(); } }; public ConnectionSettings(Processor processor, HttpClient client) throws Exception { super(processor); this.client = client; } public void readSettings() throws Exception { File tmp = null; try { Parameters connectionSettings = new Parameters(mergeProperties(CONNECTION_SETTINGS), getParent()); if (connectionSettings.isEmpty()) { File file =; if (!file.isFile()) { file =; if (!file.isFile()) { return; } } parse(file); return; } for (Map.Entry<String,Attrs> entry : connectionSettings.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) continue; switch (key) { case "maven" : key = M2_SETTINGS_XML; break; case "bnd" : key = BND_CONNECTION_SETTINGS_XML; break; case "env" : Attrs attrs = entry.getValue(); String variable = attrs.get("var"); if (variable == null) { getParent().error( "Specified -connection-settings: %s, with 'env' but the 'var' parameter is no found", connectionSettings); } else { String value = System.getenv(key); if (value != null) { tmp = File.createTempFile("tmp", ".bnd");, tmp); key = tmp.getAbsolutePath(); } else getParent().error( "Specified -connection-settings: %s, but no such environment variable %s is found", connectionSettings, key); } break; } boolean ignoreError = false; if (key.startsWith("-")) { ignoreError = true; key = key.substring(1); } key = Processor.removeDuplicateMarker(key); if ("server".equals(key)) { parseServer(entry.getValue()); } else { File file = getParent() != null ? IO.getFile(key) : getParent().getFile(key); if (!file.isFile()) { if (!ignoreError) { SetLocation error = getParent().error( "Specified -connection-settings: %s, but no such file or is directory", file); FileLine header = getParent().getHeader(CONNECTION_SETTINGS, key); if (header != null) header.set(error); } } else parse(file); } } } finally { if (tmp != null) IO.delete(tmp); } } /** * Set the parameters from within, i.e. not via file * * @param uri the uri that must match * @param value the values * @throws Exception */ private void parseServer(Attrs value) throws Exception { ServerDTO server = Converter.cnv(ServerDTO.class, value); if (isPassword(server) || isPrivateKey(server)) { if ( == null) = "*"; add(server); } } private boolean isPrivateKey(ServerDTO server) { if (isEmpty(server.privateKey) || isEmpty(server.passphrase)) return false; else return true; } private boolean isPassword(ServerDTO server) { if (isEmpty(server.username) || isEmpty(server.password)) return false; else return true; } private boolean isEmpty(String s) { return s == null || s.trim().isEmpty(); } public URLConnectionHandler createUrlConnectionHandler(ServerDTO serverDTO) { final Glob match = new Glob(serverDTO.match == null ? : serverDTO.match); final BasicAuthentication basic = getBasicAuthentication(serverDTO.username, serverDTO.password); final HttpsVerification https = new HttpsVerification(, serverDTO.verify, getParent()); return new URLConnectionHandler() { @Override public boolean matches(URL url) { String scheme = url.getProtocol().toLowerCase(); StringBuilder address = new StringBuilder(); address.append(scheme).append("://").append(url.getHost()); if (url.getPort() > 0 && url.getPort() != url.getDefaultPort()) address.append(":").append(url.getPort()); return match.matcher(address).matches(); } @Override public void handle(URLConnection connection) throws Exception { if (basic != null) basic.handle(connection); if (isHttps(connection) && https != null) { https.handle(connection); } } boolean isHttps(URLConnection connection) { return "https".equalsIgnoreCase(connection.getURL().getProtocol()); } public String toString() { return "Server [ match=" + match + ", basic=" + basic + ", https=" + https + "]"; } }; } public BasicAuthentication getBasicAuthentication(String username, String password) { if (username != null && password != null) { return new BasicAuthentication(username, password, getParent()); } return null; } /** * Create Proxy Handler from ProxyDTO */ public static ProxyHandler createProxyHandler(final ProxyDTO proxyDTO) { return new ProxyHandler() { Glob globs[]; private ProxySetup proxySetup; @Override public ProxySetup forURL(URL url) throws Exception { switch (proxyDTO.protocol) { case DIRECT : break; case HTTP : String scheme = url.getProtocol(); if (scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("http") || scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("https")) { // ok } else return null; break; case SOCKS : break; default : break; } String host = url.getHost(); if (host != null) { if (isNonProxyHost(host)) return null; } // not synchronized because conflicts only do some double work if (proxySetup == null) { proxySetup = new ProxySetup(); if (proxyDTO.username != null && proxyDTO.password != null) proxySetup.authentication = new PasswordAuthentication(proxyDTO.username, proxyDTO.password.toCharArray()); SocketAddress socketAddress; if ( != null) socketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(, proxyDTO.port); else socketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(proxyDTO.port); proxySetup.proxy = new Proxy(proxyDTO.protocol, socketAddress); } return proxySetup; } public boolean isNonProxyHost(String host) { Glob[] globs = getNonProxyHosts(proxyDTO); for (Glob glob : globs) { if (glob.matcher(host).matches()) return true; } return false; } public Glob[] getNonProxyHosts(final ProxyDTO proxyDTO) { // not synchronized because conflicts only do some double work if (globs == null) { if (proxyDTO.nonProxyHosts == null) globs = new Glob[0]; else { String parts[] = proxyDTO.nonProxyHosts.split("\\s*\\|\\s*"); globs = new Glob[parts.length]; for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) globs[i] = new Glob(parts[i]); } } return globs; } }; } private void parse(File file) throws Exception { assert file != null : "File must be set"; assert file.isFile() : "File must be a file and exist"; SettingsParser parser = new SettingsParser(file); SettingsDTO settings = parser.getSettings(); for (ProxyDTO proxyDTO : settings.proxies) { if (isActive(proxyDTO)) { add(proxyDTO); } } ServerDTO deflt = null; for (ServerDTO serverDTO : settings.servers) { = makeAbsolute(file,; if (MavenPasswordObfuscator.isObfuscatedPassword(serverDTO.password)) { String masterPassphrase = mavenMasterPassphrase.get(); if (masterPassphrase != null) { serverDTO.password = MavenPasswordObfuscator.decrypt(serverDTO.password, masterPassphrase); } } if ("default".equals( deflt = serverDTO; else { add(serverDTO); } } if (deflt != null) add(deflt); } private String readMavenMasterPassphrase() throws Exception { String path = System.getProperty(M2_SETTINGS_SECURITY_PROPERTY, M2_SETTINGS_SECURITY_XML); File file = IO.getFile(path); if (!file.isFile()) {"No Maven security settings file {}", path); return null; } XPathParser sp = new XPathParser(file); String master = sp.parse("/settingsSecurity/master"); if (master == null || master.isEmpty()) { warning("Found Maven security settings file %s but not master password in it", path); return null; } else { if (!MavenPasswordObfuscator.isObfuscatedPassword(master)) { warning("Master password in %s was not obfuscated, using actual value", path); return master; } try { return MavenPasswordObfuscator.decrypt(master, M2_SETTINGS_SECURITY_PROPERTY); } catch (Exception e) { exception(e, "Could not decrypt the master password from %s with key %s", path, M2_SETTINGS_SECURITY_PROPERTY); return null; } } } final static String IPNR_PART_S = "([01]\\d\\d)|(2[0-4]\\d)|(25[0-5])"; final static String IPNR_S = IPNR_PART_S + "." + IPNR_PART_S + "." + IPNR_PART_S + "." + IPNR_PART_S; static Pattern MASK_P = Pattern.compile("(?<if>[^:]):(?<ip>[^/])/(?<valid>.*)"); private boolean isActive(ProxyDTO proxy) throws SocketException { if (! return false; String mask = proxy.mask; if (mask == null) return true; String[] clauses = mask.split("\\s*,\\s*"); for (String clause : clauses) try { String parts[] = clause.split("\\s*:\\s*"); Glob g = new Glob(parts[0]); byte[] address = null; int maskLength = 0; if (parts.length > 1) { String pp[] = parts[1].split("/"); address = InetAddress.getByName(pp[0]).getAddress(); maskLength = pp.length > 1 ? Integer.parseInt(pp[1]) : address.length * 8; } Enumeration<NetworkInterface> e = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { NetworkInterface ni = e.nextElement(); if (ni == null) continue; if (!ni.isUp()) continue; if (g.matcher(ni.getName()).matches()) { if (address == null) return true; for (InterfaceAddress ia : ni.getInterfaceAddresses()) { byte[] iaa = ia.getAddress().getAddress(); if (address.length != iaa.length) continue; if (maskLength != 0 && ia.getNetworkPrefixLength() != maskLength) continue; if (Arrays.equals(address, iaa)) return true; } } } } catch (Exception e) { exception(e, "Failed to parse proxy 'mask' clause in settings: %s", clause); } return false; } public static String makeAbsolute(File cwd, String trust) { if (trust == null) return null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String del = ""; String[] parts = trust.split("\\s*,\\s*"); for (String part : parts) { File file = new File(cwd, part).getAbsoluteFile(); sb.append(del); del = ","; sb.append(file.getAbsolutePath()); } return sb.toString(); } public void add(ServerDTO server) { servers.add(server); if (client != null) client.addURLConnectionHandler(createUrlConnectionHandler(server)); } public void add(ProxyDTO proxy) { if (client != null) client.addProxyHandler(createProxyHandler(proxy)); } public List<ServerDTO> getServerDTOs() { return servers; } }