package test; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import aQute.bnd.osgi.Builder; import aQute.bnd.osgi.Clazz.JAVA; import aQute.bnd.osgi.Constants; import aQute.bnd.osgi.Jar; import junit.framework.TestCase; @SuppressWarnings("resource") public class ClassReferenceTest extends TestCase { class Inner { } static { System.err.println(Inner.class); } /** * We create a JAR with the test.classreferenc.ClassReference class. This * class contains a javax.swing.Box.class reference Prior to Java 1.5, this * was done in a silly way that is handled specially. After 1.5 it is a * normal reference. * * @throws Exception */ public void testSun_1_1() throws Exception { doit("sun_1_1"); } public void testSun_1_2() throws Exception { doit("sun_1_2"); } public void testSun_1_3() throws Exception { doit("sun_1_3"); } public void testSun_1_4() throws Exception { doit("sun_1_4"); } public void testSun_1_5() throws Exception { doit("sun_1_5"); } public void testSun_jsr14() throws Exception { doit("sun_jsr14"); } public void testSun_1_6() throws Exception { doit("sun_1_6"); } public void testSun_1_7() throws Exception { doit("sun_1_7"); } public void testSun_1_8() throws Exception { doit("sun_1_8"); } public void testEclipse_1_1() throws Exception { doit("eclipse_1_1"); } public void testEclipse_1_2() throws Exception { doit("eclipse_1_2"); } public void testEclipse_1_3() throws Exception { doit("eclipse_1_3"); } public void testEclipse_1_4() throws Exception { doit("eclipse_1_4"); } public void testEclipse_1_5() throws Exception { doit("eclipse_1_5"); } public void testEclipse_1_6() throws Exception { doit("eclipse_1_6"); } public void testEclipse_1_7() throws Exception { doit("eclipse_1_7"); } public void doit(String p) throws Exception { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.put("-classpath", "compilerversions/compilerversions.jar"); System.out.println("compiler version " + p); Builder builder = new Builder(); properties.put(Constants.EEPROFILE, "auto"); properties.put("Export-Package", p); builder.setProperties(properties); Jar jar =; assertTrue(builder.check()); JAVA highestEE = builder.getHighestEE(); Map<String,Set<String>> profiles = highestEE.getProfiles(); if (profiles != null) { System.out.println("profiles" + profiles); jar.getManifest().write(System.out); } assertTrue(builder.check()); Manifest manifest = jar.getManifest(); String imports = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Import-Package"); assertTrue("Package " + p + "contains swing ref ", imports.indexOf("javax.swing") >= 0); assertFalse("Package " + p + "should not contain ClassRef", imports.indexOf("ClassRef") >= 0); } }