package aQute.bnd.repository.maven.pom.provider; public interface PomConfiguration { /** * The url to the remote release repository. Can be a comma separated list * of urls. */ String releaseUrls(); /** * The url to the remote snapshot repository. If this is not specified, it * falls back to the release repository or just local if this is also not * specified. Can be a comma separated list of urls. */ String snapshotUrls(); /** * The path to the local repository */ // default "~/.m2/repository" String local(String deflt); /** * Coordinates of a maven revision. I.e. g:a[:c]:v. Can be a comma separated * list of gavs. */ String revision(); /** * Points to a file that is used as the cache. It will be in OSGi format. */ String location(String deflt); /** * Points to a file that holds a pom. This is exclusive with revision. Can * be a comma separated list of files. */ String pom(); /** * The name of the repo. Required. */ String name(); /** * The query used to search Maven Central Search. */ String query(); /** * The url of the Maven Central Search. */ // default "" String queryUrl(String deflf); }