package biz.aQute.resolve; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import org.osgi.framework.Version; import org.osgi.framework.namespace.IdentityNamespace; import org.osgi.framework.namespace.PackageNamespace; import org.osgi.resource.Capability; import org.osgi.resource.Requirement; import org.osgi.resource.Resource; import org.osgi.service.log.LogService; import org.osgi.service.repository.Repository; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import aQute.bnd.header.Attrs; import aQute.bnd.header.Parameters; import aQute.bnd.http.HttpClient; import aQute.bnd.osgi.Constants; import aQute.bnd.osgi.Domain; import aQute.bnd.osgi.Jar; import aQute.bnd.osgi.Processor; import aQute.bnd.osgi.repository.AggregateRepository; import aQute.bnd.osgi.repository.AugmentRepository; import aQute.bnd.osgi.resource.CapReqBuilder; import aQute.bnd.osgi.resource.RequirementBuilder; import aQute.bnd.osgi.resource.ResourceBuilder; import aQute.bnd.osgi.resource.ResourceUtils; import aQute.bnd.service.Registry; import aQute.bnd.service.Strategy; import aQute.bnd.service.resolve.hook.ResolverHook; import aQute.lib.converter.Converter; import aQute.lib.utf8properties.UTF8Properties; /** * This class does the resolving for bundles. It loads the details from a * BndEditModel & Project */ public class BndrunResolveContext extends AbstractResolveContext { private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BndrunResolveContext.class); private static final String BND_AUGMENT = "bnd.augment"; public static final String RUN_EFFECTIVE_INSTRUCTION = "-resolve.effective"; public static final String PROP_RESOLVE_PREFERENCES = "-resolve.preferences"; private Registry registry; private Parameters resolvePrefs; private final Processor properties; private Project project; private boolean initialized; /** * Constructor for a BndEditModel. The idea to use a BndEditModel was rather * bad because it couples things that should not be coupled. The other * constructor should be preferred. * * @param runModel The edit model * @param registry The bnd registry * @param log */ @Deprecated public BndrunResolveContext(BndEditModel runModel, Registry registry, LogService log) { super(log); try { this.registry = registry; = runModel.getProperties(); this.project = runModel.getProject(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * The preferred constructor * * @param runModel The model (its properties) * @param project The project to access bundles * @param registry the registry * @param log */ public BndrunResolveContext(Processor runModel, Project project, Registry registry, LogService log) { super(log); try { this.registry = registry; = runModel; this.project = project; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Initializes the resolver. Here we will load all the information from the * model. */ @Override public synchronized void init() { if (initialized) return; initialized = true; try { if (getLevel() <= 0) { Integer level = Converter.cnv(Integer.class, properties.getProperty("-resolvedebug", "0")); if (level != null) setLevel(level); } loadPreferences(); Processor augments = loadRepositories(); constructBlacklist(augments); Map<String,Set<String>> effectiveSet = loadEffectiveSet(); if (effectiveSet != null) addEffectiveSet(effectiveSet); // // Create a resource from the -runrequire that contains // all the requirement // setInputResource(constructInputRequirements()); // // We gradually build up the system resource that contains // the system packages, the EE, etc. // ResourceBuilder system = new ResourceBuilder(); // // Let's identify the system resource to make it look less // ugly // // // If we have a distro, we do not load the environment // settings // String distro = properties.mergeProperties(Constants.DISTRO); if (distro != null && !distro.trim().isEmpty()) { loadPath(system, distro, Constants.DISTRO); loadProvidedCapabilities(system); } else { // // Load the EE's and packages that belong to it. // EE tmp = EE.parse(properties.getProperty(Constants.RUNEE)); EE ee = (tmp != null) ? tmp : EE.JavaSE_1_6; system.addAllExecutionEnvironments(ee); // // We make the system packages as coming from the system // resource // Parameters systemPackages = new Parameters(properties.mergeProperties(Constants.RUNSYSTEMPACKAGES), project); system.addExportPackages(systemPackages); // // We make the system capabilities as coming from the system // resource // Parameters systemCapabilities = new Parameters( properties.mergeProperties(Constants.RUNSYSTEMCAPABILITIES), project); system.addProvideCapabilities(systemCapabilities); loadProvidedCapabilities(system); // // Load the frameworks capabilities // loadFramework(system); // // Analyze the path and add all exported packages and provided // capabilities // to the system resource // String runpath = properties.mergeProperties(Constants.RUNPATH); if (runpath != null && !runpath.trim().isEmpty()) loadPath(system, runpath, Constants.RUNPATH); } // // We've not gathered all the capabilities of the system // so we can create the resource and set it as the system resource // // // TODO Add osgi.wiring.bundle + // filed a bug about using the impl version for the system // capabilities // List<Capability> frameworkPackages = system.findCapabilities(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE, "(" + PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE + "=org.osgi.framework)"); if (!frameworkPackages.isEmpty()) { Capability c = frameworkPackages.get(0); Version version = (Version) c.getAttributes().get(PackageNamespace.CAPABILITY_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE); CapReqBuilder crb = new CapReqBuilder(IdentityNamespace.IDENTITY_NAMESPACE); crb.addAttribute(IdentityNamespace.IDENTITY_NAMESPACE, "system.bundle"); crb.addAttribute(IdentityNamespace.CAPABILITY_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, version); system.addCapability(crb); } setSystemResource(; } catch (Exception e) { log.log(LogService.LOG_ERROR, e.getMessage(), e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } super.init(); } private void loadProvidedCapabilities(ResourceBuilder system) throws Exception { // // Some capabilities are provided by the runtime, like native // code. // We need to add them here so the resolver is aware of them // Parameters providedCapabilities = new Parameters(properties.mergeProperties(Constants.RUNPROVIDEDCAPABILITIES), project); system.addProvideCapabilities(providedCapabilities); } void loadFramework(ResourceBuilder system) throws Exception { Parameters parameters = new Parameters(properties.getProperty(Constants.RUNFW), project); if (parameters.isEmpty()) { log.log(LogService.LOG_WARNING, "No -runfw set"); return; } if (parameters.size() > 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Too many frameworks specified in " + Constants.RUNFW + " (" + parameters + ")"); Map.Entry<String,Attrs> bsn = parameters.entrySet().iterator().next(); String name = bsn.getKey(); String version = bsn.getValue().getVersion(); log.log(LogService.LOG_INFO, "Using frameowork " + name + ";" + version); if ("none".equals(name)) return; Resource framework = getHighestResource(name, version); if (framework == null) { log.log(LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Cannot find framework " + name + ";" + version); } else super.setFramework(system, framework); } /** * Add a path to the system resource. This is done by the bnd launcher for * -runpath and it is also used for -distro. */ public void loadPath(ResourceBuilder system, String path, String what) throws Exception { if (project != null) { List<Container> containers = Container.flatten(project.getBundles(Strategy.HIGHEST, path, what)); for (Container c : containers) { Manifest manifest = c.getManifest(); if (manifest != null) { ResourceBuilder rb = new ResourceBuilder(); rb.addManifest(Domain.domain(manifest)); addSystemResource(system,; } } } else { super.loadPath(system, path, what); } } /** * Load the effective set from the properties */ Map<String,Set<String>> loadEffectiveSet() { String effective = properties.getProperty(RUN_EFFECTIVE_INSTRUCTION); if (effective == null) return null; HashMap<String,Set<String>> effectiveSet = new HashMap<String,Set<String>>(); for (Entry<String,Attrs> entry : new Parameters(effective, project).entrySet()) { String skip = entry.getValue().get("skip:"); Set<String> toSkip = skip == null ? new HashSet<String>() : new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(skip.split(","))); effectiveSet.put(entry.getKey(), toSkip); } return effectiveSet; } /** * Load all the OSGi repositories from our registry * <p> * TODO Use Instruction ... * * @return * @throws Exception */ private Processor loadRepositories() throws Exception { // // Get all of the repositories from the plugin registry // List<Repository> allRepos = registry.getPlugins(Repository.class); Collection<Repository> orderedRepositories; String rn = properties.mergeProperties(Constants.RUNREPOS); if (rn == null) { // // No filter set, so we use all // orderedRepositories = allRepos; } else { Parameters repoNames = new Parameters(rn, project); // Map the repository names... Map<String,Repository> repoNameMap = new HashMap<String,Repository>(allRepos.size()); for (Repository repo : allRepos) repoNameMap.put(repo.toString(), repo); // Create the result list orderedRepositories = new ArrayList<>(); for (String repoName : repoNames.keySet()) { Repository repo = repoNameMap.get(repoName); if (repo != null) orderedRepositories.add(repo); } } Processor repositoryAugments = findRepositoryAugments(orderedRepositories); Parameters augments = new Parameters(repositoryAugments.mergeProperties(Constants.AUGMENT), project); augments.putAll(new Parameters(properties.mergeProperties(Constants.AUGMENT), project)); if (!augments.isEmpty()) { AggregateRepository aggregate = new AggregateRepository(orderedRepositories); AugmentRepository augment = new AugmentRepository(augments, aggregate); orderedRepositories = Collections.singleton((Repository) augment); } for (Repository repository : orderedRepositories) { super.addRepository(repository); } return repositoryAugments; } private Processor findRepositoryAugments(Collection<Repository> orderedRepositories) { Processor main = new Processor(); RequirementBuilder rb = new RequirementBuilder(BND_AUGMENT); rb.filter("(path=*)"); Requirement req = rb.buildSyntheticRequirement(); for (Repository r : orderedRepositories) { Map<Requirement,Collection<Capability>> found = r.findProviders(Collections.singleton(req)); Collection<Capability> capabilities = found.get(req); if (capabilities != null) { for (Capability capability : capabilities) { findAdditionalAugmentsFromResource(main, capability); } } } return main; } private void findAdditionalAugmentsFromResource(Processor augments, Capability capability) { Resource resource = capability.getResource(); Map<URI,String> locations = ResourceUtils.getLocations(resource); if (locations == null || locations.isEmpty()) return; Object pathObject = capability.getAttributes().get("path"); if (pathObject == null) pathObject = "augments.bnd"; if (pathObject instanceof String) { String path = (String) pathObject; HttpClient http = registry.getPlugin(HttpClient.class); for (URI uri : locations.keySet()) try { logger.debug("loading augments from {}", uri); File file =, TimeUnit.HOURS).useCache().go(uri); try (Jar jar = new Jar(file)) { aQute.bnd.osgi.Resource rs = jar.getResource(path); try (InputStream in = rs.openInputStream()) { UTF8Properties p = new UTF8Properties(); p.load(in, file, project); augments.getProperties().putAll(p); return; } } } catch (Exception e) { project.warning("Failed to handle augment resource from repo %s", uri); } } } @Override public boolean isSystemResource(Resource resource) { Resource systemResource = getSystemResource(); return resource == systemResource; } Resource constructInputRequirements() throws Exception { ResourceBuilder resBuilder = new ResourceBuilder(); CapReqBuilder identity = new CapReqBuilder(IdentityNamespace.IDENTITY_NAMESPACE) .addAttribute(IdentityNamespace.IDENTITY_NAMESPACE, IDENTITY_INITIAL_RESOURCE); resBuilder.addCapability(identity); Parameters inputRequirements = new Parameters(properties.mergeProperties(Constants.RUNREQUIRES), project); if (inputRequirements != null && !inputRequirements.isEmpty()) { List<Requirement> requires = CapReqBuilder.getRequirementsFrom(inputRequirements); resBuilder.addRequirements(requires); } return; } private void constructBlacklist(Processor augments) throws Exception { Parameters blacklist = new Parameters(augments.mergeProperties(Constants.RUNBLACKLIST), project); blacklist.putAll(new Parameters(properties.mergeProperties(Constants.RUNBLACKLIST), project)); if (blacklist != null && !blacklist.isEmpty()) { List<Requirement> reject = CapReqBuilder.getRequirementsFrom(blacklist); setBlackList(reject); } } private void loadPreferences() { resolvePrefs = new Parameters(properties.getProperty(PROP_RESOLVE_PREFERENCES), project); } protected void postProcessProviders(Requirement requirement, Set<Capability> wired, List<Capability> candidates) { if (candidates.size() == 0) return; // Call resolver hooks for (ResolverHook resolverHook : registry.getPlugins(ResolverHook.class)) { resolverHook.filterMatches(requirement, candidates); } // Process the resolve preferences boolean prefsUsed = false; if (resolvePrefs != null && !resolvePrefs.isEmpty()) { List<Capability> insertions = new LinkedList<Capability>(); for (Iterator<Capability> iterator = candidates.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Capability cap =; if (resolvePrefs.containsKey(getResourceIdentity(cap.getResource()))) { iterator.remove(); insertions.add(cap); } } if (!insertions.isEmpty()) { candidates.addAll(0, insertions); prefsUsed = true; } } // If preferences were applied, then don't need to call the callbacks if (!prefsUsed) { for (ResolutionCallback callback : getCallbacks()) { callback.processCandidates(requirement, wired, candidates); } } } }