package aQute.remote.util; import; import junit.framework.TestCase; public class JMXBundleDeployerTest extends TestCase { public void testFindManagementAgentJar() throws Exception { File managementJar = JMXBundleDeployer.findJdkJar("management-agent.jar"); assertNotNull(managementJar); assertEquals(true, managementJar.exists()); } public void testFindToolsJar() throws Exception { File toolsJar = JMXBundleDeployer.findJdkJar("tools.jar"); assertNotNull(toolsJar); assertEquals(true, toolsJar.exists()); } public void testGetLocalConnectorAddressLibraryUnload() throws Exception { Throwable ex = null; // calling two times to make sure that we are properly unloading the // library. If we don't the second call will throw class // init error try { JMXBundleDeployer.getLocalConnectorAddress(); JMXBundleDeployer.getLocalConnectorAddress(); } catch (Throwable t) { ex = t; } assertNull(ex); } }