package test.component; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference; import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext; import org.osgi.service.event.EventAdmin; import org.osgi.service.log.LogService; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Activate; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Component; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.ConfigurationPolicy; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Deactivate; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Modified; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Reference; import aQute.bnd.annotation.metatype.Meta; import aQute.bnd.header.Parameters; import aQute.bnd.osgi.Builder; import aQute.bnd.osgi.Constants; import aQute.bnd.osgi.Domain; import aQute.bnd.osgi.Jar; import aQute.bnd.osgi.Resource; import aQute.bnd.service.RepositoryPlugin; import aQute.bnd.service.repository.SearchableRepository; import aQute.bnd.test.BndTestCase; import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError; /** * Test for use of DS components specified using bnd proprietary annotations. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "resource", "unused", "rawtypes" }) public class BNDAnnotationTest extends BndTestCase { static final DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); static final XPathFactory xpathf = XPathFactory.newInstance(); static final XPath xpath = xpathf.newXPath(); static DocumentBuilder db; static { try { dbf.setNamespaceAware(true); db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); xpath.setNamespaceContext(new NamespaceContext() { @Override public Iterator<String> getPrefixes(String namespaceURI) { return Arrays.asList("md", "scr").iterator(); } @Override public String getPrefix(String namespaceURI) { if (namespaceURI.equals("")) return "md"; if (namespaceURI.equals("")) return "scr"; return null; } @Override public String getNamespaceURI(String prefix) { if (prefix.equals("md")) return ""; else if (prefix.equals("scr")) return ""; else return null; } }); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e); } } private Builder builder(String spec) throws Exception { return builder(spec, 0, 0); } private Builder builder(String spec, int errors, int warnings) throws IOException, Exception, AssertionFailedError { Builder b = new Builder(); b.setExceptions(true); b.setClasspath(new File[] { new File("bin") }); b.setProperty("Service-Component", spec); b.setProperty("Private-Package", "test.component"); b.setProperty("-dsannotations", ""); b.setProperty("-fixupmessages.bndannodeprecated", "Bnd DS annotations are deprecated");; assertOk(b, errors, warnings); return b; } /** * Whitespace in Component name causes Component initialization to fail #548 */ @Component(name = "Hello World Bnd ^ % / \\ $") static class BrokenNameDS { } @Component(name = "Hello World") static class BrokenNameBnd { } public void testBrokenName() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*Broken*", 0, 2); Jar build = b.getJar(); assertTrue(b.check("Invalid component name")); Domain m = Domain.domain(build.getManifest()); Parameters parameters = m.getParameters("Service-Component"); assertEquals(2, parameters.size()); System.out.println(parameters); assertTrue(parameters.keySet().contains("OSGI-INF/Hello-World-Bnd---------$.xml")); assertTrue(parameters.keySet().contains("OSGI-INF/Hello-World.xml")); } /** * Can we order the references? References are ordered by their name as Java * does not define the order of the methods. * */ @Component static class TestReferenceOrdering { @Reference(service = LogService.class) void setA(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ServiceReference< ? > ref) {} @Reference void setC(@SuppressWarnings("unused") LogService log) {} @Reference(service = LogService.class) void setB(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Map<String,Object> map) {} } public void testAnnotationReferenceOrdering() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*TestReferenceOrdering"); Document doc = doc(b, "test.component.BNDAnnotationTest$TestReferenceOrdering"); NodeList nodes = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("//reference", doc, XPathConstants.NODESET); assertEquals("a", nodes.item(0).getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getTextContent()); assertEquals("b", nodes.item(1).getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getTextContent()); assertEquals("c", nodes.item(2).getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getTextContent()); } /** * Test config with metatype */ @Component(name = "config", designateFactory = Config.class, configurationPolicy = ConfigurationPolicy.require) static class MetatypeConfig { interface Config { String name(); } } @Component(designate = Config.class) static class MetatypeConfig2 { interface Config { String name(); } } @Component(designate = RepositoryPlugin.class, designateFactory = SearchableRepository.class) static class MetatypeConfig3 {} @Component(designateFactory = SearchableRepository.class) static class MetatypeConfig4 {} public void testConfig() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*MetatypeConfig*"); assertTrue(b.check()); System.err.println(b.getJar().getResources().keySet()); // Check component name { Resource cr = b.getJar().getResource("OSGI-INF/config.xml"); cr.write(System.err); Document d = db.parse(cr.openInputStream()); assertEquals("config", xpath.evaluate("/scr:component/@name", d, XPathConstants.STRING)); } // Check if config properly linked { Resource mr = b.getJar().getResource("OSGI-INF/metatype/config.xml"); mr.write(System.err); Document d = db.parse(mr.openInputStream()); assertEquals("config", xpath.evaluate("//Designate/@factoryPid", d, XPathConstants.STRING)); assertEquals("config", xpath.evaluate("//Object/@ocdref", d, XPathConstants.STRING)); } // Now with default name { Resource cr2 = b.getJar().getResource("OSGI-INF/test.component.BNDAnnotationTest$MetatypeConfig2.xml"); cr2.write(System.err); Document d = db.parse(cr2.openInputStream()); assertEquals("test.component.BNDAnnotationTest$MetatypeConfig2", xpath.evaluate("//scr:component/@name", d, XPathConstants.STRING)); } { Resource mr2 = b.getJar() .getResource("OSGI-INF/metatype/test.component.BNDAnnotationTest$MetatypeConfig2.xml"); mr2.write(System.err); Document d = db.parse(mr2.openInputStream()); assertEquals("test.component.BNDAnnotationTest$MetatypeConfig2", xpath.evaluate("//Designate/@pid", d, XPathConstants.STRING)); assertEquals("test.component.BNDAnnotationTest$MetatypeConfig2", xpath.evaluate("//Object/@ocdref", d, XPathConstants.STRING)); } } /** * Test properties */ @Meta.OCD static interface Config { String name(); } @Component(name = "props", properties = { " a =1", "b=3", "c=1|2|3", "d=1|" }, designate = Config.class, designateFactory = Config.class) static class PropertiesAndConfig { @Activate protected void activate(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ComponentContext c) {} } public void testPropertiesAndConfig() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*PropertiesAndConfig"); Resource cr = b.getJar().getResource("OSGI-INF/props.xml"); cr.write(System.err); { Document doc = doc(b, "props"); assertEquals("1", xpath.evaluate("scr:component/property[@name='a']/@value", doc)); assertEquals("3", xpath.evaluate("scr:component/property[@name='b']/@value", doc)); assertEquals("1\n2\n3", xpath.evaluate("scr:component/property[@name='c']", doc).trim()); assertEquals("1", xpath.evaluate("scr:component/property[@name='d']", doc).trim()); } } /** * Test if a package private method gives us 1.1 + namespace in the XML * using bnd annotations */ @Component(name = "protected") static class PackageProtectedActivateMethod { @Activate protected void activatex(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ComponentContext c) {} } @Component(name = "packageprivate") static class PackagePrivateActivateMethod { @Activate void activatex(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ComponentContext c) {} } @Component(name = "private") static class PrivateActivateMethod { @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Activate private void activatex(ComponentContext c) {} } @Component(name = "default-private") static class DefaultPrivateActivateMethod { @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Activate private void activate(ComponentContext c) {} } @Component(name = "default-protected") static class DefaultProtectedActivateMethod { @Activate protected void activate(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ComponentContext c) {} } @Component(name = "public") static class PublicActivateMethod { @Activate public void activatex(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ComponentContext c) {} } public void testPackagePrivateActivateMethodBndAnnos() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*ActivateMethod"); assertTrue(b.check()); { Document doc = doc(b, "default-private"); Object o = xpath.evaluate("scr:component", doc, XPathConstants.NODE); assertNotNull(o); assertEquals("", xpath.evaluate("component/@activate", doc)); } { Document doc = doc(b, "default-protected"); Object o = xpath.evaluate("component", doc, XPathConstants.NODE); assertNotNull(o); assertEquals("", xpath.evaluate("component/@activate", doc)); } { Document doc = doc(b, "public"); Object o = xpath.evaluate("//scr:component", doc, XPathConstants.NODE); assertNotNull(o); assertEquals("activatex", xpath.evaluate("scr:component/@activate", doc)); } { Document doc = doc(b, "private"); Object o = xpath.evaluate("//scr:component", doc, XPathConstants.NODE); assertNotNull(o); assertEquals("activatex", xpath.evaluate("scr:component/@activate", doc)); } { Document doc = doc(b, "protected"); Object o = xpath.evaluate("//scr:component", doc, XPathConstants.NODE); assertNotNull(o); assertEquals("activatex", xpath.evaluate("scr:component/@activate", doc)); } { Document doc = doc(b, "packageprivate"); Object o = xpath.evaluate("//scr:component", doc, XPathConstants.NODE); assertNotNull(o); assertEquals("activatex", xpath.evaluate("scr:component/@activate", doc)); } } /** * Test an attribute on an annotation */ @Component(name = "annotated") static class Annotated { @Reference protected void setLog(@SuppressWarnings("unused") LogService log) {} } public void testAnnotatedWithAttribute() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*NoUnbind;log=org.osgi.service.log.LogService"); Jar jar = b.getJar(); Manifest manifest = jar.getManifest(); String sc = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Constants.SERVICE_COMPONENT); assertFalse(sc.contains(";")); } /** * Imported default package because JSR14 seems to do something weird with * annotations. * * @throws Exception */ public void testJSR14ComponentAnnotations() throws Exception { Builder b = new Builder(); b.setProperty("Include-Resource", "org/osgi/impl/service/coordinator/AnnotationWithJSR14.class=jar/AnnotationWithJSR14.jclass"); b.setProperty("Service-Component", "*"); b.setProperty("-resourceonly", "true"); Jar jar =; System.err.println(b.getErrors()); System.err.println(b.getWarnings()); assertEquals(0, b.getErrors().size()); assertEquals(1, b.getWarnings().size()); Manifest manifest = jar.getManifest(); String component = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Service-Component"); System.err.println(component); assertNull(component); } @Component(name = "nounbind") static class NoUnbind { @Reference protected void setLog(@SuppressWarnings("unused") LogService log) {} } public void testNoUnbind() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*NoUnbind"); Document doc = doc(b, "nounbind"); assertEquals("setLog", xpath.evaluate("component/reference/@bind", doc)); assertEquals("", xpath.evaluate("component/reference/@unbind", doc)); } @Component(name = "nounbind_dynamic") static class NoUnbindDynamic { @Reference(dynamic = true) protected void setLog(@SuppressWarnings("unused") LogService log) {} } public void testNoUnbindDynamic() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*NoUnbindDynamic", 1, 0); assertTrue(b.getErrors().get(0).endsWith("dynamic but has no unbind method.")); } // this is a bnd annotation not a DS annotation @Component(name = "explicitunbind") static class ExplicitUnbind { @Reference(unbind = "killLog") protected void setLog(@SuppressWarnings("unused") LogService log) {} } public void testExplicitUnbind() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*ExplicitUnbind", 1, 0); Document doc = doc(b, "explicitunbind"); assertEquals("setLog", xpath.evaluate("component/reference/@bind", doc)); assertEquals("killLog", xpath.evaluate("component/reference/@unbind", doc)); } /** * Test to see if we get a namespace when we use 1.1 semantics on the * activate and deactivate */ @Component(name = "ncomp", provide = {}) static class NewActivateVersion { @Activate protected void activate(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ComponentContext context) {} } @Component(name = "ndcomp", provide = {}) static class NewDeActivateVersion { @Deactivate protected void deactivate() {} } @Component(name = "nbcomp", provide = {}) static class NewBindVersion { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Reference protected void bind(ServiceReference ref, Map<String,Object> map) {} } public void testNewVersion() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*Version"); assertTrue(b.check()); { Document doc = doc(b, "ncomp"); Node o = (Node) xpath.evaluate("scr:component", doc, XPathConstants.NODE); assertNull("Expected ncomp to have old namespace", o); o = (Node) xpath.evaluate("component", doc, XPathConstants.NODE); assertNotNull("Expected ncomp to have old namespace", o); } } /** * Test the same bind method names */ @Component(name = "cpcomp") static class SameRefName { @Reference protected void bind(@SuppressWarnings("unused") LogService log) { } @Reference protected void bind(@SuppressWarnings("unused") EventAdmin event) { } } public void testSameRefName() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*.SameRefName", 1, 0); // Document doc = doc(b, "cpcomp"); } /** * Test the configuration policy */ @Component(name = "cpcomp", configurationPolicy = ConfigurationPolicy.require, provide = { Serializable.class, EventAdmin.class }) static class ConfigurationPolicyTest { } public void testConfigurationPolicy() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*.ConfigurationPolicyTest"); Document doc = doc(b, "cpcomp"); assertEquals("", doc.getElementsByTagName("provide").item(0).getAttributes().getNamedItem("interface").getTextContent()); assertEquals("org.osgi.service.event.EventAdmin", doc.getElementsByTagName("provide").item(1).getAttributes().getNamedItem("interface").getTextContent()); } /** * Test to see if we use defaults we get the old version of the namespace */ @Component(name = "vcomp", provide = {}) static class OldVersion { @Activate protected void activate(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ComponentContext cc) {} @Deactivate protected void deactivate(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ComponentContext cc) {} @Reference protected void bindLog(@SuppressWarnings("unused") LogService log) { } } /** * Test if an activate/deactivate method that has wrong prototype */ @Component(name = "wacomp", provide = {}) static class ActivateWithWrongArguments { @Activate // Is not allowed, must give an error protected void whatever(@SuppressWarnings("unused") String x) {} } public void testActivateWithActivateWithWrongArguments() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*.ActivateWithWrongArguments", 2, 0);// same error // detected // twice Document doc = doc(b, "wacomp"); assertAttribute(doc, "", "scr:component/@activate"); // validation // removes the // non-existent // method. } /** * Test if an activate/deactivate method can have multiple args */ @Component(name = "amcomp", provide = {}) static class ActivateWithMultipleArguments { @Activate protected void whatever(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Map< ? , ? > map, @SuppressWarnings("unused") ComponentContext cc, @SuppressWarnings("unused") BundleContext bc, @SuppressWarnings("unused") Map< ? , ? > x) {} } public void testActivateWithMultipleArguments() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*.ActivateWithMultipleArguments"); Document doc = doc(b, "amcomp"); assertAttribute(doc, "whatever", "scr:component/@activate"); } /** * Test components with references that have multiple arguments. */ @Component(name = "mcomp", provide = {}) static class MultipleArguments { @Reference protected void bindWithMap(@SuppressWarnings("unused") LogService log, @SuppressWarnings("unused") Map< ? , ? > map) {} } @Component(name = "rcomp", provide = {}) static class ReferenceArgument { @Reference(service = LogService.class) protected void bindReference(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ServiceReference ref) {} } public void testMultipleArguments() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*.(MultipleArguments|ReferenceArgument)"); Document doc = doc(b, "mcomp"); assertAttribute(doc, "bindWithMap", "scr:component/reference/@bind"); assertAttribute(doc, "org.osgi.service.log.LogService", "scr:component/reference/@interface"); doc = doc(b, "rcomp"); assertAttribute(doc, "bindReference", "scr:component/reference/@bind"); assertAttribute(doc, "org.osgi.service.log.LogService", "scr:component/reference/@interface"); } /** * Test components with weird bind methods. */ @Component(name = "xcomp", provide = {}) static class TypeVersusDetailed { @Reference(type = '*') protected void bind(@SuppressWarnings("unused") LogService log) {} protected void unbind(@SuppressWarnings("unused") LogService log) {} @Reference(multiple = true, optional = true, dynamic = true) protected void bind2(@SuppressWarnings("unused") LogService log) {} protected void unbind2(@SuppressWarnings("unused") LogService log) {} } public void testTypeVersusDetailed() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*.TypeVersusDetailed"); Document doc = doc(b, "xcomp"); print(doc, ""); assertAttribute(doc, "bind2", "component/reference[1]/@bind"); assertAttribute(doc, "dynamic", "component/reference[1]/@policy"); assertAttribute(doc, "0..n", "component/reference[1]/@cardinality"); assertAttribute(doc, "bind", "component/reference[2]/@bind"); assertAttribute(doc, "dynamic", "component/reference[2]/@policy"); assertAttribute(doc, "0..n", "component/reference[2]/@cardinality"); } /** * Test components with weird bind methods. */ @Component(name = "acomp", provide = {}) static class MyComponent4 { @Activate protected void xyz() {} } public void testAnnotationsNamespaceVersion() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*MyComponent4"); Document doc = doc(b, "acomp"); System.err.println(doc.getDocumentElement().getNamespaceURI()); } /** * Test components with weird bind methods. */ @Component(name = "acomp", configurationPolicy = ConfigurationPolicy.require) static class MyComponent2 { @Reference protected void addLogMultiple(@SuppressWarnings("unused") LogService log) { } } public void testAnnotationsStrangeBindMethods() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*MyComponent2"); Document doc = doc(b, "acomp"); assertEquals("addLogMultiple", xpath.evaluate("//@bind", doc)); assertEquals("", xpath.evaluate("//@unbind", doc)); assertAttribute(doc, "logMultiple", "scr:component/reference[1]/@name"); assertAttribute(doc, "addLogMultiple", "scr:component/reference[1]/@bind"); } /** * Test setting the unbind method */ @Component(name = "acomp", configurationPolicy = ConfigurationPolicy.ignore) static class MyComponent3 { @Reference(unbind = "destroyX") protected void putX(@SuppressWarnings("unused") LogService log) { } } public void testAnnotationsSettingUnbind() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*MyComponent3", 1, 0); Document doc = doc(b, "acomp"); assertAttribute(doc, "putx", "scr:component/reference[1]/@name"); assertAttribute(doc, "putX", "scr:component/reference[1]/@bind"); assertAttribute(doc, "destroyX", "scr:component/reference[1]/@unbind"); } /** * Test some more components * * @author aqute */ @Component(name = "acomp", enabled = true, factory = "abc", immediate = false, provide = LogService.class, servicefactory = true, configurationPolicy = ConfigurationPolicy.optional) static class MyComponent implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; LogService log; @Activate protected void activatex() {} @Deactivate protected void deactivatex() {} @Modified protected void modifiedx() {} @Reference(type = '~', target = "(abc=3)") protected void setLog(LogService log) { this.log = log; } protected void unsetLog(@SuppressWarnings("unused") LogService log) { this.log = null; } } public void testAnnotations() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*MyComponent"); Document doc = doc(b, "acomp"); print(doc, ""); assertAttribute(doc, "test.component.BNDAnnotationTest$MyComponent", "scr:component/implementation/@class"); assertAttribute(doc, "acomp", "scr:component/@name"); assertAttribute(doc, "abc", "scr:component/@factory"); assertAttribute(doc, "true", "scr:component/service/@servicefactory"); assertAttribute(doc, "activatex", "scr:component/@activate"); assertAttribute(doc, "modifiedx", "scr:component/@modified"); assertAttribute(doc, "deactivatex", "scr:component/@deactivate"); assertAttribute(doc, "org.osgi.service.log.LogService", "scr:component/service/provide/@interface"); assertAttribute(doc, "(abc=3)", "scr:component/reference/@target"); assertAttribute(doc, "setLog", "scr:component/reference/@bind"); assertAttribute(doc, "unsetLog", "scr:component/reference/@unbind"); assertAttribute(doc, "0..1", "scr:component/reference/@cardinality"); } public static void assertAttribute(Document doc, String value, String expr) throws XPathExpressionException { System.err.println(expr); String o = (String) xpath.evaluate(expr, doc, XPathConstants.STRING); if (o == null) { } assertNotNull(o); assertEquals(value, o); } static Document doc(Builder b, String name) throws Exception { Jar jar = b.getJar(); Resource r = jar.getResource("OSGI-INF/" + name + ".xml"); assertNotNull(r); Document doc = db.parse(r.openInputStream()); r.write(System.err); return doc; } private static void print(Node doc, String indent) { System.err.println(indent + doc); NamedNodeMap attributes = doc.getAttributes(); if (attributes != null) for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { print(attributes.item(i), indent + " "); } NodeList nl = doc.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { print(nl.item(i), indent + " "); } } @Component(name = "mixed-bnd-std") static class MixedBndStd { @org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference EventAdmin ea; @org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference protected void setLog(@SuppressWarnings("unused") LogService log) {} @org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate void start() {} @org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Modified void update(Map<String,Object> map) {} @org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Deactivate void stop() {} } public void testMixedBndStandard() throws Exception { Builder b = builder("*MixedBndStd", 5, 0); List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(b.getErrors()); Collections.sort(errors); assertEquals( "The DS component mixed-bnd-std uses bnd annotations to declare it as a component, but also uses the standard DS annotation: org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate on method start with signature ()V. It is an error to mix these two types of annotations", errors.get(0)); assertEquals( "The DS component mixed-bnd-std uses bnd annotations to declare it as a component, but also uses the standard DS annotation: org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Deactivate on method stop with signature ()V. It is an error to mix these two types of annotations", errors.get(1)); assertEquals( "The DS component mixed-bnd-std uses bnd annotations to declare it as a component, but also uses the standard DS annotation: org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Modified on method update with signature (Ljava/util/Map;)V. It is an error to mix these two types of annotations", errors.get(2)); assertEquals( "The DS component mixed-bnd-std uses bnd annotations to declare it as a component, but also uses the standard DS annotation: org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference on field ea. It is an error to mix these two types of annotations", errors.get(3)); assertEquals( "The DS component mixed-bnd-std uses bnd annotations to declare it as a component, but also uses the standard DS annotation: org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference on method setLog with signature (Lorg/osgi/service/log/LogService;)V. It is an error to mix these two types of annotations", errors.get(4)); } }