package aQute.bnd.deployer.http; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import aQute.bnd.deployer.repository.ProgressWrappingStream; import aQute.bnd.service.Plugin; import aQute.bnd.service.Registry; import aQute.bnd.service.RegistryPlugin; import aQute.bnd.service.progress.ProgressPlugin; import aQute.bnd.service.url.TaggedData; import aQute.bnd.service.url.URLConnector; import aQute.service.reporter.Reporter; public class DefaultURLConnector implements URLConnector, Plugin, RegistryPlugin { @interface Config { boolean disableServerVerify(); } private static final String HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH = "If-None-Match"; private static final String HEADER_ETAG = "ETag"; private static final String HEADER_LOCATION = "Location"; private static final int RESPONSE_NOT_MODIFIED = 304; private boolean disableServerVerify = false; private Reporter reporter = null; private Registry registry = null; public InputStream connect(URL url) throws IOException { if (url == null) throw new IOException("Can't connect to null URL"); TaggedData data = connectTagged(url); return data.getInputStream(); } public void setProperties(Map<String,String> map) { disableServerVerify = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(map.get(HttpsUtil.PROP_DISABLE_SERVER_CERT_VERIFY)); } public void setReporter(Reporter reporter) { this.reporter = reporter; } public TaggedData connectTagged(URL url) throws IOException { return connectTagged(url, null); } public TaggedData connectTagged(URL url, String tag) throws IOException { return connectTagged(url, tag, new HashSet<String>()); } public TaggedData connectTagged(URL url, String tag, Set<String> loopDetect) throws IOException { try { TaggedData result; loopDetect.add(url.toString()); URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); try { if (disableServerVerify) HttpsUtil.disableServerVerification(connection); } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { if (reporter != null) reporter.error("Error attempting to disable SSL server certificate verification: %s", e); throw new IOException("Error attempting to disable SSL server certificate verification."); } if (connection instanceof HttpURLConnection) { // Turn on caching and send the ETag HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) connection; httpConnection.setUseCaches(true); if (tag != null) httpConnection.setRequestProperty(HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH, tag); httpConnection.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false); httpConnection.connect(); int responseCode = httpConnection.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode == RESPONSE_NOT_MODIFIED) { result = null; httpConnection.disconnect(); } else if (responseCode >= 300 && responseCode < 400) { String location = httpConnection.getHeaderField(HEADER_LOCATION); if (location == null) throw new IOException("HTTP server returned redirect status but Location header was missing."); try { URL resolved = url.toURI().resolve(location).toURL(); if (reporter != null) reporter.warning("HTTP address redirected from %s to %s", url.toString(), resolved.toString()); if (loopDetect.contains(resolved.toString())) throw new IOException( String.format("Detected loop in HTTP redirect from '%s' to '%s'.", url, resolved)); if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) throw new IOException("Interrupted"); result = connectTagged(resolved, tag, loopDetect); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IOException( String.format("Failed to resolve location '%s' against origin URL: %s", location, url), e); } } else { String responseTag = httpConnection.getHeaderField(HEADER_ETAG); // TODO: get content-size from the http header InputStream stream = createProgressWrappedStream(connection.getInputStream(), "Downloading " + url, -1); result = new TaggedData(connection, stream); } } else { // Non-HTTP so ignore all this tagging malarky InputStream stream = createProgressWrappedStream(connection.getInputStream(), "Downloading " + url, -1); result = new TaggedData(connection, stream); } return result; } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } } private InputStream createProgressWrappedStream(InputStream inputStream, String name, int size) { if (registry == null) return inputStream; final List<ProgressPlugin> progressPlugins = registry.getPlugins(ProgressPlugin.class); if (progressPlugins == null || progressPlugins.size() == 0) return inputStream; return new ProgressWrappingStream(inputStream, name, size, progressPlugins); } public void setRegistry(Registry registry) { this.registry = registry; } }