package aQute.bnd.jpm; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import aQute.bnd.version.Version; import aQute.lib.converter.TypeReference; import; import aQute.lib.json.Decoder; import aQute.lib.json.JSONCodec; import aQute.libg.reporter.ReporterAdapter; import aQute.service.library.Library; import aQute.service.library.Library.RevisionRef; import aQute.service.library.Revisions; import aQute.service.reporter.Reporter; import aQute.struct.struct; public class Index { Reporter reporter = new ReporterAdapter(System.out); static public class Repo extends struct { public List<Library.RevisionRef> revisionRefs = list(); public boolean learning = true; public boolean recurse = false; byte[] synced; // Manually print this so that we // have 1 line per resource, making it easier on git // to compare. void write(Formatter format) throws Exception { codec.enc().indent(" ").to(format.out()).put(this); format.flush(); } } private static final SortedSet<Version> EMPTY_VERSIONS = Collections .unmodifiableSortedSet(new TreeSet<Version>()); private File indexFile; private Map<String,TreeMap<Version,Library.RevisionRef>> cache; private Repo repo; public Index(File file) { this.indexFile = file; } static final JSONCodec codec = new JSONCodec(); private boolean dirty; private void init() throws Exception { if (repo == null) { cache = new TreeMap<String,TreeMap<Version,Library.RevisionRef>>(); if (indexFile.isFile() && indexFile.length() > 100) { try (Decoder dec = codec.dec()) { repo = dec.from(indexFile).get(new TypeReference<Repo>() {}); for (Library.RevisionRef r : repo.revisionRefs) { TreeMap<Version,Library.RevisionRef> map = cache.get(r.bsn); if (map == null) { map = new TreeMap<Version,Library.RevisionRef>(Collections.reverseOrder()); cache.put(r.bsn, map); } Version v = toVersion(r.baseline, r.qualifier); map.put(v, r); } } } else { repo = new Repo(); } } } public Set<String> getBsns() throws Exception { init(); return cache.keySet(); } public SortedSet<Version> getVersions(String bsn) throws Exception { init(); TreeMap<Version,Library.RevisionRef> map = cache.get(bsn); if (map == null) return EMPTY_VERSIONS; return map.navigableKeySet(); } public boolean addRevision(Library.RevisionRef ref) throws Exception { init(); Version v = toVersion(ref.baseline, ref.qualifier); TreeMap<Version,Library.RevisionRef> map = cache.get(ref.bsn); if (map == null) { map = new TreeMap<Version,Library.RevisionRef>(); cache.put(ref.bsn, map); } map.put(v, ref); dirty = true; repo.revisionRefs.add(ref); return true; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public Library.RevisionRef getRevisionRef(String bsn, Version version) throws Exception { init(); Map<Version,Library.RevisionRef> map = cache.get(bsn); if (map == null) return null; // Fixup the change from ref.url to ref.urls ... boolean save = false; RevisionRef ref = map.get(version); if (ref == null) { return null; } if (ref.urls.isEmpty() && ref.url != null) { ref.urls.add(ref.url); ref.url = null; save = true; } // Another fixup, have file urls in the refs :-( if (Boolean.getBoolean("") == false) { for (Iterator<URI> i = ref.urls.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { URI uri =; if (uri.getScheme().equalsIgnoreCase("file")) { i.remove(); save = true; } } } if (save) save(); return ref; } public boolean delete(String bsn, Version v) throws Exception { init(); Map<Version,Library.RevisionRef> map = cache.get(bsn); if (map != null) { try { Library.RevisionRef removed = map.remove(v); if (removed != null) { for (Iterator<RevisionRef> i = repo.revisionRefs.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { RevisionRef other =; if (Arrays.equals(other.revision, removed.revision)) { i.remove(); } } repo.revisionRefs.remove(removed); dirty = true; return true; } } finally { if (map.isEmpty()) cache.remove(bsn); } } return false; } public void save(Writer out) throws Exception { init(); repo.revisionRefs = getRevisionRefs(); Formatter f = new Formatter(out); repo.write(f); } public void save(OutputStream out) throws Exception { save(new OutputStreamWriter(out)); } public void save(File out) throws Exception { File tmp = IO.createTempFile(out.getParentFile(), out.getName(), ".tmp"); try (FileWriter fout = new FileWriter(tmp)) { save(fout); } IO.rename(tmp, out); } public void save() throws Exception { save(false); } void save(boolean force) throws Exception { if (dirty || force) save(indexFile); dirty = false; } static Version toVersion(String baseline, String qualifier) { if (qualifier == null || qualifier.isEmpty()) return new Version(baseline); else return new Version(baseline + "." + qualifier); } public static Version toVersion(Library.RevisionRef ref) { return toVersion(ref.baseline, ref.qualifier); } public Library.RevisionRef getRevisionRef(byte[] sha) throws Exception { init(); for (SortedMap<Version, ? extends RevisionRef> list : cache.values()) { for (RevisionRef r : list.values()) { if (Arrays.equals(sha, r.revision)) return r; } } return null; } public List<RevisionRef> getRevisionRefs() throws Exception { init(); List<RevisionRef> refs = new ArrayList<Library.RevisionRef>(); for (SortedMap<Version, ? extends RevisionRef> list : cache.values()) { refs.addAll(list.values()); } return refs; } public void setReporter(Reporter reporter) { this.reporter = reporter; } public boolean isLearning() throws Exception { init(); return repo.learning; } public void setLearning(boolean learning) { dirty |= repo.learning != learning; repo.learning = learning; } public boolean isRecurse() { return repo.recurse; } public void setRecurse(boolean recurse) throws Exception { init(); dirty |= repo.recurse != recurse; repo.recurse = recurse; } public boolean isDirty() { return dirty; } public Revisions getRevisions() throws Exception { init(); Revisions revisions = new Revisions(); for (RevisionRef ref : repo.revisionRefs) revisions.content.add(ref.revision); revisions._id = Revisions.checksum(revisions); return revisions; } public boolean isSynced() throws Exception { init(); return repo.synced != null && Arrays.equals(repo.synced, getRevisions()._id); } public byte[] getSynced() { return repo.synced; } public void setSynced(byte[] revisions) throws Exception { repo.synced = revisions; save(); } }