package aQute.lib.json; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Dictionary; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import aQute.lib.collections.MultiMap; import aQute.lib.converter.TypeReference; import; import; import junit.framework.TestCase; public class JSONTest extends TestCase { JSONCodec codec = new JSONCodec(); static abstract class Base<V> implements List<V> {} public static class Version { private String string; public Version(String string) { this.string = string; } @Override public int hashCode() { return string.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return string; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Version other = (Version) obj; if (string == null) { if (other.string != null) return false; } else if (!string.equals(other.string)) return false; return true; } } static class VX { public VX() throws Exception {} public static Version DEFAULT_VERSION = new Version("1.2.3.static"); public Version v = new Version(""); } /** * Test hooks */ public void testHooks() throws Exception { JSONCodec c = new JSONCodec(); c.addHandler(Version.class, new Handler() { @Override public void encode(Encoder app, Object object, Map<Object,Type> visited) throws IOException, Exception { app.encode(object.toString(), String.class, visited); } public Object decode(Decoder dec, String s) throws Exception { return new Version(s); } }); assertEquals("\"1.2.3.bla\"", c.enc().put(new Version("1.2.3.bla")).toString()); assertEquals(new Version("1.2.3.bla"), c.dec().from("\"1.2.3.bla\"").get(Version.class)); VX vx = new VX(); String s = c.enc().put(vx).toString(); VX vxx = c.dec().from(s).get(VX.class); assertEquals(vx.v, vxx.v); assertEquals(new Version("1.2.3.bla"), c.dec().from("\"1.2.3.bla\"").get(Version.class)); } public void testGenericsVars() { ParameterizedType type = (ParameterizedType) new TypeReference<Base<String>>() {}.getType(); System.out.println(type); ParameterizedType list = (ParameterizedType) Base.class.getGenericInterfaces()[0]; System.out.println(list); TypeVariable< ? > tv = (TypeVariable< ? >) list.getActualTypeArguments()[0]; System.out.println(tv.getGenericDeclaration().getTypeParameters()[0] == tv); System.out.println(type.getRawType()); } /** * Test generics for non maps/lists */ public static class Generics<T> { public T field; } public void testGenerics() throws Exception { Generics<String> s = new Generics<String>(); s.field = "abc"; String string = codec.enc().put(s).toString(); Generics<String> b = codec.dec().from(string).get(new TypeReference<Generics<String>>() {}); assertEquals(s.field, b.field); } static class A { public MultiMap<String,B> mmap = new MultiMap<String,B>(); } static class B { public int b; } public void testMultiMap() throws Exception { // A a = new A(); // B b = new B(); // b.b=3; // a.mmap.add("x", b); // String s = codec.enc().put(a).toString(); } /** * An List<byte[]> was translated to a js array :-( */ public static class ListByteArray { public List<byte[]> set; } public static class AnotherOne { public byte[] _id; public List<byte[]> content; } public void testListOfByteArray() throws Exception { final List<byte[]> l = Arrays.asList(new byte[] { 1 }, new byte[] { 2 }, new byte[] { 3 }, new byte[] { 4 }); String s = codec.enc().put(l).toString(); assertEquals("[\"01\",\"02\",\"03\",\"04\"]", s); ListByteArray x = new ListByteArray(); x.set = l; s = codec.enc().put(x).toString(); assertEquals("{\"set\":[\"01\",\"02\",\"03\",\"04\"]}", s); String json = "{\"_id\":\"04DA\",\"content\":[\"AA\"]}"; AnotherOne result = codec.dec().from(json).get(AnotherOne.class); } /** * test the hex/base64 encoding * * @throws Exception */ public void testBase64AndHex() throws Exception { byte[] b = "abc".getBytes("UTF-8"); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(b, codec.dec().from("\" 616263\"").get(byte[].class))); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(b, codec.dec().from("\"61 62 63\"").get(byte[].class))); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(b, codec.dec().from("\"YWJj\"").get(byte[].class))); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(b, codec.dec().from("\" Y W J j\"").get(byte[].class))); } /** * Test the use of inflate/deflate */ static public class X { public String hello; public int value; public List<String> list; } public void testZip() throws Exception { X x = new X(); x.hello = "hello"; x.value = 42; x.list = Arrays.asList("1", "2"); ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); codec.enc().deflate().to(bout).put(x).close(); byte[] data = bout.toByteArray(); X xx = codec.dec().inflate().from(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)).get(X.class); assertNotNull(xx); assertEquals("hello", xx.hello); assertEquals(42, xx.value); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("1", "2"), xx.list); } public void testToDictionary() throws Exception { Dictionary<String,String> dictionary = codec.dec() .from("{\"x\":3, \"y\":\"\"}") .get(new TypeReference<Dictionary<String,String>>() {}); assertEquals("3", dictionary.get("x")); assertEquals("", dictionary.get("y")); } /** * Test conversion of iterable * * @throws Exception * @throws IOException */ public void testIterable() throws IOException, Exception { final List<String> l = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c"); Iterable<String> i = new Iterable<String>() { public Iterator<String> iterator() { return l.iterator(); } }; String s = codec.enc().to().put(i).toString(); assertEquals("[\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"]", s); } /** * Test missing field */ public static class MissingField { } public void testMissingField() throws Exception { Decoder dec = codec.dec(); dec.from("{\"field\":3}").get(MissingField.class); assertEquals(3, dec.getExtra().get(MissingField.class.getName() + ".field")); try { dec = codec.dec(); dec.from("{\"field\":3}").strict().get(MissingField.class); fail("Should have thrown an exception due to a missing field"); } catch (Exception e) { // ok } } /** * Test escaping * * @throws Exception */ public void testEscape() throws Exception { assertEquals("{\"message\":\"Hello world\"}", codec.dec().from("\"{\\\"message\\\":\\\"Hello world\\\"}\"").get(String.class)); assertEquals("\"{\\\"message\\\":\\\"Hello world\\\"}\"", codec.enc().put("{\"message\":\"Hello world\"}").toString()); } /** * Test maps * * @throws Exception */ public void testStream() throws Exception { Encoder enc = codec.enc(); ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();"Hello").flush(); assertEquals("\"Hello\"", new String(bout.toByteArray())); } /** * Test maps * * @throws Exception */ public void testMaps() throws Exception { Encoder enc = codec.enc(); Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>(); map.put("a", new int[] { 1, 2 }); String string = enc.put(map).toString(); assertEquals("{\"a\":[1,2]}", string); } /** * Test primitive arrays * * @throws Exception */ public static void testPrimitiveArrays() throws Exception { Decoder dec = new JSONCodec().dec(); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Boolean[] { true, false }, dec.from(" [ true , false ] ").get(Boolean[].class))); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new boolean[] { true, false }, dec.from(" [ true , false ] ").get(boolean[].class))); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Character[] { 'A', 'B' }, dec.from(" [ 65,66 ] ").get(Character[].class))); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new char[] { 'A', 'B' }, dec.from(" [ 65,66 ] ").get(char[].class))); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Short[] { -1, -2 }, dec.from("[ -1 , -2 ]").get(Short[].class))); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new short[] { -1, -2 }, dec.from("[ -1 , -2 ]").get(short[].class))); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Integer[] { -1, -2 }, dec.from("[ -1 , -2 ]").get(Integer[].class))); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new int[] { -1, -2 }, dec.from("[ -1 , -2 ]").get(int[].class))); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Long[] { -1L, -2L }, dec.from("[ -1 , -2 ]").get(Long[].class))); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new long[] { -1, -2 }, dec.from("[ -1 , -2 ]").get(long[].class))); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Float[] { -1f, -2f }, dec.from("[ -1 ,-2 ]").get(Float[].class))); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new float[] { -1f, -2f }, dec.from("[ -1, -2 ]").get(float[].class))); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Double[] { -1d, -2d }, dec.from("[-1 , -2 ]").get(Double[].class))); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new double[] { -1d, -2d }, dec.from("[-1, -2]").get(double[].class))); Encoder enc = new JSONCodec().enc(); assertEquals("[false,true]", Boolean[] { false, true }).toString()); assertEquals("[false,true]", boolean[] { false, true }).toString()); assertEquals("[65,66]", Character[] { 'A', 'B' }).toString()); assertEquals("[65,66]", char[] { 'A', 'B' }).toString()); assertEquals("[1,2]", short[] { 1, 2 }).toString()); assertEquals("[1,2]", Short[] { 1, 2 }).toString()); assertEquals("[1,2]", int[] { 1, 2 }).toString()); assertEquals("[1,2]", Integer[] { 1, 2 }).toString()); assertEquals("[1,2]", long[] { 1, 2 }).toString()); assertEquals("[1,2]", Long[] { 1L, 2L }).toString()); assertEquals("[-1,-2]", float[] { -1, -2 }).toString()); assertEquals("[1,-2]", Float[] { 1f, -2f }).toString()); assertEquals("[-1,2]", double[] { -1d, 2d }).toString()); assertEquals("[1,2]", Double[] { 1d, 2d }).toString()); } /** * Test byte arrays * * @throws Exception */ public static void testByteArrays() throws Exception { Encoder enc = new JSONCodec().enc(); assertEquals("[43,41]", Byte[] { 43, 41 }).toString()); assertEquals("\"2B29\"", byte[] { 43, 41 }).toString()); Decoder dec = new JSONCodec().dec(); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new byte[] { 43, 41 }, dec.faq("'2B29'").get(byte[].class))); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Byte[] { 43, 41 }, dec.from("[43,41]").get(Byte[].class))); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new byte[] { 43, 41 }, dec.from("[43,41]").get(byte[].class))); } /** * Basic tests to see if the default types returns something useful * * @throws Exception */ public static void testEncodeBasic() throws Exception { Encoder enc = new JSONCodec().enc(); assertEquals("49", 49).toString()); assertEquals("49",'1').toString()); assertEquals("\"abc\"","abc").toString()); assertEquals("123",; assertEquals("-123",; assertEquals("-123",; assertEquals("true",; assertEquals("false",; assertEquals("null",; assertEquals("[1,2,3]",, 2, 3)).toString()); assertEquals("{\"1\":1,\"2\":2,\"3\":3}",$(1, 1).$(2, 2).$(3, 3)).toString()); assertEquals("{\"1\":1,\"2\":2,\"3\":3}",$("1", 1).$("2", 2).$("3", 3)).toString()); } enum E { A, B; } public static void testDecodeBasic() throws Exception { Decoder dec = new JSONCodec().dec(); // Dates SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss", Locale.US); sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); Date d = sdf.parse("2012-03-01T10:23:00"); System.out.println(d.getTime()); assertEquals(d, dec.from("\"2012-03-01T10:23:00\"").get(Date.class)); // Numbers assertEquals(49, dec.from("49").get()); assertEquals((Integer) 49, dec.from("49").get(Integer.class)); assertEquals((Long) 49L, dec.from("49").get(Long.class)); assertEquals(49d, dec.from("49").get(Double.class)); assertEquals(49.3d, dec.from("49.3").get(Double.class)); assertEquals((Byte) (byte) 49, dec.from("49.3").get(Byte.class)); assertEquals((Byte) (byte) 49, dec.from("49.9999").get(Byte.class)); assertEquals((Short) (short) 49, dec.from("49.9999").get(Short.class)); assertEquals(49.9999f, dec.from("49.9999").get(Float.class)); assertEquals((Character) '0', dec.from("48").get(Character.class)); assertEquals((Boolean) true, dec.from("48").get(Boolean.class)); assertEquals((Boolean) false, dec.from("0").get(Boolean.class)); assertEquals((Boolean) true, dec.from("48").get(boolean.class)); assertEquals((Boolean) false, dec.from("0").get(boolean.class)); // String based assertEquals("abc", dec.from("\"abc\"").get()); // Patterns assertTrue(Pattern.class == dec.from("\"abc\"").get(Pattern.class).getClass()); assertEquals(Pattern.compile("abc") + "", dec.from("\"abc\"").get(Pattern.class) + ""); // Check the file system File f = File.createTempFile("tmp", ".tmp"); try {"Hello", f); String encoded = new JSONCodec().enc().put(f).toString(); File otherTempFile = dec.from(encoded).get(File.class); String hello = IO.collect(otherTempFile); assertEquals("Hello", hello); assertNotSame(f, otherTempFile); } finally { IO.delete(new File("tmp")); } // Enums assertEquals(E.A, dec.from("\"A\"").get(E.class)); // Arrays as strings assertEquals("[1,2,3]", dec.from("[1,2,3]").get(String.class)); // Objects as strings assertEquals("{\"a\":1, \"b\":\"abc\"}", dec.from("{\"a\":1, \"b\":\"abc\"}").get(String.class)); assertEquals("{\"a\":1, \"b\":\"}{}\"}", dec.from("{\"a\":1, \"b\":\"}{}\"}").get(String.class)); } /** * Test arrays */ public List<Integer> integers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3); // Provides // generic // types public int[] array = { 1, 2, 3 }; // Provides // generic // types public void testArrays() throws Exception { Decoder dec = new JSONCodec().dec(); // Default is double assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3), dec.from(" [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ").get()); // Now use the integers list for the generic type Field field = getClass().getField("integers"); assertEquals(integers, dec.from(" [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ").get(field.getGenericType())); // And now use the array of primitives field = getClass().getField("array"); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(array, (int[]) dec.from(" [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ").get(field.getGenericType()))); } /** * Test the map functionality */ public Map<String,Integer> map; public Map<Integer,Integer> mapIntegerKeys; public void testObject() throws Exception { Decoder dec = new JSONCodec().dec(); assertEquals(MAP.$("1", 1).$("2", 2).$("3", 3), dec.from("{\"1\":1,\"2\":2,\"3\":3}").get()); assertEquals(MAP.$("1", 1).$("2", 2).$("3", 3), dec.from("\t\n\r { \"1\" : 1, \"2\" :2 ,\"3\" : 3 \n}").get()); Field field = getClass().getField("map"); assertEquals(MAP.$("1", 1).$("2", 2).$("3", 3), dec.from("\t\n\r { \"1\" : 1, \"2\" :2 ,\"3\" : 3 \n}").get(field.getGenericType())); field = getClass().getField("mapIntegerKeys"); assertEquals(MAP.$(1, 1).$(2, 2).$(3, 3), dec.from("{\"1\":1,\"2\":2,\"3\":3}").get(field.getGenericType())); } /** * Test the object support */ public static class Data1 { public boolean b; public byte by; public char ch; public double d; public float f; public int i; public long l; public String s; public short sh; public Map<String,Object> map; } public static class Data1A { public Boolean b; public Byte by; public Character ch; public Double d; public Float f; public Integer i; public Long l; public String s; public Short sh; } public static void testEncodeTypeA() throws Exception { Encoder enc = new JSONCodec().enc(); Data1A data1 = new Data1A(); data1.b = false; = -1; = '1'; data1.d = 3.0d; data1.f = 3.0f; data1.i = 1; data1.l = 2l; data1.s = "abc"; = -10; assertEquals("{\"b\":false,\"by\":-1,\"ch\":49,\"d\":3,\"f\":3,\"i\":1,\"l\":2,\"s\":\"abc\",\"sh\":-10}",; } public static void testEncodeType() throws Exception { Encoder enc = new JSONCodec().enc(); Data1 data1 = new Data1(); data1.b = true; = -1; = '1'; data1.d = 3.0d; data1.f = 3.0f; data1.i = 1; data1.l = 2l; data1.s = "abc"; = -10; = new HashMap<String,Object>();"a", Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)); String s =; assertEquals( "{\"b\":true,\"by\":-1,\"ch\":49,\"d\":3,\"f\":3,\"i\":1,\"l\":2,\"map\":{\"a\":[1,2,3]},\"s\":\"abc\",\"sh\":-10}", s); } public static void testDecodeType() throws Exception { Decoder dec = new JSONCodec().dec(); Data1 d = dec .from("{\"b\":false,\"by\":-1,\"ch\":49,\"d\":3.0,\"f\":3.0,\"i\":1,\"l\":2,\"s\":\"abc\",\"sh\":-10}") .get(Data1.class); assertEquals(false, d.b); assertEquals(-1,; assertEquals('1',; assertEquals(3.0d, d.d); assertEquals(3.0f, d.f); assertEquals(1, d.i); assertEquals(2l, d.l); assertEquals("abc", d.s); assertEquals(-10,; } public static void testDecodeTypeA() throws Exception { Decoder dec = new JSONCodec().dec(); Data1A d = dec .from("{\"b\":false,\"by\":-1,\"ch\":49,\"d\":3.0,\"f\":3.0,\"i\":1,\"l\":2,\"s\":\"abc\",\"sh\":-10}") .get(Data1A.class); assertEquals((Boolean) false, d.b); assertEquals((Byte) (byte) (-1),; assertEquals((Character) '1',; assertEquals(3.0d, d.d); assertEquals(3.0f, d.f); assertEquals((Integer) 1, d.i); assertEquals((Long) 2l, d.l); assertEquals("abc", d.s); assertEquals((Short) (short) -10,; } /** * Test complex generic types */ public static class Data2 { public Map<String,Integer> integers; public Map<String,List<Map<Integer,String>>> map; } public static void testComplexMaps() throws Exception { Decoder dec = new JSONCodec().dec(); Data2 d = dec.from("{\"map\": {\"a\":[ {\"1\":1}, {\"2\":2} ]},\"integers\":{\"c\":1}}").get(Data2.class); // Check integers assertEquals(1, d.integers.size()); assertEquals((Integer) 1, d.integers.get("c")); // Check map assertEquals(1,; List<Map<Integer,String>> sub ="a"); Map<Integer,String> subsub1 = sub.get(0); String subsubsub1 = subsub1.get(1); Map<Integer,String> subsub2 = sub.get(1); String subsubsub2 = subsub2.get(2); assertEquals("1", subsubsub1); assertEquals("2", subsubsub2); } /** * Test extra field */ public static class Data3 { public Map<String,Object> __extra; } public static void testExtra() throws Exception { Decoder dec = new JSONCodec().dec(); Data3 d = dec.from("{\"a\": 1, \"b\": [1], \"c\": {}}").get(Data3.class); assertEquals(1, d.__extra.get("a")); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1), d.__extra.get("b")); assertEquals(new HashMap<String,Object>(), d.__extra.get("c")); } /** * Test calling the encoder repeatedly */ public static void testRepeat() throws Exception { Decoder dec = new JSONCodec().dec().keepOpen(); try { StringReader r = new StringReader("1\t2\r3\n 4 5 \n\r"); assertEquals((Integer) 1, dec.from(r).get(Integer.class)); assertEquals((Integer) 2, dec.get(Integer.class)); assertEquals((Integer) 3, dec.get(Integer.class)); assertEquals((Integer) 4, dec.get(Integer.class)); assertFalse(dec.isEof()); assertEquals((Integer) 5, dec.get(Integer.class)); assertTrue(dec.isEof()); } finally { dec.close(); } } /** * Test arrays */ public static class Data4 { public boolean[] booleans; public byte[] bytes; public short[] shorts; public char[] chars; public int[] ints; public long[] longs; public float[] floats; public double[] doubles; } public static void testEncodeTypePrimitiveArrays() throws Exception { Encoder enc = new JSONCodec().enc(); Data4 d = new Data4(); d.booleans = new boolean[] { false, false }; d.bytes = new byte[] { 1, 2 }; d.shorts = new short[] { 3, 4 }; d.chars = new char[] { 'A', 'B' }; d.ints = new int[] { 5, 6 }; d.longs = new long[] { 7, 8 }; d.floats = new float[] { 7, 8 }; d.doubles = new double[] { 7, 8 }; assertEquals( "{\"booleans\":[false,false],\"bytes\":\"0102\",\"chars\":[65,66],\"doubles\":[7,8],\"floats\":[7,8],\"ints\":[5,6],\"longs\":[7,8],\"shorts\":[3,4]}", enc.put(d).toString()); Decoder dec = new JSONCodec().dec(); Data4 dd = dec .from("{\"booleans\":[false,false],\"bytes\":\"0102\",\"chars\":[65,66],\"doubles\":[7,8],\"floats\":[7,8],\"ints\":[5,6],\"longs\":[7,8],\"shorts\":[3,4]}") .get(Data4.class); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(d.booleans, dd.booleans)); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(d.bytes, dd.bytes)); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(d.shorts, dd.shorts)); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(d.chars, dd.chars)); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(d.ints, dd.ints)); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(d.longs, dd.longs)); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(d.floats, dd.floats)); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(d.doubles, dd.doubles)); } /** * Test defaults */ public static class DataDefaults { public int a = 3; } public static void testDefaults() throws Exception { Encoder enc = new JSONCodec().enc(); DataDefaults d = new DataDefaults(); // We're not writing out fields with defaults. assertEquals("{}",; assertEquals("{\"a\":3}",; Decoder dec = new JSONCodec().dec(); DataDefaults dd = dec.from("{}").get(DataDefaults.class); assertEquals(d.a, dd.a); DataDefaults ddd = dec.from("{\"a\":4}").get(DataDefaults.class); assertEquals(4, ddd.a); } /** * Test the checksum support */ public static void testDigest() throws Exception { Encoder enc = new JSONCodec().enc(); enc.mark().put("Hello World"); byte[] original = enc.digest(); String string = enc.put(original).append("\n").toString(); Decoder dec = new JSONCodec().dec().keepOpen(); try { String x = dec.mark().from(string).get(String.class); assertEquals("Hello World", x); byte read[] = dec.digest(); byte read2[] = dec.get(byte[].class); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(original, read)); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(read, read2)); } finally { dec.close(); } } /** * Test for the blog */ public enum Sex { MALE, FEMALE; } public static class Person { public String name; public Sex sex; public Date birthday; public List<Person> offspring = new ArrayList<Person>(); } public void testBlog() throws Exception { Person u1 = new Person(); = "Peter"; = Sex.MALE; Person u2 = new Person(); = "Mischa"; = Sex.FEMALE; u1.offspring.add(u2); Person u3 = new Person(); = "Thomas"; = Sex.MALE; u1.offspring.add(u3); String s = codec.enc().indent(" ").put(u1).toString(); System.out.println(s); // Person u4 = codec.dec().from(s).get( Person.class ); } public static interface C {} public static class D extends LinkedHashMap<Object,Object> implements C { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } public void testMapInheritance() throws Exception { D d = new D(); d.put("foo", "bar"); String s = new JSONCodec().enc().put(d).toString(); assertEquals("{'foo':'bar'}".replace('\'', '"'), s); } }