package aQute.jpm.platform; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import aQute.jpm.lib.CommandData; import aQute.jpm.lib.ServiceData; import aQute.lib.getopt.Arguments; import aQute.lib.getopt.Description; import aQute.lib.getopt.Options; import; import aQute.lib.strings.Strings; import aQute.libg.command.Command; import aQute.libg.glob.Glob; public abstract class Unix extends Platform { private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Unix.class); public static String JPM_GLOBAL = "/var/jpm"; @Override public File getGlobal() { return new File("/var/jpm"); } @Override public File getGlobalBinDir() { return new File("/usr/local/bin"); } @Override public File getLocal() { File home = new File(System.getenv("HOME")); return new File(home, "jpm"); } @Override public String createCommand(CommandData data, Map<String,String> map, boolean force, String... extra) throws Exception { data.bin = getExecutable(data); File f = new File(data.bin); if (f.isDirectory()) { f = new File(data.bin,; data.bin = f.getAbsolutePath(); } if (!force && f.exists()) return "Command already exists " + data.bin; process("unix/", data, data.bin, map, extra); return null; } @Override public void deleteCommand(CommandData data) throws Exception { File executable = new File(getExecutable(data)); IO.deleteWithException(executable); } @Override public String createService(ServiceData data, Map<String,String> map, boolean force, String... extra) throws Exception { File initd = getInitd(data); File launch = getLaunch(data); if (!force) { if (initd.exists()) return "Service already exists in " + initd + ", use --force to override"; if (launch.exists()) return "Service launch file already exists in " + launch + ", use --force to override"; } process("unix/", data, launch.getAbsolutePath(), map, add(extra, data.serviceLib)); process("unix/", data, initd.getAbsolutePath(), map, add(extra, data.serviceLib)); return null; } public File getInitd(ServiceData data) { return new File("/etc/init.d/" +; } protected File getLaunch(ServiceData data) { return new File(data.sdir, ""); } protected String getExecutable(CommandData data) { return new File(jpm.getBinDir(),; } @Override public String deleteService(ServiceData data) { if (!getInitd(data).delete()) return "Cannot delete " + getInitd(data); File f = new File(getExecutable(data)); if (!f.delete()) return "Cannot delete " + getExecutable(data); System.out.println("Removed service data "); return null; } @Override public int launchService(ServiceData data) throws Exception { File launch = getLaunch(data); Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(launch.getAbsolutePath(), null, new File(; return p.waitFor(); } String DAEMON = "\n### JPM BEGIN ###\n" + "jpm daemon >" + JPM_GLOBAL + "/daemon.log 2>>" + JPM_GLOBAL + "/daemon.log &\n### JPM END ###\n"; static Pattern DAEMON_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\n### JPM BEGIN ###\n.*\n### JPM END ###\n", Pattern.MULTILINE); @Override public void installDaemon(boolean user) throws Exception { if (user) throw new IllegalArgumentException("This Unix platform does not support user based agents"); File rclocal = new File("/etc/rc.d/rc.local"); if (!rclocal.isFile()) rclocal = new File("/etc/rc.local"); if (!rclocal.isFile()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find rc.local in either /etc or /etc/rc.d. Unknown unix"); String s = IO.collect(rclocal); if (s.contains(DAEMON)) return; // TODO handle exit 0 at end of file s += DAEMON;, rclocal); } @Override public void uninstallDaemon(boolean user) throws Exception { if (user) return; File rclocal = new File("/etc/rc.d/rc.local"); if (!rclocal.isFile()) rclocal = new File("/etc/rc.local"); if (!rclocal.isFile()) return; String s = IO.collect(rclocal); Matcher m = DAEMON_PATTERN.matcher(s); s = m.replaceAll(""); s += DAEMON;, rclocal); } @Override public void chown(String user, boolean recursive, File file) throws Exception { String cmd = "chown " + (recursive ? " -R " : "") + user + " " + file.getAbsolutePath(); if ("root".equals(user)) return; if ("0".equals(user)) return; Command chown = new Command(cmd); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int n = chown.execute(sb, sb); if (n != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Changing ownership for " + file + " fails: " + n + " : " + sb); } @Override public String user() throws Exception { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(); Map<String,String> environment = pb.environment(); String user = environment.get("USER"); return user; // Command id = new Command("id -nu"); // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // // int n = id.execute(sb,sb); // if ( n != 0) // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Getting user id fails: " + n + // " : " + sb); // // return sb.toString().trim(); } protected void process(String resource, CommandData data, String file, Map<String,String> map, String... extra) throws Exception { super.process(resource, data, file, map, extra); run("chmod a+x " + file); } @Override public void report(Formatter out) throws IOException, Exception { out.format("Name \t%s\n", getName()); out.format("Global \t%s\n", getGlobal()); out.format("Local \t%s\n", getLocal()); } /** * Add the bindir to PATH env. variable in .profile */ @Arguments(arg = {}) @Description("Add the bin directory for this jpm to your PATH in the user's environment variables in the ~/.profile file.") interface PathOptions extends Options { @Description("Remove the bindir from the user's environment variables.") boolean remove(); @Description("Delete a path from the PATH environment variable") List<String> delete(); @Description("Add the current binary dir to the PATH environment variable") boolean add(); @Description("Add additional paths to the PATH environment variable") List<String> extra(); @Description("Override the default .profile and use this file. This file is relative to the home directory if not absolute.") String profile(); @Description("If the profile file does not exist, create") boolean force(); } static Pattern PATH_P = Pattern.compile("(export|set)\\s+PATH\\s*=(.*):\\$PATH\\s*$"); @Description("Add the bin directory for this jpm to your PATH in the user's environment variables") public void _path(PathOptions options) throws IOException { File file = options.profile() == null ? IO.getFile("~/.profile") : IO.getFile(IO.home, options.profile()); if (!file.isFile()) { if (!options.force()) { reporter.error("No such file %s", file); return; }"# created by jpm\n", file); } String parts[] = System.getenv("PATH").split(":"); List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(parts)); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { System.out.printf("%2d:%s %s %s%n", i, parts[i].toLowerCase().contains("jpm") ? "*" : " ", new File(parts[i]).isDirectory() ? " " : "!", parts[i]); } String bd = jpm.getBinDir().getAbsolutePath(); String s = IO.collect(file); // // Remove the current binary path. If it is add, we add it later // if (options.remove() || options.add()) { if (!bd.equals(getGlobalBinDir().getAbsolutePath())) { s = s.replaceAll("(PATH\\s*=)" + bd + ":(.*\\$PATH)", "$1$2"); logger.debug("removed {}", bd); } } if (options.delete() != null) { for (String delete : options.delete()) { s = s.replaceAll("(PATH\\s*=)" + Glob.toPattern(delete) + ":(.*\\$PATH)", "$1$2"); } } // // Remove any orphans // s = s.replaceAll("\\s*(set|export)\\s+PATH\\s*=\\$PATH\\s*", ""); List<String> additions = new ArrayList<String>(); if (options.add()) { if (!bd.equals(getGlobalBinDir().getAbsolutePath())) { additions.add(bd); } } if (options.extra() != null) for (String add : options.extra()) { File f = IO.getFile(add); if (!f.isDirectory()) { reporter.error("%s is not a directory, not added", f.getAbsolutePath()); } else { if (!paths.contains(f.getAbsolutePath())) additions.add(f.getAbsolutePath()); } } if (!additions.isEmpty()) { s += "\nexport PATH=" + Strings.join(":", additions) + ":$PATH\n"; logger.debug("s {}", s); }, file); } }