package aQute.libg.reporter; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import aQute.lib.strings.Strings; import aQute.libg.generics.Create; import aQute.service.reporter.Report; import aQute.service.reporter.Reporter; /** * Mainly used for testing where reporters are needed. */ public class ReporterAdapter implements Reporter, Report, Runnable { final List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); final List<String> warnings = new ArrayList<String>(); final List<LocationImpl> locations = new ArrayList<LocationImpl>(); static class LocationImpl extends Location implements SetLocation { public LocationImpl(String e) { this.message = e; } public SetLocation file(String file) { this.file = file; return this; } public SetLocation header(String header) { this.header = header; return this; } public SetLocation context(String context) { this.context = context; return this; } public SetLocation method(String methodName) { this.methodName = methodName; return this; } public SetLocation line(int line) { this.line = line; return this; } public SetLocation reference(String reference) { this.reference = reference; return this; } public SetLocation details(Object details) { this.details = details; return this; } public Location location() { return this; } public SetLocation length(int length) { this.length = length; return this; } } final Formatter out; boolean trace; boolean pedantic; boolean exceptions; /** * @return the exceptions */ public boolean isExceptions() { return exceptions; } /** * @param exceptions the exceptions to set */ public void setExceptions(boolean exceptions) { this.exceptions = exceptions; } /** * @return the out */ public Formatter getOut() { return out; } /** * @return the trace */ public boolean isTrace() { return trace; } /** * @param pedantic the pedantic to set */ public void setPedantic(boolean pedantic) { this.pedantic = pedantic; } public ReporterAdapter() { out = null; } public ReporterAdapter(Appendable app) { out = new Formatter(app); } public SetLocation error(String s, Object... args) { String e = Strings.format(s, args); errors.add(e); trace("ERROR: %s", e); return location(e); } public SetLocation exception(Throwable t, String s, Object... args) { StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = t.getStackTrace(); String method = stackTrace[0].getMethodName(); String cname = stackTrace[0].getClassName(); String e = "[" + shorten(cname) + "." + method + "] " + Strings.format(s, args); errors.add(e); trace("ERROR: %s", e); if (isExceptions() || isTrace()) if (t instanceof InvocationTargetException) t.getCause().printStackTrace(System.err); else t.printStackTrace(System.err); return location(e); } private String shorten(String cname) { int index = cname.lastIndexOf('$'); if (index < 0) index = cname.lastIndexOf('.'); return cname.substring(index + 1); } public SetLocation warning(String s, Object... args) { String e = Strings.format(s, args); warnings.add(e); trace("warning: %s", e); return location(e); } private SetLocation location(String e) { LocationImpl loc = new LocationImpl(e); locations.add(loc); return loc; } /** * @deprecated Use SLF4J * * instead. */ @Deprecated public void progress(float progress, String s, Object... args) { if (out != null) { out.format(s, args); if (!s.endsWith(String.format("%n"))) out.format("%n"); } } /** * @deprecated Use SLF4J Logger.debug instead. */ @Deprecated public void trace(String s, Object... args) { if (trace && out != null) { out.format("# " + s + "%n", args); out.flush(); } } public List<String> getWarnings() { return warnings; } public List<String> getErrors() { return errors; } public boolean isPedantic() { return false; } public void setTrace(boolean b) { this.trace = b; } public boolean isOk() { return errors.isEmpty(); } public boolean isPerfect() { return isOk() && warnings.isEmpty(); } public boolean check(String... pattern) { Set<String> missed = Create.set(); if (pattern != null) { for (String p : pattern) { boolean match = false; Pattern pat = Pattern.compile(p); for (Iterator<String> i = errors.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { if (pat.matcher( { i.remove(); match = true; } } for (Iterator<String> i = warnings.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { if (pat.matcher( { i.remove(); match = true; } } if (!match) missed.add(p); } } if (missed.isEmpty() && isPerfect()) return true; if (!missed.isEmpty()) System.err.println("Missed the following patterns in the warnings or errors: " + missed); report(System.err); return false; } /** * Report the errors and warnings */ public void report(Appendable out) { Formatter f = new Formatter(out); report("Error", getErrors(), f); report("Warning", getWarnings(), f); f.flush(); } void report(String title, Collection<String> list, Formatter f) { if (list.isEmpty()) return; f.format("%s%s%n", title, list.size() > 1 ? "s" : ""); int n = 0; for (String s : list) { f.format("%3s. %s%n", n++, s); } } public boolean getInfo(Report other) { return getInfo(other, null); } public boolean getInfo(Report other, String prefix) { addErrors(prefix, other.getErrors()); addWarnings(prefix, other.getWarnings()); return other.isOk(); } public Location getLocation(String msg) { for (LocationImpl loc : locations) { if ((loc.message != null) && loc.message.equals(msg)) return loc; } return null; } /** * Handy routine that can be extended by subclasses so they can run inside * the context */ public void run() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Must be implemented by subclass"); } /** * Return a messages object bound to this adapter */ public <T> T getMessages(Class<T> c) { return ReporterMessages.base(this, c); } /** * Add a number of errors */ public void addErrors(String prefix, Collection<String> errors) { if (prefix == null) prefix = ""; else prefix = prefix + ": "; for (String s : errors) { this.errors.add(prefix + s); } } /** * Add a number of warnings */ public void addWarnings(String prefix, Collection<String> warnings) { if (prefix == null) prefix = ""; else prefix = prefix + ": "; for (String s : warnings) { this.warnings.add(prefix + s); } } }