package thaw.plugins.webOfTrust; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Vector; import thaw.gui.GUIHelper; import thaw.plugins.signatures.Identity; public class WotGraphNode { public final static int MAX_DEPTH = 50; /* just a security */ public final static int MAX_DISTANCE = 500; public final static int MIN_DISTANCE = 50; public final static int NODE_RADIUS = 4; public final static int MAX_OPTIMIZATION_CYCLES = 30; private WebOfTrustGraph graph; private WotIdentity identity; private int x = -1; private int y = -1; private WotGraphNode[] neighbours; private int[] trustLinks; private final static Random random = new Random(); private boolean selected = false; public WotGraphNode(WebOfTrustGraph graph, WotIdentity i) { this.graph = graph; this.identity = i; x = -1; y = -1; } public Identity getIdentity() { return identity; } public void setSelected(boolean s) { this.selected = s; } public void setPosition(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public int getX() { return x; } public int getY() { return y; } private int getAValueNear(int x) { int diff = (random.nextInt(MAX_DISTANCE-MIN_DISTANCE))+MIN_DISTANCE; boolean pos = random.nextBoolean(); if (!pos) return x + (-1 * diff); return x + diff; } public void setAlmostRandomPosition(WotGraphNode parent) { this.x = getAValueNear(parent.getX()); this.y = getAValueNear(parent.getY()); } public void generateNeighbours() { generateNeighbours(0); } public void generateNeighbours(int depth) { if (depth == MAX_DEPTH) return; /* search neighbours */ Vector trustList = identity.getTrustList(); neighbours = new WotGraphNode[trustList.size()]; trustLinks = new int[trustList.size()]; int i = 0; for (Iterator it = trustList.iterator() ; it.hasNext() ; ) { WotIdentity.TrustLink link = (WotIdentity.TrustLink); neighbours[i] = new WotGraphNode(graph, link.getDestination()); trustLinks[i] = link.getLinkTrustLevel(); i++; } /* synchronizing with the already existing nodes */ for (i = 0 ; i < neighbours.length ; i++) { WotGraphNode node = graph.getNode(neighbours[i].getIdentity().getPublicKey()); if (node != null) { neighbours[i] = node; } else { neighbours[i].setAlmostRandomPosition(this); neighbours[i].generateNeighbours(depth+1); /* recursivity */ graph.addNode(neighbours[i]); } } } public int nmbNeighbours() { return neighbours.length; } public int getAverageX() { int sum = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < neighbours.length ; i++) sum += neighbours[i].getX(); return sum / neighbours.length; } public int getAverageY() { int sum = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < neighbours.length ; i++) sum += neighbours[i].getY(); return sum / neighbours.length; } public void switchPosition(WotGraphNode node) { int newX = node.getX(); int newY = node.getY(); node.setPosition(x, y); setPosition(newX, newY); } public void optimizePositions() { for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_OPTIMIZATION_CYCLES ;i++) { boolean hasMove = false; for (int j = 0; j < neighbours.length ; j++) { if (neighbours[j].nmbNeighbours() <= 0) continue; int x = neighbours[j].getAverageX(); int y = neighbours[j].getAverageY(); WotGraphNode nearest = graph.getNearestNode(x, y); if (nearest != neighbours[j]) { switchPosition(nearest); hasMove = true; } } if (!hasMove) break; } for (int j = 0; j < neighbours.length ; j++) { neighbours[j].optimizePositions(); } } public void paintNode(Graphics g, float zoom, int zeroX, int zeroY) { int realX = (int)(x * zoom); int realY = (int)(y * zoom); g.setColor(identity.getTrustLevelColor()); if (selected) { g.drawOval( realX - NODE_RADIUS + zeroX, realY - NODE_RADIUS + zeroY, 2*NODE_RADIUS, 2*NODE_RADIUS); } else { g.fillOval( realX - NODE_RADIUS + zeroX, realY - NODE_RADIUS + zeroY, 2*NODE_RADIUS, 2*NODE_RADIUS); } g.drawString(identity.toString(), realX + zeroX, realY + zeroY - 10); } private void paintLink(Graphics g, WotGraphNode neighbour, int trustLink, int myX, int myY, float zoom, int zeroX, int zeroY) { int targetX = (int)(neighbour.getX()*zoom); int targetY = (int)(neighbour.getY()*zoom); if (trustLink < 0) g.setColor(Color.RED); else if (trustLink > 0) g.setColor(Color.BLUE); GUIHelper.paintArrow(g, targetX+zeroX, targetY+zeroY, myX, myY); } public void paintLinks(Graphics g, float zoom, int zeroX, int zeroY) { int realX = (int)(x * zoom)+zeroX; int realY = (int)(y * zoom)+zeroY; for (int i = 0 ; i < neighbours.length ; i++) { paintLink(g, neighbours[i], trustLinks[i], realX, realY, zoom, zeroX, zeroY); } } }