package thaw.plugins; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import java.sql.*; import thaw.core.Core; import thaw.core.Logger; import thaw.core.I18n; import thaw.core.ThawThread; import thaw.core.ThawRunnable; import thaw.fcp.FreenetURIHelper; import thaw.plugins.Hsqldb; import thaw.plugins.Signatures; import thaw.plugins.signatures.Identity; import thaw.plugins.webOfTrust.*; public class WebOfTrust extends thaw.core.LibraryPlugin { private Core core; private Hsqldb db; private Signatures sigs; private WebOfTrustConfigTab configTab = null; private int used = 0; public WebOfTrust() { used = 0; } private boolean loadDeps(Core core) { /* Hsqldb */ if(core.getPluginManager().getPlugin("thaw.plugins.Hsqldb") == null) {, "Loading Hsqldb plugin"); if(core.getPluginManager().loadPlugin("thaw.plugins.Hsqldb") == null || !core.getPluginManager().runPlugin("thaw.plugins.Hsqldb")) { Logger.error(this, "Unable to load thaw.plugins.Hsqldb !"); return false; } } db = (Hsqldb)core.getPluginManager().getPlugin("thaw.plugins.Hsqldb"); db.registerChild(this); /* Signatures */ if(core.getPluginManager().getPlugin("thaw.plugins.Signatures") == null) {, "Loading Signatures plugin"); if(core.getPluginManager().loadPlugin("thaw.plugins.Signatures") == null || !core.getPluginManager().runPlugin("thaw.plugins.Signatures")) { Logger.error(this, "Unable to load thaw.plugins.Signatures !"); return false; } } sigs = (Signatures)core.getPluginManager().getPlugin("thaw.plugins.Signatures"); sigs.registerChild(this); return true; } private boolean unloadDeps(Core core) { if (sigs != null) sigs.unregisterChild(this); if (db != null) db.unregisterChild(this); sigs = null; db = null; return true; } public ImageIcon getIcon() { return; } public String getNameForUser() { return I18n.getMessage("thaw.plugin.wot"); } private class TrucMucheThread implements ThawRunnable { private boolean running = false; public TrucMucheThread() { running = false; } public void run() { running = true; while(running) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch(InterruptedException e) { /* \_o< */ } try { if (running) process(); } catch(Exception e) { Logger.error(this, "Exception in the web of trust plugin : "+e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void stop() { running = false; } } private TrucMucheThread thread; private TrustListUploader trustListUploader = null; private TrustListDownloader trustListDownloader = null; private void initThread() { trustListUploader = new TrustListUploader(db, core.getQueueManager(), core.getConfig()); trustListDownloader = new TrustListDownloader(db, core.getQueueManager(), core.getConfig()); trustListUploader.init(); trustListDownloader.init(); thread = new TrucMucheThread(); new ThawThread(thread, "WoT refresher", this).start(); } private void process() { if (trustListUploader != null) trustListUploader.process(); if (trustListDownloader != null) trustListDownloader.process(); } private void stopThread() { if (thread != null) { thread.stop(); thread = null; } if (trustListUploader != null) { trustListUploader.stop(); trustListUploader = null; } if (trustListDownloader != null) { trustListDownloader.stop(); trustListDownloader = null; } } public boolean run(Core core) { core.getConfig().addListener("wotActivated", this); core.getConfig().addListener("wotIdentityUsed", this); core.getConfig().addListener("wotNumberOfRefresh", this); core.getConfig().addListener("wotPrivateKey", this); core.getConfig().addListener("wotPublicKey", this); used++; this.core = core; if (!loadDeps(core)) return false; DatabaseManager.init(db, core.getConfig(), core.getSplashScreen()); configTab = new WebOfTrustConfigTab(core.getConfigWindow(), core.getConfig(), db); core.getConfigWindow().addTab(I18n.getMessage("thaw.plugin.wot"), thaw.gui.IconBox.minTrust, configTab.getPanel()); configTab.addAsObserver(); if (core.getConfig().getValue("wotActivated") == null || Boolean.valueOf(core.getConfig().getValue("wotActivated")).booleanValue()) { initThread(); } return true; } private Identity getUsedIdentity() { return trustListUploader.getIdentityUsed(); } private String getTrustListPublicKey() { String key; if ( (key = core.getConfig().getValue("wotPublicKey")) == null) return null; return FreenetURIHelper.convertSSKtoUSK(key)+"/trustList/0/trustList.xml"; } public String getTrustListPublicKeyFor(Identity id) { if (id.equals(getUsedIdentity())) return getTrustListPublicKey(); return null; } public void addTrustList(Identity identity, String publicKey, java.util.Date dateOfTheKey) { if (identity.getPrivateKey() != null) return;, "Adding key to the WoT ..."); try { synchronized(db.dbLock) { PreparedStatement st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT id, keyDate FROM wotKeys WHERE publicKey = ? OR sigId = ? LIMIT 1"); st.setString(1, publicKey); st.setInt(2, identity.getId()); ResultSet set = st.executeQuery(); if ( { Timestamp date = set.getTimestamp("keyDate"); int id = set.getInt("id"); if (date.getTime() >= dateOfTheKey.getTime()) {, "We already know the key => ignored"); return; } PreparedStatement up = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("UPDATE wotKeys SET publicKey = ?, keyDate = ?, lastUpdate = ? WHERE id = ?"); up.setString(1, publicKey); up.setTimestamp(2, new java.sql.Timestamp(dateOfTheKey.getTime())); up.setNull(3, Types.TIMESTAMP); up.setInt(4, id); up.execute(); up.close(); } else { PreparedStatement in = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wotKeys (publicKey, keyDate, score, sigId) VALUES (?, ?, 0, ?)"); in.setString(1, publicKey); in.setTimestamp(2, new java.sql.Timestamp(dateOfTheKey.getTime())); in.setInt(3, identity.getId()); in.execute(); in.close(); } st.close(); } } catch(SQLException e) { Logger.error(this, "Error while adding a key to the list of trust list"); } trustListDownloader.startULPR(publicKey, identity); } public void stop() { used--; if (configTab != null) { configTab.deleteAsObserver(); core.getConfigWindow().removeTab(configTab.getPanel()); configTab = null; } if (used == 0) { unloadDeps(core); } stopThread(); } public void realStart() { used++; } public void realStop() { used--; if (used == 0) unloadDeps(core); } }