package thaw.fcp; public class FCPAddPeer implements FCPQuery { private String ref; /** * Ref can be a real ref, or URL= */ public FCPAddPeer(String ref) { this.ref = ref; } public boolean start(FCPQueueManager queueManager) { FCPMessage msg = new FCPMessage(); msg.setMessageName("AddPeer"); String[] lines = ref.split("\n"); for (int i = 0 ; i < lines.length ; i++) { String[] elements = lines[i].split("="); if (elements.length < 2) /* may happen for the word 'end' at the end of the ref */ continue; String optName = elements[0]; String optValue = ""; for (int j = 1; j < elements.length ; j++) optValue += elements[j]; msg.setValue(optName, optValue); } return queueManager.getQueryManager().writeMessage(msg); } public boolean stop(FCPQueueManager queueManager) { /* can't stop */ return false; } public int getQueryType() { return 0; } }